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The Oxford History of Hinduism: Hindu

Law: A New History of Dharmasastra

1st Edition Patrick Olivelle
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General Editor: GAVIN FLOOD

The Oxford History
of Hinduism
Hindu Law
A New History of Dharmaśāstra

Edited by

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Given the centrality of Dharmaśāstra in the Hindu tradition for over two
millennia, this is a book that had to be written. Left to our own devices,
however, this is a book that we would never have undertaken. The daunting
task of writing a history of Dharmaśāstra under the shadow of the pioneering
and encyclopedic work of P. V. Kane would have made us hesitate. So, thanks
are due in the first place to Gavin Flood, who, as the general editor of the new
Oxford History of Hinduism, invited us to write this as a volume in the series,
and to Tom Perridge, the editor at Oxford who, along with Gavin, launched
the series.
It was clear from the start that this was a book the two of us could not write
on our own, at least not within stipulated timeframe. Our foremost thanks,
therefore, go to the eighteen colleagues from around the world who generously
agreed to write chapters of this volume, drawing on their own expertise:
Mikael Aktor, Adam Bowles, David Brick, Richard Davis, Ariel Glucklich,
Jonardon Ganeri, Andrea Gutierrez, Maria Heim, Knut Jacobsen, Stephanie
Jamison, Timothy Lubin, Mark McClish, James McHugh, Axel Michaels,
Christian Novetzke, Ludo Rocher, Matthew Sayers, and Gregory Schopen.
They were all busy scholars and teachers, and yet they generously accepted our
invitation and agreed to devote considerable time and energy to this project. It
would not have been possible without their contributions. Our great regret is
that our teacher Ludo Rocher passed away before this volume could be
completed; his contribution on inheritance, in Chapter 12, will stand as a
monument to his vast knowledge of Dharmaśāstra. We thank Rosane Rocher
for her assistance with Ludo’s chapter.
Patrick Olivelle
Donald R. Davis, Jr.
Austin, Texas
March 31, 2017
Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations xi
List of Contributors xv
Series Introduction xix

Introduction 1
Donald R. Davis, Jr.

1. Social and Literary History of Dharmaśāstra:
The Foundational Texts 15
Patrick Olivelle
2. Social and Literary History of Dharmaśāstra:
Commentaries and Legal Digests 30
Donald R. Davis, Jr. and David Brick


3. Epistemology of Law: dharmapramāṇa 49
Patrick Olivelle
4. Social Classes: varṇa 60
Mikael Aktor
5. Orders of Life: āśrama 78
Patrick Olivelle
6. Rites of Passage: saṃ skāra 86
Axel Michaels
7. The Vedic Student: brahmacārin 98
Timothy Lubin
8. The Vedic Graduate: snātaka 113
Timothy Lubin
9. Marriage and the Householder: vivāha, gṛ hastha 125
Stephanie W. Jamison
10. Women: strīdharma 137
Stephanie W. Jamison
viii Table of Contents

11. Children: putra, duhitṛ 151

Donald R. Davis, Jr.
12. Inheritance: dāyabhāga 164
Ludo Rocher
13. Daily Duties: āhnika 179
Timothy Lubin
14. Food and Dietary Rules: abhakṣya, abhojya 189
Patrick Olivelle
15. Gifting: dāna 197
David Brick
16. Funeral and Ancestral Offerings: antyeṣt ̣i, śrāddha 208
Matthew R. Sayers
17. Impurity and Purification: āśauca, śauca 220
Mikael Aktor
18. Ascetics: vānaprastha, pravrajita 236
Patrick Olivelle
19. Law during Emergencies: āpaddharma 245
Adam Bowles
20. King: rājadharma 257
Mark McClish
21. Punishment: daṇḍ a 273
Mark McClish
22. Legal Procedure: vyavahāra 283
Patrick Olivelle
23. Titles of Law: vyavahārapada 299
Mark McClish
24. Penance: prāyaścitta 313
David Brick
25. Vows and Observances: vrata 325
Donald R. Davis, Jr.
26. Pilgrimage: tīrthayātrā 335
Knut A. Jacobsen
27. Images and Temples 347
Richard H. Davis
Table of Contents ix


28. History of the Reception of Dharmaśāstra 371
Donald R. Davis, Jr.
29. A Buddhist Monastic Code as a Source for Indian Law 383
Gregory Schopen


30. Body 405
Ariel Glucklich
31. Emotions 419
Maria Heim
32. Ritual 432
Axel Michaels
33. Self and Subjectivity: The Wandering Ascetic and
the Manifest World 442
Jonardon Ganeri
34. Material Culture and Society: The Ancient Indian Alestake 455
James McHugh
35. Embodiment of Dharma in Animals 466
Andrea Gutiérrez
36. Vernacularization 480
Christian Lee Novetzke
37. Economics and Business as Vaiśya-Dharma 496
Donald R. Davis, Jr.

