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A course project report submitted

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a degree




B. RAHUL -2102A71006

Under the guidance of DR. SUHASINI TATIPARTI

School Of Business (SOB)

School Of Business (SOB)


I hereby declare that this project report titled ANICURA Health Care
Private Limited: A Tele Veterinary Service is a record of the work
undertaken by me in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course
[business analytics] at SR University under the guidance of Dr./Prof.
Suhasini Tatipatri.

I have personally carried out the work described in this project report.
The data included herein is from sources that are believed to be reliable
and accurate. Wherever contributions of others are included,
acknowledgment has been made. This project report has not been
submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma.


Place: Warangal, Telangana, India

ID no: 2102A71006

Specialization: Business analytics


This is to certify that RAHUL has successfully completed the project

report titled Ani cura: A Tele Veterinary Service in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the course Business analytics at SR University
under the guidance of Dr./Prof. Suhasini Tatipatri.

The project demonstrate Anicura is an platform aims to improve access

to veterinary care by offering online appointment scheduling, emergency
video conferencing, and a wide range of services.

Signature of faculty guide

Name of faculty guide


1. Veterinary Medicine: Professionals with a background in veterinary

medicine, including licensed veterinarians, veterinary technicians, or
veterinary assistants, who can provide expert guidance on pet health,
diagnosis, and treatment.

2. Telemedicine and Technology: Individuals skilled in telemedicine

platforms, software development, and IT infrastructure, capable of
building and maintaining an intuitive and secure online platform for
remote consultations and appointments.

3. Business Development and Management: Personnel with

experience in business development, marketing, and strategic planning,
who can devise and execute strategies to grow ANICURA's customer
base, establish partnerships, and expand into new markets.

4. Operations and Logistics: Team members proficient in managing

operational aspects such as appointment scheduling, logistics for mobile
clinics, inventory management for medications and supplies, and
ensuring smooth day-to-day operations.

5. Finance and Accounting: Professionals knowledgeable in financial

management, budgeting, and accounting practices, who can oversee the
financial aspects of the project, including budget allocation, fund
utilization, and financial reporting.

6. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Experts well-versed in legal and

regulatory requirements pertaining to veterinary services, healthcare,
data privacy, and business operations, ensuring ANICURA operates in
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
7. Customer Service and Communication: Individuals skilled in
customer service, communication, and interpersonal skills, capable of
providing excellent support to pet owners, addressing their concerns,
and maintaining positive relationships with clients.

8. Research and Development: Team members with a background in

research and development, capable of conducting market research,
analyzing industry trends, and identifying opportunities for innovation
and improvement within the veterinary care sector.

By assembling a knowledgeable team with expertise in these areas,

ANICURA can effectively execute its objectives, deliver high-quality tele
veterinary services, and achieve its mission of enhancing access to pet

ANICURA Health Care.

Private Limited

Your Pet's Vet, Anytime, Anywhere: One-Stop Care at Your Doorstep

At Anicura, we are passionate about providing top-notch care for your furry friends.
We offer a range of services to ensure the well-being of your pets.


ANICURA Health Care Private Limited is a tele veterinary service

platform aimed at revolutionizing the delivery of pet healthcare. This
project report outlines the development, implementation, and future
directions of ANICURA, emphasizing its commitment to improving
access to veterinary care through innovative telemedicine solutions.
The project's objectives include the creation of an intuitive online
platform for appointment scheduling, emergency video conferencing,
and a comprehensive suite of veterinary services. Leveraging
technology and partnerships, ANICURA seeks to address geographical
barriers and provide timely, expert care to pets regardless of location.

Key components of the project include software development, integration

of secure video conferencing, recruitment of qualified professionals, and
partnerships with local clinics in rural areas. By enhancing accessibility
and response times for emergencies, ANICURA aims to improve pet
health and reduce disparities in veterinary care.

