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ADMISSION: 2022/P00469









I declare that this is my original work that I have done to the best of my knowledge.

Name: Boaz Wanyonyi Masika


Date: ………………………….

I dedicate this report to my lovely mum, brother and my aunts for their spiritual and financial
support towards successful completion of my field attachment program

I take this opportunity to thank the Almighty God for the good health during my
attachment period. I also wish to appreciate my parent for all the support they provided
during my attachment. once again sincere thanks goes to the entire administration and
workers of Chwele Sub-County Social Development Office for the opportunity they
accorded to me at their institution to acquire skills required in my field of study.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE CHART............................................................................................2
VISION AND MISSION.........................................................................................................................3
Objective of the hospital..........................................................................................................................3
Objectives of the attachment:..................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
WORK EXPERIENCE............................................................................................................................5
Skilled Applied while in attachment........................................................................................................5
Tasks accomplished while at attachment.................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................9
Challenges encountered by the student during the attachment period......................................................9
3.3.5 How the challenges were/solved.....................................................................................................9
3.3.6 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................9
3.3.7 Recommendations as to how the attachment exercise can be improved by the college................10



It is a medical facility in, West Pokot county.

Its main governing department is the board of directors. The board supervises the entire
organization. Some of the board’s responsibilities are developing strategies, controlling a chief
executive officer, ensuring a high quality of services, and representing the hospital. The next
department is administration. it hires all the personnel in the hospital, and coordinates and
oversees the functions of each department, and manages patient records.

The next four departments are the direct administration’s subordinates. The first department is
Informational Services (IS). It maintains the patients’ medical information, processes their
records, collects necessary data, conducts analysis, supports coding, promotes medical research,
and develops training programs related to information systems. The next department is
Therapeutic Services (TS). It provides a wide range of services. Some of them are respiratory
therapy, neurology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and nutrition. Physiotherapy aims at
improving muscle mobility. Occupational Therapy (OT) helps patients function independently.
Speech Pathology (SP) helps patients with different speech impairments. Respiratory Therapy
(RT) addresses problems related to heart and lung disorders. Medical psychology (MP) improves
the emotional well-being of patients. The pharmacy offers medications according to prescribed
orders. Dietary designs special diets and helps to maintain them. Sports Medicine (SM) offers
rehabilitative care to professional sportsmen. Nursing is necessary to deliver care to patients by
treatment plans.

The next department is Diagnostic Services (DS). It facilitates high-quality diagnostic care. The
department includes Medical Laboratory (ML), Imaging, Emergency Medicine (EM), and
Cardiology. These services provide acute, ambulatory, geriatric, and rehabilitative care. The
employees who work in Therapeutic and Diagnostic services are physicians, nurses, technicians,
and analysts.

The last department is Support Services (SS). This department is responsible for providing
services that make the entire organization run. It includes such services as Central Supply (CS),
Biomedical Technology (BT), Housekeeping and Maintenance (HM), and Transportation. They
are necessary to maintain all internal processes so that the medical personnel can deliver high-
quality care. Also, this department has a significant impact on the efficiency of employees..

Pregnant mothers in the area previously were forced to travel long distances to far mission
hospitals to deliver babies through Ceasarean Section.


Key: IS: informational services

TS: Therapeutic services

DS: Diagnostic services

SS: Support Services.

HR: Human resource

OT: Occupational Therapy

SP: Speech Pathology

RT: Respiratory Therapy

MP: Medical psychology

SM: Sports Medicine


1.3.1 Vision
To bring healthcare of international standards to this region, to evolve as a premier hospital in
the country and to touch the Lives of the people we serve through excellence in clinical care,
quality and commitment.

1.3.2 Mission
i. To provide Hope, Care and Cure.

ii. To provide compassionate, accessible, high-quality, cost-effective healthcare to one all.

iii. To serve with a patient's first motto and to work towards a patient- centered care.

iv. To develop, share and apply new knowledge and technology in the delivery of patient
care through research and technology integration.

v. To play an active role in promoting and improving health within our community and to
build a strong, integrated system for regional health-care delivery.

vi. To hold ourselves accountable to high standards those are observable, measurable and
apply to all

vii. To be the centre of excellence for medical research and academics.

viii. To cultivate an environment of trust, honesty, mutual respect, equality, and ethics.

ix. To work continuously to improve medical care to sustain and further improve clinical
outcomes, patient safety & patient satisfaction.