Bibliography 507
Index 541
List of Abbreviations

ĀgGṛ Āgniveśya Gṛ hyasūtra

AitĀ Aitareya Āraṇyaka
AitB Aitareya Brāhmaṇa
AitU Aitareya Upaniṣad
ĀpDh Āpastamba Dharmasūtra
ĀpDhP Āpaddharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata
ĀpGṛ Āpastamba Gṛ hyasūtra
ĀpŚr Āpastamba Śrautasūtra
AŚ Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra
ĀśGṛ Āśvalāyana Gṛ hyasūtra
ĀśŚr Āśvalāyana Śrautasūtra
AV Atharvaveda
BDh Baudhāyana Dharmasūtra
BGṛ Baudhāyana Gṛ hyasūtra
BGṛ Pariś Baudhāyana Gṛ hyapariśiṣt ̣a
Bhār Bhāruci’s commentary on MDh
BhG Bhagavad Gītā
BhGṛ Bhāradvāja Gṛ hyasūtra
Bṛ Sm Bṛ haspati Smṛ ti
Bṛ U Bṛ hadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad
BŚr Baudhāyana Śrautasūtra
ChU Chāndogya Upaniṣad
CII Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, Ed. Fleet 1888
GDh Gautama Dharmasūtra
GM Gāyāmāhātmya
GobhGṛ Gobhila Gṛ hyasūtra
Gov-B Govindasvāmin’s commentary on BDh
GPu Garuḍ a Purāṇa
Har-A Haradatta, commentary on the ĀpDh
Har-G Haradatta, commentary on the GDh
HirGṛ Hiraṇyakeśi Gṛ hyasūtra
xii List of Abbreviations
JaiGṛ Jaiminīya Gṛ hyasūtra
Kane Kane 1962–75
KātSm Kātyāyana Smṛ ti
KātŚr Kātyāyana Śrautasūtra
KGṛ Kāṭhaka Gṛ hyasūtra
KhGṛ Khadira Gṛ hyasūtra
KKT Lakṣmīdhara, Kṛ tyakalpataru
Kul Kullūka’s commentary on MDh
KūrPu Kūrma Purāṇa
Lakṣ Lakṣmīdhara, Kṛ tyakalpataru
LDhP Laghudharmaprakāśikā or Śānkarasmṛ ti, Ed. Unni 2003
Mask Maskarin’s commentary on GDh, Ed. in Srinivasacharya 1917
MatsPu Matsya Purāṇa
MBh Mahābhārata
MDh Mānava Dharmaśāstra
Medh Medhātithi’s commentary on MDh
MGṛ Mānava Gṛ hyasūtra
Mṛ Ā Mṛ gendrāgama
MS Maitrāyaṇīya Saṃ hitā
NārP Nāradīya Purāṇa
NSm Nārada Smṛ ti
NSm Mā Nārada Smṛ ti Mātṛ kā
PāM Mādhava, Pārāśaramādhavīya
Par Parāśara Smṛ ti
PārGṛ Pāraskara Gṛ hyasūtra
PMS Jaimini, Pūrva Mīmāṃ sā Sūtra
Rām Rāmāyaṇa
ṚV Ṛgveda
Śab Śabara’s commentary on PMS
. .
ŚānkhGṛ Śānkhāyana Gṛ hyasūtra
ŚB Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa
ŚBM Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa Mādhyandina
Smṛ C Devaṇṇabhaṭtạ , Smṛ ticandrikā
SS Saṃ varta Smṛ ti
TĀ Taittirīya Āraṇyaka
TS Taittirīya Saṃ hitā
VaDh Vasiṣt ̣ha Dharmasūtra
List of Abbreviations xiii
VaikhDh Vaikhānasa Dharmasūtra
VaikhGṛ Vaikhānasa Gṛ hyasūtra
VāPu Vāyu Purāṇa
VārGṛ Vārāha Gṛ hyasūtra
ViDh Viṣnu Dharmasūtra
VidhPu Viṣṇudharmottara Purāṇa
Vij Vijñāneśvara, Mitākṣarā commentary on the YDh
VīrMit Mitra Miśra, Vīramitrodaya subcommentary on Vij and YDh
Viś Viśvarūpa, Bālakrīḍ ā commentary on the YDh
VyPra Vyavahāraprakāśa of Mitramiśra
YDh Yājñavakya Dharmaśāstra
List of Contributors