Future directions for ANICURA involve continuous improvement based

on user feedback, expansion to more rural areas, exploration of
additional services and partnerships, and collaboration with relevant
stakeholders. Through these efforts, ANICURA strives to become a
leading tele veterinary service provider, enriching the lives of pets and
their owners worldwide.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of ANICURA Health Care Private Limited

1.2 Objectives of the Project

1.3 Scope and Significance

1.4 Methodology

2. Background and Market Analysis

2.1 Veterinary Care Landscape

2.2 Telemedicine in Veterinary Services

2.3 Market Trends and Opportunities

2.4 Competitive Analysis

3. Project Implementation

3.1 Development of Online Appointment System

3.2 Integration of Secure Video Conferencing Platform

3.3 Recruitment and Training of Veterinary Professionals

3.4 Establishment of Partnerships with Local Clinics

3.5 Infrastructure and Logistics

4. Services Offered by ANICURA

4.1 Appointment Booking

4.2 Emergency Video Conferencing

4.3 Consulting and E-Pharmacy

4.4 Dental Care

4.5 Grooming

4.6 Preventive Care

4.7 Surgery

4.8 Diagnostic Services

4.9 Nutrition Counseling

4.10 Senior Pet Care

4.11 Emergency and Critical Care

4.12 Doorstep Service by Interns

5. Financial Analysis

5.1 Estimated Budget for Pet Care Platform

5.2 Fund Utilization Breakdown

5.3 Revenue Projections

6. Milestones and Achievements

6.1 Completed Ground Level and Market Research

6.2 Networking and Collaborations

6.3 Service Updates and Progress

6.4 Challenges Faced and Overcome

7. Future Directions and Roadmap

7.1 Continuous Improvement and Innovation

7.2 Expansion Plans

7.3 Seeking Investors and Funding

7.4 Potential Partnerships and Collaborations

8. Conclusion

9. Acknowledgments

10. References

1. Overview of ANICURA Health Care Private Limited:

ANICURA Health Care Private Limited is a pioneering tele veterinary

service platform dedicated to transforming the delivery of pet healthcare.
Founded with the vision of bridging the gap between pet owners and
veterinary professionals, ANICURA aims to provide accessible,
convenient, and high-quality veterinary care through innovative
telemedicine solutions. By leveraging technology, ANICURA seeks to
overcome geographical barriers and ensure that every pet receives
prompt and expert attention, regardless of location.

2. Objectives of the Project:

The primary objectives of this project are to develop and implement

key components of the ANICURA platform, including an intuitive online
appointment system, secure video conferencing platform, and
partnerships with local clinics. Additionally, the project aims to enhance
accessibility to veterinary care, improve response times for emergencies,
and reduce disparities in pet healthcare, particularly in rural

3. Scope and Significance:

The scope of this project encompasses the development,

implementation, and future directions of ANICURA, with a focus on
delivering a comprehensive suite of veterinary services through
telemedicine. The significance of ANICURA lies in its potential to
revolutionize the veterinary care landscape by offering convenient and
timely access to expert pet healthcare, thereby improving the well-being
of pets and their owners.

4. Methodology:
The methodology employed in this project involves a systematic
approach to developing and implementing key components of the
ANICURA platform, including software development, recruitment of
veterinary professionals, establishment of partnerships, and
infrastructure setup. Market analysis, research, and collaboration with
industry experts guide the project's decision-making process, ensuring
the effective execution of ANICURA's objectives.

Through this project, ANICURA endeavors to redefine the standard of

pet healthcare delivery, empowering pet owners with the convenience
and assurance of expert veterinary care at their fingertips..

Profile of Industry and Organization:

1. Veterinary Care Industry:

- The veterinary care industry encompasses a wide range of services

aimed at promoting the health and well-being of animals, including
companion pets, livestock, and exotic animals.

- Key sectors within the veterinary care industry include veterinary

clinics, hospitals, emergency care centers, pet grooming and boarding
facilities, and pharmaceutical companies.

