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Phrasal Verbs (III) 3rd Term 2020/2021

S5( ) Name ______________ No.( )

Thematic Phrasal Verbs

VII. Teamwork
Phrasal verbs Meanings

1. chip in to interrupt a conversation in order to say sth.

2. count on to be confident that you can depend on sb.

3. go along with to support an idea, or to agree with sb.’s opinion

4. meet up to gather with someone or a group to do sth. together

5. pitch in to vigorously join in to help with a task or activity.

6. pull together to cooperate in a task or undertaking

7. root for to support or hope for the success of a person or group entering

a contest or undertaking a challenge

8. stick up for to support or defend sb. or sth., especially when that person or

thing is being criticized

9. trade off to exchange sth. of value, especially as part of a compromise

10. team up (with) to join another person, or form a group with other people, in

order to do sth. together

VIII. Technology
Phrasal verbs Meanings

1. back up to make an extra copy of a file

2. filter out to remove unwanted information

3. go down to stop operating properly

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