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Johnathon Peglow

Professor Gonzalez

ENC 1102

Annotated Bibliography (Peer Review)

Theobald, Robin. “What Is Corruption?” Corruption, Development and Underdevelopment,

1990, pp. 1–18,

In summary, this research paper speaks on the definition of corruption. What is it? Where

is it found? Who does it effect? In the matter of what corruption is, Robin Theobald provides a

definition from the Oxford English Dictionary in order to develop an uncontroversial definition

of corruption. The Oxford English dictionary finds nine meanings of corruption. These meanings

can further be grouped into sub categories. He speaks on corruption within governments as well

as social spheres which would include but not limited to work spaces or offices. Many different

definitions of corruption are provided exemplifying the vast possibilities of occurrences of


I chose this as one of my sources in order to have a strong base and understanding of

what corruption is. This will help me recognize corruption as it occurs in the anime One Piece. In

order to get the most out of my research paper this source is essential as I will be able to go back

to it and refer to it in order to show examples of corruption I find in One Piece, as well as be able

to compare the definition of corruption as Theobald depicts it to other sources who recognize

“corruption” in one piece. Not only will this help to find examples and representations; however,

it will strengthen my paper as having a vague understanding of the main topic would serve to

weaken my paper.
Zoth, Thomas. “The Politics of One Piece: Political Critique in Oda’s Water Seven.”, Apr. 2011,



In summary, this research paper speaks on the events of the arc known as “Waters

Seven”. In this paper he also speaks the character Nico Robin, a member of the Straw Hats, as

well as the events surrounding her homeland “Ohara”. Ohara was an island home to many

scholars, their main focus being archeology. Ohara was home to a five-thousand-year old library;

however, the world government found out they were studying poneglyphs (square blocks with

writing that depict the events of the Void Century as well as locations to weapons of mass

destruction). This revelation caused members of the world government to worry, and thus, called

in a “buster call”. This is when they send warships, as well as one of the navy’s admirals, in

order to annihilate the threat. This country of scholars posed no threat as they were just wanting

to learn, the world government annihilated the library, island, as well as all of its inhabitants. The

only remaining survivor a child known as Nico Robin, would be given a huge bounty just for

surviving which led to a life of being hunted by world officials and organizations.

I choses this as one of my sources in order to have a reference and deeper insight into the

event of Ohara. This event should never have happened and is due to the corruption within the

government. The void century happened over nine hundred years ago and no one from that time

could be alive right now. So in order to hide the world governments corruption especially from

that time as that is when the world government came to be they annihilated anyone with the

ability to read the poneglyphs ensuring no one could ever find out about what happened during
the void century. This source will help detail the events and give me insights into the politics as

it is a political critique of the events of “water seven”.

Miyamoto, Hiroaki. One Piece. Toei Animation, 15 Mar. 2009,

clutches-of-a-professional-kidnapper , disc 393. Anime.

In summary this episode of One Piece depicts certain events surrounding the characters

known as celestial dragons. One of the celestial dragons, known as Saint Charlos, was being

carried by one of his slaves through Grove 24, a specific island in the Sabaody Archipelago.

After the slave started moving slower, Saint Charlos noticed two doctors carrying an injured man

in front of him. He did not like this for some reason and decided to not only kick the injured man

resulting in his death but decided to take one of the nurses as his new wife. This was without

consent of course. The nurses husband then yells that she is his wife, this results in the Celestial

Dragon killing the husband. This Celestial Dragon then encounters Zoro, a member of the straw

hats, to which he stands in front of the Celestial Dragon and asks him if he needs directions or

something, this then angers the Celestial Dragon causing him to shoot towards Zoro. Zoro goes

to attack him but is saved but a pirate known as Bonney, another supernova.

I chose to include this specific episode as a source for my paper as the events that occur

in this episode depicts the level of corruption the Celestial Dragons are allowed to get away with.

The Celestial Dragons, are supposed to be the pinnacle of the world government as the world’s

nobles; however, this behavior is not befitting one who holds political power. I see this episode

colliding with my source from Robin Theobald as he depicts corruption and how it occurs in

people who hold power in governments. I will be able to analyze this episode further and in more
detail in my research. This episode depicts a certain amount of corruption in the world leaders

known as Celestial Dragons as well as it can relate to my previous source.

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