1.4 Objective of the hospital
i. Increase the range of services wherever there are opportunities to meet an area of
customer need and demand, on financially viable basis

ii. Provide a safe and therapeutic environment for all patient, staff and visitors

iii. Increase overall satisfaction rates of patients, employees and visiting medical officers

iv. Achieve financial and human resource key performance indicators

v. Maintain clinical indicators below aggregate rate for peer hospitals

1.5 Objectives of the attachment:

i. To Identify and make appropriate use of supervision and consultation.

ii. To Evaluate the impact of professional use of self in practice situation across systems
iii. To Understand and apply the values base and ethics of the profession to practice situation
across system levels
iv. To Conduct research to evaluate their own social work interventions and those of others
as well as to evaluate the agency and community practice.
v. To Counsel the patient/clients families and relatives
vi. To Train social work students on attachment from different institutions within the region
vii. To Repatriate integration, home visit and case follow up of the patients
viii. To Do socio-economic assessment of patients for writing a report for waiver
ix. To Deal with clients problems
x. To Place and referral of clients like abandoned children


2.1 Skilled Applied while in attachment

i. Referral skill

An effective referral system ensures a close relationship between all levels of the health system
and helps to ensure people receive the best possible care closest to home. It also assists in
making cost-effective use ofhospitals and primary health care services.

ii. Writing skill

First and foremost, writing in a legible manner is imperative for good clinical practice and poor
prescribing and documenting can have harmful consequences for the patient. 1 The ability to
write effectively is also an important medium in conveying complex scientific concepts and
critical clinical information

iii. Counseling skill

Counseling skills help us communicate effectively and enable us to relate better to the people we
are talking to. The following are essential to good counseling skills: Communicating that we are
listening by providing verbal or non-verbal awareness of the other person.

iv. Advocacy skill

I leaned self-advocacy skills that help me to identify, analyze, and make informed decisions
concerning such choices. They can help patients make informed decisions regarding their health,
including helping them navigate a complex medical system, translating medical terms and
helping patients make ethical decisions nurses successfully advocate for their patients, their work
promotes the healing process

v. Communication skill.

Effective communication — both intra-hospital and inter-hospital — is important for health care
providers to protect their patients, save on costs, and increase day-to-day operating efficiency.
Meanwhile, patients benefit from increased access to their medical histories, which reduce
chances of medical errors

vi. Listening skill

listening is vital to good communication and is especially important for you as a health care
worker. Actively listening to patients conveys respect for their self-knowledge and builds trust.
It allows physicians to assume the role of the trusted intermediary. It is only through shared
knowledge that physicians and patients can co-create an authentic, viable care plan.

Tasks accomplished while at attachment

i. C.L had been admitted at Mosoriot for mental illness. She regained her mental stability
after some time.
ii. I discussed with her about her condition and she said her children abandoned her, and the
unfair treatment drove her into psychosis.
iii. RC, a 23-year-old had been admitted to the hospital for organophosphate poisoning. After
a moment of interaction, she opened up to me about how she had attempted to take her
life after she lost her boyfriend to another girl. The situation had been aggravated by the
fact that her estranged boyfriend had declined her calls. I took upon myself to advise her
that those were Normal challenges of life which would clear with time.I encouraged her
that With time she would get herself another boyfriend.
iv. AL was a 70-year-old village. Her kins had brought him to the hospital and abandoned
him there.I took it upon myself to trace his home and made a follow-up and I successfully
traced his people.
v. BC is a 10 yr old girl. She was duped and enticed into a nearby river and raped. She was
then playing with friends in a nearby home. I helped her to forget all her problems.
vi. RC is 30 years. She had been assaulted by her husband after she quarreled with her co-
wife. I counselled her to forget the problem and avoid quarrelling with her co-wife.

