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SEMESTER 2, 2023/2024

Activity 1

Steps to set up a video conference call

1. Create an agenda for the video conference call

2. Create a video conference call account
3. Pick a date and time for your video conference
4. Send a conference call invite to your participantsa
5. Set the right environment for your video conference call
6. Start your conference call

Activity 2

No The Dos The Don’ts

1 Send out invitations to the meeting Don’t send last minute request for
with sufficient time for individuals to conference call meeting

2 Make sure there is a clear agenda Don’t hold a meeting that hasn’t a purpose or
and purpose for the meeting an agenda

3 Be fully prepared before attending Don’t show up in a meeting unprepared

the meeting

4 Show up early for the meeting Don’t get on the call with a lot of background

5 Make sure you are in a location No driving while on the phone

where there is no background

6 Use headphones and not computer Don’t use your cell phone to call into the
speakers meeting

7 Stay focussed on call Don’t use your computer’s speakers as it can

cause too much audio feedback

8 Introduce yourself each time each Don’t show up late to the meeting


time you start to speak(especially if

there are 4 or more participants in
the meeting)
9 Start the meeting on time Avoid at all costs the words, “Who just

10 Turn off the ping sound, when Don’t repeat what was already discussed
someone joins the meeting and don’t bring late comers up to speed

11 Take notes during the call and if Don’t get off topic
you are the organiser write a short
synopsis after the meeting.

12 - Don’t interrupt another speaker and avoid

hogging the conversation.

Activity 3
(Accept any relevant answers)

a) Setting a meeting

• I’m inviting you to attend a meeting .. (Day/date/time)

• I plan to have a meeting on the.... (Day/date/time)

b) Confirming a meeting

• Will you be available for the coming meeting on the......?

• I’m calling to remind you about the meeting on the.... Are you still attending the meeting?

c) Postponing a meeting

• Since [someone’s name] is busy with the launch of our latest product, I suggest that we
postpone our scheduled meeting in a week’s time.
• Something urgent has come up so I’m unable to attend our meeting this evening. Would
you mind postponing it to the 4th of March?


Activity 4
(Accept any relevant answers)

Beginning a Conference Call

● I’m here. It’s [your name] in [your city].

● Can everybody hear me? If we’re all here, let’s start the meeting.

Introducing Oneself

● Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen, I’m [your name].

● Hi everyone, I’m [your name]. I’m going to keep this brief
● As I know you’re all busy people. I’m going to make this quick for you.

Stating the Purpose of the conference call

● And finally, we’ll look at…” or “To conclude we’ll touch on…
● The reason why we are having this meeting is to discuss...
● “Today I would like to outline our plans for…

Giving Apologies For Someone Who Is Absent

● It seems that (name) is not present today.

● (Name) appears to be absent.

Clarifying Things during a Conference Call

• Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

• Could you explain that in another way, please?
• I’m afraid I didn’t get that.

Taking a Break from the Conversation

● Can I suggest that we take a five-minute break here?

● Let’s take a short break and come back in 10 minutes.

Returning after a Break


● Is everybody here? Let’s continue where we left off.

● Now that everybody is here, let’s resume our meeting.

Accidentally speaking over somebody and asking them to continue talking.

● After you…
● I’m sorry. Please carry on
Signal phrases for when you have a question.

• So, what we’re saying is…

• Do you mean to say that...

Agreeing with people.

• Yes, I get what you’re saying…

• I can’t agree with you more.

Disagreeing with people.

• From our perspective, it’s a little different. Let me explain.

• Well, yes and no—can I tell you how we see it?

Negotiating successfully

• This is the deal breaker for us, we can’t budge.” (Budge means move, change or give
• Maybe it would be better to …

Ending the conference call

● Well, that’s it from me. Thanks a lot.

● That’s it for today, see you...

Planning for future meetings

● When can we talk about this again?

● Does Thursday at 2:30 p.m. suit you?

● Thursday at 2:30 p.m. then, that would be fine.

● Okay, I look forward to seeing you then.

● Thursday at 2.30 p.m. Looking forward to it, see you then.


● Thursday at 2.30 p.m., bye for now.

● I’d like to set up a meeting with you at your earliest convenience. When are you free?

● Are you free to talk again next week?

Activity 5

Answers may vary

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