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Author(s): Leon Nemoy

Source: The Yale University Library Gazette , October 1972, Vol. 47, No. 2 (October
1972), pp. 57-99
Published by: Yale University, acting through the Yale University Library

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volume 47 OCTOBER 1972 number 2


By Leon Nemoy

the Near Eastern manuscript collections at Yale near-

ing or passing the two-thousand mark, the addition of
some two hundred items would ordinarily be a routine
event calling for only cursory mention. Mere number is in such a
situation a secondary consideration - what matters above all is qual-
ity, the literary value of the texts, and the paleographical value of
the manuscripts themselves.
It is these values which have become in recent times the cause of
increasing worry to everyone charged with the care and feeding -
particularly feeding - of Near Eastern manuscript collections in
major university libraries in the Western world. The recent upsurge
of nationalism in the Near East, with its concomitant growth of
solicitude for native cultural and antiquarian treasures, has led to
the progressive drying up of the westward stream of commerce in
this type of merchandise. Such export has been more and more
severely limited, and is now jealously and strictly supervised by local
government offices, and what little gets through is for the most part
of second- or third-rate quality. One has but to peruse the catalogues
of Western antiquarian dealers during the last generation and longer
- it is very rarely that one finds an item of really outstanding literary
or paleographical importance, and in most cases that item has come
not directly from the Near East, but indirectly through one or more

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previous Western owners. In short, the time has
collections like those which ended up at the Britis
don or the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris could b
and brought over to the West. The only exceptio
libraries in the U.S.S.R. which are known to have added to their
holdings valuable collections of Eastern manuscripts by way of
nationalization and transfer of private and semi-public libraries in
such localities as Samarkand and Bokhara.
It is when viewed from this direction that the Rescher collection
(recently acquired on the E. J. Beinecke Fund) assumes its rightful
significance. It is not a dealer's but a scholar's collection, and it was
assembled in situ, during half a century of continuous residence in
a major Muslim sovereign state (the Turks, for all their recent west-
ernization, remain essentially a Muslim nation loyal to the Muslim
religious and cultural tradition). It was brought together not with a
view toward eventual profitable sale, but with a scholar's expert
knowledge of the field and for his own use in research, as well as
with the benefit of his wide acquaintance among native scholars,
collectors, and bookdealers. Hence its chief features are the discrim-
inating choice of texts, the comparatively low percentage of com-
monly found works, the correspondingly high percentage of works
of which only a few manuscript copies are known - and those mostly
in Eastern libraries - and the number of early copies either made by
scholars, or at least, if written by professional copyists, carefully
collated by scholarly owners for use in their own studies.
The following notes, which like the Checklist itself are necessarily
provisional and subject to final modification, may serve to illustrate
these features of the collection.


Apparently unrecorded works:

A40 (commentary only), A74(I), A82(I) (tract on medicine and
hygiene), A87, A124, Ai43(I), A171 (al-Jurjânï's commentary
on al-Mutanabbï's Dïwân)
Works apparently represented only in Eastern libraries:
A48 (with autograph title), A52, A69 (composed by the author's

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son), A73, A75, A107, A112 (Ibn al

(Avicenna), A120, 154
Early dated copies (before A.n. çoo):
A17 (A.H. 737), A28 (848), A30 (8
A59 (842), A62 (after 706), A65 (7
A74(III) (859), A79 (783), A91 (864), A108 (764), A113
(643), A117 (843), A129 (887), A133 (824), A146 (848), A167
(895), A182 (811), A184 (644), A190 (666)
Some noteworthy texts:
Medicine: A76, A82Q, A82(II), A163
History: A31 (Turkish conquest of Yemen), A102, A105, A130
Mathematics and astronomy: A42, A 119(1) (tract on the astro-
labe), Aii9(II), A155CO, A182, A186
Occult sciences and alchemy: A58 (pseudo-Ma jrïçf s Picatrix), A64
(tract on the "sowing" of gold), A75, A 134 (dreambook)
Other subjects: An early copy of a volume of al-Qushayri's com-
mentary on the Koran (A 17), a remarkable work unjustly
overshadowed by the standard commentaries (al-Bay4äwf s, al-
Zamakhsharï's, etc.) ; an equally early copy of Khatïb Dimashq's
tract on rhetoric (A50); an equally early copy of Tãj al-Sharfah's
Nihãyat al-kifãyah, on Hanafi law (A73); an apparently un-
known tract on prosody by al-Gulistanï, followed by several
other little-known tracts on the same subject (A74); an early
copy of the tract on the principles (usui) of jurisprudence by
al-BaydãwI (A 108); an early copy of a volume of al-Shaybãnís
tract on the law of warfare (A113); an excellent old copy
of the classical Assemblies (Maqãmãt) of al-Harïrï (Ai 32);
a volume of Ibn Kamãl Pasha's minor philosophical essays
(A143/III-VI); a copy of the tract on esoteric philosophy by
Mulla Sadrá al-Shirazï, whose teaching served as one of the
bases of Bahaism (A155/II)


Uncommon (some possibly unrecorded) works:

P6, P89, P94, P101, P106, P126, P151, P179, P209
*The notes on these and on the Turkish manuscripts are particularly brief, since my
knowledge of these languages is quite insufficient.

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Early dated copies (before A.n. iooo):
P38 (A.H. 784), P101 (995), P104 (994), P1
Some noteworthy texts:
A proportionately high percentage (9) of Dïwans of various poets,
further supplemented by several individual poetical works; an
early copy of al-Ghazzalï's al-Ghurar wal-durar (P38); an early
copy of al-Fakhkhãrís Wahdat nämah (P101); a fairly old copy
of the life of Emperor Akbar of India, by his adviser and secre-
tary 'Aliami (P206)


Uncommon (some possibly unrecorded) works:

T3, T4, T25, T88, T92, T98(VIII), T109, T181, T189, T196,
Early dated copies (before A.n. 1000):
T20 (963), T22 (972), T27 (after 899), T29 (894), T44 (863),
T55 (966), T61 (991), T77 (967), T99 (987), T131 (857),
T160 (981), T177 (975), Ti96(I) (967)
Some noteworthy texts:
Medicine: T4(I) (with colored drawings), T8, T25, T180, T208
A high percentage (24) of Dïwans of various poets (including a
woman, T137/II), further supplemented by several individual
poetical works; old or otherwise good copies of some major
classics (yulwïyât, 3 copies; Humãyun nãmah, 2 copies; Gan-
jïnah-i rãz, 2 copies); a number of fully vocalized manuscripts,
of substantial value for the study of the history of Turkish
pronunciation prior to the recent replacement of the Arabic
characters (essentially unsuited to the Turkish language) by
Latin characters.


Oskar Rescher was born in a well-to-do family in Stuttgart on

1 October 1883, and graduated from the Gymnasium in that city
* Material for both the biographical sketch and the bibliography has been supplie
by Dr. Rescher's grandniece, Dr. Ayla Koenig, whose generous help is gratefully

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1902, with a solid grounding in, among othe
Latin, and French languages. After the custo
a volunteer in the German Army, he matricu
Jurisprudence of the University of Munich, but
of that course he moved to Berlin, and decide
Oriental languages, entering both the Univer
Oriental Languages, where he took courses un
was under the direction of Professor Sachau that
dissertation on Ibn JinnL Later Rescher move
Leipzig in order to continue his studies in
Fischer, and from there undertook several sh
where he examined the manuscript treasures of
rich royal (now state) and private libraries. Se
resulted from these research trips.
About the onset of World War I Rescher qualif
at the University of Breslau (now Wroclaw, an
was soon recalled to military service, being fi
médy, in German-occupied France, and then a
camp at Wuensdorf as censor for incoming and o
in Arabic. These latter duties gave him materi
of the North African Arabic dialects spoken by
from that region. When the war ended, he re
lecturer at the University of Breslau, but was al
leaves of absence in order to make further visits
tinue his researches there. Early in 1925 h
adjunct professorship.
In the same year Rescher settled permanent
nearly twelve years served as professor of G
Military Academy in Istanbul. By 1937 he fou
to give up his German citizenship and beca
adapting his name to Turkish usage by changi
Thereupon he held several posts, first as prof
Military Academy in Ankara, then as staff m
libraries (Siileymaniye Library, Archeological
Library) in Istanbul, and finally, for sixteen yea
the Islamic Institute of the University of Ist
March 1972.