vii. SL is 36 years. He had been admitted due to a malarial infection he suffered. Upon
perusing his file i observed that he also lived with HIV. I motivated him on the need to
diligently take his drugs and eat balanced diet.
viii. NC is 40 years with six children. Her drunk husband beats her almost on a daily basis ,
and goes without food. She suffers clinical stress. I conducted counselling session on her
to help her forget about her problems.
ix. CL is 78 years. The old lady had been abandoned and an unknown well wisher brought
her to the hospital. We traced her place of residence by contacting the area chief who
then looked for her children. One of her contacted children came to visit her at the
x. Lonyau Nakwau is a 36 year old. This patient suffered from Typhoid and diarrhoea.I
advised her to boil water before use, or treat it water guard or chlorine.
xi. lC is 20 years. She suffered from malaria and after talking with her I advised her to
always use treated mosquito nets to prevent mosquito bites. I also advised her to cut grass
from the compound to clear mosquitoes.
xii. CL is 38 and is living with HIV/AIDS. I advised her to breastfeed her baby for 6 months.
xiii. LP is 70 years. The patient came to hospital to know her status. He screamed upon
noticing he had turned positive for HIV.He was brought to our office where we counseled
him till he accepted his situation, use right diet food and take the medication.
xiv. CL is 70 years. The patient was suffering from drug abuse effects like miraa, bhang and
alcohol. He suffered mental problem whch made it hard to help him and we referred for
specialist services
xv. NC is and is 46 years. I visited paediatric wards to meet young mothers. One had a child
who suffered from pneumonia. I advised them to keep their children warm with heavy
Clothing during cold season.
xvi. CL is 34 years. The patient suffered from Typhoid and malaria. I advised her to drink
boiled water and to sleep under mosquito net in order to solve her problem.
xvii. CN is 60 yeas. Te patient was abandoned in the hospital by his people. I made a follow
up to establish his home area to contact his people.
xviii. CL is 41 years is a victim of wife battering by her spouse after she quarrels with co-wife.
I encouraged her to forget her problems.

xix. CN is 23 years. She suffered from kalazar. She was weak an not eating and so I advised
him to follow right medication and eat well especially fruits and liver to help in iron


Challenges encountered by the student during the attachment period.

i. Acquiring an insurance cover so that I could join the institution was challenging because
I was not convenient with the process of acquiring the insurance cover.

ii. There were challenges in adapting to the working environment of the organization and
also its schedules.

iii. Some of the tasks presented to me were difficult to perform because I had not come
across such tasks before. I was trained on how to do some of the tasks and became

iv. Lack of motivation- in the organization, the attaches are not entitled to any payment
which sometimes makes their operation difficult since they are not motivated

3.3.5 How the challenges were/solved.

Some of the challenges that were solved are;

i. I was advised by the institution on how I could get the insurance cover from either a bank
or an organization that provides insurance.

ii. I was able to perform the tasks assigned to me once I familiarized with them. Most of the
tasks included practical work and I was able to gain experience on how to undertake

iii. I was able to get used to the schedule and the operations of the organization and became
familiar with the staff present in the organization and their duties.

3.3.6 Conclusion
The period of industrial attachment was an invaluable experience which nurtured me into more
capable professional and socially. This training helped me to gain more skills and knowledge
about accounting and insightful experience in a real working environment.

3.3.7 Recommendations as to how the attachment exercise can be improved by the college
After completing my attachment period, I would like to highlight some of my suggestions on
how to improve the attachment scheme so that it can run smoothly and the attachés may not
encounter any challenges whatsoever.

 The institution should be able to provide an insurance cover for the attachés. This is
important because the attachment fee is included in the fee structure and it should be
able to cater for the insurance cover.

 The institution should try partnering with several institutions that will be able to accept
attaches from the institution. This will be beneficial because finding an organization
by yourself is very challenging and time consuming.

 The institution should focus on educating students on more practical sessions than
theory because most of the theories are found in books where else practical experience
will enable one to have the knowledge of handling and performing tasks when out on

 Inadequate academic field trips- personally I think up to the level of study I reached at
the time I was going for my industrial attachment; I was not exposed to enough
academic trips which made me encounter most things for the first time when I was
doing my attachment. This made me strain a lot at the beginning of the program.


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