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Revision for Checkpoint: Chemistry

Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom. All the atoms in an element have the same
number of protons.
Some elements bond to form molecules e.g. Cl2 or S8 Argon (Ar) is an element found as single atoms.
Each element has its own set of physical and chemical properties.
The periodic table lists elements only. If a substance is not on the periodic table, it is not an element.

Make sure you know these elements and their symbols.

Hydrogen H Helium He Lithium Li Beryllium Be Boron B Carbon C

Nitrogen N Oxygen O Fluorine F Neon Ne Sodium Na Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al Silicon Si Phosphorus P Sulfur S Chlorine Cl Argon Ar
Potassium K Calcium Ca Copper Cu Iron Fe Silver Ag
Flame Test:
Some elements are identifiable from their flame tests

Element potassium sodium calcium copper

Flame Colour lilac yellow red Blue/green
Atoms and Molecules

This picture shows atoms along the top and molecules underneath.
Atoms are the building blocks of elements and compounds. The word atom is from Greek and means ‘un-
cutable’. Atoms cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances, but they are made up of subatomic
Atoms are the building blocks of elements, which retain the elements’ physical and chemical properties.
Consist of atoms bonded together (shown overlapping). Molecules are usually compounds, but there are some
molecular elements.
Compounds are composed of two or more elements (i.e. two or more types of atoms) chemically bonded
Common compounds include the following. Notice the endings of the names carefully.
oxide hydroxide chloride sulfate carbonate
sodium sodium oxide sodium hydroxide sodium chloride sodium sulfate sodium carbonate
magnesium magnesium magnesium magnesium magnesium magnesium
oxide hydroxide chloride sulfate carbonate

calcium calcium oxide calcium hydroxide calcium chloride calcium sulfate calcium carbonate
iron iron oxide iron hydroxide iron chloride iron sulfate iron carbonate
potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium potassium
oxide hydroxide chloride sulfate carbonate
aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium
oxide hydroxide chloride sulfate carbonate

Mixtures are made up of different substances (elements or compounds) that can be separated by a simple
physical method. E.g. seawater, milk, cola, tea and air. Alloys (brass and steel) are mixtures not compounds
Mixtures and Compounds
Compound Mixture
Production Mixed and then heated to bond Only mixed
Heat change on making Considerable exothermic Insignificant heat change
Ease and method of separation Difficult. Elements in a compound Easy. Components of a mixture
can only be separated by chemical are easily separated by simple
reaction. physical methods (filtration,
Physical properties A compound has its own unique Each substance in a mixture keeps
physical properties, which are its own physical properties.
different from the elements it is There are no new physical
made from. properties.
Chemical properties A compound has its own new set Each substance in a mixture keeps
of chemical properties, which are its own chemical properties.
nothing like the chemical There are no new chemical
properties of the elements from properties.
which it is made.
Pure: A chemical is pure if it contains only one substance. E.g. pure water is only water and nothing else.
Metals and Non-metals
The metals are found at the left-hand-side of the periodic table.
The non-metals are found at the right-hand side of the periodic table.
The poor metals are found in the “triangle”.
There is a clear trend moving across a period: reactive metals, transition metals, poor metals and non-metals.

As we go down Group I and II the metals become more reactive.

As we go down Group VII the non-metals become less reactive.

The group numbers is also equal to the number of electrons in the outer shell.
Or, the number of electrons in the outer shell will allow you do decide which group an element belongs to.

Reactive metal xx Transition or typical metal oo Non-metal /// Poor metal vv Inert element …

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8

xxxxxx xxxxxx //////////// //////////// //////////// //////////// //////////// ………
xxxxxx xxxxxx Transition metals vvvvvv //////////// //////////// //////////// //////////// ………
xxxxxx xxxxxx ooooooooooooooooo vvvvvv vvvvvv //////////// //////////// //////////// ………
xxxxxx xxxxxx ooooooooooooooooo vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv //////////// //////////// ………
xxxxxx xxxxxx ooooooooooooooooo vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv //////////// ………
Notice the “staircase” that separates metals from non-metals.
You need to learn which elements are metals and which are non-metals

Metals and Non-Metals
Typical Metals Typical Non-metals.
Malleable (Can be beaten into shapes) Brittle (Shatter when hit)
Ductile (Can be pulled into wires) On-ductile (Snap when pulled)
Good electrical conductors Non-conductors of electricity. (Electrical insulators)
Good thermal conductors Poor conductors of thermal energy. (Thermal insulators)
Tensile (Strong and can support large loads Non-tensile
Sonorous (Make a musical sound when hit) Non-sonorous
React chemical with acids to produce hydrogen gas. Do not react with acids.
Shiny Dull
Most corrode; they react with oxygen to form metal Non-metals do not corrode though they can react with
oxides and the surface loses its shine. (Except silver oxygen to form the metal oxide, which is usually a gas.
and gold)
React with acids to produce a salt and hydrogen. Do not react with acids

Vocabulary for Properties of Materials (maybe you can add some more)

Opaque Light cannot pass through

Transparent Light can pass through
Luminous Makes its own light
Non-luminous Does not make its own light.
Elastic Can be stretched, but returns to its original length / shape
Plastic Its shape can be deformed
Ductile Can be pulled into wires
Brittle Shatters when hit
Compressible Can be easily squashed
Flammable / inflammable Catches fire easily
Corrosive Destroys living tissue and other materials
Toxic Very poisonous when swallowed or breathed in
Explosive Very vigorous reaction when a flame is applied
Conductor Allows electricity (electrons) or heat to pass through
Immiscible Liquids that do not mix. One floats on the other
Miscible Two or more liquids that mix
Flexible Bends easily without breaking
Volatile Evaporates easily
Malleable Can be hammered into a shape
Sonorous Makes a musical sound when hit.