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Reseller's long residence in Turkey and his work in the
Arabic studies brought him into frequent and close cont
number of older native Turkish scholars, whose learning,
different type from Western scholarship, was nevertheles
and by no means uncritical. One of them, Hoca Ismail Saip
ticularly interested in the young scholar and took him under
In more recent years Rescher came to know a number of
Turkish scholars in his field who had received the benefit
university training and are now producing works that compa
ably with the publications of their Western colleagues.
As the attached bibliography shows, Reseller's interests
confined to Arabic and Islamic studies. His Reimversuche
his facile skill in composing light German verse in the H
manner (he himself was not much impressed by Heine a
at least so far as style, meter, humor, and satirical tenor are
It would take another poet to appraise properly its literar
a mere layman can only enjoy its easy flow and its spark


NOTE: This list contains works issued in monograph form only, and d
not include numerous articles in learned periodicals, collective volumes,
A number of these monographs were printed privately (usually with
notation "Als Manuscript gedruckt") in a very limited number of copie
ioo or even fewer - and are therefore not available in most public and u
versity libraries; indeed the holdings of the British Museum in London,
Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and the Library of Congress in Washing
appear to be far from complete. All the information for this list was suppl
by Dr. Ayla Koenig. In two instances copies of early volumes of a ser
could not be located.

Studien über Ibn Oinnï und sein Verhältnis zu den Theorien der B
und Bagdad! Strassburg, 1909. (Doctoral dissertation, University
Berlin.) 56 p.
Beiträge zur Maqamen-Literatur.
4. Stambul, 19 14. 349p.
5. Leonberg, 1913. 203p.
6. Greifswald, 1913. 95p.
7. Greifswald, 1914. 136p.
8. Kirchhain, N.-L, 1918.79p.

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Die Qassïden des Abùl-Aswad ed-Du'alî, übersetzt.
Alfabetischer Index zur Jetîmat ed-dahr des Ta'äl
1914. 38p.
Das kleine Adab-Buch des Ibn el-Moqaffa' ... aus dem Arabischen
übersetzt. Stuttgart, 191 5. 38p.
Et-Ta'älibi: Heft I: Ahsan mä sami'tu, aus dem Arabischen übersetzt.
Leipzig, 19 16. 115p.
El-Belâdorï's Kitâb futüh el-buldãn (Buch der Eroberung der Länder) . . .
ins Deutsche übersetzt. Leipzig, 1917-23. Lfg. 1-2. 240p.
Ein arabischer Naturphilosoph im 9. Jahrhunidert (el-Dschähiz), von G.
van Vloten. Aus dem Holländischen (mit einigen Zusätzen) übertragen.
Stuttgart, 19 18. 47p.
Die Stellung der Frau in Indien (Hälat el-mar'a fi'1-Hind), von Zain el-
'Abidîn. Aus dem Arabischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. Berlin, 1918. 52p.
Beiträge zur Dschihad-Literatur.
II. Stuttgart, 1920. 64p.
III. Stuttgart, 1921. 89p.
Die Nawädir (Anekdoten und Geschichten) von el-Qaljübi. In freier
gekürzter Wiedergabe aus dem Arabischen übertragen. Stuttgart,
1920. 309p.
Vocabulaire du recueil de Bokhäri. Stuttgart, 1922. 104p.
Mubarrad: Die Kharidschitenkapitel aus dem Kämil . . . deutsch über-
setzt. Stuttgart, 1922. 243p.
Sachindex zu Bokhârï nach der Ausgabe Krehl-Juynboll . . . und der
Übersetzung von Houdas-Marçais. Stuttgart, 1923. 52p.
Index und Stellennachweise zu Fr. Schwally's Baihaqi- Ausgabe. Stuttgart
1923. 20p.

Abriss der arabischen Literaturgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1925-33. 2 vols. 338;

Orientalistische Miszellen. Konstantinopel, 1925-26. 2 vols. 234, 46; 186,
Das Kitäb el-adkija des Ibn el-öauzi (mit einigen Kürzungen) . . . Aus
dem Arabischen übersetzt. Gaiata, 1925. 372p.
Tag eddîn es-Subkí's Mu'îd en-ni'am wa-mubîd en-niqam (Über die
moralischen Pflichten der verschiedenen islamischen Bevölkerungsklas-

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sen). Mit Kürzungen aus dem Arabischen übersetzt. Kons
1925. 161p.
J. Oestrups Studien über 1001 Nacht. Aus dem Dänischen (nebst einigen
Zusätzen) übersetzt. Stuttgart, 1925. 134p.
Über die ägyptische Frauenfrage, Aufsätze von Melek Hifnî Nâçif. Aus
dem Arabischen übersetzt. Konstantinopel, 1926. 126p.
(Pseudo-) õãhiz: Das Kitäb el-mahãsin wa'1-masãwi (Über die guten und
schlechten Seiten der Dinge) . . . Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt. Stutt-
gart (Konstantinopel), 1926. 2 vols. 173; 164p.
Es-Saqa'iq en-No'mänijje von Täsköprüzäde . . . Aus dem Arabischen
übersetzt. Konstantinopel-Galata, 1927. 361p.
Qäsim Emin: Tahrir el-mar'a (Über die Frauenemancipation). Aus dem
Arabischen übersetzt. Stuttgart, 1928. 160p.
Sachindex zu Wüstenfeld's Ausgabe von Jäqüt's Mu'gam el-buldãn. Stutt-
gart, 1928. 108p.
Der Diwan des Abü'l-'Atahija. Teil I: Die Zuhdijjät, dh. die religiösen
Gedichte . . . Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt. Stuttgart, 1928. 288p.
Beiträge zur arabischen Poesie (Übersetzungen, Kritiken, Aufsätze).
I. Stuttgart, [193--?]. 138p.
II. Stuttgart, 1938. 163p.
III. Stuttgart, 1940. 170p.
IV. 1-2. [N.p., 194/5-?]. II2P-
V.Stuttgart, I953/54- 169p.
VI. 1-3. Stuttgart, 1954/55-59/60. 131; 136; 176p.
VII. 1. [N.p.], 1960/61. 96p.
VII. 2. Istanbul, 1961/62. 120p.
VIII. I. Istanbul, 1963/64. 112p.
Excerpte und Übersetzungen aus den Schriften des Philologen und Dog-
matikers Gähiz aus Baçra . . . nebst noch unveröffentlichten Original-
texten. Teil I. Stuttgart, 193 1. 562p.
Das Kitäb adab ed-dunjä wa'ddin (Über die richtige Lebensart in prakti-
schen und moralischen Dingen) des Qädi Abü'1-Hasan el-Baçri, genannt
Mäwerdi . . . Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt. Stuttgart, 1932-33.
3 vols.: 202; 189; 235p.
Täsköprüzäde's Eg-Saqä'iq en-No'manijje fortgesetzt von 'All Miniq unter
dem Titel El-lqd el-manzüm fi dikr afädil er-Rüm . . . übersetzt. Stutt-
gart, 1934. 139p.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
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Täsköprüzäde's Miftãh es-sa'äde (Islamische Ethik und W
lehre) . . . übersetzt. Teil I. Stuttgart, 1934. 160p.
Ein Gesamtüberblick über die türkische Literatur, von Hasa
übersetzt. Istanbul, 1941. 146p.
Sehi Bey 's Tezkere, türkische Dichterbiographien aus dem 16. Jahrh

(In teils freier, teils wörtlicher Wiedergabe) . . . üb

H. Lügal und O. Rescher. Istanbul, 1942. 142p.
Des türkischen Dichters Fuzüli Poem Laylä-Megnün
Erzählung Benk u bade (Ha§i§ und Wein) . . . Übe
H. Lügal und O. Rescher. Anhang: Der persische
Maraz u sihhat (Gesundheit und Krankheit). Istanbu
Latifi's Tezkere. Türkische Dichterbiographien, II.
Tübingen, 1950. 319p.

[I]. Istanbul, 1958. 344p.

II. Stuttgart [Istanbul], 1966. 80, 136p.
III. Berlin [Istanbul], 1969. 357p.
IV. [Istanbul], 197 1. 400 p.
Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi Kütüphanesi arapça yazmalar katalogu. hazirla-
yanlar Fehmi Edhem Karatay ve O. Re§er. Istanbul, 1964. 746p.


This is a preliminary finding list of the Rescher collection, pendin

the definitive inclusion of its components into a future supplementa
catalogue of Arabic manuscripts acquired by Yale University sin
1956,* and into future catalogues of Yale's holdings of Persian a
Turkish manuscripts.! It began as a brief inventory typed (not w
out a number of misunderstandings and misprints) from Os
Rescher's own notes. This was checked with the manuscripts the
selves and corrected where necessary. The manuscripts were th
collated with the bibliographical tools listed in the attached index
bibliographical abbreviations, and further corrections and chan
were made as required. A reference to one of these bibliographie
*Cf. Arabic Manuscripts in the Yale University Library, Compiled by Leon Nem
New Haven, 1956 (Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Scien
Vol. 40).
fThe latter language group has been growing particularly rapidly in recent years,
and is now nearing the three hundred mark.

