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Received: 9 November 2020 | Revised: 21 September 2021 | Accepted: 23 October 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ase.2146


The role of spatial ability in mixed reality learning with the


Simon Ho1 | Pu Liu2 | Daniela J. Palombo1 | Todd C. Handy1 | Claudia Krebs2

Department of Psychology, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Abstract
Columbia, Canada
The use of mixed reality in science education has been increasing and as such it has
Department of Cellular and Physiological
Sciences, University of British Columbia,
become more important to understand how information is learned in these virtual
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada environments. Spatial ability is important in many learning contexts, but especially

in neuroanatomy education where learning the locations and spatial relationships
Dr. Simon Ho, Department of Psychology, between brain regions is paramount. It is currently unclear what role spatial ability
University of British Columbia, 2136 West
Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
plays in mixed reality learning environments, and whether it is different compared to
Email: traditional physical environments. To test this, a learning experiment was conducted

Funding information
where students learned neuroanatomy using both mixed reality and a physical plastic
Mitacs, Grant/Award Number: F18-­02840 model of a brain (N = 27). Spatial ability was assessed and analyzed to determine its
effect on performance across the two learning modalities. The results showed that
spatial ability facilitated learning in mixed reality (β = 0.21, P = 0.003), but not when
using a plastic model (β = 0.08, P = 0.318). A non-­significant difference was observed
between the modalities in terms of knowledge test performance (d = 0.39, P = 0.052);
however, mixed reality was more engaging (d = 0.59, P = 0.005) and learners were
more confident in the information they learned compared to using a physical model
(d = 0.56, P = 0.007). Overall, these findings suggest that spatial ability is more rel-
evant in virtual learning environments, where the ability to manipulate and interact
with an object is diminished or abstracted through a virtual user interface.

cognition, learning, mental rotation, mixed reality, neuroanatomy education, neuroscience,
spatial ability

I NTRO D U C TI O N can lead to improvements in both skill and knowledge-­based learn-

ing (Lee & Wong, 2014; Merchant et al., 2014; Kurul et al., 2020).
A wide range of new technologies, including virtual reality and mixed Moreover, student motivation and engagement are also increased as
reality, have been adopted in science education across a number of a result of virtual reality learning (Pan et al., 2006; Fairén González
topic domains (Tolentino et al., 2009; Cheng & Tsai, 2013), and their et al., 2017; Marks et al., 2017).
use has been increasing over the past decade (Martin et al., 2011; Technological advances have also led to the rise of mixed re-
Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017). This increased adoption is likely due to ality learning, which introduces multimodal methods, such as
increased immersion and interactivity afforded by the technology cross-­
section training and interactive exercises (McJunkin et al.,
(Martin et al., 2011; Erolin et al., 2019), and has generally been shown 2018; Maniam et al., 2020). Like virtual reality, mixed reality pro-
to improve student learning performance (Hacket & Proctor, 2016, vides a novel and engaging experience (Gnanasegaram et al., 2020;
2018). For example, virtual reality has been shown to have learning Duncan-­Vaidya & Stevenson, 2021). It has also been shown to be
benefits over traditional teaching methods (Kyaw et al., 2019) and useful for learning in cases such as digital pathology due to the ease

1074 | © 2021 American Association for Anatomy Anat Sci Educ. 2022;15:1074–1085.

