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Audio as well as visual signals on street crossings
Eva will help you

It is extremely important for people who have

hearing or seeing difficulties to be aware of the
street signals when crossing the road to prevent

Because of this, we think adding more signs and

implementing audiovisual signs is an excellent
idea, but not in the common way Instead of the
signs in the streets a robot could make it easier
for disabled people
The way that technology can help overcome challenges
and improve their quality of life.
Personal care robots are advanced technological devices designed to assist individuals
with various activities of daily living. These robots are developed with the aim of
improving the quality of life

Assistance with Mobility and Transfers Dressing

- Personal care robots could be equipped with Robots could have arms and grippers with
lifting mechanisms to help individuals, as a result, sensitive touch sensors in that way the
disabled people could overcome all the incapacity to dress will be solved
difficulties with transport
Medication Management
Robots could dispense medications at specific times and
remind the individuals to take their medication, and also
motivating the patient

Meal Preparation and Feeding

Personal care robots could be programmed to prepare
acceptable meals, such as heating food in a microwave or
pouring beverages.
Consider the context that we live in and think
about the possible limitations that may appear.

It's important to note that while

personal care robots have the
potential to greatly assist individuals
with disabilities, their development
involves complex challenges related
to safety, privacy, user preferences,
and ethical considerations.
The inclusion of people with Diverse and equal
disabilities through Break stereotypes
technology benefits society New innovative
Why it 's important to address the needs of people
with disabilities through technology

They deserve to be treated

Spread awareness
Encourage use of technology
Optimistic and accepting
If this Choice is Applied in our Society

Audio and visual signals at street crossings are

commonly used in many societies to assist
pedestrians in safely crossing roads, especially
those with visual or hearing impairments, instead
of that signals Eva will help you

How Eva helps people crossing safely the street?

The Way the Technological
Innovation can be Improved
Personalization: Introduce options for users to customize the audio signals
based on their preferences. This could involve allowing users to choose from a
range of different sounds or adjusting the volume to their comfort level.
Similarly, visual signals could incorporate user-adjustable brightness levels for
those with sensitivities to bright lights.
Speech and Language Integration: These signals could be activated by
pushing a button and could use a voice to provide information such as "Wait for
the walk signal" or "Cross now”.
Smartphone Integration: Develop apps that allow pedestrians to receive
crossing signals through their phones.
Education and Awareness: Increase public awareness about the importance of
these signals and how to interact with them.

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