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Labog, Jessica Danielle B.

EmpowHER: A Reaction Paper

Witnessing women empower one another does make the world a better place.
Women are a lot more acknowledged and given respect nowadays, as opposed to
many years ago when you had to go the extra mile just so they could be recognized
by society for their characteristics and power rather than as someone who had to be
subordinate to males. During the session, I was able to learn a lot from the lecturers.
I realized that everyone has the ability to speak up for what they believe in, but they
are only limited by their lack of bravery. Many people are being hushed out of fear of
being misunderstood and not having their voices heard, which is something we
should all avoid because it will only lead to regret for not speaking up at all.

Another point raised was the importance of not overexerting oneself.

Achieving a goal requires dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work. However, we must
take care of ourselves while chasing our aspirations to avoid emotional exhaustion,
because if our sparks fade away, it would be difficult to rekindle them. Never feel
guilty to be selfless at times, especially if you are aware that you have already
treated yourself badly. To meet your future self, you must first take care of yourself.

And the part of the talk where the speaker emphasizes never being scared to
express yourself in the way that you want piqued my interest the most. It is true that
we must never feel responsible for the existence of sexual abusers just because we
wear the clothes we like. They have to change their way of thinking and behavior, not
how we dress. It's an incredible development that people are becoming more aware
and open about issues like harassment and discrimination. It reduces the number of
abuse victims who choose not to come up since they know someone will support
them throughout this fight.

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