- The industry is characterized by increasing pet ownership rates,

growing awareness of animal health, advancements in veterinary
technology, and evolving consumer preferences towards premium pet
care services.

- Telemedicine has emerged as a disruptive force in the veterinary

care industry, offering remote consultations, diagnosis, and treatment
options to pet owners, thereby enhancing accessibility and convenience.

2. ANICURA Health Care Private Limited:

- ANICURA Health Care Private Limited is a tele veterinary service

platform founded with the mission of revolutionizing the delivery of pet
- The organization aims to bridge the gap between pet owners and
veterinary professionals by providing accessible, convenient, and high-
quality veterinary care through innovative telemedicine solutions.

- Key features of ANICURA's platform include online appointment

scheduling, emergency video conferencing, consulting, e-pharmacy
services, and a wide range of veterinary services.

- ANICURA is committed to leveraging technology to overcome

geographical barriers and ensure that every pet receives prompt and
expert attention, regardless of location.

- The organization's strategic focus includes developing an intuitive

online platform, recruiting qualified veterinary professionals, establishing
partnerships with local clinics, and expanding services to underserved
rural areas.

- Through continuous innovation, collaboration, and a customer-centric

approach, ANICURA seeks to become a leading tele veterinary service
provider, enriching the lives of pets and their owners worldwide.

By understanding the dynamics of the veterinary care industry and the

profile of ANICURA Health Care Private Limited, stakeholders can gain
insights into the opportunities, challenges, and strategic initiatives driving
the success of this innovative telemedicine venture.

Research Methodologies (Analysis of the Study):

1. Market Research:

- Conducting thorough market research to understand the current

landscape of the veterinary care industry, including trends, market size,
competition, and consumer preferences.

- Utilizing various research methods such as surveys, interviews, focus

groups, and data analysis to gather insights into pet owners' needs,
expectations, and willingness to adopt tele veterinary services.
2. Comparative Analysis:

- Conducting a comparative analysis of existing tele veterinary

platforms and traditional veterinary care providers to identify strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

- Analyzing pricing models, service offerings, user experience,

technological capabilities, and customer satisfaction levels to benchmark
against industry standards.

3. Technological Assessment:

- Assessing the technological requirements and capabilities needed to

develop and implement the ANICURA platform, including software
development, teleconferencing solutions, data security measures, and
mobile application development.

- Evaluating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence,

machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) for their potential to
enhance tele veterinary services and improve pet healthcare outcomes.

4. Partnership Evaluation:

- Evaluating potential partnerships with local veterinary clinics, pet care

providers, pharmaceutical companies, and technology vendors to
expand service offerings, reach new customer segments, and enhance
operational efficiency.

- Assessing the compatibility of partner organizations in terms of

values, goals, capabilities, and geographical coverage to ensure
alignment with ANICURA's mission and objectives.

5. User Experience Research:

- Conducting user experience research to understand the needs,

preferences, and behaviors of pet owners when interacting with the
ANICURA platform.
- Utilizing usability testing, surveys, and feedback mechanisms to
gather insights into user satisfaction, ease of navigation, functionality,
and overall experience with the platform.

6. Financial Analysis:

- Performing financial analysis to assess the feasibility and viability of

the ANICURA project, including cost estimation, revenue projections,
return on investment (ROI), and break-even analysis.

- Analyzing funding sources, budget allocation, fund utilization, and

potential risks to ensure financial sustainability and profitability of the

By employing these research methodologies, ANICURA can gain

valuable insights, make informed decisions, and effectively execute its
objectives to revolutionize the delivery of pet healthcare through

Findings and Discussions:

1. Market Demand for Tele Veterinary Services:

- Research indicates a growing demand for tele veterinary services,

driven by factors such as increasing pet ownership rates, busy lifestyles,
and the need for convenient access to pet healthcare.

- Pet owners value the convenience, accessibility, and flexibility offered

by telemedicine platforms like ANICURA, particularly in rural areas with
limited access to traditional veterinary care.