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HO et al. 1075

with which it allows learners to manipulate spatial data (Hanna et al., virtual models only improve learning in individuals with high spa-
2018). The learning benefit of mixed reality, however, is not entirely tial ability. This is known as the ability-­as-­enhancer hypothesis and
clear as some studies have shown that it yields the same student suggests that high spatial ability allows the learner to devote more
performance as traditional teaching methods (Moro et al., 2017; cognitive resources to building a mental representation of the object
Gnanasegaram et al., 2020; Henssen et al., 2020). It could even be (Huk, 2006; Lee et al., 2009). However, studies have also shown the
detrimental to performance: for example, in some studies, learning opposite effect and support the ability-­as-­compensator hypothesis,
pelvic anatomy in mixed reality led to poorer knowledge retention where the presence of a virtual model can compensate for lower
compared to the use of a physical model (Khot et al., 2013; Wainman spatial ability of the learner (Lee & Wong, 2014). A confound in these
et al., 2018, 2020). This has been attributed to the lack of stere- studies is that the virtual model is not true virtual reality, and instead
opsis in many mixed reality platforms, which can lead to impaired displayed on a computer screen, which removes the possibility of
depth perception, whereas stereo vision is retained when using true stereopsis. A recent study showed that stereopsis can interact with
physical models (Wainman et al., 2018, 2020). Overall, mixed reality spatial ability, improving performance of individuals with low base-
learners expect the technology to be more helpful than it actually line spatial ability (Bogomolova et al., 2020). Additionally, immersive
is in practice, and current implementations are not fully effective virtual or mixed reality (i.e., using a head-­mounted display) allows for
replacements for traditional techniques (Zafar & Zachar, 2020). This increased interactivity and direct manipulation of the model, which
raises the question of why mixed reality leads to inconsistent effects has also been shown to interact with spatial ability (Sjölie et al., 2010;
on learning, and whether individual characteristics of the learners Jang et al., 2017). These features are potentially more important in
themselves might be affecting the relationship (Lee et al., 2009; the context of neuroanatomical learning due to the higher level of
Cheng & Tsai, 2013). One candidate for a learner characteristic that visual occlusion compared to, for example, pelvic anatomy. In fact, it
might moderate learning benefits is spatial ability, as it has been could be argued that the need for spatial ability is minimized when
shown to correlate with learning performance across a number of learning pelvic anatomy due to how capacious the region is (Khot
domains (Khot et al., 2013; Lee & Wong, 2014). Of particular interest et al., 2013; Wainman et al., 2018, 2020). Currently, it is unclear how
in the present study is how spatial ability might affect learning in spatial ability affects learning in an immersive environment when
mixed reality environments, specifically in the context of neuroana- high levels of visual occlusion are involved.
tomical learning. The present study addresses two main questions. First, does
Spatial knowledge can be represented using different frames of mixed reality confer any additional benefit over traditional physical
reference, for example, egocentric and allocentric (Easton & Sholl, model learning? Second, to what extent does spatial ability affect
1995; Mou & McNamara, 2002). Object locations in an egocentric performance in each of the two learning modalities? To test the
representation are stored relative to the observer (e.g., “where is the validity of the ability-­as-­enhancer and ability-­as-­compensator hy-
coffee shop from my current location?”), whereas allocentric repre- potheses, a learning experiment was conducted using a mixed real-
sentations are coded with respect to other objects in the environ- ity head-­mounted display (displaying a virtual brain) and a physical
ment (e.g., “where is the coffee shop in relation to the hospital?”). plastic brain model. It was hypothesized that spatial ability would
Allocentric representations are particularly important in the case have a differential effect in each of these modalities. As mental
of neuroanatomical learning as learners are required to encode the rotation involves similar cognitive processes to physical object ro-
relative spatial locations and orientations of different brain regions. tation (Gardony et al., 2014), it was predicted that spatial ability
As it is concerned with object-­to-­object relations and transforma- would be unrelated to learning performance when physical rotation
tions, the allocentric system is highly related to mental rotation abil- of the model is possible (i.e., learning from a physical model). This
ity, which is the ability to mentally rotate an internal representation is supported by studies that show no relationship between spatial
of a two-­dimensional (2D) or three-­dimensional (3D) object (Wraga ability and academic course performance, where the course was
et al., 1999; Zacks & Michelon, 2005; Voyer et al., 2017). Findings taught using traditional methods like physical models (Sweeney
in the educational literature converge on the idea that mental rota- et al., 2014). However, when physical rotation is unavailable and ab-
tion ability is highly beneficial for performance on spatial learning stracted through a user interface, it was predicted that higher levels
tasks. For example, mental rotation ability has been found to cor- of spatial ability would be required for effective learning.
relate positively with spatial learning performance across different
learning modalities (e.g., mixed reality, virtual reality, and computer
screen), and can be a stronger predictor of overall performance than M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O D S
the learning modality itself (Khot et al., 2013; Wainman et al., 2018,
2020). These findings have also been observed in anatomical learn- Participants
ing (Garg et al., 2001; Guillot et al., 2007; Lee & Wong, 2014), and
participation in mental rotation training can lead to improvement on A two-­tail power analysis was conducted to determine minimum
tests of anatomy (Hoyek et al., 2009). sample size for the study. In terms of effect size, previous studies
The literature is more divided, however, with respect to the role have shown that the relationship between mixed reality learning
of spatial ability in virtual environments. Some studies show that 3D and test performance ranges from 0.38 to 1.99 (Enyedy et al., 2012;

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1076 HO et al.