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usually included in each entry, and in mo

referred to indicates earlier sources, as wel
too brief) of incipits and explicits. Where n
was found, and for the Persian and Tur
knowledge of these languages being severe
heavily upon Reseller's identification of au
The following details should be noted:
The transliteration of the Arabic alphabet
American Library Association and the Libr
in use in most, if not all, American librar
formity it has been applied to Persian and
well, so that Persian and Turkish names an
as they are spelled in Arabic script, and t
actually pronounced (for example, "Fudùlï
not "Jevrï," etc.)
Dates are given only when they appear in
supplied with fair approximation from wh
contemporary note or ex-libris. Except for
no attempt has been made to supply conje
case of manuscripts that are obviously of c
are according to the Muhammadan Era.t
Authors' names are entered under the most
corresponding to the Western surname, by
erally known and cited. Where no surnam
listed in the regular sequence of his names
forename, followed by the patronymics, occu


Ba al-Baghdãdi, Ismâ'il. Idâh al-maknün fi ad-dhayl 'ala Kas

al-zunün (2 volumes, Istanbul, 1364-66).
Bankipore Bankipore. Oriental Public Library. Catalogue of the Ar
and Persian Manuscripts (28 volumes, Calcutta, 1908-61)
Supplement. (2 volumes, Calcutta, 1932-33). Index (Per
sian Manuscripts) (Calcutta, 1939).
Berlin Berlin. Koenigliche Bibliothek. Verzeichnis der persisc
JA usable approximation of the Christian equivalent of a Muhammadan date
be obtained by adding 600 to the latter.

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Handschriften, von Wilhelm Vert sch (Berlin,
Berlin Berlin. Koenigliche Bibliothek. Verzeichnis d
Handschriften, von Wilhelm Pertsch (Berlin, 1
BM British Museum, London. Catalogue of the
scripts, by Charles Rieu. (4 volumes, London, 1
BM British Museum, London. Catalogue of the
scripts, by Charles Rieu. (London, 1888).
BN Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Catalogue des man
par E. Blocket (2 volumes, Paris, 1932-33).
Br Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabische
Auflage (2 volumes, Leiden, 1943-49). With dou
one that of the first edition, which is the one
Checklist. Supplementband /-/// (3 volumes, L
HKh Hâjjï ' Khalîfah. Kashf al-^unün (2 volumes, Istanbul, 1960-
' 62).
IO India Office, London. Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts, by
Hermann Et hé (2 volumes, Oxford, 1903-37).
PH Persische Handschriften, Teil I (Wiesbaden, 1968). (Verzeich-
nis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Band
TH Tuerkische Handschriften, Teil I-II (Wiesbaden, 1968). (Ver-
zeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland.
Band XIII).
UM Brüsali, Muhammad Tãhir. Vthmänlart mu'alliflar'i (3 vol-
umes, plus Index, Istanbul, 1933-46).
Vatican Vatican. Biblioteca Vaticana. Elenco dei manoscritti turchi,
(per) Ettore Rossi (Città del Vaticano, 1953). Studi e testi,

Muslim Forenames

A. Ahmad I. Ibrahim Q. Qãsim

'A. 'Ali Ish. Ishãq S. Sulaymân
AB. Abu Bakr Ism. Isma'il 'U. 'Umar
b. ibn J. Ja'far fUth. 'Uthmãn
H. Hasan M. Muhammad Y. Yahyâ
Hu. Husayn Ma. Mahmud Ya. Yaqüb
Mu. Mustafa Yu. Yüsuf

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Language Letters
(prefixed to inventory numbers)
A Arabic
LT Lithograph, Turkish
P Persian

PhA Photocopy, Arabic

T Turkish



9. [Ibrahim] ibn Isma'il.

Sharh Ta'lim al-muta'allim. 1073.
Br I, 462; la, 837.
13. al-Tha labi, A. b. M.
'Ara'is al-majãlis fi qisas al-anbiyã'.
Br I, 350; la, 592.
16. al-Nashshãr, 'U. b. Q.
al-Budür al-zãhirah fi al-qirã'ãt al-'ashr.
Br Ha, 142.
17. al-Qushayri, *Abd al-Karim b. Hawãzin.
al-Taysir fí 'ilm al-tafsir (Surah 12 [Yüsuf] - 35 [Malâ'ikah]).
Br Ia, 772.
19. al-Dawwãnl, M. b. As'ad.
al-Hãshiyah *alâ al-Sharh al-jadïd, wal-Hãshiyah 'alã Hãshiyat
al-Matãli' 957.
Br I, 509, 418; Ia, 926, 742-3-
28. al-Bukhãri, M. b. Ism.
al-Sahlh. Volume I. 848.
BrI, 158; Ia, 261.
30. al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjãni, lA. b. M.
al-Misbãh fí sharh al-Miftãh. 840.
BrI, 294; Ia, 515.
31. al-Nahrawãli, M. b. A.
al-Barq al-Yamãni fi al-fath al^Uthmãni. 1000.
Brii, 382; Ila, 515.
32. al-Damâmînï, M. b. AB.

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Masãbíh al-Jãmi' 967.
Br I, 159; Ia, 262.
33. al-Birkawî (al-Birgilî), M. b. 'A.
al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyah. 1280.
Brii, 441; Ila, 655.
40. al-Zabidi, 'Abd al-Rahmân b. I.
al-Jawhar al-rafi* (with commentary Azhãr al-rab
Brii, 181.
42. Ibn al-Hâ'im, A. b. M.
Sharh al-Urjûzah al-Yâsaminiyah.
Br la, 858.
48. Ibn al-Mu'ayyad, A. b. M.
Tuhfat al-akhyãr fi bayãn aqsãm al-akhbãr. 601.
Autograph title.
Br Ia, 607.
50. Khatíb Dimashq, M. b. 'Abd al-Rahmân.
al-îdâh fï al-ma'âni wal-bayân. 739.
Brii, 22; Ila, 16.
52. aHsfarâ'inî, M. b. 'Abd Allah.
al-Nâsikh wal-mansùkh. 1064.
Br Ha, 987.
54. al-Bayãdl, A. b. H.
Mukhtasar al-usùl al-munïfah (with commentary Ishãrãt al-
marãm). 1287.
Br II, 436; Ila, 647.
58. al-Majritì, Maslamah b. A., supposed author.
Ghãyat al-hakim. 1138.
Br I, 243; Ia, 431.
59. al-Bukhãri, M. b. Ism.
al-Sahíh. Volume III. 842.
Br I, 158; Ia, 261.
62. al-Zãhidi al-Ghazmini, Mukhtãr b. Ma.
Qunyat al-munyah. After 706.
BrI, 382; Ia, 656.
64. al-Jildaki, Aydamur b. 'A.
Nihãyat al-talab fi sharh al-Muktasab fi zirä'at al-dhahab.
Br 1,497; II, 139.

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65. al-Bukhãri, M. b. Ism.
al-Sahïh. Volume III. 781.
BrI, 158; la, 261.
66. Rajab ibn Ahmad.
al-Wasïlah al-Ahmadiyah. 1 136.
Brii, 441; Ila, 655.
67. al-'Iraqi, 'Abd al-Rahim b. Hu.
Fath al-mughïth (al-ghayth) bi-sharh Alfïyat al-hadith. 846.
Br I, 359; la, 612.
68. al-'Uthmânï, M. b. 'Abd al-Rahmãn.
Rahmat al-ummah fí ikhtilãf al-a'immah. 10 16.
Brii, 91; Ila, 107.
69. Ibn al-Jazarï, AB. A. b. M.
Sharh Tayyibat al-nashr. 1099.
Brii, 202; Ila, 275.
70. ^lìzadah al-Banbânï, Ya. b. *A.
Mafãtih al-jinãn. 959.
Br I, 375; Ia, 642.
73. Tãj al-SharPah, 'U. b. A.
Nihãyat al-kifãyah. 726.
Br I, 376; Ia, 644.
(I). al-Gulistãni, Abu al-Barakãt Jamal al-Din Ma.
Iqd al-wãfi fi al-'arüd wal-qawãfi.
(II). al-Sâwî, M. b. H.
al-Qasidah al-hasnã' fi al-'arûd
Br Ila, 258.
(III). Ibn al-Hãjib, 'Uth. b. 'U.
al-Maqsad al-jalîl [and other tracts by other authors]. 859.
BrI, 305; la, 537.
(IV). al-Zamakhsharî, Ma. b. 'U.
al-Qustãs fi al-'arüd.
Br I, 291; Ia, 511.
75. al-Fullãni, M. b. M.

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All use subject to

Bahjat al-ãfãq.
Br II, 366.
76. Ibn al-Kutubï, Yu. b. Ism.
Mã lã yasa'u al-tabiba jahluhu. 996.
Brii, 169; Ila, 219.
79. al-Akhsikati, M. b. M.
al-Muntakhab fi usui al-madhhab. 783.
Br 1,381; la, 654.

(I). [Anon.]
al-Bayân fi tadbir sihhat al-insân. 1089.

