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Good afternoon, teacher, I'm Cristian Abel, he is my groupmate, hello, I'm Henry Matos.

And we will present the final

activity of the English course.

Hello Disney team, your opportunity for me and my cousin is grateful. Below we tell more about us.
Hello, I’m Henry Rosales, I like listening to rock and electro pop, but I dislike reggaeton and slow
music. I love pasta, soft drinks and crepes, but I hate cauliflower and caigua. During the weekday, I
go to my part-time job almost all day and return to the apartment to finish my activities, this is very
exhausting. On weekends, I usually walk around the city and look for a quiet place to write, I love
these days.
Hi, I’m Christian Abel, I like to learn and help with what I need. I love having interesting and creative
conversations. What I don't like is repetitive and monotonous tasks. I like to listen to any type of
music. I like Asian food, especially sushi, and arepas, I don't like flattened food. On my weekdays, I
continue studying drawing and graphic design constantly and I make online drawings to contribute to
the department. On the weekends, I relax and enjoy various activities such as eating, watching
movies, reading books and sometimes walking.

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