Albrecht et al., 2013; Merchant et al., 2014); however, pilot stud- of these user interactions, as well as the position of the HoloLens
ies in the laboratory showed that the effect size could be as low as itself, were recorded to a log file on the device.
0.08 when learning neuroanatomy. Across these studies, the aver- HoloBrain consisted of two primary learning modes: education
age effect size was 0.64, which was used for the power analysis. room and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) room. The purpose of
The analysis indicated that a minimum of 22 participants would be the education room was to teach the locations of different brain re-
needed to achieve 80% power when using a within-­subjects design. gions in 3D space (Figure 1A). For the limbic system, HoloBrain con-
A total of 31 participants were recruited from the University of tained only the thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, fornix, mammillary
British Columbia and received $30.00 CAD for their time. In terms of bodies, and the mammillothalamic tract. For the basal ganglia regions,
inclusion criteria and eligibility for the study, participants had to be HoloBrain contained only the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus
current undergraduate or graduate students with no prior participa- pallidus, thalamus, substantia nigra, and the subthalamic nuclei. The
tion in any neuroanatomy courses. Four participants were excluded names of the six brain regions were shown using pop-­up labels that
due to computer problems that prevented data collection. The would appear whenever the user looked at a region. The education
final sample consisted of 27 participants (mean age = 20.93 years, room offered an “isolate” mode, where the user could choose the spe-
SD ±3.46, 10 males, 16 females, 1 other). cific brain regions they wanted to view. Upon selecting a region, an
audio recording was played that spoke the region name. An “expand”
mode increased the spacing between selected brain regions, which al-
HoloLens and HoloBrain lowed for easier visualization of the shape of the individual structures.
The second learning mode was MRI room, which was designed
The experiment used a Microsoft HoloLens (Microsoft Corp., to teach locations in 2D space (i.e., an MRI scan). Upon entering the
Redmond, WA) as the presentation device as it offers full stereopsis. MRI room, 2D MRI scans were displayed in a side panel (in a two-­
For the neuroanatomy content, the research team developed an ap- by-­t wo grid) next to the brain, and each scan had colored outlines
plication called HoloBrain (Holman et al., 2018), which is an educa- to indicate the different brain regions of interest (Figure 1B). The
tional tool designed to teach neuroanatomy by projecting a virtual side panel was the primary method by which 2D information was
interactive brain in front of the user. The brain could be locked in learned. Additionally, each scan was also shown intersecting the 3D
place and allowed for full exploration across all three spatial axes. brain model to show the location at which that scan was taken. The
Additionally, the user could also reposition, resize, and rotate the combination of side panel images and intersecting images was de-
virtual brain using a series of menu options and voice commands. All signed to provide a link between 2D and 3D spatial understanding.

F I G U R E 1 Screen captures of the HoloBrain application. (A) HoloBrain main menu system; (B) HoloBrain MRI room

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HO et al. 1077

Plastic model fundamentally allocentric reference frame as the occipital lobe, for
example, will be posterior to the parietal lobe regardless of where the
The overall design goal of the plastic model modality was to ensure observer is standing. Although some egocentric ability is likely to be
that participants had access to the same information, and that it involved given the use of mixed reality (for example, HoloBrain users
was presented in a similar fashion, to HoloBrain. Some concessions need awareness of where their hand is in relation to the virtual brain
had to be made, however, as the two learning platforms are fun- in order to interact with it), this is beyond the scope of the current
damentally different (e.g., there are no buttons and menu systems research question.
in reality, physical disassembly of the brain is not possible in mixed To assess allocentric spatial ability, each participant completed a
reality, etc.). Participants were asked to learn region locations using computerized version of the mental rotations task (MRT; Shepard &
a physical plastic model of the brain (BS 25; SOMSO® MODELLE Metzler, 1971; Vandenberg & Kuse, 1978; Peters et al., 1995). During
GmbH, Coburg, Germany), which could be assembled and disassem- each trial of the task, a target image, consisting of a geometric shape,
bled by the user (Figure 2). The model was color coded, and partici- was presented along with four options. Two of the (correct) options
pants were provided with a separate sheet that showed the names were identical to the target but rotated around one of the axes. The
and locations of the specific regions they were asked to learn. To remaining two (incorrect) options were similar looking shapes but
minimize differences between learning modalities, the plastic model slightly modified such that they could never be rotated to match the
only contained labels for the six regions presented in the HoloBrain target. Participants were asked to select the two options that could
condition. Thus, the learning requirements were the same: to learn be correctly rotated to match the target. A single point was given for
the spatial locations of the same six basal ganglia regions or six limbic the trial if both shapes could be identified, and no point was awarded
system regions that were described in the previous section. if only one correct answer was chosen. There were a total of 24 trials,
In addition to the 3D model, participants were also provided with split into two halves of 12, and participants had a total of 6 minutes
a sheet of MRI images that was used to teach 2D spatial information. for the task (3 minutes per half). Each participant received a score out
To ensure plastic model learning was as similar to HoloBrain as pos- of 24 for this task. The version of the task used was identical to the
sible, the paper-­based scans were the same as the ones used in the MRT (Peters et al., 1995) in terms of stimuli, task timings, and scoring
HoloBrain application and were also organized in an identical two-­ method, thus preserving the psychometric properties of the assess-
by-­t wo grid. HoloBrain also contained scans that intersected the 3D ment. The full set of task stimuli can be found in Peters et al. (1995).
brain to signify the location at which the scan was taken. To create
an analogous demonstration on paper, a small brain diagram was dis-
played, next to each MRI scan, that contained an intersecting line to Knowledge test and survey
show the location from which that scan was taken.
A 40-­item multiple choice knowledge test was designed to assess
retention of the learned material. Furthermore, the test showed
Spatial ability new/unseen images and contained novel application questions as
participants were expected to generalize their learning to unfamiliar
The present study focused only on allocentric spatial ability as the contexts; this was made clear to them at the beginning of the study.
research question was about learning the spatial relationships of ob- In terms of Bloom's taxonomy, the questions were designed to as-
jects to each other, rather than in relation to the observer. This is a sess the first three levels of the cognitive domain: (1) remember the
names and locations of brain regions, (2) understand their spatial re-
lationships with regards to the ventricular system and other learned
regions, and (3) apply that information to new images and unfamiliar
contexts (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). All knowledge test scores
were converted to percentages for ease of comparison.
The test itself consisted of 20 questions about the limbic system
and 20 questions about the basal ganglia. Half of the questions asked
about general 3D spatial understanding (e.g., “the posterior aspect
of the thalamus is <blank> to the hippocampus”), and the other half
tested the ability to translate those 3D relationships to 2D slices
through the brain (e.g., “if the brain was sliced at the line indicated
below, which one of these structures would you expect to see?”). For
each question, participants were also asked to state how confident
they were in their answer on an ordinal scale from 1 to 10, with 10
being the highest level of confidence. The full list of knowledge test
questions, along with a breakdown of basal ganglia/limbic system and
F I G U R E 2 Disassembled plastic model of the inner brain regions 2D/3D understanding, can be found in the Supporting Information.