Mikael Aktor is an associate professor of Religious Studies at the University

of Southern Denmark. His publications include Ritualisation and Segregation:
The Untouchability Complex in Indian Dharma Literature (2008); “The
Cāṇdạ̄ lī as Śakti: Untouchable Women in Some Tantric Texts” in Goddess
Traditions in Tantric Hinduism: History, Practice and Doctrine, ed. B. W. Olsen
(Routledge, 2016); “Negotiating Karma: Penance in the Classical Indian Law
Books” in Negotiating Rites, eds. U. Hüsken and F. Neubert (Oxford, 2012);
and “Untouchability in Brahminical Law Books” in From Stigma to Assertion:
Untouchability, Identity and Politics in Early and Modern India, eds. M. Aktor
and R. Deliège (Museum Tusculanum, 2010).
Adam Bowles is a senior lecturer in Asian Religions at the University of
Queensland, Australia. His publications include Dharma, Disorder and the
Political in Ancient India: The Āpaddharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata
(2007); Mahabharata, Book Eight: Karna (2 parts 2006, 2008); and “Dharma
and ‘Custom’: Semantic Persistence, Semantic Change and the Anxieties of the
Principled Few” in Religions of South Asia (2015).
David Brick is a senior lecturer of Sanskrit at Yale University, USA. His
publications include Brahmanical Theories of the Gift: A Critical Edition and
Annotated Translation of the Dānakāṇḍ a of the Kṛ tyakalpataru (2015);
“Transforming Tradition into Texts: The Early Development of smṛ ti” in
Journal of Indian Philosophy (2006); “The Dharmaśāstric Debate on Widow-
Burning” in Journal of the American Oriental Society (2010); and “Bhoḥ as a
Linguistic Marker of Brahmanical Identity” in Journal of the American Orien-
tal Society (2016).
Donald R. Davis, Jr. is an associate professor in the Department of Asian
Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. His publications include
The Dharma of Business: Commercial Law in Medieval India (2017); The Spirit
of Hindu Law (2010); and The Boundaries of Hindu Law: Tradition, Custom,
and Politics in Medieval Kerala (2004).
Richard H. Davis is a professor of Religion and Asian Studies at Bard College,
USA. His publications include The Bhagavad Gita: A Biography (2014); A
Priest’s Guide for the Great Festival (2010); Lives of Indian Images (1997); and
Ritual in an Oscillating Universe: Worshiping Śiva in Medieval India (1991).
Jonardon Ganeri is a professor of Philosophy at New York University Abu
Dhabi. His publications include The Concealed Art of the Soul: Theories of Self
xvi List of Contributors
and Practices of Truth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology (2012); The Lost Age
of Reason: Philosophy in Early Modern India 1450–1700 CE (2011); Artha
(Meaning): Testimony and the Theory of Meaning in Indian Philosophical
Analysis (2011); and Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of
Reason (2001).
Ariel Glucklich is a professor in the Department of Theology at Georgetown
University, USA. His publications include Religious Experience and the Phe-
nomenology of Pleasure (2017); The Strides of Vishnu: A Historical Introduc-
tion to Hinduism (2008); Sacred Pain: Hurting the Body for the Sake of the Soul
(2001); The Sense of Adharma (1994); and Religious Jurisprudence in the
Dharmaśāstras (1988).
Andrea Gutiérrez is a doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin,
USA, working on animals, animal language, and food in South Asia. Her
publications include “Modes of Betel Consumption in Early India” in Scripta
Instituti Donneriani Aboensis (2015) and “How to Understand a Parrot’s
Words and What You Can Learn from Him: Early Indian Writers on Animal
Speech” in The Rhetorical Animal, eds. Kristian Bjørkdahl and Alex C. Parrish
(Lexington Books, forthcoming).
Maria Heim is a professor of Religion at Amherst College, USA. Her publi-
cations include The Forerunner of All Things: Buddhaghosa on Mind, Inten-
tion, and Agency (2014); Theories of Gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and
Jain Reflections on Dāna (2004); “Mind in Theravada Buddhism” in Blackwell
Companion to Buddhist Philosophy (2013); “The Conceit of Self-Loathing” in
Journal of Indian Philosophy (2009); and “Differentiations in Indian/Hindu
Ethics” in Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics (2005).
Knut A. Jacobsen is a professor of Religion at the University of Bergen,
Norway. He is the editor-in-chief of Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism, and
his publications include Pilgrimage in the Hindu Tradition: Salvific Space
(2013); Kapila: Founder of Sāṃ khya and Avatāra of Viṣṇu (2008); Hinduismen
(in Norwegian, 2003); and Prakṛ ti in Sāṃ khya-Yoga: Material Principle,
Religious Experience, Ethical Implications (1999).
Stephanie W. Jamison is a professor of Asian Languages and Cultures and of
