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Chapter 1

1. Based on the title, why is the boy ‘different’?

2. Why do you think the author repeats ‘ordinary’? p11
3. Why was Dennis so frustrated with his brother? p12
4. Why do you think he saved a photo of his mum? What would you do in this kind of
5. Clarify ‘solitary’. p13
6. Why did Dennis end up watching lots of TV? p15
7. Record the 3 house rules. p17
8. How does the author create suspense at the end of the first chapter?

Chapter 2

1. What did Dennis have in common with his dad and brother? p20
2. Why did he miss being hugged? p21
3. If you were Dennis, would you miss it? Why?
4. Look at Dennis’ ideas of an episode of Trisha, what would your
episode be called and why? p24
5. What was the goal made from? p25
6. Record 3 football-related powerful verbs used on p25.
7. What metaphor is used to describe Dennis’ dreams? p27
8. Why was Gareth held back at school?
9. Do you think Dennis should be playing the match? Why? p35
10. On p36, why was his goal described as ‘foul but not technically a foul’?

Chapter 3

1. Why did picking up Vogue give Dennis a ‘twinge of embarrassment’? p41

2. Why did he ‘reluctantly wonder over’ to the wrapping paper? p42
3. How does the author make the character of Raj funny? p45-46
4. Why did Dennis feel as though he had to hide the magazine? p50
5. Record the simile used to describe the magazine on p50.
6. Why do you think his Dad go angry? p53
7. If this was your son, what would you do? Why?
8. At the end of Chapter 3, how do you think Dennis is feeling? Explain your reasons using
direct reference to the text.

Chapter 4

1. Why didn’t Denis want to go to school the day after his father found the magazine?
2. “He spent most of the time staring at the periodic table trying to fathom what it was”.
Replace the word fathom with a synonym.
3. Write an expression the author uses to describe “absolute silence”.
4. Find these words on p60 and try to explain what they mean: understatement,
immaculate, meticulous, sinister, grimace, permanent.
5. Darvesh was Sikh. Do some research and collect five facts about what Sikhism means.
Then write a short paragraph linking your facts with connectives.

Chapter 5

1. What is detention? Why was Dennis looking forward to detention?

2. Describe Lisa James.
3. “Dennis had been sentenced to an hour’s incarceration”.
Why does the author use this word? What does it mean?
4. Why was Lisa “out of reach” for Dennis?
5. Why didn’t the detention last as long as it should have done?
6. Describe in a few words how Dennis and Lisa have something in common.
7. Explain the simile at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 6

1. How is Lisa’s house different from Dennis’?

2. Describe Lisa’s room.
3. How was looking at the magazines a way for Dennis to escape from his everyday life?
4. What was Lisa’s opinion on the clothes people should wear?
5. Why did Dennis leave so quickly after Lisa asked him if he would put the dress on?
6. Have you ever felt uncomfortable? Why did you feel that way? What did you do to solve
7. Give your opinion on Dennis wearing a dress.
8. Write as many synonyms as possible of the word ‘beautiful’ which appear in the chapter.

Chapter 7

Imagine that “The Boy in the Dress” has been made into a TV series. You watched episode 7
(chapter 7 – Dad’s Birthday) last night but your friend missed it. You have to explain as concisely
and as clearly as you can what happened.

Chapter 8

1. What does Lisa give Dennis as a present?

2. Explain how Dennis felt when he saw himself in a dress for the first time.
3. “Dennis wondered what Christian Louboutin might ever need them back.” (p100)
What does them refer back to? Would CL need them back? Explain.
4. What does ‘squinting’ mean? p104 Why was Dennis squinting?
5. “Dennis suddenly felt self-conscious”. p104 What does “self-conscious” mean?
6. “You can be whoever you want to be”. What do you think this means particularly for
Dennis? How might this phrase apply to your own life?
7. Record all the words that refer to clothes and accessories.

Chapter 9

1. Dennis disliked the family bathroom’s style. Why? How would you change yours?
2. Find an example of simile on p107.
3. Read the last 2 sentences of the second paragraph on page 108 out loud. Why would he
feel this way?
4. How did Lisa ring the bell? Underline the noise it made. How do we call this figure of
5. Why was John upset that Lisa was there for Dennis? Find a quote describing his feelings
on page 110.
6. What was Lisa’s plan for Dennis?
7. What is the first place Lisa wants to take Dennis? Why do you think this is?
8. Describe how Lisa dressed him up as Denise. p115

Chapter 10

1. Have you ever done something you enjoyed but it was risky, like Denis pretending to be
Denise? Did you feel better for doing it? Why/not?
2. What item did Raj stock just for Lisa?
3. What does Raj try to sell Denise?
4. How does Denis feel at the end of the chapter? Copy a quote from the book.

