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Coffee survey

1. How old are you?

2. What is your current profession (eg. University student, student, teacher, seller)

3. Do you drink coffee?

4. Do your household like coffee overall?

5. What type of coffee you prefer? (Both ice and hot)

(Options to choose from)

6. Where do you usually drink your coffee? (Shop, home or workplace)

7. How frequently do you drink coffee? (X times per day)

8. How much on average can you spend on your coffee? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

9. When do you drink your coffee?

(before lunch or after) (before breakfast or after breakfast) (After dinner or before

10. What time of day do you usually drink coffee?

11. How do you like your coffee with? (Snacks, water, croissants, food)

12. what do you think makes a good coffee?

13. How loyal are you to your coffee shop on a scale of 1 to 5?

14. What is your favorite coffee drink?

15. What is the most important aspect(s) of your coffee? (Price or Taste) very good

16. How important is it for cafes to have adaptors? ( rate from 1-5)

17. Do you prefer cafes with good views or good taste? ( view or taste)

18. Do you like silent or crowded cafes? (silent or crowded)

19. Do you prefer cafes with or without music? (with or without)

20. What size of coffee do you prefer? (S, M, L)

21. What additional services or amenities would enhance your cafe experience?
(outdoor seating, live music, board games)

22. How do you like the taste of your coffee?

23. When do you usually drink your coffee?

24. What makes you addicted to drinking coffee?

25. Can you go out a day without drinking coffee?

26. Do you prefer drinking coffee at home or at the cafe? Why?

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