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Course Project MBA SEM II

Guidelines for Students:

1. Selection of Industry:

 Identify industries with diverse HR challenges, such as IT, manufacturing,

healthcare, or hospitality. Choose an industry that aligns with your interests and
career goals. Research industry reports to assess the relevance and impact of HR
policies within each sector.
 Ensure access to necessary information, as some industries may be more transparent
or open to collaboration than others.
 Network with professionals in the chosen industry to gain insights and
 Consider the size of companies within the industry, as HR policies may vary based
on organizational scale.
 Evaluate the cultural and regulatory nuances specific to the selected sector.
 Confirm the feasibility of obtaining primary data, considering factors like
geographical location and the willingness of companies to participate.
This approach will enable you to explore diverse HR practices and contribute valuable
insights to your course project.
2. Survey Design:
 Collaborate with HR professionals or experts in survey design.
 Ensure that survey questions are clear, unbiased, and aligned with the project
3. Communication:
 Clearly communicate the purpose and importance of the survey to all employees.
 Ensure transparency regarding the confidentiality and anonymity of responses.
4. Sample Size: Aim for a sample size that provides statistical significance and reliability in the
findings, such as surveying at least 50 individuals across various organizational roles and
5. Data Analysis:
 Use statistical tools (e.g., Excel, SPSS, PLS SEM) for accurate and meaningful data
 Interpret the results in the context of employee engagement theories and models.
6. Action Plan Development:
Prioritize initiatives based on the survey findings and organizational priorities.
Include measurable goals and timelines for each initiative in the action plan.
7. Implementation and Monitoring:
 Collaborate with relevant departments for seamless implementation.
 Monitor employee feedback during the implementation phase and make timely
 Present progress reports to stakeholders regularly.
8. Final Report and Presentation:
 Prepare a comprehensive final report detailing the entire project.
 Create a presentation summarizing key findings, the action plan, and outcomes.
 Present the project to the class, emphasizing the practical implications and lessons
Evaluation Criteria:
 Quality of survey design and administration.
 Rigor and accuracy of data analysis.
 Creativity and feasibility of the action plan.
 Effectiveness in communicating findings and recommendations.
 Demonstrated understanding of HRM concept.

1. Project Title: "Recruitment Policy Alignment "

Project learning: This detailed project plan provides management students with a structured
approach to analyse, align, and improve recruitment policies, ensuring a strategic and
efficient talent acquisition process within the organization.

I. Introduction
A. Background
1. Overview of the company
2. Significance of strategic recruitment policies in achieving organizational success
B. Objectives
1. Align recruitment policies with organizational goals.
2. Enhance the quality of talent acquisition.
3. Improve time-to-hire and cost-to-hire metrics.
4. Provide the suggestions to ensure a positive candidate experience.
II. Phase 1: Preliminary Research and Objective Setting (Week 1)
 Conduct an initial assessment of the current recruitment policies
 Identify key stakeholders and gather their perspectives
 Define specific project objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs)
III. Phase 2: Recruitment Policy Review (Week 2)
 Examine the existing recruitment policies and processes
 Identify strengths and weaknesses
 Conduct a benchmark analysis against industry best practices
 Gather feedback from HR professionals, hiring managers, and recent hires
IV. Phase 3: Candidate Journey Mapping (Week 3)
 Map the candidate journey from application to onboarding
 Identify pain points and areas for improvement in the recruitment process
 Gather feedback from recent candidates through surveys or interviews
V. Phase 4: Technology and Automation Assessment (Week 4)
 Evaluate the effectiveness of current recruitment technologies.
 Identify opportunities for automation in the recruitment process
 Analyse the integration of AI or machine learning tools in the recruitment process
VI. Phase 5: Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment (Week 5)
 Evaluate the existing strategies for diversity and inclusion in recruitment
 Identify areas for improvement to attract a more diverse talent pool
 Develop guidelines for inclusive language and practices in job postings and interviews.
VII. Phase 6: Data Collection and Analysis (Week 6)
 Implement surveys and interviews to collect primary data from employees, candidates, and
hiring managers
 Analyse data to identify trends and insights
 Compile insights into a comprehensive report
VIII. Phase 7: Drafting Recommendations and Guidelines (Week 7)
 Develop recommendations for refining and aligning recruitment policies
 Draft comprehensive guidelines for HR and hiring managers
 Include strategies for addressing identified weaknesses and challenges
IX. Phase 9: Final Report and Documentation (Week 8)
 Compile a final report summarizing the project
 Document detailed guidelines for the aligned recruitment policies
X. Conclusion and Presentation (Week 9)
 Summarize key project outcomes and achievements
 Present the final project to the course instructor and peers

2. Project Title: "Performance Management Policies Review "

Project Learning: This project plan provides management students with a structured
approach to evaluate and improve performance management policies, fostering employee
growth, and aligning individual performance with organizational objectives.
I. Introduction
A. Background
1. Overview of the organization
2. Significance of effective performance management policies for employee growth and
organizational success
B. Objectives
1. Evaluate the current performance management policies
2. Identify areas for improvement
3. Enhance the quality and effectiveness of performance management practices
4. Align performance management with organizational goals
II. Phase 1: Preliminary Research and Objective Setting (Week 1)
 Conduct an initial assessment of the current performance management policies
 Identify key stakeholders, including HR, managers, and employees
 Define specific project objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs)
III. Phase 2: Performance Metrics and Goal Alignment (Week 2)
 Review organizational goals and objectives
 Assess the effectiveness of current performance metrics
 Evaluate the alignment of individual goals with organizational goals
 Gather feedback from employees and managers on goal-setting processes
IV. Phase 3: Continuous Feedback Mechanisms (Week 3)
 Review the current process for providing feedback
 Assess the frequency and effectiveness of feedback sessions
 Identify opportunities for enhancing continuous feedback mechanisms
 Explore the use of technology for real-time feedback
V. Phase 4: Employee Recognition Programs (Week 4)
 Evaluate existing employee recognition programs
 Assess the impact of recognition on employee motivation and engagement
 Propose changes or enhancements to recognition initiatives
 Develop guidelines for creating a culture of appreciation
VI. Phase 5: Employee Development Plans (Week 5)
 Review the process for creating and implementing employee development plans
 Evaluate the effectiveness of development initiatives
 Identify opportunities for personalized and skill-focused development plans
 Develop guidelines for creating impactful development programs
VII. Phase 6: Data Collection and Analysis (Week 6)
 Implement surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect primary data
 Analyse data to identify trends, insights, and areas requiring attention
 Compile insights into a comprehensive report
VIII. Phase 7: Drafting Recommendations and Guidelines (Week 7)
 Develop recommendations for refining and aligning performance management policies
 Draft comprehensive guidelines for HR, managers, and employees
 Include strategies for addressing identified weaknesses and challenges
IX. Phase 9: Final Report and Documentation (Week 8)
 Compile a final report summarizing the project
 Document detailed guidelines for the aligned performance management policies
 Provide an implementation plan and suggested timeline for changes
X. Conclusion and Presentation (Week 9)
 Summarize key project outcomes and achievements B. Present the final project to the
course instructor and peers

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