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NEET Mein JEET 2024

Animal Kingdom 30/12/2023

SECTION – A 8. Mark the correctly matched-

Attempt All 35 Questions (1) Betta - flying fish
(2)Trygon - saw fish
1. The members of one of the followingphyla are (3)Limulus - locust
exclusively marine, radially symmetrical and (4)Clarias - Magur
(1) Porifera (2) Echinodermata 9. Mouth is ventral,Gnathostomatta,placoid scales
(3) Ctenophora (4) Hemichordata and cold blooded
(1) Macaca (2) Pristis
2. Which one of the following pairs ofanimals are (3) Betta (4) Hyla
similar to each otherpertaining to the feature
statedagainst them? 10. Pseudoceolomateoganism have all feature except-
(1) Pteropusand Ornithorhynchus–Viviparity (1) bilateral symmetry
(2) Garden lizard and Crocodile –3 chambered (2)organ system
heart (3)complete alimentray canal
(3)Ascarisand Ancylostoma–Metameric (4) Monoceious
(4) Sea horse and Flying fish- Cold blooded 11. Body is divisible into head and trunk in -

(1)Lamprey (2) Trygon
3. Mark the correctly matched- (3) Aquarium (4) Bufo
(1) Aquarium - clasper organ
(2) Hyla - operculum 12. Which of the following pair belong to Tetrapoda
(3)Trygon - poikilothermic (1) hagfish and Neries
(4) lamperey - placoid scales (2) Myxineand liver fluke
(3) Struthio and Naja
4. Few features are given- (4)Ancylostoma and Columba
(A) Limbs are absent
(B) Tympanum represents internal ear 13. Organism which is coelomate with vertebral
(C) Alimentary canal complete column are-
Above given features belong to (1) Non-chordates (2) Invertebrates
(1) Trygon (2)Rohu (3)Tunicat (4) None
(3)Delphinus (4)Icthyophis
14. In chordate where notochord is present only in
5. Carcharodon differ from Neophron in presence larval tail is-
of- (1) Salpa (2)Doliolum
(1) presence of Jaw (2) ventral heart (3)Ascidia (4) all
(3) Gill slits (4) viviparous
15. Triploblastic invertebrates with radial symmetry
6. Which statement is correct for most of the is-
chordates- (1)Sycon (2) Neries
(1) presence of vertebral column (3) Sea fan (4) Echinus
(2) Marine habitat
(3) Closed circulatory system 16. Notochord present in larval tail only in -
(4) Warm blooded (1)saccoglossus (2) Lancelet
(3)Asterias (4) Salpa
7. Few examples are given-
Hyla, pristis, struthio,Crocodilus, 17. Which of the following is not sub phylum of
platypus,felis,Equs and scolidon chordata-
How many are cold blooded and oviparous- (1)Urochordata (2) Tunicata
(1) two (3) three (3)Hemichordata (4) Vertebrata
(3) four (4) five
18. What is common between Clarias, Lamperey 27. Consider the following features-
and Myxine- internal fertilization, choanocyte, direct
(1)Oviparous development,intracellular digestion, bilateral
(2)Placoid scales symmetrical,exclusive marine,hermaphrodite
(3)Closed circulation How many are correct for porifera-
(4) Indirect development (1) Three (2) four
(3) five (4) two
19. Eyes with eyelid is feature of -
(1)Agnatha (2)peteomyzon 28. Consider the following statement A to E –
(3)Rana (4)Sea cucumber (A) Organism with cellular level of organization
are mainly asymmetric
20. Select the taxonwhich have only direct (B) Pseudocoelomate have bilateral symmetry
development after fertilizaion- (C) hemichordate have open type of circulatory
(1)Arthropoda (2) labeo system
(3) Echinodermata (4) none (D) protochordates are marine as well fresh
21. Phylum hemichordata different from chordates (E) Vertebrate have ventral muscular heart
in- How many are correct-
(1) open circulatory system (1) A, C and E (2) A,B,C and E
(2) bilateral symmeterical (3) B, C and E (4) C and D
(3) Triplobastic
(4) all 29. Which of the following organism not belong to
exclusively marine group-
22. Mark the correct statement- (1) Ctenoplana (2) Ascidia
(1) All Gnathostomata are also poikilothermic (3) lancelet (4) Aplysia