2. Technological Infrastructure and Capabilities:

- Findings suggest that ANICURA needs to invest in robust

technological infrastructure and capabilities to support its tele veterinary
platform, including secure video conferencing, online appointment
scheduling, and mobile application development.
- Discussions revolve around the importance of ensuring data security,
privacy compliance, and seamless integration of telemedicine solutions
to enhance user experience and trust.

3. Partnership Opportunities and Challenges:

- ANICURA's research highlights the potential for strategic

partnerships with local veterinary clinics, pet care providers, and
technology vendors to expand its service offerings, reach new customer
segments, and improve operational efficiency.

- Discussions focus on the challenges associated with establishing and

managing partnerships, including alignment of goals, communication,
resource allocation, and contractual agreements.

4. User Experience and Satisfaction:

- User feedback and usability testing indicate positive perceptions of

ANICURA's platform, with pet owners appreciating the convenience of
online appointment scheduling, access to expert veterinary advice, and
seamless communication with healthcare professionals.

- Discussions center around continuous improvement efforts to

enhance user experience, address usability issues, and incorporate user
feedback into platform updates and feature enhancements.

5. Financial Viability and Sustainability:

- Financial analysis reveals the potential for ANICURA to achieve

profitability and sustainability through careful budget allocation, revenue
generation strategies, and cost optimization measures.

- Discussions focus on the importance of monitoring financial

performance metrics, managing operational costs, and seeking
additional funding sources, such as venture capital or government
grants, to support growth and expansion initiatives.

6. Regulatory and Legal Considerations:

- ANICURA's discussions highlight the need to navigate regulatory and
legal considerations in the tele veterinary space, including licensing
requirements, liability issues, telemedicine regulations, and compliance
with data protection laws.

- Findings emphasize the importance of staying abreast of regulatory

developments, seeking legal counsel, and implementing policies and
procedures to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.

findings and discussions underscore the potential of ANICURA to

revolutionize the delivery of pet healthcare through telemedicine, while
also highlighting key considerations and challenges that must be
addressed to ensure its success and sustainability in the market.

Estimated Budget for Pet Care Platform in India (Based on our


1. Online Appointment Scheduling Service:

 Development Cost: ₹5-10 lakhs (basic) to ₹15-20 lakhs (advanced)

 Maintenance: ₹2-5 lakhs per year

2. 24/7 Emergency Video Conferencing:

 Development Cost: ₹10-15 lakhs (secure platform, integration)

3. Comprehensive Veterinary Services:

 Staff: (₹ 5-10lakhs)

 Inventory: Medical supplies, medications, etc. (variable)

4. Expansion into Rural Areas:

 Outreach: Marketing, community events, awareness campaigns (₹15-20 lakhs)

 Mobile Clinics: interns (₹ 5-10lakhs)

 Partnerships: Local clinics, NGOs, government initiatives (variable)

5. Company Registrations:

 Government fees, legal assistance (₹1-2 lakhs)

Total Estimated Budget:

 Starting Minimum: ₹60-80 lakhs

 More Extensive: ₹150+ lakhs (depending on service scope & rural expansion)

1. Milestones Achieved:

 Completed ground level and market research.

 Successfully networked with bootcamps at LJ University, Ahmadabad, and IITH.

2. Service Update:

 Currently focused on software development.

3. Challenges:

 Hiring skilled interns.

 Dealing with insufficient funds.

 Managing salaries for interns and operational costs.


 In the process of hiring interns.

 Advancing towards becoming a private limited company.

4. Fund Utilisation Breakdown (First Tranche):

 Invested 12k in the bootcamp at IITH.

 Allocated 3k for research work.