(II). al-Qalyùbî, A. b. A.
al-Fawâ'id al-tibbiyah. 1095.
Br II, 364.
(I). al-Oshî, 'A. b. TJth.
Nisãb al-akhbãr.
Br I, 430; Ia, 765.
(II). [Anon.]
Mukhtasar fi 'ilm al-fiqh.
86. Mullã Khusraw, M. b. Farãmurz.
Durar al-hukkãm.
Br 11,226; Ila, 316.
87. al-Nãsih, Ism.
Sharh al-Risãlah fi film] ãdãb al-bahth. 1201 (?).
The matn, by Tãshkubrizãdah, Br II, 426; Ila, 633.
91. al-Mundhirî, 'Abd al-'Azïm b. 'Abd al-Qawi.
al-Targhîb wal-tarhîb. Volume I. 864.
Br 1,367; la, 627.
(I-VI). al-Suyûtï, 'Abd al-Rahmân b. AB.
(I). 'Ayn al-isâbah fî istidrâk 'Ä'ishah 'ala al-sahãbah.
Br Ila, 189 (169ml).


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Brii, 154 (218); Ila 192.


al-Awj fi kh
Brii, 151 (1

Natijat al-fikr fi
Br II, 153 (200

Brii, 152

Masãlik al-h
Brii, 147 (4
(VII). al-Dawwãni, M. b. As'ad.
Khawãss al-jism al-latif.
Brii, 218.
100. al-Jammà'ili, 'Abd al-Ghani b. 'Abd al- Wãhid.
'Umdat al-ahkãm.
BrI, 356; la, 605.
102. al-Qaramãni, A. b. Yu.
Akhbàr al-duwal. 1098.
Brii, 301; Ila, 412.
105. al-'Aynî, Ma. b. A.
Iqd al- juman. Volume IL 1085.
Brii, 53; Ila, 51.
107. al-Dihlawí, 'Abd al-Haqq b. Sayf ai-Din.
Fath al-mannàn fi ithbät madhhab al-Nu'màn.
Br Ila, 603.
108. al-Baydâwî, *Abd Allah b. 'U.
Minhäj al-wusül ila 'ihn al-usül. 764.
BrI, 418; la, 741.
m. Sa dï, Isa.
Hãshiyah 'ala Tafsîr al-Baydawì. 1048.
Br I, 417; Ia, 739.
112. Ibn al-Jawzî, 'Abd al-Rahmãn b. *A.
al-'Ilal al-mutanãhiyah fi al-ahãdith al-wãhiyah. 1234.
Br Ia, 918.

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All use subject to

113. al-Shaybânï, M. b. H.
Kitãb al-siyar al-kabir. Volume III. 64
Br I, 172; Ia, 291.
114. al-Shahid al-Thãni al-'Ãmili, Zayn
al-Rawdah al-bahîyah fi sharh al-L

Brii, 108; Ila, 131.

115. Ibn al-Humãm, M. b. 'Abd al-Wãhid.
Tawdih al-Musãyarah. 1123.
Br Ha, 92.
116. al-Astarãbãdí, H. b. M.
al-Wãfiyah fí sharh al-Kãfiyah. 983.
BrI, 304; Ia, 532.
117. al-Zayla'i, 'Uth. b. 'A.
Tabyîn al-haqa'iq. Volume II. 843.
Br II, 196; lia, 265.
118. Ibn al-' Arabi, AB.
Risãlah fi al-jihãd. After 1076.
Br Ila, 647.
(I). al-Sùfî, *Abd al-Rahmãn b. 'U.
al-f Amai bil-asturlãb.
BrI, 223; Ia, 398.
(II). Ibn Sïnâ (Avicenna), Hu. b 'Abd Allãh.
Risãlat al-zãwiyah.
Br Ia, 823.
120. al-Âlùsi, Ma. b. lAbd Allãh.
al-Ajwibah al-lrãqiyah 'an al-as'ilah al-ïrâniyah. 128 1.
Br Ila, 786.
124. [Anon.]
Sharh Sirãj al-zalãm wa-badr al-tamãm. Volume I.
The matn, by al-Haddãd al-'Abbãdi, Br Ia, 646; Illa, 1222.
127. al-Suyüti, 'Abd al-Rahmãn b. AB.
al-Jämi' al-saghir. 1142.
Brii, 147 (56); Ila, 183.
129. Sadr al-Sharï'ah al-Thãni, 'Ubayd Allãh b. Mas'üd.
al-Nuqãyah. 887.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
All use subject to

Br I, 377; ^648.
130. al-Diyãrbakri, Hu. b. M.
Ta'rîkh al-khamïs.
Brii, 381; Ila, 514.
132. al-Haríri, Q. b. 'A.
Br I, 276; Ia, 487.
133. al-Kirmãní, M. b. Yu.
al-Kawãkib al-darãrí fí sharh §ahîh al-Bukhãrí. Volume IV. 824
and 934.
Br 1, 158; Ia, 262.
134. [Anon.]
Ta'bìr nãmah. Volume II (last; fasi 14-30).
(I). al-Khalkhalï, Hu.
Risãlah fî nafâ'is al-matãlib al-'âliyah.
Berlin 2342 (seems to be the first fasi of this, fí ithbãt al-
wãjib). The author, Br. Ha, 591.
(II-VI). Ibn Kamãl Pãshã, M. b. A.
(II). Sharh arba^na hadithan.
Brii, 450 (13); Ha, 669.
Risãlah fï _ tahqïq luzù
Brii, 45 1(72).
Risãlah fî _ tahqïq ma*
Brii, 452 (112); Ila,
Risãlah fï _ tahqïq al
Br II, 451 (77); Ila,
Risãlah fí _ bayãn sirr
Br II, 452 (83); Ila, 6
(I-II). al-Bùsïrï, M. b.
(I). Takhmïs al-Burda

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All use subject to

Br 1, 266; la, 469.


al-Qasîdah al-h
Br I, 266; la, 4
146. al-Nawaw
al-Tibyän fi ãd
Br I, 397; Ia, 6
148. Qãdikhãn
Fatãwi. 957.
Br I, 376; Ia, 6
154. al-Zubayr
al-Taysir bi-sh
Br II, 148; lia,
(I). al-'Amilï, B
Tashrîh al-aflã
Br II, 414; Ha
(II). Mullã Sadr
Kitãb al-mashä
Br Ha, 589 (2).
157. al-Tuqãti, Yu. b. Junayd Akhï Chalabï.
Dhakhïrat al-'uqbâ. 12 14.
Br II, 227; Ila, 318.
161. al-Q'arï', 'A. b. Sultan M.
Raf ' al-khaf à' 'an dhât al-Shifa . Volume IL
BrI, 369; la, 631.
163. al-Azraqï, I. b. 'Abd al-Rahmân.
Tashîl al-manafi' 1020.
Br Ha, 170.
164. al-Sha rânî, 'Abd al-Wahhâb b. A.
al-MÎzân al-kubrâ.
Brii, 336; Ila, 465.
166. al-Mawsilï, al-Mu afã b. Ism.
Uns al-munqati'in.
Br I, 358; la, 610.
167. al-Marghïnânî, 'Abd al-Rahïm b. AB.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
All use subject to
Fusül al-ihkãm. Volume II. 895.
Br I, 382; la, 656.
168. Ibn al-Malak, <Abd al-Latif b. lAbd al-'Azîz.
Mabãriq al-azhãr. 1 1 13.
Br. Ia, 614; Ila, 315.
171. al-Jurjãni, AB. 'Abd al-Qãhir b. 'Abd al-Rah
Sharh Diwan al-Mutanabbi.

182. al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjãni, 'A. b. M.

Sharh al-Tadhkirah al-Nãsiriyah. 811.
BrI, 511; la, 931.
183. al-Samarqandi, Abu al-Layth Nasr b. M.
Khizänat al-fiqh.
Br I, 196; la, 347.
1 84. Ibn Bãbashãdh, Tãhir b. A.
al-Jumal al-hãdiyah. 644.
BrI, 301; Ia, 529.
186. al-Kãshi, Jamshid b. Mas'üd.
Miftãh al-hussãb. 1209.
Br II, 211; Ila, 295.
188. al-Timirtàshî, M. b. 'Abd Allah.
Tanwir al-absãr.
Br II, 311; Ila, 427.
190. al-Nawawi, Y. b. Sharaf.
al-Tibyân fi ãdãb hamalat al-Qur'ân. 666.
BrI, 397; la, 685.
192. Koran.
al-Qur'ân. Folio copy [ca. 900?].
193, 194. Ibn al-Khãzin, 'A. b. M.
[Lubâb] al-ta'wïl fi ma'ânî al-Tanzîl. 1150-52
Brii, 109; Ila, 135.
200. al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjãni, 'A. b. M.
Sharh al-Miftãh.
BrI, 294; la, 515.
205. al-Shurunbulãli, H. b. 'Ammãr.
Imdãd al-fattãh. 1122.
Brii, 313; Ila, 430.
207. Shu'lah, M. b. A. al-Mawsili.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
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Kanz al-ma'ani. 1155.

