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I. TOPIC All the nails are spilled on the floor.

SUBJECT -VERB AGREEMENT 7. Use plural verbs with compound subjects

(Few of the many rules) that include and.

II. OBJECTIVES The dog and the cat are outside.

1. Review the S-V rules to strengthen 8. Use plural verbs or singular verbs,
knowledge in constructing accurate sentences. depending on the form of the noun nearest
2. Select a Picture as reference for dialogue. the verb, with compound subjects that
3. Create a dialogue interpreting meaning and include nor or or.
situations in the picture.
4. Illustrate a communication process/ Either the dog or the cats are responsible for
conversation based on the selected the mess.
picture/image. Either the cats or the dog is responsible for the
mess. (It is technically correct but is awkward.)
9. Use singular verbs with inverted subjects
SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT that include singular nouns.
(Few of the Many Rules)
Why is my hat outside in the rain?
1. Use verbs that agree with a subject, not On my table are boxes of chocolates.
with a noun that is part of a modifying Inside my drawer is a copy of the things I will
phrase or clause between verb and subject. bring for the training.

The pot of eggs is boiling on the stove. (Examples are inverted sentences. Remember
Trays of eggs are arranged for online that the verb agrees with the subject at the
selling. latter part of the sentence.)

2. Use singular or plural verbs that agree 10. In sentences beginning with "there is" or
with the subject, not with the complement of "there are," the subject follows the verb.
the subject. Since "there" is not the subject, the verb
agrees with what follows the verb.
My favorite type of movie is comedies.
Comedies are my favorite type of movie. There is little administrative support.
There are many factors affecting teacher
3. The words and phrases "each," "each retention. There are several hats outside in the
one," "either," "neither," "everyone," rain.
"everybody," "anyone," "anybody,"
"nobody," "somebody," "someone," and "no 11.Use singular or plural verbs with
one" are singular and require a singular collective nouns depending on meaning.
His staff is assembled. (If taken as a whole
Everyone is required to attend the seminar. group)
No one is allowed to enter the room. Staff are asked to go to the conference room
4. Use plural verbs with plural indefinite (In the first sentence, the emphasis is on the
pronouns. body of employees; In the second sentence, the
focus is on compliance by each individual in the
Many outcomes are possible. body of employees.)

5. Use singular verbs with uncountable 12. Use singular verbs for designations of
nouns. entities, such as nations or organizations, or
compositions, such as books or films.
Diabetes affects many people in the world.
Education is one tool to change status of life. The United Nations is headquartered in New
6. Some uncountable nouns in English such
as earnings, goods, odds, surroundings, 13. Use singular verbs for plural subjects in
proceeds, contents, and valuables only have form but singular in meaning.
a plural form and take a plural verb.
Physics is my favorite subject.
The proceeds of this fund raising is to provide Economics is a study of the wealth and source
school supplies for the less fortunate pupils. of income of the country.
14. Use singular or plural verbs for
SUBJECTS plural in form but plural or
singular in meaning depending on the

The economics of the situation are complicated.

Economics is a complicated topic.

15. Use plural verbs for SUBJECTS plural in

form and meaning.

The tweezers are in the cupboard.

Scissors are kept safely in the cabinet.

16. Attach plural nouns to the phrase one of


I am one of those eccentrics who do not tweet.

The man in the room is one of those robbers
who was captured by the policemen.

17. Use singular verbs in constructions of

the form “the only one of those (blank) who .
. .”

I am the only one of my friends who does not


18. Use singular verbs in constructions of

the form “the number of.”

The number of people here boggles the mind.

The number of enrollees goes beyond what is

19. Use plural verbs in constructions of the

form “a number of.”

A number of people here disagree.

A number of customers returned their orders.

20. Use singular verbs in construction of the

forms “every and many a”.

Every good boy does fine.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.


Remember that there are more rules about

subject-verb agreement. Thus, you may review
the other rules as guide to achieve accuracy in
constructing sentences.
Meaning, Essence, and Element
Meaning of Communication
As one of the essential activities of the human
race, communication is transmission of
thoughts from one mind to others. It is a
process in which people share thoughts, ideas,
and feelings with each other (Flores & Lopez,

Also, we can say that communication is a dual

or two-way process of transmitting messages
(Diaz, 2005). The receiver after receiving the
message understands the message in the This statement is related to the idea that we co-
desired form and then acts accordingly. It create meaning with others as we
affirms that communication concerns the give communicate.
and take relationship among the communicators
through feedback mechanism. With it, not only Take Note on some more Importance of
does one make his/her own self understood, Communication!
s/he also gets to understand others.
From personal relationships, to business and
our workplace, communication is a make-or-
Communication is the act of giving, receiving,
break skill.
and sharing information - - in other words,
talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good
Among many benefits, communicating will help
communicators listen carefully, speak or write
you form closer relationships, bring cohesion to
clearly, and respect different opinions.
teams, and take on leadership roles.
What is the essence of communication? More Importance of Communication
 Improve Working Environment
[Author removed at request of original
 Find the right solutions
publisher] and Linda Macdonald
Now let’s continue with the 7 major
As we communicate, we co-create meaning. Elements of Communication
This meaning is influenced by our physical and 1. sender
psychological context, the cultural context, our 2. ideas
relational context, and the social context. 3. encoding
4. communication channel
5. receiver
6. decoding
7. feedback.
 Communicate early
 Communicate at the right time
 Build the conversation
 Process Understandable
 Principles of Effective Communication  Use plain language
 Tell real stories
 Ethics
 Make it visual
 Use familiar languages

