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Impact of Gender Equality Awareness

to the Academic Performance of

Senior High School Students

A Research Work Presented to the Faculty and Staff of Senior High School
Department of Telbang National High School, Telbang Alaminos City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research 2, and Inquiries,

Investigatories and Immersion of the Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) strand
under Academic Track


Crisa C. Carambas

Mariel C. Magsisi

Mark Bryan C. Nartatez

Rhica R. Padilla

John Francis Ramal

Jeorge R. Ragudos

Andrea Rubie C. Reynaldo

May D. Torres

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background of the research work, the statement of

the problem and research question, the hypothesis, the significance of the research

work, the scope and delimitation, and lastly, the definitions of terms.

Background of the Research Work

Gender equality is a fundamental human right that is vital for achieving

sustainable development and creating inclusive societies. Education is a powerful tool

for promoting gender equality and empowering individuals to challenge societal

norms and stereotypes. As such, it is essential to introduce gender equality

awareness at an early age, particularly among senior high school students. Telbang

National High School (TNHS), located in Telbang National High School, recognizes

the significance of promoting gender equality among its senior high school students.

However, there is a lack of research examining the specific strategies and

approaches for introducing gender equality awareness in this particular school


Gender equality within the realm of education stands as the cornerstone for

building equitable and just societies. It is not merely a matter of ensuring equal

opportunities but also about dismantling deep-rooted societal norms and systemic

barriers that perpetuate gender-based discrimination. Education serves as the

conduit through which these barriers can be challenged and eventually eradicated.

At its essence, education empowers individuals by imparting knowledge,

nurturing critical thinking, and fostering a sense of agency. When gender equality
becomes an integral part of the educational ethos, it equips students, irrespective of

gender, with the tools to challenge stereotypes, advocate for their rights, and make

informed decisions. By instilling values of equality, education becomes a catalyst for

personal and societal transformation.

Gender disparities in education manifest in various forms, including unequal

access, retention rates, and disparities in subject choices or career aspirations.

Addressing these disparities through a lens of gender equality creates a more

inclusive educational environment. It ensures that all students have equal access. to

educational resources, opportunities, and support systems, regardless of their

gender identity.

By integrating gender equality principles into the curriculum, educators can

actively dismantle preconceived notions of gender roles and expectations. This

enables students to explore diverse perspectives, challenge biases, and develop a

more nuanced understanding of gender dynamics within society.

Gender equality in education has far-reaching implications for economic and

social development. Studies consistently show that investing in girls' education yields

significant socio-economic benefits, including higher workforce participation, reduced

poverty rates, and improved health outcomes. Additionally, fostering a culture of

gender equality in educational settings contributes to the development of tolerant,

empathetic, and socially responsible citizens.

The attainment of gender equality in education aligns with global agendas

such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, it

intersects with Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 5 (Gender Equality) by

emphasizing the need for inclusive and equitable education that eradicates gender
disparities and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all. Gender equality in

education transcends beyond achieving parity in enrolment numbers; it embodies the

essence of transformative change. It nurtures individuals who are not only

academically proficient but also empathetic, gender-sensitive, and equipped to

challenge systemic inequalities. Education becomes a catalyst for societal shifts,

paving the way for a more equitable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all.

Situated in Region 1, TNHS embodies a rich tapestry of cultural, social, and economic

diversity. Within this dynamic milieu, the school serves as a microcosm where

societal norms intersect and interact. Despite its commitment to promoting gender

equality, a dearth of specific research tailored to the unique context of TNHS exists.

Understanding the intricacies of this particular setting becomes paramount in

devising effective strategies that resonate with the students, educators, and broader

community. This research aims to explore of gender equality awareness to the

academic performance among senior high school students at Telbang National High


By analyzing the existing curriculum, institutional policies, and extracurricular

activities related to gender equality, the study seeks to understand the current state

of gender equality within the school environment. The research will also investigate

the students' knowledge and attitudes towards gender equality, as well as their

experiences and perceptions of gender-related issues at Telbang National High


This will involve conducting surveys or questionnaires, interviews, and focus

group discussions with both male and female senior high school students. Through

this research, we aim to identify the gaps, challenges, and potential opportunities for

promoting gender equality awareness at TNHS. The findings will provide valuable
insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers, enabling them to develop

tailored interventions and strategies to effectively introduce and embed gender

equality principles within the school's curriculum and activities. Furthermore, the

outcomes of this research will contribute to the broader discourse on gender equality

in educational settings, providing evidence- based recommendations that can be

used by other schools, districts, and educational institutions. By addressing issues of

gender inequality at the senior high school level, we hope to foster a generation of

students who are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to

promote gender equality in their future endeavours. Ultimately, this research aims to

create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that values and respects all

students, regardless of their gender, and prepares them to become active

contributors to a more equal and just society.

Statement of the Problem and Research Questions

The problem that this study aims to address is the gap in the awareness of

gender equality among senior high school students at Telbang National High School,

school year 2023-2024. Despite the significant strides in promoting gender equality

globally, students still lack sufficient knowledge and understanding of the concept.