Indo-European Studies at the University of California Los Angeles, USA. Her
publications include the three-volume translation of the Ṛg Veda (with Joel
Brereton, 2014); Sacrificed Wife/Sacrificer’s Wife: Women, Ritual, and Hospi-
tality in Ancient India (1996); and The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded
Sun: Myth and Ritual in Ancient India (1991).
Timothy Lubin is a professor of Religion at Washington and Lee University,
USA. He coedited Hinduism and Law (2010) and his publications include
“Custom in the Vedic Ritual Codes as an Emergent Legal Principle” in Journal
List of Contributors xvii
of the American Oriental Society (2016); “Writing and the Recognition of
Customary Law in Premodern India and Java” in Journal of the American
Oriental Society (2015), and “Legal Diglossia: Modeling Discursive Practices in
Premodern Indic Law” in Bilingual Discourse and Cross-Cultural Fertilisation, ed.
Whitney Cox and Vincenzo Vergiani (Institut français de Pondichéry, 2013).
Mark McClish is an assistant professor of Religion at Northwestern Univer-
sity, USA. His publications include The Arthaśāstra: Selections from the
Classic Indian Work on Statecraft (with Patrick Olivelle, 2012); “The Four
Feet of Legal Procedure and the Origins of Jurisprudence in Ancient India”
(with Patrick Olivelle) in Journal of the American Oriental Society (2015);
“The Dependence of Manu's Seventh Chapter on Kauṭilya's Arthaśāstra” in
Journal of the American Oriental Society (2014); and “Is the Arthaśāstra a
Mauryan Document?” in Reimagining Aśoka, ed. Patrick Olivelle et al.
(Oxford, 2012).
James McHugh is an associate professor of Religion at the University of
Southern California, USA. His publications include Sandalwood and Carrion:
Smell in South Asian Religion and Culture (2012); “From Precious to Polluting:
Tracing the History of Camphor in Hinduism” in Material Religion (2014);
“Alcohol in Pre-modern South Asia” in A History of Alcohol and Drugs in
Modern South Asia, ed. Harald Fischer-Tiné and Jana Tschurenev (Taylor &
Francis, 2013); and “The Classification of Smells and the Order of the Senses
in Indian Religious Traditions” in Numen (2007).
Axel Michaels is a professor emeritus at the South Asia Institute of the
University of Heidelberg, Germany. His publications include Homo Ritualis:
Hindu Ritual and Its Significance for Ritual Theory (2015); Śiva in Trouble:
Festivals and Rituals at the Paśupatinātha Temple of Deopata (2008); Growing
Up: Hindu and Buddhist Initiation Rituals among Newar Children in Bhaktapur,
Nepal (with Niels Gutschow, 2008); and Hinduism: Past and Present (2004).
Christian Lee Novetzke is a professor in the Jackson School of International
Studies at the University of Washington, USA. His publications include The
Quotidian Revolution: Vernacularization, Religion, and the Premodern Public
Sphere in India (2016); Amar Akbar Anthony (with Andy Rotman and
William Elison, 2016); and Religion and Public Memory: A Cultural History
of Saint Namdev in India (2008).
Patrick Olivelle is a professor emeritus in the Department of Asian Studies at
the University of Texas at Austin, USA. His publications include A Dharma
Reader: Classical Indian Law (2016); A Sanskrit Dictionary of Law and
Statecraft (2015); King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India: Kauṭilya’s
Arthaśāstra (2013); Manu’s Code of Law: the Mānava-Dharmaśāstra (2005);
The Early Upaniṣads (1998); and The Āśrama System (1993).
xviii List of Contributors
Ludo Rocher was the W. Norman Brown Professor of South Asian Studies at
the University of Pennsylvania, USA. His publications include Vyavahārasau-
khya (2016); Studies in Hindu Law and Dharmaśāstra (2012); Jīmūtavāhana’s
Dāyabhāga: The Hindu Law of Inheritance in Bengal (2002); The Purāṇas
(1986); Smṛ ticintāmaṇi of Gangāditya (1976); and Vācaspati Miśra:
Vyavahāracintāmaṇi (1956).
Matthew R. Sayers is an associate professor of Religion at Lebanon Valley
College, USA. His publications include Feeding the Dead: Ancestor Worship in
Ancient India (2013); “Early Gayā: The Emergence of Tīrthaśrāddha” in
Religions of South Asia (2016); “The śrāddha: The Development of Ancestor
Worship in Classical Hinduism” in Religion Compass (2015); “Gayā-Bodhgayā:
The Origin of a Pilgrimage Complex” in Religions of South Asia (2010); and “The
Early History of the Term śāstra” in SAGAR (2004).
Gregory Schopen is a professor of Asian Languages and Cultures at the
University of California Los Angeles, USA. His publications include Buddhist
Nuns, Monks, and Other Worldly Matters (2014); Figments and Fragments of
Mahayana Buddhism in India (2005); Buddhist Monks and Business Matters
(2004); and Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks (1997).
The Oxford History of Hinduism
Introduction to the Series