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1078 HO et al.

After the knowledge test, participants completed a quick survey central nervous system (Rothman, 2014) to provide everybody with
containing a couple of demographic questions designed to be used a basic familiarity with the content they will be asked to learn. The
as covariates in the analyses: (1) what is your level of proficiency with remainder of day one was spent teaching participants how to work
English? (1 to 6, with 6 being native level), and (2) have you used a with the plastic model and how to use the various functions available
virtual reality device before? (Yes/No). Participants were also asked in the HoloBrain application. The practice and training sessions were
to provide their general opinions on the HoloBrain learning method essential; otherwise, the novelty of both learning methods quickly
(“what did you like/dislike about the HoloBrain learning method?”). became daunting and overwhelming.
Finally, they were asked to state their level of agreement with spe- Day two was the main learning day. Participants were explicitly
cific attitude questions: “I found the <method> engaging” and “the informed that none of the images from the learning day would be
<method> helped me learn the concepts” (method was replaced by shown as-­is on the knowledge test, but rather they were expected
both “HoloLens” and “plastic model” to create a total of four differ- to generalize their learning to unfamiliar contexts. For each learn-
ent question combinations). These questions were measured using a ing method, participants were provided with a list of six different
6-­point Likert scale (1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Somewhat brain regions to be learned and 20 minutes to complete the task.
disagree, 4 = Somewhat agree, 5 = Agree, 6 = Strongly agree). The learning was entirely self-­guided, and participants were re-
minded to focus on the four main learning objectives. Both learning
method and brain regions were counterbalanced across partici-
Experimental procedure pants to reduce the possibility of order and practice effects. For
example, one participant started by using the plastic model to learn
The experiment was spread across three consecutive days, with each the basal ganglia, followed by HoloBrain for the limbic system. The
session lasting a maximum of one hour (Figure 3). On day one, the presentation order was then switched for the next participant (i.e.,
experimenter explained the study and acquired written informed plastic model for limbic system and HoloBrain for the basal gan-
consent from the participant. The four main learning objectives were glia). Finally, participants were instructed not to review the material
then explained: (1) learn the correct anatomical orientation terms at home to ensure learning was limited to the session itself.
to describe locations (e.g., anterior, superior, and lateral), (2) learn Day three was spent on the computer task, knowledge test, and
the locations of brain regions in three dimensions, (3) learn the lo- survey. Participants started with the MRT followed by the 40-­item
cations of brain regions in two dimensions from MRI scans, and (4) knowledge test. The questions on the knowledge test assessed un-
learn the locations of these structures relative to the ventricular sys- derstanding of both the limbic system and basal ganglia, and presen-
tem. These objectives, along with a diagram explaining anatomical tation order of all questions was randomized for each participant.
orientation, were displayed on a screen during days one and two. Knowledge test scores were calculated as percentages for each
Participants then watched a short introductory video about the learning method separately and used as the primary outcomes in the

F I G U R E 3 Overview of the experimental procedure


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HO et al. 1079

analyses. At the end of the session, participants were debriefed on MRT = 𝛽 0 + 𝛽 1 Mixed reality + 𝛽 2 Plastic model
the purpose of the study and paid for their time. + 𝛽 3 English + 𝛽 4 Experience + 𝛽 5 Travel.