The curriculum in the school does not explicitly address the issue of gender

inequality, and there is low representation of diverse genders in leadership positions

and extracurricular activities. Moreover, the school does not have any program or

intervention aimed at promoting gender equality and combating gender-based

discrimination. Consequently, the lack of awareness and education among students

may perpetuate unequal treatment, gender-based bullying, and harassment.

Therefore, this study seeks to explore the level of gender equality awareness to the

academic performance of senior high school students at Telbang National High

School, with the purpose of promoting a culture of respect, inclusion, and non-

discrimination. Specially, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a) age;

b) gender; and

c) track and strand?

2. What are the gender disparities in terms of:

a) curricular.

b) co-curricular

c) extra-curricular; and

d) GWA.

3. What are the positive impact of Gender Equality Awareness among senior high

school students at telbang national high school is being assessed?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the impact of gender equality

awareness and gender disparities in the academic performance of Senior High School


There is no significant relationship between the level of gender equality

awareness and gender disparities to the academic performance of Senior High

School students?

Significance of the Research Work

The significance of the study impact of level of gender equality awareness to

the academic performance of senior high school students can be observed in various


Students: This study can benefit the students by promoting a culture of

respect, equality, and non-discrimination. With the implementation of gender

equality awareness programs, students can develop a deep understanding of the

concept of gender equality and its importance in creating a more inclusive society.

Teachers: This study can help teachers understand the importance of

incorporating gender equality awareness in the school curriculum, which can not only

promote greater awareness and understanding among students but also provides the

opportunity to address societal biases and stereotypes.

School Administrators: The study can provide school administrators with

insights about the impact of gender inequality and the significant role that schools
can play in promoting gender equality. It can also help them identify any gaps and

the need for policy changes that can be implemented to ensure the same.

Parents: Parents play an influential role in shaping their children's attitudes

and behavior. The study can help parents understand the key concepts of gender

equality, which they can communicate with their children and help in promoting a

positive outlook towards diverse genders.

Future Researchers: The study can provide a foundation for future

researchers to explore the best practices in teaching gender equality awareness

within schools. This can help facilitate the necessary steps that can be taken to drive

appropriate changes in gender equality education.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is to know the impact of gender equality awareness

on the academic performance of senior high school students of Telbang National

High School. The study will focus on assessing the impact of gender equality

awareness on students' knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and behaviors related

to gender equality. The study will involve a specific sample of students, teachers,

school administrators, and parents from Telbang National High School.

However, there are certain delimitations to be acknowledged. Firstly, the

study will be conducted within a specific time frame, which may limit the ability to

capture the long-term effects of gender equality awareness. Secondly, the study will

rely on self-reported data, which may be subject to self-report bias and social

desirability effects. Participants may provide responses that they believe are socially

acceptable rather than reflecting their true attitudes and behaviors. Additionally, the

study will not account for the influence of external factors such as media, community
norms, and societal changes, which may also impact students' attitudes and

understanding of gender equality. Finally, the findings of this study may not apply to

other schools with different demographics, cultural contexts, or educational settings,

limiting the generalizability of the results. Despite these limitations, this study will

provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and perceptions of gender equality

awareness in the specific context of Telbang National High School.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are lexical and operationally defined for a clearer

understanding of the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data in the study.

Gender Equality: According to Google, the principle is that all individuals,

regardless of their gender, should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment in

all aspects of society. In this research work, it will be used as the foundational

concept to assess the respondents understanding, attitudes, and actions regarding

equality between genders.

Gender Equality Awareness: According to Meriam Webster Refers to the

level of knowledge, understanding, and acknowledgment of the importance of

gender equality among individuals. It involves recognizing the existing inequalities

and promoting efforts to address them. In this research work, it will be used as a

measure of the student's understanding of gender-related issues and their

awareness of gender equality principles.

Senior High School Students: According to Google, this refers to students

in the final years of their high school education, typically at the ages of 16 to 18

years old, pursuing advanced studies before entering college or university. In this

research work, it served as the respondents of the researcher.

Gender Disparity: According to Google, Refers to the unequal treatment,

opportunities, or representation between different genders. In this research work, it

can be used as a key variable to assess the extent of inequalities between genders in

various academic, social, and cultural contexts.

Curricular: According to Meriam Webster Gender disparities in curricular

activities refer to differences in how boys and girls are treated or represented in the

formal educational subjects or programs taught in school. In this research work it

may be used to specifically refer to the gender equality content within the students'

academic curriculum.

Co-curricular: According to Google, Gender disparities in co-curricular

activities involve differences in participation, opportunities, or treatment of boys and

girls in activities related to the formal curriculum, such as clubs, academic

competitions, or organized events. In this research work it is the activities outside of

the formal academic curriculum that can be a critical variable in examining the

impact of gender equality awareness on the academic performance of senior high

school students.

Extracurricular Achievement Recognition: Differences in recognition or

awards for achievement in co-curricular activities based on gender. In this research

work it can be an important variable when exploring the impact of gender equality

awareness on the academic performance of senior high school students.

Extra-curricular: According to Google, Gender disparities in extra-curricular

activities are differences in involvement, access, or treatment of boys and girls in

activities outside the formal curriculum, including sports, arts, volunteering, or any

non-academic pursuits organized by the school. In this research work, it will be used
as a tool to measure the impact of gender equality awareness on the academic

performance of senior high school students.

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