The series offers authoritative, comprehensive coverage of the history of

Hinduism. Although the word Hinduism is problematic, as the term’s origins
are only in the nineteenth century and Hindu is only attested as a self-
description from the sixteenth century, it nevertheless denotes a range of
traditions within India that go back at least to the first millennium BCE. The
volumes in the series provide a history of the religious traditions encompassed
by the term Hinduism, from the first millennium BCE to the present day. One
of the problems about studying the history of Hinduism, especially in the
earlier period, concerns dating. It has been notoriously difficult to establish the
dates of early traditions, figures, and texts before the medieval period. We can
fairly accurately date Sanskrit texts of Buddhism when translated into Chinese,
but “Hindu” texts are more problematic, although there is general agreement
about the sequence of major developments in this history. While some
scholars have argued against using the category religion in the Indian context,
on the grounds of its “local” origin in the history of the West, I take it to be a
meaningful category that demarcates a set of ideas, practices, and hopes and
find that the English word is no more problematic than is culture or even
society. But we do need to acknowledge these difficulties and that our claims as
scholars are always provisional and subject to correction, and our categories
must often be used without consensual definition.
Each volume considers the relationship between Hinduism and the wider
society, for religion is always embedded within culture and sociopolitical
structures. Hinduism needs to be understood as dynamically engaging with
wider Indian society and with other religions, particularly Buddhism and
Jainism, throughout its long history. This dynamism and interactive nature
of the religion is reflected in each of the volumes, some of which are more
focused on Sanskrit traditions, while other volumes will have more weight on
vernacular literatures such as Tamil. After the Vedic age, the volumes are
organized thematically and chronologically. Thus, we have volumes devoted to
the three major traditions focused on Shiva, the Goddess, and Vishnu, volumes
on the themes of philosophy and practice, Hinduism in the modern world, and
vernacular traditions. Each volume addresses not only theological concerns but
also material culture, such as temples and architecture, along with the history of
practices such as making offerings to a deity (pūjā), observances or vows
(vrata), and pilgrimage (yatra), which cut across specific traditions.
Professor Gavin Flood, FBA
General Editor of The Oxford History of Hinduism series
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
prison in Frederica,
Georgia. He was
left to die in the fort.
The British soldiers
were not as friendly
as British
diplomats. During
the French and
Indian War of the
late 1750s and the
early 1760s, when
England battled
France for
supremacy in the
New World, English
soldiers treated the
Cherokees with
disdain and
violence. The
Cherokees returned
the atrocities in
kind. The frontier
blazed with death
and destruction;
each side
accumulated its
own collection of
horrors endured
Smithsonian Institution and meted out.
Although Cherokee
In 1730, Sir Alexander Cuming took chiefs sued for
seven Cherokee leaders to England peace, Gov. William
in an attempt to build up good Henry Lyttleton of
relations with the tribe. Among the South Carolina
group was the youth Ukwaneequa declared war on
(right), who was to become the great them in 1759. The
Cherokee chief Attakullakulla. Carolinas offered
25 English pounds
for every Indian scalp. A year later the Cherokees, under the
command of Oconostota, captured Fort Loudoun at the fork of the
Tellico and Little Tennessee rivers. But in June of 1761, Capt. James
Grant and some 2,600 men destroyed the Nation’s Middle Towns,
burning 600 hectares (1,500 acres) of corn, beans, and peas, and
forcing 5,000 Cherokees into the forests for the winter.
After the English defeated the French in 1763, the British
government moved to appease the Indians and consolidate its
control of the continent. A British proclamation forbade all white
settlement beyond the Appalachian divide. But the proclamation was
soon to be broken. Pioneers such as Daniel Boone and James
Robertson successfully led their own and neighbors’ families through
Appalachian gaps and river valleys until a trickle of explorers
became a flood of homesteaders. During the next decade, settlers
poured across the mountains into Kentucky and northeastern
While England was regaining the friendship of the Cherokees, the
American colonists were alienating both the Indians and the British.
In the late 1760s a group of North Carolinians calling themselves
Regulators opposed taxation, land rents, and extensive land grants
to selected individuals, and caused unrest throughout the Piedmont.
In 1771, at Alamance, an estimated 2,000 Regulators were defeated
by the troops of British Gov. William Tryon. Thousands of anti-
royalist North Carolinians fled westward as a result of this battle.
Alexander Cameron, an English representative living in the Overhill
Towns, wrote in 1766 that the pioneer occupation of Cherokee lands
amounted to an infestation by villains and horse thieves that was
“enough to create disturbances among the most Civilized Nations.”
The protest spirit of the Regulators spread to the New England
colonies during the early 1770s. By 1776, when the American
Revolution began, the Cherokees had understandably but
unfortunately chosen to take the British side. Britain issued guns to
all Indians and offered rewards for American scalps, yet this was not
enough to secure the over-mountain territory for the English crown.
Within a year, American forces were fighting for the frontier, and in a
coordinated pincer movement, Col. Samuel Jack with 200
Georgians, Gen. Griffith Rutherford with 2,400 North Carolinians,
Col. Andrew Williamson with 1,800 South Carolinians, and Col.