Ethics in Communication

 Ethical communicators are respectful of their

 Ethical communicators consider the
consequences of their communication.
 Ethical communicators respect truth.
 Ethical communicators use information
 Ethical communicators do not falsify
 Ethical communicators respect the rights of
others to information.
Principles of Effective Communication

 Make information available online
 Identify effective channels
 Ensuring Accessibility

 Move audiences to action
 Behavior changes campaigns
 Communicate in emergencies

 Technical accuracy
 Be transparent
 Coordinate with partners

 Know the audience
 Listen to the audience
 Tailor the message
 Motivate the audience
The Globalization of Communication
GLOBALIZATION & COMMUNICATION İletişimin Küreselleşmesi Dr. Can Cemal
It is a process of interaction and integration
among people, companies, and The abundant technologies (fax, telephones,
governments of different nations, a process civil aviation, television and the Internet) have
driven by international trade and investment added to the ways in which individuals can
and aided by information technology. This communicate both at a local and cross-cultural
process has effects on the environment, on level. (Greig, 2002, p.225- 243; Holton, 2000,
culture, on political systems, on economic p.140-152)
development and prosperity, and on human
physical well-being in societies around the HOW DOES GLOBALIZATION AFFECT THE

Globalization  From a personal perspective, globalization

It is the disappearance of borders between merely implies the coalescence or joining
nations and the rise of international relations. of different societies in matters of culture,
politics, ethics, ideas & other areas
 The process by which ideas, knowledge, fundamental to human societies.
information, goods and services spread  Thus, I concur with the view that
around the world globalization will ultimately efface or erase
the differences between cultures.
 In business, the term is used in an economic
context to describe integrated economies From the study of Dr. Can Cemal Cingi
marked by free trade, the free flow of capital
among countries Such communications, it must be
remembered, take on many different shapes
 Easy access to foreign resources, including and formats. McQuail categorized the
labor markets, to maximize returns and formats thus (McQuail, 2010)
benefit for the common good.
1. Transfer and broadcasting/publication of
Globalization and Communication media and written materials in their entirety
from one national audience to another.
 onset of new technology 2. Local media (cinema, music, television
 rise in the use of the internet broadcasts, news reporting) are supplemented
 improving the ways in which we connect with imported items in those categories.
with one another 3. Foreign media are altered to better fit another
 share not only the content of the math country’s audience preferences.
class but their cultural perspectives as well 4. Items (e.g., sports reporting, advertisements
 opportunity to view diverse perspectives and pictures) either come from abroad or allude
that were outside of our scope before to events/people etc. abroad.
 connect with someone who is thousands 5. News reports about another country.
of miles away in real time and the effects 6. Some media intended to be shown
are profound internationally, e.g., Music TV, CNN
 Globalization affects all aspects of living International, BBC World, amongst others
locally and internationally.
 Massive changes in languages, TO CONTINUE…
communication, culture, political,  The communication technologies act as a
economic relations and socio-economic carrier in this regard.
conditions as well as all other aspects of  It carries out all the transformations
societal living that ever existed and are occurring in a society to a global level and
continuously existing. thus plays a very important role in creating
cultural homogenization, differentialism and
PROOFS OF GLOBALIZATION & cultural convergence in the societies.
COMMUNICATION by Dr. Cemal Cing (2018)  It not only acts as a mirror like reflective
process to unleash the old and new forms of
inequalities present in the society, but also
enhance the levels of modernity in the
More about contradictions and or negative
Communication & GLOBALIZATION: Directions effects of globalization is declared in this
& Contradiction London Conference presented herewith:


(Directions) THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Overcoming the
Risks and Contradictions of Globalization
 Adopting globalization increases free
trading opportunities between countries.  However, without a globally level playing
This allows business organizations in field, market opening can just as easily
developed countries to invest in disenfranchise domestic producers and
developing countries. threaten the jobs they sustain.
 As the communication between the  A second major contradiction in the
countries becomes open sharing of modern global economy concerns the
information became easier due to simultaneously empowering and disrupting
globalization. This has also contributed to effects of technological progress.
the increase in speed of transportation of
 It can also disrupt traditional forms of
manufacturing or service provision.
 Countries joining together through
globalization will remove the cultural The question is whether technological
barriers and make the world a global disruption principally releases labor into
village. Globalization makes the countries alternative forms of employment that are more
adopt the factors that are beneficial in the productive and remunerative.
long run.
 There is also a possibility of less war  Continuing advances in computing power
between developed countries due to also create the prospect that many of the
globalization. technologically literate – even those
 Moreover, the positive effects include the programming the new internet of things –
ease of communication as English will be disenfranchised by self-learning
becomes the universal language, lingua machines or artificial intelligence.
franca, and the speed and access of
communication facilitated by the internet.