BrI, 409; la, 725.
210. al-Halabî, I. b. M.
Mukhtasar Ghunyat al-mutamalli. 1152.
BrI, 383; la, 660.


1. Sâ'ib, M. 'A.
Diwãn. Before 1170.
PHI, 59-
6. al-Tirmidhi, 'A. b. Ism.
Kitäb al-'arüd.
36. Wa iz Kãshifi, Hu.
BadãT al-afkãr fi sanãT al-ash'ar.
Bal, 169.
38. al-Ghazzalî, M. b. M.
al-Ghurar wal-durar (al-Durar wal-ghurar). 784.
HKhII, 1201.
43. Nãgawri, Kamãl Karim.
Majmù'ah-i khâni. 1289.
IO 2572.
49. Jãmi, 'Abd al-Rahmãn.

IO 1383.
72. Hasrat.

Bankipore III, 446 (different incipit).

78. Maghribi, M. Shirin.
Diwãn. 1052.
PH I, 373.
89. 'Ayn al-Qudãt al-Hamadhãni, 'Abd Allah b. M.
Kãshif al-asrãr wa-mutir al-anwãr.
94. al-Khalkhãli, Adham.
Subuhãt al-anwãr fi tadhkirat al-abrãr. 1144.
97. Jãmi, lAbd al-Rahmãn.
Tuhfat al-ahrãr. 1030.
PH 1,271.

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All use subject to
io i. Fakhkhãri.
Wahdat nãmah. 995.
104. al-Bukhârî, M. Pãrsã b. M.
Fasi al-khitãb li-wasl al-ahbãb. 994.
Br Ila, 283; IO 1855.
106. Lahawri, lAbd al-Ghani b. Ya.
Kanz al-ma'arif.
122. Jämi, 'Abd al-Rahmãn.
Kulliyãt (Subhat al-abrãr, Tuhfat al-ahrãr, Diwãn). 973.
IO 1300.
126. [Anon.]
Ta'rikh-i Buzan jar Khan. 1265.
136. Sanâ'i, Ma jdüd.
Diwãn. 672.
139. Sa'ib, M. 'A.
Diwãn. 1 124.
PH I, 59.
147. Jãmi, 'Abd al-Rahmãn.
Yúsuf wa-Zulaykhã'.
PH 1,2 14.
151. Sã'il.

152. Jãmi, ' Abd al-Rahmãn.

Nafahãt al-uns. 966.
PHI, 311.
153. Shawkat, M. Ish.

PH I, 16.
179. Kajaj-i Tabrïzî, M. b. I.
206. 'Aliami, Abu al-Fadl.
Akbar nãmah. 1035.
PH I, 88.
209. Rãjí, M.
Tahlil nãmah.

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2. Minqãrizãdah, Y.
Fatãwi. 1 142.
Brii, 435; BM, p. 16.
3. [Ibn] Kamãl Pãshã, M.
Ta'rikh Mir'ât al-kã'inãt. 1124.
(I). Muhammad ibn 'Ali.
al-Khawãss al-mufradah.

With colored drawings.

(II). [Anon.]
Mufradãt tibbiyah.
5. Jawri, I.
Malhamah. 1134.
BM,p. 193.
(I). Birgilizädah Ismati, M.

TH II, 371.
(II). Wajdï, 'Abd al-Bâqî.
Diwãn. 1 148.
BM,p. 197.
(III). Tiflî, A.

BM, p. 198.
8. Mustafa ibn Muhammad al-Tabib.
Risãlah faydïyah fî lughat al-mufradãt al-tab'iyah (al-tibbiyah).

UM III, 237.
10. Wirãni Bãbã.
Risãlah. 1232.
Vatican, Vat. Turco 189(1).

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11. 'Ãtif, Mu.


TH II, 319.
12. Rãghib, M.
Diwan. 1 186.
TH II, 421.
14. Fãdil, Hu.
Changi nãmah (Raqqãs nãmah).
TH II, 503.
15. YahyãBeg.
Shãh u-gadã. 1063.
TH I, 426.
18. Ismâ'il ibn Ibrãhim.
Hulwiyãt. 1036.
BM,p. 11.
20. Alti Parmaq, M.
Nigãristãn (from the Persian of A. Ghaííãri). 963.
BM, p. 24; UM III, 130.
21. Siwãsi, A.
Manãqib-i chahãr yãr-i guzin. 1225.
UM I, 95.
22. Isma'il ibn Ibrahim.
Hulwiyãt. 972.
BM, p. 11.
23. Nabì, Yu.
Diwãn. Before 12 11.
BM, p. 200; TH II, 390 (different incipit).

(I-II). Hashmat.
(I). Intisãb al-mulük.
BM, p. 204.

Khwãb nãmah.
25. Qãsim Pãshã.
Aqrabãdhin. 1159.
26. Nawl, Y.

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Natä'ij al-funün.
TH I, 372.
27. Tãjizãdah, J.
Hawas nãmah (Mahabbat nãmah). After 899.
BN, A.F. 300.
29. Tannüri, I.
Gulzär-i ma'nawi. 894.
TH II, 106.
34. Hamdi, Hamd Allah.
Yüsuf wa-Zulaykhã'.
TH I, 51.
35. Kami, M.
Naf isah ukhrawiyah.
UM II, 392.
37. Hãjibzãdah, M.
Bida'at al-hukkãm fi ihkãm al-ahkãm. 1 1 13.
Br Ha, 631; BN, Suppl. 61.
41. Shattanüfi, 'A. b. Yu.
Bahjat al-asrãr (excerpt, in Turkish, on 'Abd al-Qãdir al-Jilãni).
Brii, 118; Ila, 147.
44. Ahmadi, I.
Iskandar nãmah. 863.
TH 1,49.
45. Hashmat.
Diwãn. 1 187.
TH II, 360.
46. Dabbãghzãdah, Nu'män.
Tuhfat al-sukük. 12 14.
UM I, 307.
47. Sham'i, Mu.
Sharh-i Bahãristãn. 1044.
TH II, 626.
51. Kãni, AB.
Diwãn. 1256.
TH II, 379.

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All use subject to

Munsha'at wa-Diwãn.
BM, p. IO2 (Munsha'at); TH II, 379 (Diwãn).
55. Yãzijioghli, M.
Muhammadiyah. 966.
TH II, io.
5 6. Nüh ibn Mustafa.
Bustän-i quds.
Vatican, Vat. Turco 134.
60. 'Ali Khalïfah.
Shifã' al-mu'min (al-mu'minin). 1073.
BM, p. 20; Vatican, Vat. Turco 130.
61. Yâzijioghlî, A. Bijãn.
Anwãr al-'ashiqin. 991.
TH I, 365.
63. fÃshiq Pãshã.
Gharib nãmah.
TH I, 364.
7 1 . Waysi, 'Uways.
Siyar (Durrat al-tãj). 1083.
77. Hamdi, Hamd Allah.
Yüsuf wa-Zulaykhã'. 967.
TH I, 51.
81. Fudûlï,M.

TH II, 335.
(I). Nabì, Yu.
Dhayl-i Dhayl-i Siyar-i Waysi. 1200.
TH I, 82.
(II). Nazmizãdah, Murtadã.
Dhayl-i Dhayl-i Nazmizãdah.
TH I, 84.
(I). Khãqãni.
Hilyah-i sharif (and other pieces).

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All use subject to

Berlin 417.
(II). fÄrif, S.
Mi'rajiyah (and another piece).
Berlin _5*(i).
88. NashãtL
Diwãn. 1 20 1.

90. Yahyã Beg.

Shãh u-gadã. 1000.
TH I, 426.
92. Mahmud ibn Muhammad.
al-Lum'ah fi fadilat laylat al-jum'ah. 1203.
95. Nay li, A.

UM II, 458; BM, p. 197.

96. Qinãlizãdah, 'A.
Akhlãq-i 'Ala'i.
TH I, 374.
(VIII). [Anon.]
Dhikr hay'at al-'alam 'ala tariq al-ma'qül.
99. Yahyã Beg.
Ganjinah-i rãz. 987.
103. Nüh Efendi.
Zubdat al-kalãm fimã yahtãj ilayhi al-khãss wal-'amm. 1259.
UM II, 5o(?byA.Wajdì).
109. Halim.
i io. Hamdi, Hamd Allãh.
Yüsuf wa-Zulaykhã'.
TH I, 51.
123. Ãhi, H.
Husn wa-dil.
TH II, 483.
125. 'Aynï,H. (Hu).
Nazm al-jawãhir. 1247.

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UM II, 322.
128. Naqshï, 'A.
'Ayn-ihayãt. 1234.
TH II, 69.
131. al-Qarãhisãri, ' Abd al-Rahim.
Munyat al-abrãr wa-ghunyat al-akhbãr. 857.
UMI, 114.
135. Yãziji, Salãh al-Din.
Shamsiyah (Malhamah).
TH 1,391.
(I). Hãdhiq, M.