Chapter 11

1. Write down a metaphor on p124 that tells us that Dennis’ shoes were very tight.
2. “Mac… endured the unwelcome celebrity that went with it”. Explain what the author
means by this sentence. p125
3. What was Mac's nickname at school? What does the author compare to passing "like a
cold" What do you think this means?
4. What is ironic about Mac saying he wants to lose weight?
5. Why does Dennis think it would be amazing to go to school as Denise? Copy a quote
from the book.

Chapter 12

1. Describe the dress that Dennis wore to school.

2. Explain Lisa’s words: “No one here can speak French. They can barely speak English.”
3. “Darvesh scrutinised Dennis.” Explain the meaning of “scrutinised”.
4. Who is Miss Bresslaw? How does the author describe what Miss Bresslaw’s breath
smells like (p.135)?
5. “That’s not funny.” Explain Dennis’ words on page 138.
6. In a few words explain the difference between the girls’ and the boys’ toilets according
to Dennis.
7. Why does Dennis feel so special?

Chapter 13

1. What is the name of the class Lisa forgot to tell Dennis about?
2. Find the simile explaining why Dennis stood out on page 144.
3. How does Dennis get out of responding to Miss Windsor? Find the quote.
4. How did Miss Windsor react? Find a powerful simile to explain it.
5. What device does the author use when he writes the successive wails?
6. How do the students feel towards their teacher at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 14

1. How did Denise become Dennis again?

2. What figures of speech can you find in “Silence spread across the playground like
3. Why is Dennis compared to Medusa?
4. Explain the phrase “You’re in deep poo” (p162)
5. Do you think Hawtrey’s punishment was fair? Why/not?

Chapter 15

1. What do you think Dad is angrier about: Dennis being expelled, or that he like to wear
2. Explain the use of the verb: “, barked Dad.” (p169)
3. What does Dennis think about as he lies in bed?
4. Why does Dad blame Dennis’ mum for his behaviour?
5. Is Darvesh a good friend? Justify your answer.
6. What does Lisa promise to do?
7. How do you think Darvesh and Lisa are feeling when they visit Dennis’ house at the end
of the chapter? Give reasons and evidence for each.

Chapter 16

1. Why didn’t Dennis have any money?

2. How does Raj console Dennis?
3. Why does Dennis think Darvesh’s mum is cool?
4. Which would be your dream snack for a big event?

Chapter 17

1. Explain the verb in “She had elbowed her way to the front of the crowd” (p183)
2. What kind of team was Maudlin Street? Justify with quotes.
3. Record words describing footballer positions in pitch.
4. What do Gareth and Darvesh’s mum ask the headmaster to do? Why?

Chapter 18

1. Explain the sentence: “He’s putting it on, ref!” (p196)

2. Why does Dennis think “Darvesh couldn’t be a greater friend” (p198)?
3. How does Dad show his excitement when the match ends?
4. Explain the figure of speech: “Dennis smiled a thousand smiles” (p201).
5. Why didn’t Dennis feel different any longer?
6. The team achieved something huge and everyone celebrated. Have you experienced
anything similar?
7. Dad has surprised Dennis in a number of ways during and after the match. In 80 words,
predict what you think he will do now.

Chapter 19

1. Why did the crowd boo Mr Hawtrey?

2. Explain Mr Hawtrey’s “seemingly smug smile” (p209). Who would you describe the
3. ‘He held Dad’s hand tightly.’ How does Dennis feel towards his father at the end of the
chapter? Why?

Chapter 20
1. Explain Dennis’ words: “Lisa, I want to thank you for opening my eyes.”
2. Complete Dennis’ words to Lisa “I am completely, madly……………………”.
3. What was strange about Mr Hawtrey’s sister?
4. How do Dennis and Lisa convince Mr Hawtrey to accept Dennis back at school?
5. Why does Mr Hawtrey dress up?

Chapter 21

1. Why does Dad apologise over breakfast?

2. How does John express his brotherly love to Dennis?
3. Explain the author’s phrase: “It was as if an ice age had thawed, and the sun was shining
for the first time in a million years” (p222)
4. Why did Dennis put on a dress in the first place?
5. Find evidence John and Dennis are closer now.

Chapter 22

1. Who was Joan of Arc and why is she famous? Why is her story linked to the Dennis?
2. Is Dennis willing to play Joan of Arc? Justify with quotes.
3. Why did the world feel different at the end of the book? What message do you think
the novel wished to send to readers?

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