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Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
(Đề thi này gồm hai trang)

I. LISTENING (2.0 pts)

Part 1: Listen and choose the best option for each question. You will hear Sarah Brown
talking about her work as a television weather forecaste .(1.0 pt)
1. What does Sarah say about the job?
A. She sometimes has to work at night.
B. She enjoys getting up early.
C. She works ten or twelve hours a day.
2. When Sarah does a weather forecast?
A. She prepares it in Advance.
B. She sometimes forgets her words.
C. She worries about making a mistake.
3. Sarah’s husband __________ .
A. works on the same days each week.
B. wants to move nearer his work.
C. spends a lot of time travelling.
4. A man in India wanted __________ .
A. to meet Sarah’s family
B. a photo of Sarah
C. to receive a letter from Sarah
Part 2: You will hear a group leader talking to some students who are going to visit an
important athletics event in Birmingham. For each question, fill in the missing information
in the numbered space (1.0 pt)
Athletics Championships
Number of sportspeople who will compete: (1) ………….
How the group will travel to Birmingham: by (2) ………….
What group members should take on the day: (3) ………….
Which day other details will be available to students: (4) ………….


1. John: “Would you like a cup of coffee?” - Daisy: “______”
A. Not at all B. Yes, let's C. Yes, I would D. Yes, please
2. A phrasal verb ______ of a verb and one or two prepositions.
A. arrives B. comprises C. consists D. includes
3. Madonna, ______ hits include Holiday, is married to film director Guy Ritchie.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
4. According to our school's regulations, students ______ use mobile phones in class.
A. needn't B. won't C. shouldn't D. mustn't
5. We spent half a year ______ this hotel.
A. to built B. built C. building D. being built
6. Could I just do it right now? – “______”
A. Why not? Go ahead. B. Yes, you must. C. Yes, let’s. D. Not for me
7. Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.
A. ability B. responsibility C. possibility D. probability
8. Choose the underlined words that need correcting.
The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the proposal.
9. I think he will join us, ______?
A. doesn’t he C. don’t I B. won’t he D. will he
10. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.
A. teenage B. orphanage C. damage D. advantage

III. READING (2.5 pts).

A. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces. (1.5 pts)
Environmental pollution is one of the most (1) _______ problems of mankind today.
Air, water or soil is necessary to all living things. Man operates machines and vehicles (2)
_______ fill the air with noise. They also dirty the air with gases and smoke. Badly polluted
air causes illness and even death. Man destroys natural beauty by (3) _______ garbage on the
land and in the water. They poison the water (4) _______ chemicals and other substances. (5)
_______water kills fish and other marine life. They damage the soil with too many fertilizers
and pesticides. Governments should pass laws that (6) _______ people and factories to stop
certain polluting activities.
1. A. careful B. simple C. serious D. special
2. A. what B. which C. who D. whom
3. A. picking B. collecting C. clearing D. littering
4. A. with B. by C. in D. to
5. A. Pollute B. Polluting C. Polluted D. Pollution
6. A. require B. advise C. suggest D. offer
B. Read the passage and choose the best answers. (1.0 pts)
Fathers used to act as the “breadwinner” of their family, and as the teacher of moral and
religious values. Today, however, those roles are gradually changing.
More and more women are going out to work and earn money. This increases the budget of
the family. Apart from that, there are various social welfare (phúc lợi) programmes which
financially assist mothers in supporting their children. Both these changes have greatly
impacted the role of fathers because they make paternal financial support less essential for
many families. Modern fathers tend to be more involved in children’s caregiving. They are
now spending more time and energy on their children.
1. Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father?
A. financial supporter B. teacher of moral values
C. religious educator D. caregiver
2. Social welfare programmes _________.
A. support families financially B. help mothers with domestic work
C. educate fathers about their responsibilities. D. train caregivers
3. The world “various” in line 4 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. a few B. no C. many D. only
4. The world “paternal” in line 6 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. fatherly B. motherly C. social D. private

IV. DO AS DIRECTED (3.0 pts)

1. Drivers and passengers must fasten the seat belt when travelling in cars. (Complete the
second sentence)
It is compulsory for ……………………………………………………………….
2. Mr. Brown looks very sad. His team has lost the game. (Combine the two sentences into one,
using a suitable relative pronoun)
3. Miss Nga said “I am having a party next Sunday.”
(Rewrite the sentence, using reported speech)
4. The test was very difficult but Tom tried to succeed in finishing it.
(Rewrite the sentence, using “Although”)
5. Electricity plays an important part in our life nowadays. What should we do to save
electricity? (Write a paragraph about 50 words to present your ideas)

_______ THE END _______

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