UM I, 280.
(II). Fitnat Khãnim.
Vatican, Vat. Turco 212.
138. 'Ãshiq, M.
al-Tibr al-masbúk (from the Arabic of al-Ghazzãlí). 1058.
UM II, 307.
141. YahyãBeg.
Shãh u-gadã.
TH I, 426.
144. Lami'i, Ma.
Sharaf al-insãn (from the Arabic of the Ikhwãn al-safã'). 1038.
BM, p. 226.
149. Naqshî, I.
Diwãn. 127 1.
UMI, 175.
150. Nãbi, Yu.
Diwãn. 1 1 18.

TH II, 390.
158. al-Aqsarã'i, 'Abd al-Rahmãn.
'Imãd al-Islãm. 1073.
UM 1, 265 (note); BM, p. 12.
159. Iznîqï, Musa.

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All use subject to
Zãd al-'ibad (al-'ubbad) (from the Persian of
UM II, 14.
1 60. Ismail ibn Ibrahim.
Hulwiyãt. 981.
BM, p. 11.
165. Waysi, 'Uways.
Siyar (Durrat al-tãj).
TH I, 72.
169. Wãsi* 'Alisi, 'A.
Humãyun nãmah (from the Persian, Anwãr-i Suhayli, of Hu.
Wa'iz Kâshifï).
TH I, 438.
170. Ibrahim, Ülanlar Shaykhi.
Diwãn. 1257.
UM I, 26.
172. Kãni, AB.
Diwãn wa-Munsha'ãt.
TH II, 379 (DÍwãn); BM, p. 102 (Munsha'ät).
173. Sãmi Pãshã, AB.
Diwãn. 12 14.
UM II, 81.
174. limi.
UMI, n7(?).
175. Nadîm, A.
Diwãn. 1155.
BM, p. 203.
176. Nawl, Y.
Nata'ij al-funün.
TH I, 372.
177. YahyãBeg.
Ganjinah-i rãz. 975.
TH II, 210.
180. Nüh ibn 'Abd al-Mannãn.
UM III, 239.
181. Haqqi, Ism.

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All use subject to

Manzüm-i siyar. 1224.

185. Qa'imî, the younger.

TH II, 418.
187. Râghib, M.

TH II, 421.
189. 'Abd al-Rahmãn ibn Mustafa ibn Muhammad Habib, mufti at

Safinat al-fatãwi. 1255.

191. Wäsi* * Alisi, 'A.
Humãyun nãmah (from the Persian, Anwãr-i Suhayli, of Hu.
Wa iz Käshifi).
TH I, 438.
(I). [Anon.]
Qissat Abì Muslim. 967.
(II). Mahmud ibn Fakhr al-Din.
Shukr nãmah.
(III). [Anon.]
Dãstãn-i Tamim-i Dãri.
196. [Anon.]
(IV). Silsilah-i mulük.
198. Baqî, 'Abd al-Baqï Ma.
Fada'il al-jihãd (from the Arabic, Mashãri' al-ashwãq, of al-
Dimyãti). 1057.
TH I, 384.
202. Anqarawï, Ism.
Taf sir al-Fãtihah. 1038.
UM I, 25 (al-Fãtihah al-^aynïyah).
208. Badi Efendi.
al-Faydiyah al-Ilãhiyah fi mufradãt al-adwiyah.

Photocopies (Arabie)

57. Ibn Taymiyah, A. b. *Abd al-Halim.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
All use subject to
Qa'idah fi al-la'b bil-shitranj.
Photocopy (Ms. Shãhid 'Ali Pãshã).
Br Illa, 1256 (? Kalãm 'ala mas'alat al-shitran
80. al-Hãtimi, M. b. Hu.
al-Risãlah al-Hãtimiyah.
Photocopy (Ms. Aya Sofia 644).
Br Ia, 141, 193.
121. al-Isbahãni, Abu al-Faraj.
Akhbãr al-Nu'man ibn Bashir (from the Kitãb
Photocopy (Ms. Fayd Allah).
Br I, 146; Ia, 226.
140. 'Alqamah ibn 'Abadah.

Photocopy (Ms. Millat Kutubkhãnahsi).

Br I, 24; la, 48.
156. al-Qutãmi, 'Umayr ibn Shuyaym.

Photocopy (Ms. Chorum, Anatolia).

Br I, 61; Ila, 95.
162. [Anon.]
Unmüdhaj al-hikmah.
Photocopy (Ms. Aya Sofia).

Lithograph (Turkish)

178. Dilsüz.
Diwãn. 1283.
Lithographed edition.



'Abd al-Rahmãn ibn Mustafa ibn Muhammad Habib, mufti at E

Ahmadi, I., T44
al-Akhsîkati, M. b. M., A79
'Ali Khalîfah, T60

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
All use subject to
'Alizãdah al-Banbãni, Ya. b. 'A., A70
'Aliami, Abu al-Fadl, P206
'Alqamah ibn 'Abadah, PI1A140
Alti Parmaq, M., T20
al-Âlusï, Ma. b. 'Abd Allãh, A120
al-'Amilï, Baha al-DÏn M. b. Hu., Ai55(I)
al-'Ãmilí al-Shahïd al-Thãni, see al-Shahîd al-Thânî al-
Anqarawi, Ism., T202
al-Aqsarä'i, 'Abd al-Rahmãn, T158
fÄrif, S., T84(II)
lÃshiq,M., T138
'Ãshiq Pãshã, T63
al-Astrarâbâdï, H. b. M., Ai 16
'Ãtif, Mu., Tu
Avicenna, see Ibn SÎnâ, Hu. b. K Abd Allãh
'Ayn al-Qudãt al-Hamadhânî, 'Abd Allãh b. M., P89
'Aynï,H. (Hu.), T125
al-'Ayni, Ma. b. A., A 105
al-Azraqi, I. b. 'Abd al-Rahmãn, A 163

Badi Efendï, T208

al-Banbãni, 'Alizãdah, see 'Alizãdah al-Banbãni, Ya. b. 'A.
Baqï, 'Abd al-Bãqí Ma., T198
al-Barrãwi, 'Isa b. A., see al-Zubayri al-Barrãwi, 'Isa b. A.
al-Bayãdi, A. b. H., A54
al-Baydawï, 'Abd Allãh b. 'U., A 108
al-Birgili, see al-Birkawi
Birgilizãdah 'Ismati, M., T7(I)
al-Birkawî (al-Birgili), M. b. 'A., A3 3
al-Bukharî, M. b. Ism., A28, A59, A65
al-Bukhãri, M. Parsa b. M., Pi 04
al-Bûsiri, M. b. Sa'id, A 145

Dabbãghzãdah, Nu'man, T46

al-Damamînî, M. b. AB., A32
al-Dawwãní, M. b. As'ad, A 19, A98(VII)

This content downloaded from on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:02:11 +00:00
All use subject to
al-Dihlawì, 'Abd al-Haqq b. Sayf ai-Din, A 107
Dilsüz, LT178
al-Dimyãti, Ti 98
al-Diyãrbakn, Hu. b. M., Ai 30

Fâdil, Hu., T14

Fakhkhãri, Pioi
Fitnat Khãnim, Ti 37(11)

Ghaffãrí, A., T20

al-Ghazzãlí, M. b. M., P38, Ti 38
al-Gulistãni, Abu al-Barakãt Jamal al-Din Ma., A74(I)

Hãjibzãdãh, M., T37
al-Halabi, I. b. M., A210
Halïm, Ti 09
al-Hamadhãm, 'Ayn al-Qudãt, see 'Ayn al-Qudãt al-Hamadhãni, 'Abd
Allâh b. M.
Hamdi, Hamd Allãh, T34, T77, Tuo
Haqqî, Ism., Ti 81
al-Harirî, Q. b. 'A., A 132
Hashmat, T24, T45
Hasrat, P72
al-Hâtimî, M. b. Hu., PhA8o

Ibn Bãbashãdh, Tahir b. A., A 184
Ibn al-Hâ'im, A. b. M., A42
Ibn al-Hâjib, 'Uth. b. eU., A74(III)
Ibn al-Humâm, M. b. lAbd al-Wãhid, Ai 15
Ibn al-Jawzî, 'Abd al-Rahmân b. 'A., Ai 12
Ibn al-Jazarî, AB. A. b. M., A69
Ibn Kamãl Pãshã, M. b. A., Ai43(II-VI), T3
Ibn al-Khâzin, A 193, 194

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All use subject to
Ibn al-Kutubî, Yu. b. Ism., A76
Ibn al-Malak, 'Abd al-Lat"if b. 'Abd al-'Azìz, A168
Ibn al-Mu'ayyad, A. b. M., A48
Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Hu. b. 'Abd Allah, Aii9(II)
Ibn Taymïyah, A. b. 'Abd al-Halìm, PI1A57
[Ibrahim] b. Isma'il, A9
Ibrahim, Ülänlar Shaykhi, T170
Ikhwãn al-sãfã', Ti 44
limi, Ti 74
al-lrãqi, 'Abd al-Rahîm b. Hu., A67
al-Isbahãni, Abu al-Faraj, PhAi2i
al-Isfara'inì, M. b. 'Abd Allah, A52
Isma Í1 ibn Ibrahim, T18, T22, T160
Ismatî, M. Birgilïzadah, see Birgilîzâdah Ismati, M.
ïzniqi, Musa, T159

Jâml, 'Abd al-Rahmân, P49, P97, P122, P147, Pi 52

al-jammalll, lAbd al-Ghanî b. 'Abd al-Wâhid, A 100
Jawrî, I., T5
al-Jildakî, Aydamur b. 'A., A64
al-Jurjânï, AB. lAbd al-Qãhir b. 'Abd al-Rahmãn, A171
al-Jurjânï al-Sayyid al-Sharïf, see al-Sayyid al-Sharïf al-Jurjâni, 'A. b.M.

