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Chronic Evidence

National Apprenticeship Service

Training Program: Agribusiness Management

Andrea Carolina Vinazco Sierra
File: 2758222


Alejandra Moreno
Chronicle about Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza
Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza, an engineer from
Antioquia with a long career in the agricultural
sector, is the current executive director of the
Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation
(Corpoica), the scientific research arm of the
Ministry of Agriculture.
Restrepo is a civil engineer from Universidad de
los Andes, with a master's degree in agricultural
economics from Cornell University. He is the son
of economist Andrés Restrepo Londoño, who
was Minister of Economic Development
Comenzó su trayectoria en el sector público
como director de política sectorial del Ministerio
de Agricultura, bajo las órdenes de los ministros
Antonio Gómez Merlano y Carlos Murgas, en los gobiernos de Ernesto Samper y Andrés
Pastrana. De ahí saltó a la dirección de desarrollo agrario del Departamento Nacional de
Planeación, trabajando bajo las órdenes de Mauricio Cárdenas y coincidiendo con varios
futuros funcionarios del gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos como Beatriz Londoño, Juan
Carlos Echeverry, Juan Ricardo Ortega, Mauricio Santa María y María Constanza García.
His enormous stature means that he does not go unnoticed anywhere, but in 2015 he
earned recognition for his talent, his management skills and the leadership he has
managed to give to the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation, Corpoica. Restrepo
Ibiza put its entity in the spotlight of the entire country. Talking about everything it did this
year would be enough for a single note, but the country's producers highlight the
implementation of a network management model for innovation for cocoa crops, fruits,
vegetables, livestock, tubers, among others. Under his management, 36 products were
registered that are already being used by producers, the soil sample analysis service
began to operate throughout the national territory, and he managed to certify his milk
quality measurement laboratory.
The successful management of the human capital that was linked to Corpoica and the
direction of the personnel that it already had has allowed a synergy that has resulted in all
types of research and consultation material, mostly available through the website. . Juan
Lucas Restrepo made a strong commitment to technical assistance and as a result Linkata
is today a first-hand tool for rural producers, which already has more than 4,700 members
and continues to grow daily. In recent days, the entity even achieved recognition from the
newspaper Portfolio, an achievement that Restrepo valued and attributed to the work of all
those who make up the Corporation.
Due to their constant interest in improving the conditions of those who make up the
countryside, their non-stop work and their work in the search for tools that facilitate the
daily work of farmers in Colombia, CONtexto livestock chose these characters as the most
notable of 2015.

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