 16k

5. Future Road Map:

1. March -24: Hiring interns with stipends ranging from 3-4k.

2. March-24 to May-24: Focus on web development

3. May-24: Procuring hosting services.

4. March-24 to April-24: Company registrations.

5. June-24: Consulting with local doctors and pet stores.

6. Next 5 Months: Intensive marketing efforts.

7. June-24 to August-24: Expecting to onboard 700-1000 customers.

8. Possibly Hiring:Data analyst, if required.

9. Seeking Investors:Planning for SERIES-A funding with equity dilution.

10. Expansion: Targeting urban Hyderabad.

11. Sep-24 to Dec-24: Expecting 3k to 4k new customers.

12. By FY 2025: Aiming for 5k to 7k customers.

13. April-25: Considering approaching Y-Combinator.

14. incubation: Exploring incubation opportunities with T-Hub.

6. Significant Achievements:

 Completed ground level and market research.

 Successfully networked with LJ University Ahmedabad and IITH.

7. Activities and Progress:

 Currently in the process of hiring interns.

 Advancing towards establishing as a private limited company.

Conclusion of the Project:

ANICURA Health Care Private Limited has embarked on a

transformative journey to redefine the delivery of pet healthcare through
innovative telemedicine solutions. Through rigorous research, strategic
planning, and collaborative efforts, the project has made significant
progress towards achieving its objectives. As the project concludes,
several key conclusions can be drawn:

1. Addressing Market Demand: The project has identified a substantial

market demand for tele veterinary services, driven by pet owners' need
for convenience, accessibility, and expert care. ANICURA's platform
addresses this demand by offering a comprehensive suite of services
that cater to the evolving needs of pet owners, particularly in
underserved rural areas.

2. Leveraging Technology: Technology plays a pivotal role in

ANICURA's success, enabling secure video conferencing, online
appointment scheduling, and seamless communication between pet
owners and veterinary professionals. By investing in robust technological
infrastructure and capabilities, ANICURA has positioned itself as a
leader in the telemedicine space.

3. Establishing Strategic Partnerships: ANICURA recognizes the

importance of strategic partnerships with local veterinary clinics, pet care
providers, and technology vendors to expand its service offerings and
reach new customer segments. By fostering collaborative relationships,
ANICURA enhances its operational efficiency, geographical coverage,
and service quality.
4. Prioritizing User Experience: User experience is paramount to
ANICURA's success, as evidenced by positive feedback from pet
owners regarding the platform's ease of use, accessibility, and
convenience. By continuously improving user experience through
feedback mechanisms and usability testing, ANICURA ensures
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Ensuring Financial Viability: Financial analysis indicates that

ANICURA has the potential to achieve profitability and sustainability
through prudent budget allocation, revenue generation strategies, and
cost optimization measures. By monitoring financial performance metrics
and exploring additional funding sources, ANICURA lays the foundation
for long-term success and growth.

6. Navigating Regulatory and Legal Landscape: ANICURA is

committed to navigating the complex regulatory and legal landscape of
the tele veterinary industry, ensuring compliance with licensing
requirements, telemedicine regulations, and data protection laws. By
staying abreast of regulatory developments and seeking legal counsel,
ANICURA mitigates legal risks and upholds ethical standards in pet
healthcare delivery

ANICURA Health Care Private Limited stands poised to revolutionize

the pet healthcare industry through its innovative telemedicine platform.
By prioritizing customer needs, leveraging technology, fostering strategic
partnerships, ensuring financial viability, and navigating regulatory
challenges, ANICURA demonstrates its commitment to providing
accessible, high-quality veterinary care to pets and their owners, anytime
and anywhere. As ANICURA continues to evolve and grow, it remains
dedicated to enriching the lives of pets and fostering healthier, happier

1. American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). (2022). Telemedicine: What You Need
to Know. Retrieved from

