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Name: Janna Lhou M. Camarse.

Date: May 16, 2023

Course & Year: BSIT Y1.2 – C

Same-sex marriage has been hotly debated in recent years. Although many people support the
idea of same-sex marriage, there are still those who oppose it, particularly the church and some parents.
Some people believe it should be legalized and celebrated as a basic human right and free choice in who
they want to be with for life but others argue that it goes against traditional moral and religious beliefs.

From the church's point of view, same-sex marriage is generally frowned upon. Many religious
institutions argue that the concept of marriage should only be between a man and a woman. This belief
is usually rooted in religious texts and cultural traditions that dictate the roles of men and women in
society. For example, the Catholic Church has been a strong critic of same-sex marriage, with the
position that marriage is "between a man and a woman." It also teaches that homosexuality is
"intrinsically disordered," and therefore, any kind of sexual activity between same-sex couples is sinful
and will lead to hell. The church's stance on same-sex marriage is based on its teachings on marriage and
sexuality and any attempt to redefine it to include both sexes is contrary to its teachings. The church
believes that marriage is a reflection of God's love for humanity, and it is designed to be a lifelong
commitment between a man and a woman. On the other hand, some parents are also against same-sex
marriage. Often this is due to their personal beliefs or religious beliefs. They may believe that allowing
same-sex couples to marry would undermine traditional family values and have a negative impact on
children. However, there are also those who support same-sex marriage, including members of the
LGBTQ+ community and their allies. They argue that denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a
form of discrimination, and that everyone should have the right to love and marry whomever they
choose. They believe that same-sex marriage will help promote equality and acceptance for the LGBTQ+
community. It is important to accept children and support them in their choices as long as they are
happy and healthy. Therefore, some parents believe that their children should have the freedom to
marry whomever they love, regardless of gender. Personally, I believe that everyone should have the
right to love and marry whomever they choose, regardless of gender. Love is a basic human right, and
denying people the freedom to express their love and commitment to one another is unjust. Although I
respect the church's teachings on marriage and sexuality, I believe that society has evolved and changed
over time, and it is important to adapt to these changes because true love does not discriminate even if
it is your gender. . I believe that they should support their children regardless of their sexual orientation
or gender identity because parents or families should be the first to understand or support their
children. It is important for parents to love and accept their children for who they are, and give them the
support and guidance they need to face life's challenges.

In conclusion, Although it is known that the church opposes same-sex marriage is a complex
issue that causes strong opinions from the church and parents some parents advocate equal rights and
acceptance of their children regardless of their sexual orientation. In the end, it's up to everyone to form
their opinions, beliefs and support what they believe is right and. While there are valid arguments on
both sides, I believe that everyone deserves the right to love and marry whomever they choose, and that
society should strive for equality and acceptance for all because love is indiscriminate and we must know
how to understand and respect the generality.

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