Kajaj-i Tabrîzî, M. b. I., P179

Kânï, AB., T51, T53, T172
al-Kâshï, Jamshîd b. Mas'ûd, A 186
al-Khalkhâli, Adham, P94
al-Khalkhâlï, Hu., Ai43(I)
Khâqânî, T84(I)
Khatîb Dimashq, M. b. 'Abd al-Rahmãn, A50
al-Kirmânî, M. b. Yu., A 133

Lahawrî, ^bd al-Ghanï b. Ya., P106

Lâmi'i, Ma., T144

Maghribî, M. Shïrïn, P78

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All use subject to

Mahmud ibn Fakhr al-DÏn, Ti 96(11)

Mahmud ibn Muhammad, T92
al-Majrïtî, Maslamah b. A., A58
al-Marghinãni, 'Abd al-Rahim b. AB., A 1
al-Mawsili, al-Mu'afa b. Ism., A 166
al-Mawsilî, M. b. A. Shu lah, see Shu Iah, M
Minqãrizãdah, Y., T2
Muhammad ibn 'Ali, T4(I)
Mulla Khusraw, M. b. Farãmurz, A86
Mulla Sadrá al-Shîrâzî, M. b. L, Ai 5 5(11)
al-Mundhirî, 'Abd al-'Azîm b. 'Abd al-Qaw
Mustafa ibn Muhammad al-Tabib, T8

Nâbî, Yu., T23, T83(I), T150

Nadim, A., T175
Nâgawrï, Kamâl Karim, P43
al-Nahrawâlï, M. b. A., A31
Naqshï, 'A., T128
Naqshî, L, T149
Nashãti, T88
al-Nâsih, Ism., A87
al-Nawawï, Y. b. Sharaf, A 146, A 190
Naylï, A., T95
Nazmîzâdah, Murtadâ, T83(II)
Nûh Efendï, T103
Nûh ibn 'Abd al-Mannãn, T180
Nûh ibn Mustafa, T56

Qãdíkhãn, H. b. Mansûr, A 148

Qâ'imÎ, the younger, Ti 85
al-Qalyübi, A. b. A, A82(II)
al-Qarâhisarï, 'Abd al-Rahim, T131
al-Qaramânî, A. b. Yu., A 102
al-Qâri', 'A. b. Sultan M., A 161
Qãsim Pãshã, T25

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Qinãlizãdah, 'A., T96

al-Qushayri, 'Abd al-Karim b. Hawãzin, A 17
al-Qutämi, 'Umayr b. Shuyaym, PI1A156

Räghib, M., T12, T187

Rajab ibn Ahmad, A66
Râjï, M., P209

Sa'dì, îsa, Am
Çadr al-Shari'ah al-Thãni, 'Ubayd Allãh b. Massud, A 129
Salb, M. 'A., Pi, P139
Sâ'il, Pi 5 1
al-Samarqandi, Abu al-Layth Nasr b. M., A 183
Sanâ'i, Majdüd, Pi 36
Saylãni, Ti 59
al-Sayyid al-Sharîf al-Jurjânï, 'A. b. M., A30, A 182, A200
al-Shahid al-Thâni al^Amilï, Zayn al-DÎn b. 'A., Ai 14
Sham'i, Mu., T47
al-Sha'ranî, *Abd al-Wahhâb b. A., A164
Shattanùfï, ?A. b. Yu., T41
Shawkat, M Ish., Pi 5 3
al-Shaybânï, M. b. H., Ai 13
ShuUah, M. b. A. al-Mawsilï, A207
al-Shurunbulâli, H. b. 'Ammãr, A205
al-Sùfï, 4Abd al-Rahmân b. 'U., Ai 19(1)
al-Suyûtï, fAbd al-Rahmân b. AB., A98(I-VI), A127

Tâj al-Sharî ah, tU. b. A., A73

Tãjizãdah, J., T27
Tannûri, L, T29
al-Timirtâshî, M. b. 'Abd Allah, A 188
al-Tirmidhî, 'A. b. Ism., P6

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al-Tûqâtï, Yu. b. Junayd Akhî Chalabî, Ai

al-'Uthmânî, M. b. 'Abd al-Rahmãn, A68

Wa iz Kâshifî, Hu., P36, T169, T191

Wajdî, A., T103
Wâsr 'Alisi, 'A, T169, T191
Waysì, 'Uways, T71, T165

Yahyâ Beg, T15, T90, T99, T141, T177

Yâzijî, Salâh al-DÎn, T135
Yãzijioghli, A. Bijãn, T61

al-Zabîdï, 'Abd al-Rahmãn b. I., A40

al-Zâhidî al-Ghazmïni, Mukhtâr b. Ma., A6
al-Zamakhsharï, Ma. b. 'U, A74(IV)
al-Zaylaî, 'Uth. b. fA., Ai 17
al-Zubayrî al-Barrâwi, ïsâ b. A., A 154


al-Ajwibah al-lrâqïyah ^n al-as'ilah al-Irãn

Akbar nãmah, P206
Akhbãr al-duwal, A 102
Akhbâr al-Nu'mân ibn Bashïr, PhAi2i
Akhläq-i 'Alai, T96
al-' Amai bil-asturlãb, Ai 19(1)
Anwãr al-'äshiqin, T61
Aqrabâdhïn, T25, T180
'Arâ'is al-ma jâlis fi qisas al-anbiyã', Ai 3
al-Awj fi khabar 'Awj, A98(III)
cAyn-i hayãt, Ti 2 8
'Ayn al-isãbah fí istidrãk 'Ä'ishah 'ala al-s
Azhãr al-rab?, A40

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BadãT al-afkãr fi sanãT al-ashfãr, P36

Bahãristãn, P49
Bahjat al-ãfãq, A75
Bahjat al-asrãr, T41
al-Barq al-Yamãni fí al-fath al-'Uthmani, A31
al-Bayãn fï tadbîr sihhat al-insãn, A82(I)
Bidä'at al-hukkãm fi ihkãm al-ahkãm, T37
al-Budür al-zãhirah fi al-qirã'ãt al-'ashr, A 16
Bustãn-i quds, T56

Changí nãmah (Raqqãs nãmah), T14

Dãstãn-i Tamim-i Dãri, Ti96(III)

Dhakhîrat al-'uqbâ, Ai 57
Dhayl-i Dhayl-i Nazmlzãdah, T83(II)
Dhayl-i Dhayl-i Siyar-i Waysï, T83(I)
Dhikr hay'at al-'âlam 'ala tariq al-ma'qül, T98(VI
Diwãn 'Alqamah, PhAi40
Dïwân^tif, Tu
Diwãn Birgilizãdah Ismati, T7(I)
Diwãn Dilsüz, LT178
Díwãn Fitnat, Ti37(II)
Diwãn Fudüli, T81
Diwãn Hãdhiq, Ti 37(1)
Diwãn Halim, Ti 09
Diwãn Hashmat, T45
Diwãn Hasrat, P72
Diwãn Ibrahim, T170
Diwãn limi, T174
Diwãn Kajaj-i Tabrizi, Pi 79
Diwãn Kãni, T5 1, T53, T172
Diwãn Maghribi, P78
Diwãn Nãbi, T23, Ti 50
Diwãn Nadim, Ti 7 5
Diwãn Naqshi, Ti 49
Diwãn Nashãti, T88
Diwãn Nayli, T95

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Diwãn Qa'imi, Ti 85
Dìwàn al-Qutãmi, PI1A156
Diwãn Rãghib, T12, T187
Diwãn Sa'ib, Pi, Pi 39
Diwãn Sa'il, Pi 51
Diwãn Sãmi Pãshã, T173
Diwãn Sana'i, Pi 36
Diwãn Shawkat, Pi 5 3
Diwãn Tiflí,T7 (III)
Diwãn Wajdi,T7 (II)
Durar al-hukkãm, A86
al-Durar wal-ghurar, see al-Ghurar wal-d
Dur rat al-tãj, see Siyar Waysi