Negative Impact (Contradictions)

 If the rules and regulations regarding the

protection of the environment are less in
underdeveloped countries, other
developed countries can manufacture
products that may harm the environment.
 A majority of big industries prefer cheap
labor people in a skilled and non-skilled
category will go for the job in developed
 Globalization creates negative effects
which include the loss of minority
languages as majority languages become
normative, and the decrease in
grammatical skills as communicators use
internet shorthand and abbreviations.
COMMUNICATION FOR VARIOUS Know your Purpose (after having
PURPOSES Factors to Consider in determined the audience as well)
Determining the Purposes of
Communication A clearly stated purpose is a key feature in most
technical and professional communications
FACTORS TO CONSIDER TO DETERMINE because it improves efficiency. Your reader
THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATION should know right away why they are reading
your document. Some common purposes for
1. Know your Audience technical communication are as follows:
2. Know your purpose
 to inform
In terms of Audience, determine the following  to recommend
factors:  to request
a. Age  to propose
b. Social Status
 to persuade
c. educational background
 to record
d. Culture (Religious Practices, Language
to instruct
depending on the age and period, Values,

e. Family Background 

f. Specialization/ Occupation/Profession (if for Here are the types of questions you should ask
conference, if for letters, write ups, article, as you assess purpose, especially during the
insights) planning phase as you prepare to write:
g. Demographic Location (from what place,
region, province, city or rural) What does this document need to achieve?
h. Number of listeners if oral What role does it play in the project /
i. Number of readers to reach professional / academic ecosystem or any other
related purpose?
FACTORS THAT DEFINE THE AUDIENCE What result or action do I want to see after my
reader/audience reads it?
Be prepared to communicate to many different What effect do I want this document to have on
types of audiences. my audience?
Your audience must affect your decisions as a
communicator. KEY TAKEAWAYS

1.Their level of expertise or familiarity with the The same information can and should be
subject (e.g., a fellow engineer or a person in a communicated in different ways, depending on
non-technical position in the company or a who your audience is and what you are trying to
layperson). achieve (the purpose of the communication).
2.Their role or goals (what they will do with the Assess audience and purpose in every
information). communication situation, and use that
3.Their position relative to the organization assessment to guide your choices as a
(internal or external). communicator as it relates to the appropriate
4.Their position relative to you (peer, superior, level of detail and technical vocabulary.
or subordinate). Embrace and work within the scenarios
described in writing assignments to understand
The types of questions you should ask as and “write to” the audience and purpose—this
you assess audience, especially during the exercise will elevate your writing style and skill
planning phase as you prepare to write: level.

What does my audience already know about

this subject?
What do they value?
What is their mind set or attitude about this
Why do they need or want this information for?
What are their goals?
What are their expectations about the form it
will take?
Language Register
What communication or conversation may have
been occurring in the pictures? Who may be CONSULTATIVE REGISTER
involved in the conversation?  This is the register used when
consulting an expert such as a doctor.
 The language used is more precise.
 The speaker is likely to address the
expert by a title such as “Doctor”, “Mr.”
or “Mrs.”.
 Some sources say this register is the
formal register used in conversation.

 This register is formal and acceptable

speech often used in professional
 Some examples of this register include
discourse between teachers and
students, judges and lawyers, doctors
It’s about Language Register and patients, and between a superior
and a subordinate.
Language register refers to the range of
language choices available for use in different Example: Thank you, Doctor, for the advice and
situations. the tips for recovery.

It is the level of formality and informality of the CASUAL REGISTER

language used.  This register is conversational in tone.
 It is the language used among and
There are six language registers: formal, between friends.
casual, intimate, private, frozen and  Words are general, rather than
consultative. technical.
 This register may include more slang
FROZEN OR “STATIC” REGISTER  The language used by lovers.
 At this level, language is literally  It is also the language used in
“frozen” in time and form. personalized, private talk.
 It does not change.  This is the most intimate form of
 This type of language is often learned language.
and repeated by rote.  It is best avoided in public and
 This is the register used for most professional situations.
academic and scientific publishing.

Examples include biblical verse, prayers, the

Pledge of Allegiance, and so forth.

 This style is impersonal and often
follows a prescriptive format.
 The speaker uses complete
sentences, avoids slang and may use
technical or academic vocabulary.
 It is likely that the speaker will use
fewer contractions, but opt instead for
complete words.

Example: “have not” instead of “haven’t”

The table shows th
Language Register.
adapted from CAPE C
(McDermott, 2006), la

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