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Q1: Which service runs on each Kubernetes node and ensures containers are running in a


a kubeadm

b None

c None

d kubelet

e scheduler

f etcd

Q2: Which HTML attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be

a src

b longdesc

c alt

d title

e None

f None

Q3: How to delete a directory in Linux??

a remove

b ls

c None

d rmdir

e delete

f None
Q4: Which of the following values would give you the hostname of the remote host in your
Ansible Playbook??

a "{{ host }}"

b "{{ hostname }}"

c None

d None

e "{{ ansible_hostname }}"

f "{{ server_hostname }}"

Q5: How to scale a replicaset named 'foo' to 3??

a None

b kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/foo

c kubectl update --replicas=3 rs/foo

d None

e kubectl up --replicas=3 rs/foo

f kubectl deploy --replicas=3 rs/foo

Q6: What does the Ansible setup module do??

a It helps you setup Ansible on the master server

b It sets up the connection between the master and the worker nodes

c It shows you the information that the Ansible master server has about a host

d None

e It helps you install Ansible on all of your servers

f None

Q7: Which is the best tool to use for logging in remotely??

a telnet

b None

c ssh

d login

e rsh

f None

Q8: Which command will you use to test the connectivity to the host from the master server
and make sure that it actually works??

a ansible your_host_name_here -m ping

b ansible your_host_name_here -m pong

c ansible your_host_name_here -m connect

d ansible your_host_name_here -m try

e None

f None

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