(2) All Agnatha are also Homeothermic
(3) All Gnathosotmata are viviparous 30. Which of the following example not belong to
(4) All living Agnatha have Gill slits gnathostomata-
(1) Aquarium (2)Ichthyophis
23. Air bladder and operculum is feature of- (3) Myxine (4) Aptenodytes
(2)Psittacula 31. Cold blooded animal is the one which has:
(3)Panthera (1) Cold blood
(4) Pheretima (2) Cold habitat
(3) Low body temperature
24. Consider the following statement- (4)No regulatory system of body temperature
(A) All tertapoda have two auricle in their heart
(B) total 8 gills present in bony fish 32. All Protochordatesare :
Mark the correct statement- (1) Freshwater (2) Marine
(1) only A (3) Aquatic (4) None of these
(2) only B
(3) both A and B 33. Amphioxus belongs to:
(4) both A and B wrong (1) Hemichordata
(2) Urochordata
25. Mark the correct statement- (3) Cephalochordata
(1) Air sacs in birds help in excretion (4) Gnathostomata
(2)reptiles are viviparous
(3)External ear opening present in reptiles 35. Representative of second largest phylum is
(4) Oil gland present at base of tail of birds (1) Scoliodon (2) Pila
(3) Balanoglossus (4) Petromyzon
26. Notochord is absent in -
(1) Adult of salpa 35. Which of the following statements is true?
(2) larvae of doliolum (1) All chordates are vertebrates
(3)adult of branchiostoma (2) All vertebrates are chordates
(4) larvae of amphioxus (3) Non-chordates have a vertbral column
(4) Invertebrates possess a tubular nerve cord
SECTION – B 45. Besides mammals, placenta like structure also
Attempt any 10 Questions occurs in
(1) Platyhelminthes
36. Which of the following animals has a not have (2) Amphibians
notochord (3) Bony fishes
(1) Fish (2) Bird (4) Cartilaginous fishes
(3) Snake (4) Sea pen
46. Mark the correct statement-
37. Anopheles belongs to (1) In sponges, the cells are arranged as
(1) Invertebrata (2) Gnathostomata loose cell aggregates
(3) Protochordata (4) chordata (2) Organ level is exhibited by members of
38. Radula occur in : (3) In animals like Annelids, Arthropods,
(1) Lizard (2) Toad Molluscs,Echinoderms and Chordates,
(3) Cartilaginous fishe (4) Loligo organs have associated to form functional
39. Visceral hump are found in : (4) all of the above
(1) Scoliodon (2) Hippocampus
(3) Carps (4) Cuttlefish 47. Digestive system in ............... has only a single
opening to the outside of the body that serves as
40. Fish is a good source of: both mouth and anus, and is hence called
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Proteins incomplete.
(3) Fats (4) Minerals (1) Coeleontrates (2) Sponges
(3) Platyhelminthes (4) Mollusca

41. Salamander belongs to :
(1) reptiles (2) amphibians 48. Any plane that passes through the centre does
(3) echinoderms (4) both (1) and (2 not divide them into equal halves, is true for-
(1) Sponges (2) Coelentrata
42. Frog is called an amphibian because: (3) Echinodermata (4) Mollusca
(1) it has not tail
(2) It has got lungs 40. Radial symmetry is found in :–
(3) It lives both on land ad Water (1) Planaria (2) Taenia
(4) Its yong one, tadpole, is aquatic in its habitat (3) Fasciola (4) Sea anemone

43. Mammals having traits of both reptiles and 50. Tube feet is the speciality of which phylum :-
mammals are (1) Porifera (2) Coelenterata
(1) Monotremes (2) Marsupials (3) Echinodermata (4) None
(3) Whales (4) Bats

44. An exclusive mammalian trait is

(1) Diaphragm
(2) 4-chambered heart
(3) Thecodont dentition
(4) Vivipary

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