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As we all know that Earth is the only planet in our universe known to have life
and environment in which a living organism can survive. But what will happen
if the environment of earth and it’s like no human can survive in it. So it will be
nearly impossible to find a earth like planet to live in it instantly.

K.H.O.N.S.H.U is an orbital space settlement project. Name of our project is

KHONSHU which is abbreviation for Kilometers High out in Neutral Space for
Housing and Urbanization. KHONSHU is An Egyptian god of moon and night
sky. Lord KHONSHU can control and travel through time freely. Hence
inspiring us to create such a futuristic project. Various personalities of moon
knight motivated us for various challenges. We got the inspiration of name
KHONSHU from a Marvel series named Moon knight. We hope that spirit of
KHONSHU guide us towards success and helps us to make a monumental
project with brilliant ideas.

We will make a space settlement that can survive in various locations and
conditions. For food we will take samples of plants to space and clone it to plant
it in large scale that we get food, medicine, oxygen etc.

Automations play a key role in our day to day life. So we use automations for
controlling and monitoring system, Transportation, security, communication,
waste management and robotics. Now, the most important thing is to create a
business in space that is a tough job.

Now, the settlement also has rules and regulations. Law, police, court,
constitution and other things that make a peaceful living in the space. For many
people the term ‘space colonies’ brings to mind. Vision of the domed cities in
space. Since September 1975. However, the words have different meaning. That
the months entitled of physics today contained an article by Princeton
University Professor and Nuclear Physicist Gerard K.O ‘Neill.
Selecting the location is a crucial task. After taking many possibilities into
consideration. We decided that we are going to settle at L5 (Lagrange Point 5)
is a zero gravity point between earth and sun. There are a few major reasons:-

 Distance:-Distance between L5 and Earth is 4.00.000km. distance of L5

and moon is ~400000
 It is 5000000 miles wide
 It is stable
 It is not commonly used like L4
 One of the major reasons of choosing L5 is Trojan asteroids.
 It is a group of asteroid which will provide abundance of resources for
survival and worth marginally more than 96000 trillion dollar
 Earth and sun should be more than 25X of mass of settlement.


KHONSHU is a system design which allows life (human being. animals and
plants) to survive in the space. Our system is designed in such a manner that it
can provide air. Water and food which are the three basic needs for human life
along with atmosphere which can help us to maintain the normal body
temperature. Appropriate pressure and manage waste from our body. In order to
provide perfect balance in between mental and physical fitness in our space
settlement. Our system has been designed after considering various factors like
community having all kinds of amenities which includes health care.
Entertainment, Education, Park etc. Our human life support department has
incorporated various features into the design of KHONSHU to provide a
comfortable and friendly environment to human life in space just like our Earth.
KHONSHU invites you to envision your future living lifestyle. While we
explore what is possible in our expanding universe…. Let’s have a visit to our
design step by step as below to understand in the deeper.

KHONSHU will have a gravity generation system for each area. Humans will
be provided with earth like gravity for their well-being .For generation of
gravity. KHONSHU will be rotated around the central cylinder. Each part of the
structure will rotate independently at different RPM according to their
requirements. Rotation would be done using Solar Electric Propellers.
Now a day’s electricity is an integral part in human life support. We have made
provisions to supply electricity at hospitals. Societies and parks by using natural
resources like sunlight through solar power system. We can avoid other harmful
gases produce through other models like electricity generation and get
electricity in clean and green way. It could also be useful in agriculture and also
in waste management as written in oxygen and food paragraph earlier.


Hospitals play a major role in space community as provision of our healthcare.
Our space settlement design contains one hospital for each community followed
by two clinics along with doctoral facility and in-house medicine supply.
Medicines transportation would be taken care by robots called as the medicine
distributor robots or MDR inside the hospitals. We have made necessary
provisions of lifesaving equipment’s and machineries related to heart disease.
dialysis and brain.

Atmosphere is an important feature of KHONSHU as people cannot live
without breathing. The vacuum of space would pull the air from a body and also
have 1 atm onto the skin. To maintain KHONSHU atmosphere. Which is
similar to earth’s normal air pressure on the aircraft is 101.3kPa (760 mm Hg)
which is the same as that of the sea level on earth.

Space colony also needs a waste management system to stay hygienic. The
waste that is collected will be taken from the houses to the storage tank through
pipelines located throughout the Torus. Then they will be separated into solid
and liquid waste... Plastic waste collecting robots will be collecting the waste
from homes everyday this waste will be bought to the WMS where it will be
reused. The ways in which we have planned to use plastic waste. Pyrolysis this
technique will be used to recycle waste plastic to make crude oil which can used
be used as energy.

 Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of plastic waste at different

temperature (300-900oc ). In the absence of oxygen. To produced liquid
oil. Cleaning plastics: Over half of the products are single use. We can
reduce that static by machines which are capable of cleaning the liquids
or smell from the plastics so that they can be reused. Recycling organic
and human waste is in fact human excreta. I.e. Urine and organic waste.
Recycling urine is already explained in the WRS. Now in case of solid
waste. The situation appears more complicated. These are some ways
KHONSHU will use solid waste. The simplest way to make good use of
waste is to use waste as fertilizer.

We will be able to extract water with the help of asteroids. The asteroids which
contain oxygen will be retrieved from the surroundings. We will extract the
oxygen from there and then make it react with the hydrogen from the solar
flares emitted by the sun. L5 point will have an abundant supply of asteroids
which will be an excellent supply of water. We can also react with Sodium
Hydroxide (NaOH) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) which will produce water
and salt for daily use.

Thrusters and Boosters

Thrusters and boosters are the components required for colonization efforts.
Space travel, changing of orbits during travel in space and achieving the escape
velocity. Different kinds of thrusters and boosters are used for distinctive
purposes. We are going to use hybrid rockets and solar electric propellers and
for the propulsion system.

 Solar Electric Propellers (SEP):- SEP siphons the sun’s energy via solar
arrays in order to generate the thrust. It also almost eliminates the needs
and limitation of storing propellants overboard.
 Hybrid Rockets: - It uses rocket propellants in two phases. It combines
the elements of solid and gas or liquid propellants, offering a balance
between controllability and simplicity.

We can also make use of the Reaction Control Systems (RCS) which provide
orientation and positioning controls. These are crucial for docking, station
keeping and avoiding collisions with the orbiting asteroids or other space
debris and space waste.
Human Factors
Human Politics

The constitution of our KHONSHU space settlement will be following the

system of pure democracy. People will have rights and equality. Every
individual on KHONSHU will be given freedom to speak for their rights and
equality among all the citizenship of KHONSHU.

The constitution will contain every human need’s that a human want:-

 Right to Freedom
 Right to Equality
 Right against Exploitation
 Right to Freedom of Religion
 Cultural and Educational Rights
 Citizenship Rights
 Rights Reserved to People
 Right to Speak
 Right to Liberty

The Preamble of the constitution of KHONSHU will have all the needs of
the people and people will have all authorities and power to rule there
Nation. It provides the needs. Equality and freedom to the people.

Every individual needs education to get developed. To get proper education

KHONSHU will provide education in an affordable cost so that every
individual in KHONSHU will get a proper education.

Our education system will mainly focus in formal and non-formal education.
KHONSHU will provide highly advanced facilities classes. KHONSHU will
provide robotics teacher which will be provided with artificial intelligence.
Children will be taught slowly and step-wise.

In Ground Education Facilities

The KHONSHU will provide education in traditional way of schooling. They

will build virtual and advance technology classes. The children will be taught
how to train in space and how to survive from it. The education will also focus
on practical including reproduction practical knowledge rather than writing.

Distance education
KHONSHU will also provide long distance education connectivity of colleges
schools and universities from earth. The citizen can study various types of
traditional studies and practices.

Entertainment and Recreation

Our KHONSHU will provide every types of recreation and all sources of
entertainment from passive recreation to physical recreation making their
leisure time more interesting and amusing.

KHONSHU will provide entertainment needs from start to finish. Our system
will consist of films, e- reading; learn station, console games, mobile games and
etc. KHONSHU will also sponsor cricket, football and other sport tournaments
where cities will play against other city teams.
Health care –
Hospitals play a major role in human factors.KHONSHU will provide highly
advanced hospitals rooms for patients the humans will be checked through ai
robotic nurses. The doctors in the hospitals will be well qualified to provide the
finest act of assistance.
Operations and automations
Invention of wheels and fir were one of the major reasons for invention of today’s society that is
why we team of khonshu will give special attention on supply of energy and transportation of people
or good. We will also focus on basic details like shelter security and comfort to make the life of
citizen very futuristic we hope spirit of khonshu guide us for this

Controlling and monitoring system

KHONSHU will provide a life of luxury in a cheap and affordable house as promised.

There will be three types of houses in our settlement and will be distributed according to
the wealth of the settlement they are namely

1. Mobile house lower middle class

2. duplex houses for middle class
3. Vila for wealthy people

Transportation system
KHONSHU will provide two ways of transportation

1. External transportation and

2. Internal transportation

External transportation
We will use hyper loop for external transportation which is inter torus. The hyper loop is a cylindrical
pod which works on the principle of magnetic levitation. It will travel in a straight path on a closed
track. After the entry of the pod into the track, it will be sealed and air tight. Around 80-90% of the
air will be released and the remaining air will be used for pushing the pod forwards. It will suck in the
air from the front and then released from the back for thrust. It will be used for transportation in
between tori and spheres. There will be space for 30 – 35 people in a pod.

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