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MEK152S: Marine Engineering Project (Marks taken as Test 2 marks)

This project is to be +/- 12 pages long, typed, and in your own words. Any sketches are to be neatly
done by hand with a ruler. Marks will be given for originality and the quality/correctness of the work.
The Project is to include a table of content, an introduction, a conclusion as well as references/
Any copied or plagiarized work will be penalized severely. Any work submitted after the submission
date will be penalized 5% per day – regardless of circumstances. 5% will be deducted for submitting in
Word format. Please use suitable referencing.

Font: Century Gothic Font size: 11 Line spacing 1.15 – Justified Paragraphs

Please Email the completed project through to in a Pdf Format

DUE: 20th May 2024 (3 Weeks from 29th April)

MV MSC DIANA I Type: Container Ship I Year of build: 2016

Flag: Liberia I Built in South Korea I Engine power: 21862 HP
Engine Type: Diesel I Propulsion Type: Fixed Pitch

You have recently been assigned to the trading vessel MV VILNIA as Second Engineering Officer, and
are about to take the vessel into dry dock for maintenance in 10 days’ time. The vessel has a dry dock
work list in place and it is your job to assist the Chief Engineer in doing the final dry dock preparations.
The ship is docked in the port of Cape Town, as she is not operational due to a number of recent events,
so you will require tug assistance to enter the dry dock.

Two major events took place on the last voyage that has impacted the vessels schedule significantly.
Firstly, the main engine cannot be run in its current state, as the main engine sump has suffered microbial
attack of the lubricating oil. Secondly, the boiler has been contaminated through a leaking tank heating
coil (the observation tank oil-detecting sensor was faulty and did not detect the oil early enough).
Currently the vessel is under generator power using marine diesel as a fuel source.

After the dry-docking, the vessel is to be laid up for a six-month period, before the next long term charter
comes into effect.

A. Kabeya [MEK152S]
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As Second Engineering Officer, you are required to perform the following management tasks:

 Draw up a dry-dock list of management related tasks that need to be done (i.e. organize shore
power), to ensure no delays will be experienced. (GENERAL)

 List and explain all of the underwater inspections that you are to conduct along with the
classification society surveyor to ensure the integrity of the vessel structure, and so that
underwater maintenance is done correctly. (GENERAL)

 Explain the procedure to ensure that the main switchboard is surveyed in a safe manner,
explaining exactly what work is to be done. (ELECTRICAL)

 Explain what maintenance you will conduct on the bow-thruster motor to ensure the integrity of
the insulation, and what steps you will take to ensure that insulation failure does not take place
during the upcoming six-month layup. (ELECTRICAL)

 One of the main engine units is up for survey. Explain what it is you are checking (on both the
liner and the piston) when the piston and piston rod are removed, and the liner is accessible.

 Explain how you will deal with the microbial infestation problem, and how you will return the
engine lubrication system to an operational state. (MOTOR)

 Explain how you are going to drain the boiler and how the boiler contamination problem is to be
rectified as well as how the Boiler feed water will be maintained thereafter. (STEAM)

 Explain how you are going to store the boiler for the six-month period to ensure the boiler will not
have any corrosion related issues when returned to service in six months’ time. (STEAM)

 You have been requested to write a report and discuss the suitability of LNG as an alternative
source of fuel in Merchant shipping, its availability and viability economically. In addition, discuss
whether or not the current seafarer generation is skilled enough to handle such fuels and whether
it really lessens our carbon print on earth. (LNG)

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