Statistical assumptions in each of the above models were

Statistical analysis checked by visual inspection of quantile-­
quantile and normality
plots. Furthermore, due to potential issues with collinear predictors,
The knowledge test was first validated for use by assessing reliabil- variance inflation factor was checked for all predictors.
ity; this was achieved using Cronbach's alpha as a way to determine Finally, a thematic analysis was conducted on the qualitative
the degree to which the test items measured the same underlying responses to assess how learners felt about the HoloBrain applica-
construct. A confirmatory factor analysis approach would be pre- tion. A research assistant, who was blind to the research hypothe-
ferred as test items may be measuring different constructs, and sis, assigned codes to relevant fragments of each participant's text
ideally multiple models would be tested for different latent factor response. These individual codes were then collated into potential
structures. However, that approach was not possible due to having themes. The themes were assigned appropriate names, and propor-
(1) a large number of knowledge test items and (2) a small sample tions were calculated to communicate the frequency of each theme
size, the combination of which would pose problems with model within the collected data (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
estimation due to limited degrees of freedom. Following validation
of the measurement instrument, a few manipulation checks were
conducted to ensure that question difficulty was balanced between R E S U LT S
different sets of questions (e.g., basal ganglia questions were at the
same difficulty as limbic system questions). These were checked by Knowledge test validation
calculating the mean test performance for each set of questions and
conducting a paired-­samples t-­test to ensure equality. A paired test The knowledge test was assessed for reliability using Cronbach's
was chosen due to the within-­subjects experimental design, where alpha. Overall, the instrument was found to be reliable and contained
each participant was exposed to all learning manipulations. a wide range of question difficulty. Across the set of knowledge test
Next, to address the first research question regarding differences items, alpha was calculated to be 0.59, 95% CI [0.38, 0.80]. Reliability
between mixed reality and plastic model learning, a paired t-­test was values of this magnitude are deemed to be sufficient, especially when
again used to test for mean difference between groups. This was the measurement instrument is not strictly unidimensional (Taber,
conducted on both knowledge test performance and knowledge test 2018). Each test item was also examined separately in terms of the
confidence. As test performance is not the only important factor in percentage of participants that correctly answered the question. In
an educational setting, paired t-­tests were also conducted on the terms of usability of knowledge test scores as an outcome variable,
Likert scale survey items asking about the helpfulness and engage- the set of questions needed to have a wide range of difficulty, and it
ment of each learning modality. was desirable to avoid floor and ceiling effects (questions that were
To address the main research question regarding the role of answered incorrectly by all participants, or correctly by all partici-
spatial ability, linear regressions were conducted due to spatial pants) to maximize response variation. This was achieved, as the mini-
ability being a participant-­level construct without a direct exper- mum and maximum of percentage correct responses were 18.52%
imental manipulation. It was important to first establish whether and 92.59%, respectively, with mean of 48.24% (SD = 17.98). An item-­
spatial ability was related to knowledge test performance at an level breakdown can be seen in the Supporting Information.
overall level. English language proficiency was used as a covari- It was also important that knowledge test performance between
ate to ensure it was not confounding the results. Specifically, total different question sets was equal to ensure that a difficulty imbalance
knowledge test score was predicted from MRT performance and would not bias later statistical analyses. Overall, question difficulty
English proficiency: on the knowledge test was balanced across the different sets and
unlikely to confound the main analyses. Mean performance between
Knowledge test = 𝛽 0 + 𝛽 1 MRT + 𝛽 2 English.
the basal ganglia and limbic system questions was not found to be sig-
nificantly different, t(26) = 0.34, P = 0.737, d = 0.07. Additionally, no
The degree to which spatial ability was related to both mixed performance difference was found between the 2D and 3D question
reality performance and plastic model performance was then as- types, t(26) = 1.13, P = 0.267, d = 0.22. Descriptive statistics for each
sessed. A combined model was constructed where MRT perfor- question set can be seen in the knowledge test section of Table 1.
mance was predicted from mixed reality performance, plastic model
performance, and English language level. Additionally, prior expe-
rience with virtual/mixed reality and total travel distance of the Mixed reality versus plastic model
HoloLens during the learning session (as an analog for physical per-
spective taking) were added to the model as they likely covary with Next, learning outcomes between the two modalities were tested.
performance on the mixed reality portion of the knowledge test: The results showed no statistical difference between mixed reality

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1080 HO et al.

TA B L E 1 Mean and standard deviation (±SD) of participant

was not. The regression estimates for each predictor can be seen in
knowledge test score percentage, confidence and attitude ratings,
the Model 1 section of Table 2. Next, the degree to which mixed re-
and spatial ability task performance
ality and plastic model test performance were independently related
Question set Mean (±SD) to spatial ability was assessed. The results showed that mixed reality
Knowledge test % performance was positively associated with spatial ability, whereas
Total 48.24 (±11.54) plastic model learning was not (Figure 5). Additionally, English lan-
Basal Ganglia 48.89 (±13.03) guage proficiency, experience with virtual reality, and HoloLens

Limbic system 47.59 (±17.12) travel distance were not significantly related to spatial ability. The
regression estimates for each predictor can be seen in the Model 2
2Da 50.19 (±16.49)
section of Table 2. Overall, these results suggest that spatial ability
3Db 46.30 (±12.37)
played a bigger role in a mixed reality environment than a real physi-
Mixed reality 51.85 (±15.82)
cal environment.
Plastic model 44.63 (±13.65)
Confidence ratings
Mixed reality 5.96 (±1.25) Qualitative responses
Plastic model 5.42 (±1.33)
Attitudes For the question regarding what participants liked about the
Mixed reality helpful 5.48 (±0.70) HoloBrain learning method, the thematic analysis revealed three
Mixed reality engaging 5.56 (±0.80) main themes: (1) facilitation of learning objectives, (2) effectiveness
Plastic model helpful 4.85 (±0.99) of the technology, and (3) enjoyable user experience. The most com-
Plastic model engaging 4.74 (±1.10) mon theme was facilitation of learning objectives, which made up

