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Corona Script:-

Lines Present

Rittam - Dad, can I ask u a question

Ayush – Yes, What is it Nick

Rittam - I have a puzzle, can u solve it, “There was a twin year from which arose a
queen who came from the east and who spread a plague in the darkness of night,
on a country with 7 hills and transformed the twilight of men into dust, to destroy
and ruin the world.

Ayush - This puzzle is really famous. It is talking about Coronavirus which came in
2020 from China. It ruined the economy and it was a nightmare which killed many
people across the globe. There was a lock down. In addition to it there was a
curfew, it was a total chaos .people believed that the research was done in 2003
and it had a family called as Coronaviridae. Believe me, those days were one of the
toughest days i had experienced

Hritvi - I'll tell a story about our father's past. Do you want to hear it??

Rittam - No.... Just kidding (laughs). Of course i wanna hear it, Angelina

*Story begins in the past Hritvi - When our father was just 10, he had seen
coronavirus from up close. It was the first time dad was going to school after 3
months of lockdown and a year of online studies, he seemed pretty excited
although our grandparents were agitated.

Aaryan - I'm feeling really pumped up... I'll go and hug my bestie Matilda

Vedank - Kevin! No, no, no, no!!! You won't dare to do that. You do know that you
have to maintain a distance of 2 meters from everyone else, also sanitize your
hands after every few minutes and most importantly do not and I repeat, do not
touch anything unnecessarily and keep your mask on at all times!!! Otherwise I'll
tie you up and you won't go to school and believe me, I don't care if you miss your
studies or even cry.
Simone - Mr Brown! Calm down!!!! He'll listen to you, so no need to scream and
bite his head off.... I'm nervous as well but that doesn't mean that I'll go bananas.

Vedank - (Clears throat) Sorry, Guess I got carried away.

Aaryan - OK dad. But don't worry I'll be fine. Mom, How do you think school will
be like????

Simone - See, It won't be like it was before. You will be sanitized through
sanitizing machines, your desks will be separated, all children will wear masks and
so will you. There will be shields and sanitizing stations. You won't have activity
periods like before.

Vedank - The school will also be having half days everyday. Also, u wouldn't be
allowed to meet your friends.

Aaryan - What!!!!!!!! This can't be. Why can't I meet my friends??? AND I think all
this is a lie. (HMPH) Vedank - Well, now you have to go to school

Simone - Oh yes, nick hop in the car and off you go now

Vedank - (Drives him to school) We are here!!! Now listen, just obey the rules
otherwise, you know the consequences

Aaryan - (gulps) OK dad!!!! Bye, see you soon

Vedank - Bye! Take care and see u soon. Just obey the rules Hritvi - After saying
goodbye, our dad went to his classroom very very excited.

Faiza- hi kevin ?how are you ?I am so happy to meet you . school has opened and
as for now I, am with you .I can’t wait so now it’s 'hugs time ‘

Aryan- don't touch me ! I m happy to meet you too and I am also excited to be
here but , no 'hugs 'please stay away ,Matilda.

Faiza- what ? Why should I stay away ? I'm your bestie .

Aryan - actually dad asked me to do so and (gulps) I don't wanna disagree to

him.(bell rings ) first period is starting bye!
Hritvi - The bell rang. Oh how good the children felt to be able to hear the bell
again. All the children took their seats and waited for the principal to start.

Bhavya - hello students good morning I am your principle Ms Smith you'll notice
that the desks are separated and all of you are wearing masks . There are Shields
around you . the first period is 'life lessons period' .here we'll known about how to
deal with corona and other life values .also there are many sanitizing machines
so........ don't touch any of your friends even in any nessacary matter. we will also
be having half days. In addition to it, there will be no activity periods. Sorry about
it students but these are the rules and rules are made to be followed . now I will
take your leave ,miss Anna please take over.

Kenisha - Hello students, I'm your teacher Ms. Anna As Ms Smith has already told
you what we'll be discussing, let's get right to the point. We'll talk about how to
deal with Coronavirus. Let's begin. First tell me what precautions do you take to
prevent being sick?????

Tamanya - Miss, There are basic precautions like washing hands for at least 20
seconds after every 3 hours, We should drink warm water every morning and
night, eat supplements or boost immunity through many ways, we should keep
our mask on and not touch anything unnecessarily. And if we are sick, we should
quarantine ourselves

Kenisha - Very good Jenny. Your points are really good. Matilda, you go ahead

Faiza - Ma'am all of us follow basic precautions although we forget important


Kenisha - Like what??

Faiza - Like we use the same slippers to go out and then use them inside our
homes too. It may have the infection which we bring inside our homes. We should
also sanitize our stuff that we bring from the market.

Kenisha - Yes you are correct Matilda. Can we give Matilda a hand of applause for
being observant and sharing her views. We have to assume everything outside
our house, is a carrier of corona. So we shouldn't go to crowded place or touch
anything unnecessarily. Just be careful and alert and you will never get ill.

Kenisha - Next question is "How can we boost our immunity?"

Aaryan - Ma'am I want to tell

Kenisha- yes kevin please go ahead!!!

Aaryan - we should eat citrus sources. I drink Giloy juice, eat moringa powder and
eat an indian gooseberry everyday. Also, good rest and hydration is very
important. We can take supplements to improve immunity. Dry fruits are also
very important. Basically, we should have a balanced diet.

Kenisha - Correct, we must drink turmeric water or turmeric milk as it has anti
septic properties. Herbal tea can also be consumed. We can make it by using
cinnamon, tulsi, giloy, honey and water and we must Eat yogurt and fruits, Try
and avoid oily food and cold foods and beverages.

Faiza - Yes ma'am

Hritvi - the principle enters the room and observes there discussion then asks a
question to all the students

Bhavya - Students, I'll ask you a question. Do you know why covid 19 has spread
so much?

Tamanya - Ma'am it has spread due to our negligence. In lockdown 1.0, all of us
were following the rules but then people got fed up and then they ignored corona
virus. So that is why corona virus has spread so much. We gave it an opportunity
to take over and now we are struggling.

Bhavya - Absolutely right. Now the most important thing is to be attentive and
follow the guidelines to prevent it from spreading more.

AYUSH- hope you enjoyed or play thank you & stay home stay safe .

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