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Yancy G.

Pachoco PE 2 Physical Activities Towards Health and Fitness

BSED 1-3

Assignment: Give 3 Injuries you can get from exercising and their first aid


• Foot sprains and strains are common injuries caused by twisting or turning the
ankle or foot, causing pain, bruising, or swelling.
• They involve the stretching or tearing of ligaments connecting the foot's bones,
while strains involve the stretching or tearing of tendons and muscles in the foot.
• These injuries are most common when the foot rolls inwards or outwards due to
stepping on another person's foot or entering a hole.
Rest: Do not do things that cause pain.
Ice: Ice for 15-20 minutes at a time will help decrease swelling and pain.
Compression: Compression can be helpful to decrease swelling and pain.
Elevation: Prop the foot up higher than the heart to help drain swelling.
Visit a healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t start getting better a few days after
starting at-home treatments.
• Wrist sprains are common injuries caused by falls or sports, resulting from
damage to the ligaments that connect bones, joints, and organs.
• The most common sprained ligament is the scapholunate ligament (SLL), which
connects the scaphoid and lunate bones.
• Most sprains are minor, while more severe ones result from tearing a ligament.
• Any force that stretches or twists wrist ligaments too far can cause a wrist sprain.
Rest: Avoid the activity that caused your injury. Don’t overuse your wrist while it heals.
Ice: Apply a cold compress or ice packs wrapped in a thin towel to your wrist for 15
minutes at a time, a few times a day.
Compression: You can wrap your wrist in an elastic bandage to help reduce swelling.
Don’t wrap your wrist so tightly it hurts or cuts off circulation to your hand and fingers.
Elevation: Prop your wrist and arm up above the level of your heart as often as you can.
Visit a healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t start getting better a few days after
starting at-home treatments.
• Muscle cramps are painful, uncontrollable spasms caused by poor physical
condition, dehydration, and muscle fatigue.
• Common causes include overexercising, dehydration, and stress.
• These spasms occur when a muscle suddenly moves involuntarily, causing a
slight twitch or painful cramp.
• They can occur in any part of the body.
You can help reduce the duration and severity of cramp by gently stretching the muscle
and massaging the area. After that apply cold compress for about 15-20 minutes.

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