Spatial ability
50% of the coded responses. This theme was primarily composed of
response codes related to ease of manipulation of individual brain
Mental rotations task 11.78 (±5.74)
regions, which promoted easier memorization of the areas:
N = 27 for all measures.
Two-­dimensional test items.
I enjoyed being able to make certain areas of the brain
Three-­dimensional test items.
disappear or reappear, in order to form an accurate
and plastic model test performance, t(26) = 2.03, P = 0.052, d = 0.39. visual picture of where these areas are and how they
All of the participants performed at, or above, chance levels as can fit into the grander scheme of brain anatomy.
be seen in Figure 4 (top left). Four participants in the mixed reality
condition, and five in the plastic model condition, achieved a chance-­ The next most common theme was effectiveness of the technol-
level score on their test (25%), which is akin to guessing. However, ogy (making up 30% of coded responses), where participants com-
this is not too surprising given participants only had 20 minutes to plimented the novelty and ease of use of the HoloBrain application.
learn the material, and some low scores would be expected. Despite Finally, the theme of enjoyable user experience made up 20% of codes,
observing a non-­significant difference in test performance, partici- where participants reported the HoloBrain as an interactive and en-
pants were more confident when answering mixed reality-­learned gaging learning method. In general, these findings are in line with the
questions than plastic model questions, t(26) = 2.92, P = 0.007, quantitative results reported previously, where participants found the
d = 0.56 (Figure 4, top right). Descriptive statistics for mixed reality mixed reality method to be significantly more engaging and helpful
and plastic model conditions can be seen in Table 1. than the plastic model.
In terms of attitudes and perceptions, participants found the With regard to disliked aspects of the HoloBrain application,
HoloLens to be a more engaging and helpful method of learning. three main themes emerged in the thematic analysis: (1) technologi-
Participants found mixed reality to be significantly more engaging cal bugs, (2) not user-­friendly, and (3) physical discomfort. The most
than the plastic model, t(26) = 3.05, P = 0.005, d = 0.59 (Figure 4, common theme was technological bugs, which made up 45% of the
bottom left), and significantly more helpful, t(26) = 2.51, P = 0.019, d response codes. Participants reported many visual glitches in the
= 0.48 (Figure 4, bottom right). Descriptive statistics for each of the software and inaccuracies in hand gesture input, which disrupted
above attitude ratings can be seen in the attitudes section of Table 1. their learning experience:

The image can be unstable, especially at close range

Spatial ability to the brain. There were sometimes issues with the
menu buttons not working as expected.
The relationship between spatial ability and learning performance
was then tested, and it was found that spatial ability was positively as- Participants also reported aspects of HoloBrain as being not
sociated with overall test performance, whereas English proficiency user-­friendly (25% of response codes), due to the steep learning

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HO et al. 1081

F I G U R E 4 Box plots and distributions of (A) knowledge test score; (B) confidence; (C) engagement, and (D) helpfulness ratings (N = 27).
Mixed reality learning showed higher mean values across all four measures; however, only confidence, engagement, and helpfulness were
statistically significant

curve of the application and the tedious/repetitive nature of menu

interactions. The hardware also caused physical discomfort (17.5%
of codes), citing the headset as being uncomfortable to wear and
inducing motion sickness and/or headaches. Two minor themes

TA B L E 2 Inferential statistics from regression models assessing

the impact of spatial ability on knowledge test performance (%)

Model β 95% CI t-­value P-­value

Model 1 (df = 24)

MRT 1.24 [0.57, 1.91] 3.83 0.0008a
English −2.53 [−9.33, 4.27] −0.77 0.450
Model 2 (df = 21)
Mixed reality 0.21 [0.08, 0.34] 3.39 0.003b F I G U R E 5 Spatial ability and knowledge test scores for each
Plastic model 0.08 [−0.08, 0.23] 1.02 0.318 learning modality (N = 27). Lines indicate the estimated regression
coefficient (β) and standard error of the mean. Spatial ability was
English 1.30 [−2.30, 4.89] 0.75 0.462
significantly related to knowledge test score, but only in the mixed
Experience 0.45 [−3.63, 4.53] 0.23 0.821 reality learning condition
Travel 0.01 [−0.04, 0.06] 0.23 0.822

Note: Mental rotation test was a significant predictor of total knowledge

test performance (Model 1). This was primarily driven by the mixed also emerged, with participants reporting that the application did
reality modality, which was the only significant predictor of MRT
not replicate reality in an engaging way (5% of codes), and in some
performance in Model 2.
cases compromised learning objectives (7.5% of codes). Generally,
Abbreviations: β, regression coefficient; CI, confidence interval; df,
degrees of freedom; MRT, mental rotations task. these disliked qualities can mostly be attributed to software and
P < 0.001 hardware limitations, rather than to the nature of mixed reality
P < 0.01. learning itself.

19359780, 2022, 6, Downloaded from by Air University, Wiley Online Library on [01/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
1082 HO et al.