2. Deloitte. (2022). Pet Care Industry Outlook: Navigating through Disruption. Retrieved from

3. The Veterinary Telemedicine Coalition. (2022). Veterinary Telemedicine: Best Practices.

Retrieved from

4. American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). (2022). Telehealth and Telemedicine.

Retrieved from

5. World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). (2022). Global Veterinary

Telemedicine Market. Retrieved from

6. Statista. (2022). Pet Ownership in the United States in 2021, by Species. Retrieved from

7. Veterinary Information Network (VIN). (2022). Telemedicine in Veterinary Practice.

Retrieved from

8. American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). (2022). Telehealth and

Telemedicine FAQs. Retrieved from

9. Veterinary Medical Board. (2022). Telemedicine Guidelines. Retrieved from

10. Veterinary Medicine Society. (2022). Telemedicine: A Practical Guide for Veterinarians.
Retrieved from

These references provide a comprehensive understanding of tele veterinary services,

market trends, regulatory considerations, and best practices in the industry. They serve as
valuable resources for ANICURA Health Care Private Limited in its mission to revolutionize
pet healthcare through telemedicine.
ANICURA .pvt.Limited
Your Pet's Vet, Anytime, Anywhere: One-Stop Care at Your Doorstep

At Anicura, we are passionate about providing top-notch care for your furry friends.
We offer a range of services to ensure the well-being of your pets.







Introduction: Anicura is committed to providing comprehensive pet care through a

convenient and user-friendly platform.

Objectives: The platform aims to improve access to veterinary care by offering

online appointment scheduling, emergency video conferencing, and a wide range of

Methodology: The project will develop an intuitive appointment system, a secure

video conferencing platform, and establish partnerships to deliver a full suite of
veterinary services. It will also focus on expanding services to rural areas.

Implementation: This involves developing the online system, integrating video

conferencing, recruiting qualified professionals, and establishing partnerships with
local clinics in rural areas.

Results: The project expects to increase accessibility, improve response times for
emergencies, enhance pet health, and reduce disparities in pet healthcare for rural

Future Directions: The platform will continuously improve based on user feedback
and advancements in technology. The project also plans to expand to more rural
areas, explore additional services and partnerships, and collaborate with relevant

Acknowledgments: The project acknowledges the contributions of pet owners,

veterinarians, and partners to its success.
Appointment Booking:

We understand the importance of convenience and flexibility when it comes to

scheduling appointments for your pets. With our online booking system or through a
simple phone call, you can easily schedule appointments at your preferred time. To
further enhance your experience, our system integrates GPS functionality. This
means you can not only book your appointment but also get directions to our clinic
directly within the booking platform. This ensures that your furry friend receives
timely care without hassle, and you can find us easily.

2. Boarding:

When you need to travel or be away from home, you can trust Anicura to provide
top-notch care for your pets. We suggest the nearest and safest pet boarding
platforms available. Our boarding facilities are thoughtfully designed to
accommodate various needs and preferences.

3. Consulting and E-Pharmacy:

For your convenience, we offer 24/7 video call consultations for emergencies. Our
team of experienced veterinarians is readily available to address any concerns you
may have about your pet's health or behaviour, ensuring timely and expert advice
when you need it most.

E-pharmacy services, you can conveniently order prescription medications and pet
supplies online. This allows you to manage your pet's healthcare needs from the
comfort of your home, saving you time and effort. Our e-pharmacy is designed to
provide you with a seamless shopping experience, offering a wide range of quality
products that are carefully selected to meet your pet's needs.

At Anicura, we are committed to providing a wide range of veterinary services to

keep your pet healthy and happy. Our services include:

Dental Care: Routine dental cleanings, dental exams, and treatments to ensure your
pet's oral health.

Grooming: Professional grooming services to keep your pet looking and feeling their
best, including baths, haircuts, nail trims, and ear cleaning.

Preventive Care: Vaccinations, parasite prevention, and routine wellness exams to

maintain your pet's overall health and well-being.

Surgery: Comprehensive surgical services, including spay/neuter procedures, soft

tissue surgery, and orthopaedic surgery performed by our skilled veterinarians.

Diagnostic Services: State-of-the-art diagnostic tools and laboratory services,

including X-rays, ultrasound, and blood tests to accurately diagnose and treat
medical conditions.
Nutrition Counselling: Personalised nutrition plans and dietary recommendations to
ensure your pet receives the proper nutrition for their age, breed, and health status.

