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METHODOLOGY qualitative coding, or other

analytical approaches.
Ethical Considerations:
Methodology in an essay refers
Researchers should address
to the systematic approach or
ethical considerations related
method used to conduct research,
to data collection, participant
gather information, and analyze
confidentiality, informed
data. It outlines the
consent, and any potential risks
procedures, techniques, and
or benefits associated with the
tools employed to investigate a
study. Ethical guidelines and
particular topic, answer
approvals, if obtained, should
research questions, or test
be mentioned.
hypotheses. Methodology is
crucial in ensuring the Limitations: It is important to
validity, reliability, and acknowledge the limitations of
credibility of the study's the methodology, such as sample
findings. Here are the key size constraints, data
components typically included in collection challenges, biases,
the methodology section of an or other factors that may impact
essay: the study's validity or
Research Design: This describes
the overall plan or structure of Validity and Reliability:
the study, including whether it Researchers should discuss
is qualitative, quantitative, or measures taken to ensure the
mixed methods. It outlines the validity (accuracy and
research objectives, questions, truthfulness) and reliability
or hypotheses that guide the (consistency and repeatability)
investigation. of the study's results. This may
include using validated
Data Collection Methods: This
instruments, pilot testing,
section details how data was
inter-rater reliability checks,
gathered for the study. It may
or triangulation of data
include methods such as surveys,
interviews, observations,
experiments, or archival Data Interpretation: Finally,
research. The rationale for the methodology section may
choosing specific data briefly touch on how the data
collection methods is also was interpreted and how findings
explained. were connected back to the
research questions or
Sampling Strategy: If
applicable, the methodology
should specify the sampling
technique used to select
participants or data sources.
Common sampling methods include
random sampling, stratified
sampling, convenience sampling,
or purposive sampling, among
Data Analysis Techniques: This
part explains how the collected
data was analyzed to derive
meaningful insights or
conclusions. It may involve
statistical analysis, thematic
analysis, content analysis,

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