DISCUSSION scale, where 24.7% of learners responded with a neutral option. It

would be interesting to see which way the neutral responders would
Overall, the study revealed three key findings: (1) there was no dif- lean under a forced-­choice paradigm. Overall, the finding that mixed
ference in knowledge test performance between the two learning reality can increase learner confidence is in line with the current
modalities, (2) mixed reality was found to be more helpful and en- literature on the topic, but this is an area that would benefit from
gaging than the plastic model, and (3) spatial ability facilitated per- further research.
formance during mixed reality learning, but not during plastic model In terms of participant attitudes and perceptions, the study re-
learning. sults showed that mixed reality learning was both more helpful and
In terms of differences in learning outcome between modalities, more engaging than learning with the plastic model. Although a few
the results showed that mean mixed reality performance was mar- studies suggest that learners believe mixed reality offers little addi-
ginally better than the plastic model; however, this difference was tional value over traditional methods (Zafar & Zachar, 2020), and that
not statistically significant. Mixed reality learners tend to expect the its level of engagement is the same as other digital technologies like
technology to aid their learning (Zafar & Zachar, 2020), and although tablets (Moro et al., 2017), the general consensus in the literature is
this benefit is often seen in the case of virtual reality (Hackett & that mixed reality offers a richer and more engaging learning expe-
Proctor, 2016; Kyaw et al., 2019), the benefit in a mixed reality envi- rience. For example, virtual learning methods have been shown to
ronment is less clear. For example, studies have shown that mixed re- be more helpful than traditional printed images (Hackett & Proctor,
ality confers no learning advantage over traditional methods, or even 2018), and almost half of learners believe mixed reality improved
other digital methods like tablets (Moro et al., 2017; Duncan-­Vaidya their anatomical understanding (Zafar & Zachar, 2020). Mixed reality
& Stevenson, 2021). In some cases, traditional 2D cross-­sectional has also been shown to be a more engaging way to learn compared to
learning has been shown to be more effective than mixed reality traditional methods like lectures (Gnanasegaram et al., 2020; Zafar &
methods (Henssen et al., 2020). There could be a couple of rea- Zachar, 2020; Duncan-­Vaidya & Stevenson, 2021). Additionally, it can
sons for similar performance between the two learning modalities. also increase motivation (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017) and imposes less
First, learners have reported that mixed reality confers no additional cognitive load while learning (Henssen et al., 2020). It has been sug-
benefit over traditional methods when learning factual content, so gested that a large part of the reason for why virtual learning meth-
mixed reality benefits may depend on the type of material being ods are more engaging is because of their novelty (Fairén González
learned (Gnanasegaram et al., 2020). Second, stereopsis has been et al., 2017; Marks et al., 2017). It is interesting to note, then, that
shown to be critical for learning in both physical and mixed reality the present study was designed with a familiarization and practice
environments (Hackett & Proctor, 2018; Wainman et al., 2018, 2020; session during Day 1, which would have presumably reduced some
Anderson et al., 2019). The HoloLens used in the present study of- of the novelty of using the HoloLens. That an engagement effect was
fered stereoscopic mixed reality, meaning stereopsis was available in still observed two days later suggests that the benefit of mixed real-
both learning modalities. The availability of stereopsis across both ity for learner engagement is a somewhat robust effect.
the mixed reality and plastic model modalities may have reduced the Finally, the results showed that increased spatial ability was as-
magnitude of the potential difference between conditions, thus mak- sociated with better overall knowledge test performance; however,
ing it more difficult to detect a statistically significant effect. Overall, the effect was driven primarily by the mixed reality learning method.
this first result is in line with much of the literature on mixed reality In other words, spatial ability was associated with performance in
benefits, or lack thereof, rendering mixed reality as a good supple- mixed reality, but not when learning using a physical model. This
mental method, but not currently a full replacement for traditional finding represents a novel contribution to the literature, as very few
learning (Henssen et al., 2020; Zafar & Zachar, 2020). studies have been conducted on the impact of spatial ability across
It is important to note that knowledge test performance is not different learning modalities. The overall spatial ability benefit is well
the only indicator of successful learning, however, as the study re- supported in the literature, where higher MRT scores are predictive
sults also showed that mixed reality can lead to increased confidence of improved anatomical learning performance (Garg et al., 2001,
in answering test questions. This is currently an understudied area, Guillot et al., 2007; Khot et al., 2013; Lee & Wong, 2014). However,
but studies have shown that general 3D visualization technologies there is little work examining how this effect might differ between
(e.g., monoscopic displays and augmented reality displays) can result physical and mixed reality learning modalities. Learners subjectively
in increased learner confidence in anatomical education (Hackett & report that mixed reality is more effective than traditional methods
Proctor, 2016). A systematic review has shown that mixed reality for teaching spatial information, implying a link between spatial abil-
specifically can lead to increased confidence of the learned material ity and virtual learning environments (Gnanasegaram et al., 2020).
(Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017). One study, using a HoloLens to teach den- Additionally, one study found that spatial ability was unrelated to
tistry, asked learners to rate whether the technology increased their performance in anatomy courses, which were taught using tradi-
confidence in anatomy skills (Zafar & Zachar, 2020). Their results tional methods such as physical models and images (Sweeney et al.,
showed that 39% of learners experienced increased confidence, 2014). Together, these studies provide tentative support for the
compared to 36.5% that did not. The benefit trends in favor of mixed finding that spatial ability is important for mixed reality learning, but
reality, but it is important to note that the study used a 5-­point Likert less so for physical model learning.

