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Phrasal Verbs (II) 2023/2024

2 nd Term 2020/2021
S5( ) Name ______________ No.( )

Thematic Phrasal Verbs

IV. Work

Phrasal verbs Meanings

1. back up to make a copy of information on a computer so as not to
lose it
2. draw up to draft; to plan out
3. clock in/on to record the time you arrive at work
4. clock off/out to record the time you leave work
5. set/open/start up to start a new business or organization
6. take on to begin to employ sb.
7. close down if a business or organization closes down, it stops doing
8. sell off to sell all or part of a business
9. go under if a company or business goes under, it fails financially
10. take over to take control of a company

V. Studying
Phrasal verbs Meanings
1. skim over/through to read a piece of writing quickly in order to understand
the main points, without studying the details
2. look up to look at book or computer in order to find a piece of
3. jot down to write sth., quickly on a piece of paper so that you can
remember it
4. write up to record sth. on paper or a computer in a complete or
final form, often using notes you have made
5. pad out to make a piece of writing or a speech longer by adding
more information or words, usually in a way that does not
improve it
6. rough out if you rough out a drawing or an idea, you draw or write
the main parts of it without showing the details
7. read up on to read a lot about a particular subject in order to learn
about it
8. brush up (on) to practice and improve your skills or your knowledge of
sth. that you learned in the past but have partly forgotten
9. pick up to learn a new skill or language by practicing it rather
than being taught it
10. hand in to give a piece of written work to a teacher

VI. Illness
Phrasal verbs Meanings
1. come down with to become ill, usually with a disease that is not very serious
2. pick up to get an infectious illness from sb. or sth.
3. fight off to try hard to get rid of an illness
4. break/come out in if you break/come out in sth. (e.g. sweat, spots, rash), it
suddenly appears on your skin
5. pass/black out to become unconscious
6. swell up if a part of your body swells up, it becomes larger or
rounder than usual
7. break down to become mentally or physical ill
8. get over to feel better after having an illness
9. pull through to recover from a serious illness, or to help sb. else to do
10. pass away to die

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