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8 grade
English Test: FUTURE TENSE
___ / 48 points
Name: ____________ _____________________________ Date: ___________
⮚ Listen to the teacher´s instructions.
⮚ Read carefully and follow instructions.
⮚ Think before answering.
⮚ Check your spelling.
⮚ Re-read before giving in.

ITEM I Match the FUNCTION to the correct form. 1 point each

a) Will ______ It is used for promises

b) Be going to ______ It is used for arrangements.
c) Present continuous ______ It is used for decisions
______ It is used for predictions.
______ It is used for plans

ITEM II Listen and complete the conversation with the correct word. 1 point each.
Conversation 1
Woman: Will you be home tonight?
Man: I should, why?
Woman: I need to ask you a few questions.
Man: OK, I’ll ___________ late, so ___________ anytime.
Woman: OK, I’ll call you around 9ish.
Man: I’ll be waiting.
Woman: Great. I promise I won’t ___________ much of your time.
Man: No worries. I got all the time in the world.
Woman Great. I’ll ___________ to you later then.
Man: Yep, see you then.
Conversation 2
Woman: I am sorry to hear the news.
Man: It’s OK. I saw it coming.
Woman: What will you _________________ ?
Man: I’m not sure. I think I’ll just ____________ some time off and take it __________ for awhile.
Woman: That’s sounds like a good plan.
Man: Well, I guess all good things come to an end.
Woman: They do. Nothing lasts forever.
Man: True, but I’ll _____________ this place.
Woman: And we’ll miss you. And you’ll be back on your feet in no time.
Man: I hope so!
Conversation 3
Woman: It looks like it will ______________ this weekend.
Man: Oh no, now we can’t go hiking.
Woman: I’ll __________ everyone and __________ it until next week.
Man: What about the dinner we planned afterward?
Woman: We can move it back to next week.
Man: OK, I’ll call the restaurant and ___________ the reservation.
Woman: Thanks.
Conversation 4
Woman: I need someone to write up a sales report.
Man: _________ do it.
Woman: Great. How long will it ____________ you?
Man: No more than a few hours I think.
Woman: Great. I’ll ______________ Susan to help you.
Man: No need. I’ll _____________ alright. Thanks though.
Woman: Suit yourself.
ITEM III Listen and choose the correct option. 1 point each
1) When will the woman call the man?
a) At 7 b) Around 9 c) at 3:30 d) around 10
2) What will the man do?
a) Take time off b) Have surgery c) Take a long trip d) To travel
3) What will happen this weekend?
a) It will rain. b) They will go hiking. C) They will have a party
d) It will be sunny and hot
4) Who will write the report?
a) Karen b) Susan b) The man d) Emily

ITEM IV Match the answers with the questions. There is an EXTRA QUESTION you won’t need. 1 point each

a) Will you be home tonight? _____ I'll have a small party at a restaurant.

b) Where is your sister traveling? _____ Yes, I'll be home all night.

c) What will you do if it rains tomorrow? _____ I will stay inside.

d) How old will you be on your next birthday? _____ I will get home by 7.

e) What will you do on your birthday? _____ I will be 30.

f) What time will you get home?

ITEM V Read and choose TRUE / FALSE. 1 point each

ITEM VI Write about your plans for next summer. 1 point each.


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