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Balinos, Leign Lylah Jane A.

BSBA 1.2 B

Summary of the Interview

In our conversation, we had a thoughtful discussion about the arguments for and against same-
sex marriage. The parent I spoke with expressed their support for same-sex marriage, emphasizing the
importance of treating all couples with equality and respect, regardless of their gender. They believed
that inclusivity and fairness are fundamental values that benefit everyone in society.

On the other side of the discussion, I had the opportunity to hear from a church leader who held
a different perspective. They shared their opposition to same-sex marriage based on their religious
beliefs, explaining that they believed marriage should only be between a man and a woman. They
expressed concerns about maintaining the traditional definition of marriage, staying true to their
religious teachings, and the potential impact on society.

Throughout our conversation, it became clear that people hold diverse beliefs and viewpoints on
the topic of same-sex marriage, often influenced by their morals, religious convictions, and societal
considerations. It underscored the importance of engaging in respectful and understanding
conversations, even when we hold differing opinions.


As someone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community, the topic of same-sex
marriage is very important to me. By looking at arguments for and against same-sex marriage,
we can understand the different opinions people have. This reaction paper reflects on what I
learned from these different viewpoints and why it's important to have respectful conversations
about same-sex marriage.


As an LGBTQ+ person, I strongly agree with the parent who supports same-sex marriage. They
believe in equality, fairness, and human rights, which align with my own experiences and beliefs.
Recognizing and respecting love and commitment between individuals, no matter their gender, is crucial
for creating an inclusive and equal society. On the other hand, the church leader opposes same-sex
marriage from a religious perspective. They have concerns about traditional definitions of marriage and
religious teachings, which represent a different viewpoint that we should acknowledge and try to

Having respectful conversations about same-sex marriage means listening to each other and
being open-minded. We all have different beliefs and perspectives, and it's important to respect that.


In conclusion, exploring arguments for and against same-sex marriage helps us understand the
diverse nature of this issue. As an LGBTQ+ person, I deeply appreciate the parent's support for same-sex
marriage, as it aligns with the principles of equality and human rights. However, I also understand the
concerns expressed by the church leader from a religious standpoint. By fostering an environment of
open dialogue and understanding, we can work towards a more inclusive society that respects the rights
and dignity of all individuals, including those in the LGBTQ+ community.

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