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The Hitch hiker

The class began when Eak sir asked us about our interesting travel story.
Eak sir used to hitch hiked and asked us if we had also hitch hiked
before. I hadn’t so I didn’t reply. As soon a s I heard the word hitch hike,
I knew we were about to begin ‘The hitch hiker’ by Roald Dahl.
The Hitch Hiker
The narrator of the story is on his way to London when he stops to pick
up a hitchhiker. The narrator claims that he always stops for hitchhikers
because he was once one himself and understands how terrible it may
be.The narrator and the hitchhiker start conversing, and when the
narrator asks what he does, the hitchhiker gets very secretive. However,
the narrator does not press the topic; he recalls that an onslaught of
questions might be exhausting for a hitchhiker. They eventually talk
about the narrator's beautiful car, and he claims it can travel 129 miles
per hour. The hitchhiker claims that there is no way it can travel that
quickly. To prove the hitchhiker wrong narrator drives the car quickly
and picks up speed and quickly reaches 120 miles per hour. However,
narrator is quickly chased by police. The police officer mocks the
narrator while taking down his details. He also takes down the
hitchhiker's details and says he'll follow up on him because he doesn't
like the hitchhiker's face. As he walks away, the police officer tells the
narrator that he hopes he gets some jail time. The narrator feels upset as
a result of this occurrence. But the hitchhiker assures him that
individuals are not imprisoned for speeding. The narrator again inquires
of the hitchhiker about his occupation. The narrator could tell the
hitchhiker lied when the police officer inquired what his occupation was.
Hitchhiker informs the narrator that he is a ‘finger smith’. The hitchhiker
performs a variety of tricks and behaviors in order to persuade the
narrator. Later, the hitchhiker reveal that he stole the notebook from the
cop's pocket. When the narrator hears this, he smiles and thanks the
Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why?
I agree with the author's critique of unskilled workers. According to the
author, "the secret of life is to become very good at something very
difficult to do." He believes that everyone should focus on developing a
unique ability that will assist them improve their situation. We should
have a specialized skill set in order to survive properly, make living out
of it and have a happy life.
Rather than stealing from the poor, the hitchhiker takes from the wealthy
people. I disagree with the author in this case because not matter if it is
poor or rich, stealing is unethical. It will still be considered a crime
under and committing crime is never a right thing.t
What can this essay teach us about our own life?
We can very well see the class difference in this story. The narrator who
is a rich guys gets away from troubles or the crime he committed
through hitchhikers help however a middleclass cop who is very serious
at his job gets to pay the price of losing his notebook where he had
recorded his crimes.
It teaches us how being good at a particular thing can be helpful. It is
critical to have a competent skill and to execute it properly. The Author
says "The secret to life is to become very brilliant at something that's
very hard to achieve”. Also, we should treat others as we would like to
be treated, and avoid passing harsh judgment.
How could you have ended the literature differently?
The Hitch hiker steals from the rich people but not the poor. The
narrator himself is a rich guy. So, it wouldn’t make sense for the hitch
hiker to not steal something from him. So, I would end a story in such a
way where the hitch hiker steals something precious from the narrator.

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