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ITEM QUESTIONS ANSWER Additional Information

1 What is the right philosophy that every All philosophies There is no better philosophy than
teacher should follow? the other
2 Application of the philosophy of Pragmatism Ask the students to
do a simple
3 A Philosophy that believes in prior learning Constructivism
4 Behaviorism is anchored on I. Trial and error
II. Stimulus &
5 Teachers’ teaching philosophy is reflected by Choice of Teaching
___ Methods
6 Officially, the number of hours spent by the 8 hours 8:00 – 5:00
teacher in school should be
7 As required, all teachers should eat lunch at The Statement is
exactly 12:00 noon FALSE
8 All teachers in the whole school ________ wear the same
school uniform
9 NOT activities required of a teacher in school Take a nap at
10 A teacher has to do other things. What is it? See to it that the
classroom is
conducive for
11 TRUE about the community where the school It is part of the
is located learning
12 Barangay officials when asked as a resource I. Community
speaker can speak on ___________ Governance
II. Health and
III. Literacy
13 Natural resources like rivers, lakes, mountains Science
can best be used in teaching _______
14 Most challenging components to teaching in Adjusting to
another country cultural differences
15 “If a teacher is excellent in the Philippines, It is TRUE
you can very well teach in any ASEAN
16 For a Filipino teacher to succeed in teaching in I. Master & Practice
the country and elsewhere, he should _____ NCBTS
II. Multilingual/
III. Think both
locally and