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HO et al. 1083

One possible reason for the disparity between modalities is that coordinate system, or vice versa. The recommended approach for this
when using a physical model, the ability to mentally rotate the ob- relies on the use of specialized 3D motion capture cameras, which is
ject is not required because the model can be rotated physically. beyond the scope and capabilities of the present study (Bajana et al.,
However, in mixed reality, object rotation can only happen through 2016). As it stands, the relative importance of egocentric and allocen-
interactions with the user interface, which potentially increases the tric ability in virtual learning environments remains an open question
need to mentally rotate the object. Therefore, it is not necessarily and is an interesting direction for future research.
surprising that in a virtual mixed reality environment, individuals tend Finally, there were a few differences between the HoloLens and
to learn more if they have higher levels of spatial ability. This result plastic model learning conditions that may have confounded the
provides partial support for the ability-­as-­enhancer hypothesis (Huk, results. As mentioned previously, some of these differences were
2006; Lee et al., 2009) as spatial ability appeared to facilitate per- unavoidable due to the fact that learning in mixed reality is funda-
formance; however, the distinction between the ability-­as-­enhancer mentally different from learning with a physical model. For example,
and ability-­as-­compensator hypotheses may be more nuanced as it information in mixed reality is typically accessed through a menu
would seem to depend on whether physical object rotation is possi- system and requires navigation between different screens, which
ble. Overall, although the main finding of the present study is novel, limits how much information the user is exposed to at any one time.
future research should be conducted to confirm the result and pro- Another difference was the color/saturation/contrast of the brain
vide further insight into why such a modality difference might exist. regions. The HoloBrain application used higher contrast colors for
technology-­related reasons. Virtual objects presented in mixed re-
ality are semi-­transparent due to the display technology that is used,
Limitations and future directions which causes the objects to have a dynamic level of contrast with
the background. The unfortunate reality of working with mixed re-
Although the results of the present study provide novel insight into ality is that the perceptual qualities of virtual objects are not con-
how spatial ability affects both virtual and physical learning, there are stant and cannot be strictly controlled due to a constantly changing
some important limitations to note with regard to the findings. First, background behind the object (Lee et al., 2019). These differences
the reliability of the knowledge test was slightly lower than what is may have made the mixed reality condition easier and potentially
typically reported in the literature. The test reliability in the study was confounded the knowledge test finding. It is interesting to note,
within acceptable standards for a measurement instrument in science however, that mixed reality knowledge test performance was not
education; however, it is more common to see larger reliability values significantly better than the plastic model, despite potentially hav-
in the range of 0.7 to 0.8 (Taber, 2018). The primary driver behind ing these advantages. It is unlikely that this confound extended to
this disparity is likely the multidimensional nature of the knowledge the correlational spatial ability findings, as those were not direct
test. The test questions were designed to assess both 2D and 3D un- comparisons of knowledge test performance, however, that remains
derstanding; in multidimensional cases like this, Cronbach's alpha will to be tested. To overcome these issues, it would be prudent to rep-
underestimate the true reliability value as the method makes some licate the main findings using identical models in both learning mo-
assumptions about the item pool being unidimensional (Simms, 2008). dalities, or by overlaying the virtual brain regions over the physical
The limited sample size in the present study makes assessment of model to further equalize the conditions (McJunkin et al., 2018).
multidimensionality difficult and moving forward it is recommended
to replicate the study using more participants so multidimensional re-
liability can be more accurately assessed. The larger data set could CO N C LU S I O N S
also then be used to refine the knowledge test, resulting in an im-
proved measurement instrument that can be used in future studies. Overall, the present study showed that although there was no test
Second, the present study focused on allocentric spatial ability; performance difference between the two modalities, mixed real-
however, this is only part of the picture when working in a virtual en- ity was seen as a more helpful and engaging way of learning neu-
vironment. When using virtual user interfaces, users are often inter- roanatomy than traditional methods involving physical models.
acting with menu systems that exist in 3D space, which requires some Furthermore, spatial ability played a bigger role when learning in vir-
degree of egocentric spatial ability in order to know where those tual environments compared to physical environments. As immersive
items are in relation to their hand. Egocentric performance would be virtual reality and mixed reality usage increases in science education,
interesting to incorporate; however, there are technical challenges it is becoming increasingly important to understand the role spatial
associated with its measurement, specifically in the recording of ability plays in that learning, as existing literature on spatial perfor-
hand locations relative to virtual menus. A few methods for mixed-­ mance might not necessarily generalize to these virtual environments.
reality hand tracking have been proposed in the literature, but they
require either a fixed recording location (Lee et al., 2017) or the use AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
of markers and additional cameras and sensors (Piekarski et al., 2004). The authors wish to thank Young Ji Tuen for her work on the the-
Furthermore, neither of these approaches address the central prob- matic analysis of the qualitative responses. The research project
lem, which is the translation of virtual coordinates into a real-­world was supported through Mitacs Accelerate Internships in partnership

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