William Christian with 2,000 Virginians demolished more than 50
Cherokee towns. Two treaties resulted from this campaign; more
than 2 million hectares (5 million acres) of Indian land, including
northeastern Tennessee, much of South Carolina, and all lands east
of the Blue Ridge, were ceded to the United States.
Ayunini, or Swimmer, was a medicine man. He was a
major source of information about Cherokee history,
mythology, botany, and medicine when James
Mooney of the Bureau of American Ethnology visited
the area in 1888.
Smithsonian Institution
Peace did not follow the treaties, however. Dragging Canoe, pock-
marked son of Attakullakulla, decided to fight. Against the wishes of
many Cherokee chiefs, he organized a renegade tribe that moved to
five Lower Towns near present-day Chattanooga where they became
known as the Chickamaugas. But the eventual outcome of the
drama had already been determined. Despite conflict and danger,
the settlers pushed on. In 1780 the Tennesseans John Sevier and
Isaac Shelby joined forces with those of William Campbell from
Virginia and Joseph McDowell from North Carolina and managed to
win a decisive victory over the English at Kings Mountain, South
Carolina. By fighting Indian-style on rugged hillside terrain, they
overwhelmed a detachment of General Cornwallis’ southern forces
under Col. Patrick Ferguson. These over-mountain men immediately
returned to Tennessee and in reprisal for Indian raids during their
absence destroyed Chota and nine other Overhill Towns,
slaughtering women and children as well as Cherokee warriors.
In 1783, with the end of the Revolution, all hope for the survival of
the original Cherokee Nation was extinguished. Although the newly
formed American government attempted to conciliate the Indians, it
could not prevent its own citizens from hungering for ever larger
bites of land. Treaties with the loose Cherokee confederation of
clans became more and more frequent. As if by fate, a disastrous
smallpox epidemic struck the Cherokees; the number of warriors
dwindled to less than half of what it had been 50 years before. The
Cherokee capital was moved from Chota southward into Georgia. In
1794 Maj. James Ore and 550 militiamen from Nashville, Tennessee,
obliterated the Chickamaugas and their Five Towns.
Most of the Cherokees parted with the Smokies. At the Treaty of
Holston in 1791, they gave up the northeastern quarter of what is
now the park. Seven years later, they ceded a southern strip. And at
Washington, D.C., in February of 1819, nearly a century after their
first treaty with the white man in 1721, the Cherokees signed their
21st treaty. This time they parted with a quarter of their entire Nation,
and they lost the rest of their sacred Smoky Mountains. Scattered
families continued to live in the foothills. But the newcomer—this
pioneer turned settler—had arrived.
Between her many had-to-be-done tasks around the
house, Mollie McCarter Ogle rocks her daughter Mattie
on the porch.
Laura Thornborough
The Pioneers Arrive
Into the Smokies they came, but the coming was slow. The early
pioneers of the Old Southwest had conquered the lowlands of North
Carolina and Tennessee with relative ease. The higher country of the
Great Smoky Mountains, set into the Southern Appalachians like a
great boulder among scattered stones, would yield less quickly.
The pioneers began, as the Cherokees had done, with the most
accessible land. The level Oconaluftee valley, stretching its timbered
swath from present-day Cherokee, North Carolina, on up into the
forks and tributaries of the Great Smokies, beckoned with at least
some possibilities to the hopeful settler. As early as 1790, Dr. Joseph
Dobson, a North Carolina Revolutionary War veteran who had
accompanied Rutherford on his 1777 campaign against the
Cherokees, entered into deed a tract on the Oconaluftee. But the
claim was void; the valley still belonged to the Indians.
John Walker had also ridden with Rutherford. His son Felix, a
student and friend of Dr. Dobson, lawfully received in 1795 a sizable
land grant to the valley. Young Walker was more than willing to let
settlers attempt development of this wild area. Two North Carolina
families decided to try. John Jacob Mingus and Ralph Hughes took
their wives and children and journeyed into the “Lufty” regions of the
Smokies. They cleared small homesteads by the river; they were all
In 1803, Abraham Enloe and his family moved up from South
Carolina and joined the growing families of Mingus and Hughes.
Enloe chose land directly across the river from John Mingus, and by
1820 Abraham’s daughter Polly had married John, junior. “Dr. John,”
as the younger Mingus was respectfully called in his later years,
learned much about medicine from the scattered Cherokees
remaining in the area.
Other families, Carolinian and Georgian and Virginian alike, arrived
and stayed. Collins, Bradley, Beck, Conner, Floyd, Sherrill: these and
others settled beside the river itself, and their children moved along
the creeks and branches. Fresh lands were cleared, new homes
built; the Oconaluftee was being transformed. And further to the
southwest, Forney Creek was being claimed by Crisps and
Monteiths, Coles and Welches; Deep Creek had already been
colonized by Abraham Wiggins and his descendants.
The Tennessee side of the Smokies, furrowed by its own series of
rivers and creeks, awaited settlement. By 1800 a few Virginians and
Carolinians were drifting into the four-year-old state of Tennessee,
willing to settle.
The first family of Gatlinburg was probably a mother and her seven
children. This widow, Martha Huskey Ogle, brought five sons and
two daughters from Edgefield, South Carolina. Richard Reagan, a
Scotch-Irishman from Virginia, and his family joined the Ogles and
began to clear land. His son, Daniel Wesley Reagan, born in 1802,
was the first child of the settlement and later became a leading
citizen of the community. The elder Reagan was fatally injured when
a heavy wind blew the limb from a tree on him, reminding the little