17 Key principles in Functionalist perspective Interdependency, Social

Structure, Consensus &
18 Modern functionalist believes that schools play Providing students
a significant role in ___________ with skills and
dispositions to work
19 Symbolic interactionalists are focused on Developing
______ socialization and
interaction between
students & students
and students &
20 The “looking glass self” of Charles Cooley Individuals are able
suggests to know who they are
through the labels
given by others
21 A component of culture which refers to mental
representations used to organize stimulus and Ideas
become the basic units of knowledge is
22 Refers to standards of desirability, goodness, Values
& beauty which serve as broad guidelines of
social living
23 Customary behavior patterns or folkways Mores
which have taken on a moralistic value
24 Definition of peace according to Johan Absence of violence Negative peace definition
25 The presence of just and non-exploitative Positive peace
relationship as well as human & ecological
26 Central concern of Peace Education is ______ Promotion of
human dignity &
27 Negative actions toward members of a specific Discrimination Stereotype – negative opinion
social group that may be manifested in Prejudice – negative feeling
Discrimination – negative action
avoidance, aversion, or even violence
28 In underdeveloped countries, peace education Eradication of In developed countries, peace
is aimed at poverty education is focused on
combating racism &
29 The act of respecting, accepting, & Tolerance
appreciating he rich diversity of cultures
30 When a neutral party attempts to bring Mediation
peaceful settlement through objective
intervention, the result is ____________
31 The theory about the foundations of a culture Theoretical
rather than the practice which subsumes Culturalism
cultural ideas is ___________
32 3rd gender ideology identified by Hockchild is Transitional Traditional – men for work;
women for home
Egalitarian – men = women
Transitional – men : women
33 Refers to schema or set of beliefs about a Stereotype
certain group of people
34 Determinants of the amount of power a I. Status
person holds are ________ II. Resources
III. Experiences
IV. Self-confidence
35 Globalism includes Globalism
36 NOT an aspect of Global Education Integration
37 Which skills are required to master the world’s Higher Order
greatest challenges Cognitive &
Interpersonal Skills
38 ASEAN Economic Community blueprint Single Market
production base
39 Refers to the passing on the accumulated Instructional
experiences from past to incoming generation
40 Able to use computer, surf the internet, & Cyber literate
understand the strengths and weaknesses to
online information
41 3 dimensions of sustainability Environment,
42 In relation to sustainable development, Nelson Education is the
Mandela said most powerful
weapon you can
use to change the
43 The interest, attitude, and ability of individuals ICT literacy
to use technology and communication tools to
access, manage, integrate and evaluate
44 Scientific teaching approaches carefully [Scientific]
planned operations Inquiry Approach
45 Primary consideration in using Science They should match
instructional materials the readiness of the
46 Major curriculum that internalizes lifelong Araling Panlipunan
47 Make learners think of alternatives in solving Visualization/
real-life problems imagination
48 Which of the strategies have the highest Teach Others Teaching Others: 90%
percentage in terms of retention Practice by Doing: 75%
Discussion by Group: 50%
Demonstration: 30%
Audio Visual: 20%
Reading: 10%
Lecture: 5%
49 Which of the following apply scaffolding in Constructivism
learning process
50 Instructional materials in teaching values Meaningful and
should be ______ suitable to the
51 Most significant role of a values education Modify abstract
teacher values to practical
52 Learning strand of PE that relates to Movement skills Physical Fitness – appropriate
fundamental movement programs that support fitness and
health goals
Games and Sports – individual,
dual, and group sports
Body Movement/Management
– body awareness, space
awareness, qualities and
movement relationships
53 Kind of teaching strategy with LESS Individualized
supervision from the teacher instruction
54 Teaching strategy which helps develop their Cooperative Choices:
non-verbal communication skills learning A. Individualized instruction
B. Cooperative learning
C. Independent learning
D. Problem solving
55 Security system that blocks unauthorized Firewall
entry to access to data
56 Process that converts the readable data to Encryption
unreadable data
57 NOT a method of accessing the web URL It is just an address
58 ISTE stands for ______ International
Society for
Technology in
59 NOT a strand for ISTE teachers Use of critical
thinking, problem
solving, and
decision making
60 Tech-PACK means _________ Technological,
Pedagogical, &
Content Knowledge
61 TIP means __________ Technology
62 EULA means __________ End-user license
63 ITS means ___________ Intelligence
tutoring system
64 ILS means ___________ Integrated
Learning Software
65 CAI means ____________ Computer-[Aided]
66 Type of operating system (OS) that is used on Embedded
mobile devices and other consumer Operating System
67 Type of software that includes tutoring Instructional
software, drill-and-practice software, and software
instructional game software
68 Software support tool that includes CAD, Midi Content Area Tool
tools, reading tools, geographic information
69 Which is NOT TRUE about Digital Media It refers to application
software that uses
multimedia elements
70 Allows easy access on information Database
71 What is the operating system (OS) installed in Stand-alone Emerging OS – e.g. Google
laptops, desktops operating system Chrome’s OS which has the
potential to revolutionize
72 Type of software license installed in 50 Multiple-user
Computer units license
73 Official-looking e-mails asking for personal Phishing Spam is receiving unwanted
information is a kind of scam called _______ messages
74 Easiest way to access information about Type Federalism
Federalism from government website filetype:gov
75 What language will you use to create a web Hypertext Markup
page? Language
76 Used to “tag” a website and share with others Social Bookmarking
77 Website you would probably buy books for the Marketing &
school Business
78 Direct instruction helps master _______ Basic skills
79 When you begin lessons by guiding principles, Direct method
the method is _________
80 Active learning environment & hands-on Constructivist
81 TESDA (RA 7796) was created in ________ 1994
82 Modernization is _________ Future-oriented
83 Formal learning content of the curriculum Acquisition of basic
skills in reading and
84 Level in the taxonomy of psychomotor domain Mechanism
requires the students to perform act with
85 Model of curriculum development which ties Taba’s Inverted
theory to practice Model
86 Which element does not belong to Tyler’s Teacher It includes Learners, Society,
Ends-Means model Subject Matter (Philosophy)
87 Oliva’s model of curriculum development It consists of both
which is not correct student activities and
teacher activities but no
foundation elements &
no philosophy statement
88 Specification and sequencing of major Curriculum Planning
decisions to be made in the future
89 Views teachers are directed by authority Authoritarian  Overcoming resistance to
figures through memos Control Approach change – overcoming staff
 Leadership-obstacle course
model – puts emphasis on the
gathering of data to determine
the extent and nature of the
 Linkage model – involves a
cycle of diagnosis, search,
retrieval, formulation of
solution, dissemination, and
90 Who should have in-depth knowledge about Principal /
the planned changes and implementation School Head
91 Instructional materials should be connected Level of students
92 Curriculum Evaluation Question does not What is expected in  Why evaluate the curriculum?
include the conduct of  What of the curriculum is going
curriculum evaluation to be evaluated?
 How is evaluation going to be
93 Process evaluation is used if the intent of Assess degree of
curriculum evaluation is _______ implementation
94 Main concern of input evaluation Provide information
for selecting
procedures and
95 The use of descriptive model of evaluation Formulating
usually results to ______ empirical theory
96 Prescriptive models of evaluation are usually Exemplars
described as
97 Tyler’s model begins with Determining the
school and teacher’s
98 NOT a description of Stufflebeam’s CIPP Pragmatic method
99 Stake’s responsive model refers to conditions Antecedents Antecedents - before/prior
existing prior implementation Transactions – during
Outcomes – after
100 NOT regarded as change agents in the Parents Teachers, students,
curriculum change and innovation supervisors are all included

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