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Balinos, Leign Lylah Jane A.





Whistle-Blowing and the Duty of Speaking Truth to Power

 Thus, there is a place for ethical principles in business, insofar as a business decision-maker's goal is
sustainability and not merely profit. But what can someone in the workplace do in the face of unethical business
When individuals are faced with unethical practices in the workplace, it is important to take action. Here are a few
steps that can be taken: First, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what constitutes unethical behavior. If one
observes or suspects such practices, it is important to report them to the appropriate channels within the organization,
such as HR or a supervisor. Keeping a record of any incidents or evidence can be helpful when addressing the issue.
Following the company's policies and procedures for reporting unethical behavior is also essential. By taking these steps,
individuals can contribute to fostering a workplace culture that values integrity and ethical conduct.
On the other hand, when it comes to identifying unethical practices in the workplace, individuals should trust their
instincts and be attentive to certain signs. Look out for situations where personal interests seem to override the
organization's best interests, as well as instances of secretive or non-transparent behavior. Pay attention to any actions
that clearly go against company policies, industry regulations, or the law. Also, be aware of any misuse of company
resources or sudden changes in behavior that don't align with what is being said. Finally, consider how others are being
affected by these practices, as unethical behavior often harms colleagues and the organization as a whole. By staying
vigilant and recognizing these signs, individuals can help create a workplace that values integrity and ethical conduct.

 Recent history in the Philippines has witnessed many controversial whistle-blowers. Names such as Primitivo
Mijares, Heidi Mendoza, and Rodolfo Lozada Jr. have become part of the narratives of different ethical
scandals in the past few decades. But what is whistle-blowing?

Whistle-blowing is the act of individuals, often employees, exposing wrongdoing or misconduct within
organizations to the appropriate authorities. It involves revealing private or classified information about unethical or
illegal activities, with the aim of promoting accountability, transparency, and the public interest. Whistle-blowers play a
crucial role in exposing corruption, fraud, and abuse of power, contributing to the overall well-being of society. Notable
whistle-blowers in the Philippines, such as Primitivo Mijares, Heidi Mendoza, and Rodolfo Lozada Jr., have become part
of the narratives surrounding ethical scandals, highlighting the importance of their actions in upholding ethical standards
and maintaining public trust.

 To do otherwise would be insubordination, which can be grounds for termination. He could lose his job. On the
other hand, if the unethical act that is instructed by the authority figure is clearly against the principles of the
subordinate, can he refuse to do it without fear of losing his job?

When a subordinate is faced with an unethical act that directly contradicts their principles, they have the right to refuse
to comply without the fear of losing their job. Employees should not be coerced into engaging in actions that go against their
personal values and ethical standards. It is important for individuals to handle these situations with professionalism, clearly
expressing their objections and concerns in a respectful manner. Seeking resolution through appropriate channels, such as
discussing the matter with superiors or human resources, can help address the issue while safeguarding the subordinate's
rights and integrity.

04 Teaching Materials 1 *Property of STI

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04 Teaching Materials 1 *Property of STI

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