Fada il al- jihãd, Ti 98

Fasi al-khitãb li-wasl al-ahbãb, Pi 04
Fatawi Minqãrizãdah, T2
Fatãwi Qãdikhãn, A 148
Fath al-mannãn fí ithbãt madhhab al-Nu
Fath al-mughith (al-ghayth) bi-sharh Alf
al-Fãtihah al-'ayníyah, see Tafsir al-Fãtih
al-Fawã'id al-tibbîyah, A82(II)
al-Faydiyah al-Ilãhiyah fi mufradãt al-ad
Fusúl al-ihkãm, A 167

Ganjinah-i rãz, T99, Ti 77

Gharib nämah, T63
Ghãyat al-hakim, A58
al-Ghurar wal-durar (al-Durar wal-ghura
Gulzãr-i ma'nawi, T29

al-Hãshiyah 'alã Hãshiyat al-Matãli*, A 1

al-Hãshiyah 'alã al-Sharh al-jadid, A 19
Hãshiyah 'ala Taf sir al-Baydãwi, Am
Hawas nãmah (Mahabbat nãmah), T27
Hilyah-i sharîf, T84(I)
Hulwíyãt, T18, T22, T160

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Humãyún nãmah, Ti 69, Ti 91
Husn wa-dil, Ti 2 3

al-Idãh fi al-ma'ani wal-bayãn, A50

al-llal al-mutanãhiyah fi al-ahadîth al-wâhiyah, Ai 12
Imãd al-Islãm, Ti 58
Imdãd al-fattãh, A205
Intisãb al-mulük, T24(I)
Iqd al- jumãn, A 105
Iqd al-wãfi fi al-'arüd wal-qawãfi, A74(I)
Ishãrãt al-marãm, A54
Iskandar nãmah, T44

al-Jãmi' al-saghír, A 127

al-Jawhar al-rafi', A40
al-Jumal al-hãdiyah, A 184

Kanz al-ma'äni, A207

Kanz al-ma'ârif, Pi 06
Kãshif al-asrãr wa-mutir al-anwãr, P89
al-Kawãkib al-darãri fi sharh Sahih al-Bukhãri, A 133
Khawãss al-jism al-latif, A98(VII)
al-Khawãss al-mufradah, T4(I)
Khizãnat al-fiqh, A 183
Khwãb nãmah, T24(II)
Kitãb ai- arüd, P6
Kitãb al-mashâ'ir, Ai 5 5 (II)
Kitãb al-siyar al-kabir, Ai 13
Kulliyãt Jãmi, P122

Lubãb al-ta'wil fi ma'ani al-Tanzil, A193, 194

al-Lum^ah fi fadilat laylat al-jum'ah, T92

Mã lã yasa'u al-tabiba jahluhu, A76

Mabãriq al-azhãr, A 168
Mafãtih al-jinãn, A70
Mahabbat nãmah, see Hawas nãmah
Majmü'ah-i khãni, P43

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Malhamah Jawri, T5
Malhamah Yâzijî, see Shamsiyah
Manãqib-i chahãr yãr-i gu2Ín, T2 1
Manzüm-i siyar, Ti 81
Maqãmãt al-Hariri, A 132
al-Maqsad al-jalïl, A74(III)
Masãbih al-Jami', A32
Masãlik al-hunafä' fi wãliday al-Mustafã, A9
Miftãh al-hussãb, A 186
Minhãj al-wusül ila 'ilm al-usül, A 108
Mi'râjîyah, T84(II)
al-Misbãh fi sharh al-Miftãh, A30
al-Mizãn al-kubrã, A 164
Mufradãt tibbîyah, T4(II)
Muhammadiyah, T55
Mukhtasar Ghunyat al-mutamalli, A2 10
Mukhtasar fï 'ilm al-fiqh, A85(II)
Mukhtasar al-usûl al-munifah, A54
Munsha'at Kãní, T53, T172
al-Muntakhab fï usül al-madhhab, A79
Munyat al-abrâr wa-ghunyat al-akhbãr, T131

Nafahât al-uns, Pi 52
Nafisah ukhrawiyah, T35
al-Nãsikh wal-mansükh, A52
Natä'ij al-funün, T26, Ti 76
Natïjat al-fikr fi al-jahr bil-dhikr, A98(IV)
Nazm al-jawãhir, T125
Nigãristãn, T20
Nihãyat al-kifãyah, A73
Nihãyat al-talab fi sharh al-Muktasab fi zirä'
Nisãb al-akhbãr, A85(I)
al-Nuqãyah, A 129

Qà'idah fi al-la'b bil-shitranj, PhA57

al-Qasîdah al-hamzîyah, A 145 (II)
al-Qasidah al-hasnã' fi al-'arüd, A74(II)
Qissat Abi Muslim, Ti96(I)

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All use subject to
Qunyat al-munyah, A62
al-Qur'an, A 192
al-Qustäs fi al-'arüd, A74(IV)

Raf al-khafã' 'an dhãt al-Shifã', A 161

Rahmat al-ummah fi ikhtilãf al-a'immah, A68
Raqqãs nãmah, see Changi nãmah
al-Rawdah al-bahiyah fi sharh al-Lum'ah al-Dimashqiy
Risãlah fi bayãn sirr *adam nisbat al-sharr ila Allah, A
Risãlah faydiyah fi lughat al-mufradãt al-tab'iyah (al-t
al-Risãlah al-Hãtimiyah, PhA8o
Risãlah fi al-jihãd, Ai 18
Risãlah fi nata'is al-matãlib al-'aliyah, A 143(1)
Risãlah fi tahqiq al-khawãss wal-mazãyã, Ai43(V)
Risãlah fi tahqiq luzüm al-imkãn lil-mumkin, A 143 (II
Risãlah fi tahqiq ma'na al-nazm wal-siyãghah, A 143 (
Risãlah WÍrãní Bãbã, Tio
Risãlat al-zãwiyah, Ai 19(11)

Safinat al-fatawì, Ti 89
al-Sahih lil-Bukhãri, A28, A59, A65
al-Sawa'iq 'ala al-nawa'iq, A98(V)
Shãh u-gadã, Ti 5, T90, T141
Shamsiyah (Malhamah) Yãziji, T135
Sharaf al-insãn, Ti 44
Sharh arba'ina hadithan, A 143 (II)
Sharh-i Bahãristãn, T47
Sharh Diwãn al-Mutanabbi, A 171
Sharh al-Miftãh, A200
Sharh al-Risãlah fi ['ilm] ãdãb al-bahth, A87
Sharh Sirãj al-zalãm wa-badr al-tamãm, A 124
Sharh al-Tadhkirah al-Nãsiriyah, A 182
Sharh Ta'lim al-muta'allim, A9
Sharh Tayyibat al-nashr, A69
Sharh al-Urjúzah al-Yãsaminiyah, A42
Shifã* al-mu'min (al-mu'minin), T60
Shukr nãmah, T 196(11)
Silsilah-i mulúk, Ti9Ó(IV)

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Subuhãt al-anwãr fi tadhkirat al-abrãr, P9

Ta'bìr nãmah, A 134

Tabyin al-haqã'iq, Ai 17
Taf sir al-Fãtihah, T202
Tahlîl nãmah, P209
Takhmis al-Burdah, Ai45(I)
Tanwir al-absãr, A 188
al-Targhib wal-tarhib, A91
Ta'rîkh-i Büzanjar Khan, Pi 26
Ta'rikh al-khamis, A 130
Ta'rïkh Mir'at-i kâ'inât, T3
al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyah, A3 3
Tashïl al-manàfi', A 163
Tawdìh al-Musãyarah, Ai 15
al-Taysir fi 'ilm ai-taf sir, A 17
al-Taysir bi-sharh al-Jàmi' al-saghir, A 154
al-Tibr al-masbük, T138
al-Tibyãn fi ãdãb hamalat al-Qur'ân, A 146
Tuhfat al-ahrãr, P97
Tuhf at al-akhyãr fî bayãn aqsãm al-akhbã
Tuhfat al-sukük, T46
al-Turthüth fi fawa'id al-burghüth, A98(I

'Umdat al-ahkãm, A 100

Unmüdhaj al-hikmah, PhAiÓ2
Uns al-munqatnn, A 166

al-Wãfiyah fi sharh al-Kâfiyah, Ai 16

Wahdat nãmah, Pioi
al-Wasïlah al-Ahmadiyah, A66

Yüsuf wa-Zulaykha P147, T34, T77, Ti

Zãd al-'ibad (al- ubbãd), Ti 59

Zubdat al-kalãm fimã yahtãj ilayhi al-khã

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