community once more of the precarious nature of survival in this
free, stern country.
Maples, Clabos, and Trenthams followed the Ogles and the
Reagans into the Gatlinburg area. Nearby Big Greenbrier Cove
became known as “the Whaley Settlement.” Some settlers traveled
directly across the crest of the Smokies, via Indian and Newfound
Gaps, but these old Cherokee trails and cattle paths were rough and
overgrown. Horses could barely make it through, and most
possessions had to be carried on stout human shoulders. Besides
the usual pots, tools, guns, and seeds were the Bibles and treasured
manmade mementos.
Many settlers, having been soldiers of the Revolution, had received
20-hectare (50-acre) land grants for a mere 75 cents. They pushed
along the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River, past Gatlinburg, up
among the steep slopes of the Bull Head, the Chimney Tops, the
Sugarland Mountain. This narrow Sugarlands valley, strewn with
water-smoothed boulders and homestead-sized plateaus of level
land, attracted dozens of families. But this rocky country forced the
settlers to clear their fields twice, first of the forest and then of the
The work of clearing demanded strong muscles, long hours, and
sturdy spirits. It meant denting the hard armor of the forest and
literally fighting for a tiny patch of cropland. Men axed the huge trees
with stroke after grinding stroke, then either wrenched the stumps
from the earth with teams of oxen or burned them when they had
dried. Some trees were so immense that all a man could do was
“girdle” them, which meant deep-cutting a fatal circle into the bark to
arrest the flow of sap. Such “deadenings” might stand for years with
crops planted on the “new ground,” before the trees were finally cut
and often burned. Logs and stumps from the virgin forest often
smouldered for days or weeks.
The soil itself was rich and loamy with the topsoil of centuries. Land
that had produced great forests could also nourish fine crops. During
the first year of settlement, all able-bodied members of the family
helped cultivate the new ground. Such land demanded particular
attention. Using a single-pointed “Bull tongue” plow to bite deep into
the earth and a sharp iron “coulter” to cut tough roots left under the
massive stumps, a succession of plows, horses, and workers
prepared and turned the newly cleared field. The first man “laid off”
the rows into evenly spaced lengths, the second plowed an adjacent
furrow, and the wife or children dropped in the seed. A third plow
covered this planted row by furrowing along its side. A short while
later, the same workers would “bust middles” by plowing three extra
furrows into the ground between the seeded rows. This loosened the
soil and destroyed any remaining roots.
While fields throughout the Smokies were yielding to the plow, even
more isolated coves and creeks were being penetrated and settled.
Gunters, Webbs, McGahas, and Suttons found their way into Big
Creek. And in 1818, John Oliver walked into a secluded Tennessee
cove, spent the night in an Indian hut, and then became familiar with
one of the most beautiful and productive spots in all the Great
Smokies. This
broad, well-watered
basin of fertile land
was named after the
wife of an old
Cherokee chief; it
was called Kate’s
Cove, later Cades
John Oliver settled in
that cove. Three
years later—two
years after the
decisive 1819 treaty
with the Cherokees
—William Tipton
settled there legally,
bought up most of
the land, and
parceled it out to
paying newcomers.
David Foute came
and established an
iron forge in 1827.
By mixing iron ore
with limestone and
charcoal, this
“bloomery forge”
produced chunks of Edouard E. Exline
iron called “blooms.”
The forge, similar to Uncle George Lamon sits next to
many which sprang one of his honey bee boxes at his
up throughout home in Gumstand, near
Appalachia, was Gatlinburg.
indeed an asset, but
its low-grade ore and the cost of charcoal forced it to close only 20
years later.
Russell Gregory built a homestead high in the cove and ranged
cattle on a nearby grassy bald. These mysterious open meadows
scattered throughout the Smokies were of unknown origin. Had
Indians kept them cleared in years gone by? Had some unexplained
natural circumstance created them? Pioneers and later experts alike
remained baffled and attracted by the lush grass which, growing
among forest-covered crags and pinnacles, provided excellent
forage for livestock. The present-day Parson’s and Gregory Balds
were named for enterprising farmers who made early use of this
phenomenon. Peter Cable, a friend of William Tipton, joined the
valley settlement in Cades Cove. Cable’s son-in-law, Dan Lawson,
expanded Cable’s holdings into a narrow mountain-to-mountain
Cades Cove, with its vast farmland, soon rivaled Oconaluftee and
Cataloochee. The lower end of the cove sometimes became
swampy, but this pasture was reclaimed by a series of dikes and log
booms. To escape an 1825 epidemic of typhoid in the Tennessee
lowlands, Robert Shields and his family moved up into the hill-
guarded cove. Two of his sons married John Oliver’s daughters and
remained in Cades Cove. A community had been formed.
But the life in these small communities was not easy. Each family
farmed for a living; each family homestead provided for its own
needs and such luxuries as it could create. Isolation from outside
markets made cash crops, and hence cash itself, relatively
insignificant. The settlers of the Great Smokies depended upon
themselves. They built their own cabins and corncribs, their own
meat- and apple- and spring-houses. They cultivated a garden
whose corn, potatoes, and other vegetables would last the family
through the winter. They set about insuring a continuous supply of
pork and fruit and grains, wool and sometimes cotton, and all the
other commodities necessary to keep a family alive.
Edouard E. Exline
Most families had several scaffolds in their yards on
which they dried fruits, beans, corn, and even duck
and chicken feathers for stuffing pillows.