Senior Pet Care: Specialised care for senior pets, including health screenings, pain
management, and tailored treatment plans to address age-related issues.

Emergency and Critical Care: 24/7 emergency veterinary care for urgent medical
conditions, with a dedicated team ready to provide immediate attention and

5. Doorstep Service by Interns:

Basic Wellness Checks: Routine health assessments to monitor your pet's overall

-Medication Delivery: Delivery of prescribed medications to ensure your pet never

misses a dose.

Post-Operative Care: After-surgery check-ups and wound care for pets recovering
from surgical procedures.

Minor Grooming: Nail trims, ear cleaning, and other minor grooming services to
keep your pet clean and comfortable.

Sample Collection: Collection of blood samples, urine samples, or other specimens

for diagnostic tests.

Pet Transportation: Safe and comfortable transportation of your pet to and from
our clinic for appointments or procedures.

Our doorstep service by interns offers a convenient solution for pet owners who may
have transportation challenges or prefer the comfort of their home for certain
services. Rest assured, while our interns handle these services, they are always
under the guidance and supervision of our experienced veterinarians to ensure the
highest standard of care for your pet.

Estimated Budget for Pet Care Platform in India (Based on our


1. Online Appointment Scheduling Service:

 Development Cost: ₹5-10 lakhs (basic) to ₹15-20 lakhs (advanced)

 Maintenance: ₹2-5 lakhs per year

2. 24/7 Emergency Video Conferencing:

 Development Cost: ₹10-15 lakhs (secure platform, integration)

3. Comprehensive Veterinary Services:

 Staff: (₹ 5-10lakhs)

 Inventory: Medical supplies, medications, etc. (variable)

4. Expansion into Rural Areas:

 Outreach: Marketing, community events, awareness campaigns (₹15-20 lakhs)

 Mobile Clinics: interns (₹ 5-10lakhs)

 Partnerships: Local clinics, NGOs, government initiatives (variable)

5. Company Registrations:

 Government fees, legal assistance (₹1-2 lakhs)

Total Estimated Budget:

 Starting Minimum: ₹60-80 lakhs

 More Extensive: ₹150+ lakhs (depending on service scope & rural expansion)

1. Milestones Achieved:

 Completed ground level and market research.

 Successfully networked with bootcamps at LJ University, Ahmadabad, and IITH.

2. Service Update:

 Currently focused on software development.

3. Challenges:
 Hiring skilled interns.

 Dealing with insufficient funds.

 Managing salaries for interns and operational costs.


 In the process of hiring interns.

 Advancing towards becoming a private limited company.

4. Fund Utilisation Breakdown (First Tranche):

 Invested 12k in the bootcamp at IITH.

 Allocated 3k for research work.

 16k

5. Future Road Map:

1. March -24: Hiring interns with stipends ranging from 3-4k.

2. March-24 to May-24: Focus on web development

3. May-24: Procuring hosting services.

4. March-24 to April-24: Company registrations.

5. June-24: Consulting with local doctors and pet stores.

6. Next 5 Months: Intensive marketing efforts.

7. June-24 to August-24: Expecting to onboard 700-1000 customers.

8. Possibly Hiring:Data analyst, if required.

9. Seeking Investors:Planning for SERIES-A funding with equity dilution.

10. Expansion: Targeting urban Hyderabad.

11. Sep-24 to Dec-24: Expecting 3k to 4k new customers.

12. By FY 2025: Aiming for 5k to 7k customers.

13. April-25: Considering approaching Y-Combinator.

14. incubation: Exploring incubation opportunities with T-Hub.

6. Significant Achievements:

 Completed ground level and market research.

 Successfully networked with LJ University Ahmedabad and IITH.

7. Activities and Progress:

 Currently in the process of hiring interns.

 Advancing towards establishing as a private limited company.

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