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- List the uses of capillary pressure data.
- Define hysteresis.
- Sketch capillary pressure curves for typical drainage and imbibition processes.
- Explain the relation between capillary pressure data and reservoir fluid saturation
- Define oil-water and gas-oil transition zones.
- Convert capillary pressure lab data to reservoir conditions.
- Define the J-function.
- List the different methods for measuring capillary pressure in the lab

Uses of Capillary Pressure Data:

 Determine initial water saturation in the reservoir.
 Determine fluid distribution in the reservoir.
 Determine residual oil saturation for water flooding applications
 Determine pore size distribution index.
 May help in identifying zones or rock types.
 Input for reservoir simulation calculations

Capillary pressure measurements determine the initial water saturation. This is the saturation at which the
increase in capillary pressure does not affect the saturation.
Capillary pressure data can also determine the vertical fluid distribution in the reservoir by establishing the
relation between the capillary pressure and height above the free water level.
Imbibition capillary pressure measurements determine the residual oil saturation in water flooding application.
We can infer the pore size Distribution index, λ, from capillary pressure data. This index can be used to
calculate relative permeability using industry correlations.
Capillary pressure curves are similar for the same rock type. The shape also gives indication about the rock
Capillary pressure curves are used to initialize simulation runs and in flow calculations between and blocks.

Capillary Pressure Concept:

Water exists at all levels below 2, and both water and oil exist at all levels above 2
Oil and water pressure gradients are different because their density is different
At level 2, pressure in both the water and oil phases is the same.
At any level above 2, such as level 3, water and oil pressures are different
This difference in pressure is called the capillary pressure.

Capillary Pressure 1
Capillary Pressure Definition:
 The pressure difference existing across the interface separating two immiscible fluids.
 It is usually calculated as

Pc = Pnwt - Pwf

One fluid wets the surfaces of the formation rock (wetting phase) in preference to the other (non-wetting phase).
Gas is always the non-wetting phase in both oil-gas and water-gas systems.
Oil is often the non-wetting phase in water-oil systems.

Define capillary pressure in the following systems:
 Water-gas system.
 Water-wet water-oil system.
 Oil-gas system.

Water-gas system:
Pc =ρg-ρw
Water-wet water-oil system:
Pc =ρo-ρw
oil-gas system:
Pc =ρg-ρo

Capillary Pressure Theory

Capillary Pressure 2
Equilibrium between fluid phases in a capillary tube is satisfied by the relationship force up = force
down. These forces are expressed in terms of the radius r of the capillary tube, the contact angle θ, and
the IFT σ. The forces are given by

force up = IFT acting around perimeter of capillary tube

= σ cos θ × 2πr

force down = density gradient difference × cross-sectional area × height h of capillary rise in tube

The density gradient Γ is the weight of the fluid per unit length per unit cross-sectional area. For
example, the density gradient of water Γw is approximately 0.433 psia/ft at standard conditions. If we
assume an air–water system, then

force down = (Γw − Γair)πr2h

where the cross-sectional area of the capillary tube is πr2. Capillary pressure Pc is defined as the force
per unit area, thus

Pc = force up/πr2 = force down/πr2

Calculation of Capillary Pressure

Capillary pressure ((P_c)) is the difference in pressure across the interface of two immiscible fluids in a capillary
tube or porous medium. It can be calculated using the Young-Laplace equation:

Pc = 2T/R

-(Pc) is the capillary pressure.
- (T) is the surface tension between the two fluids.
- (R) is the radius of the capillary.

Keep in mind that this equation is a simplified form and assumes a cylindrical capillary. If you're dealing with a
more complex geometry or porous media, additional corrections may be needed.

Capillary Pressure 3
Capillary pressure is the pressure difference across the interface of two immiscible fluids in a capillary tube or
porous medium. It arises from the balance between capillary and interfacial forces. This phenomenon is crucial in
various fields such as petroleum engineering, soil science, and biomedical applications.

In porous media, like soil or rock, capillary pressure influences fluid flow and saturation. It's defined as the
difference in pressure between the non-wetting and wetting phases. This pressure governs the movement of fluids
through capillaries and is a key factor in determining fluid distribution in reservoir rocks.

Understanding capillary pressure is vital in enhanced oil recovery, where manipulating these pressures can help
extract more oil from reservoirs. It also plays a role in medical applications, such as capillary action in blood

In summary, capillary pressure is a fundamental concept with broad implications, impacting fluid dynamics in
various natural and engineered systems.

Capillary Pressure 4

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