Charles S. Grossman
Near most houses was a smokehouse in which meat
was cured and often stored for later use.
Charles S. Grossman
Fruits and other goods were stored in barns or sheds,
often located over cool springs.
Edouard E. Exline
Food also was stored in pie safes. The pierced tin
panels allow air into the cabinet but prevent flies from
getting at the food.
Living off the land required both labor and ingenuity. These early
settlers did not mind fishing and hunting for food throughout the
spring, summer, and early fall, but there were also the demands of
farming and livestock raising. They carved out of wood such
essentials as ox yokes and wheat cradles, spinning wheels and
looms. Men patiently rebuilt and repaired anything from a broken
harness to a sagging “shake” roof made of hand-riven shingles.
Children picked quantities of wild berries and bushels of beans in
sun-hot fields and gathered eggs from hidden hen nests in barn lofts
and under bushes. They found firewood for the family, carried water
from the spring, bundled fodder from cane and corn, and stacked
hay for the cattle, horses, mules, and oxen.
Women made sure that the food supply stretched to last through the
winter. They helped salt and cure pork from the hogs that their
husbands slaughtered. They employed a variety of methods to
preserve vital fruits and vegetables. Apples, as well as beans, were
carefully dried in the hot summer or autumn sun; water, added
months later, would restore a tangy flavor. Some foods were pickled
in brine or vinegar.
Women also used sulphur as a preservative, especially with apples.
Called simply “fruit” by the early settlers, apples such as the favorite
Limbertwigs and Milams gave both variety and nutrition to the
pioneer diet. A woman might peel and slice as much as two
dishpans of “fruit” into a huge barrel. She would then lay a pan of
sulphur on top of the apples and light the contents. By covering the
barrel with a clean cloth, she could regulate the right amount of
fumes held inside. The quickly sulfurated apples remained white all
winter and were considered a delicacy by every mountain family.
Food, clothing, shelter, and incessant labor: these essentials formed
only the foundation of a life. Intangible forces hovered at the edges
and demanded
fulfillment. As hardy
and practical as the
physical existence of
the pioneers had to
be, there was
another dimension
to life. The pioneers
were human beings.
Often isolated,
sometimes lonely,
they yearned for the
comforts of myth
and superstition and
religion—and the
roads that led in and
out. The Cherokees
in their time had
created such
comforts; they had
woven their myths
and had laced the
Smokies with a
network of trails.
Now it was the white
man’s turn.
The early settlers of
the Great Smoky
Mountains were not Aiden Stevens
content to remain
only in their hidden In the days before refrigerators,
hollows and on their many methods and kinds of
tiny homesteads. containers were used in preserving
Challenging the and storing foods. Corn meal, dried
mountain ranges beans and other vegetables, and
and the rough sulphured fruits were kept in bins
terrain, they made from hollow black gum logs.
constructed roads.
In the mid-1830s, a project was undertaken to lay out a road across
the crest of the Smokies and connect North Carolina’s Little
Tennessee valley with potential markets in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Although the North Carolina section was never completed, an old
roadbed from Cades Cove to Spence Field is still in existence. When
Julius Gregg established a licensed distillery in Cades Cove and
processed brandy from apples and corn, farmers built a road from
the cove down Tabcat Creek to the vast farmlands along the Little
Tennessee River.
By far the most ambitious road project was the Oconaluftee
Turnpike. In 1832, the North Carolina legislature chartered the
Oconaluftee Turnpike Company. Abraham Enloe, Samuel Sherrill,
John Beck, John Carroll, and Samuel Gibson were commissioners
for the road and were authorized to sell stock and collect tolls. The
road itself was to run from Oconaluftee all the way to the top of the
Smokies at Indian Gap.
Work on the road progressed slowly. Bluffs and cliffs had to be
avoided; such detours lengthened the turnpike considerably.
Sometimes the rock was difficult to remove. Crude blasting—
complete with hand-hammered holes, gunpowder inside hollow
reeds, and fuses of straw or leaves—constituted one quick and sure,
but more expensive, method. Occasionally, the men burned logs
around the rock, then quickly showered it with creek water. When the
rock split from the sudden change in temperature, it could then be
quarried and graded out. Throughout the 1830s, residents of
Oconaluftee and nearby valleys toiled and sweated to lay down this
single roadbed.
This desire and effort to conquer the wilderness also prompted the
establishment of churches and, to a lesser extent, schools. In the
Tennessee Sugarlands, services were held under the trees until a
small building was constructed at the beginning of the 19th century.
The valley built a larger five-cornered Baptist church in 1816.
Prospering Cades Cove established a Methodist church in 1830; its
preacher rode the Little River circuit. Five years later, the church had
40 members.
Over on the Oconaluftee, Ralph Hughes had donated land and Dr.
John Mingus had built a log schoolhouse. Monthly prayer meetings
were held there until the Lufty Baptist Church was officially organized
in 1836. Its 21 charter members included most of the turnpike
commissioners plus the large Mingus family. Five years later, the
members built a log church at Smokemont on land donated by John
Nothing fostered these settlers’ early gropings toward community
more than stories. Legends and tall tales, begun in family
conversations and embellished by neighborly rumor, forged a bond,
a unity of interest, a common history, in each valley and on each
meandering branch. For example, in one western North Carolina
tradition that would thrive well into the 20th century, Abraham Enloe
was cited as the real father of Abraham Lincoln. Nancy Hanks, it was
asserted, had worked for a time in the Enloe household and had
become pregnant. Exiled to Kentucky, she married Thomas Lincoln
but gave birth to Abraham’s child.
Stories mingled with superstition. The Cherokees dropped seven
grains into every corn hill and never thinned their crop. Many early
settlers of the Smokies believed that if corn came up missing in
spots, some of the family would die within a year. Just as the
Cherokees forbade counting green melons or stepping across the
vines because “it would make the vines wither,” the Smokies settlers
looked upon certain events as bad omens. A few days before
Richard Reagan’s skull was fractured, a bird flew on the porch where
he sat and came to rest on his head. Reagan himself saw it as a
“death sign.”
Superstition, combined with Indian tradition, led to a strangely exact
form of medicine. One recipe for general aches and pains consisted
of star root, sourwood, rosemary, sawdust, anvil dust, water, and
vinegar. A bad memory required a properly “sticky” tea made of
cocklebur and jimsonweed.
A chief medicinal herb was an unusual wild plant known as ginseng.
Called “sang” in mountain vernacular, its value lay in the manlike
shape of its dual-pronged roots. Oriental cultures treasured ginseng,

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