Heat to melting point Heat to boiling point
Melting Boiling
Solid Liquid Gas

Solidifying Condensing
Cool to melting point Cool to boiling point

A solid A liquid A gas

SOLID: Fixed shape. Fixed volume. Non-compressible. High density. Particles have low kinetic energy.
Particles vibrate about a fixed point. Heating a solid produces a liquid. Strong intermolecular forces
LIQUID: Takes the shape of the bottom of the container. Fixed volume. Non-compressible. Moderate
density. Moderate kinetic energy. Particles slip past each other without touching, still close enough to be
incompressible. Cooling a liquid produces a solid, heating a liquid produces a gas. Intermolecular forces less
strong than solids.
GAS: Same volume as its container. Same shape as its container. Low density. Highly compressible. High
kinetic energy. Particles move rapidly in all directions. Cooling produced a liquid. No intermolecular forces.

Kinetic Theory to Explain Change of State, Dissolving and Diffusion

Particles in a solid have very little energy and can only vibrate about a fixed point.
When solids are heated, the particles gain thermal energy and convert it into kinetic energy.
The particles vibrate more quickly and eventually, at the melting point, the particles have sufficient energy to
slip past each other. The solid becomes a liquid.
Particles in a liquid have very little energy but they can slip past each other.
When liquids are cooled, the particles lose kinetic energy and move more slowly.
Eventually, at the melting point, the particles have insufficient energy to slip past each other and so they
become held in a fixed position and can only vibrate. The liquid turns into a solid.
The Strange Behaviour of Water
Normally when a liquid become a solids its volume decreases because the particles move closer
together. When water becomes a liquid, its volume increases. Water trapped in a crack in a rock can
solidify and break the rock.
Particles in a liquid have very little energy but they can slip past each other.
When liquids are heated, the particles gain thermal energy and convert it into kinetic energy.
The particles move faster and faster and eventually, at the boiling point, the particles have sufficient energy to
overcome the intermolecular forces and move completely free from each other. The liquid turns into a gas.
Particles in a gas have a huge amount of kinetic energy and ‘whiz’ all over the place.
When gases are cooled, the particles lose kinetic energy and move more slowly.
Eventually, at the boiling point, the particles have insufficient energy to move completely freely and so they
begin to slip past each other. The gas turns into a liquid.
Generally, water is a good solvent for solids.
In the solid, the particles are held tightly together in straight rows.
In the liquid, the particles are free to move.
As water molecules move around some collide with the particles in the solid and dislodge them so that the
particles of the solid are now able to move freely between the water particles. We say the solid has dissolved.
A solution is made by dissolving a solid in a solvent. A solution is perfectly clear; there are no ‘visible bits’ to
reflect the light. Solutions pass through filter paper.

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a place of high concentration to a place of low concentration.
Solids cannot diffuse because the particles in a solid are not free to move from place to place. Liquids can
diffuse slowly and gases can diffuse very quickly. Brownian motion causes diffusion. Brownian motion is the
random, haphazard motion of particles in short straight lines in a zigzag manner.

Methods of Separation (See class work for diagrams and methods: this is an important section.)
Filtration is used to separate a) a suspension from a liquid e.g. mud from river water.
b) an insoluble solid from a liquid e.g. sand from water
c) an insoluble substance from a solution e.g. sand from sea water.
c) a solid precipitate, made in a reaction, from the other soluble substances.

Filtration always traps the insoluble substance on the filter paper because insoluble substances cannot pass
through the paper. We call the insoluble substance on the filter paper the residue.

To separate a soluble solid from an insoluble solid e.g. sand from salt
Procedure: Add water to dissolve the soluble substance, stir well, filter, rinse and dry the residue.
The insoluble substance collects as a residue on the filter paper because it cannot pass through the
filter paper.
The soluble substance collects in the solution, which is the filtrate because it can pass through the
filter paper.
Evaporation separates a soluble substance from a solution.
Procedure: Heat the solution strongly to evaporate off the solvent. (Alternatively, crystallize. See below)
(Note if the solvent is flammable use a hot water bath and not a naked flame.
Crystallization separates dissolved solid from a solution.
Procedure: Heat the solution very strongly to make a very concentrated solution. Stop heating and allow the
concentrated solution to cool and crystals will appear. Remove crystals and dry on a filter paper.
Simple distillation separates the solvent from the solute. The solvent is the distillate.
Fractional distillation separates several liquids, of different boiling points. The liquid with the lower boiling
point boil first and so are collected first. The gas (vapour) is then cooled until it condenses.
Chromatography is a method of separating coloured pigments.
Interpreting the results of chromatography
a) Spot remains on the line = substance is insoluble in the solvent
b) Two or more spots form = substance was a mixture
c) Only one spot produced = substance was pure (i.e. one substance only)
d) Spots are at the same height = substances are the same chemicals

Separation by Density:
A separating funnel separates immiscible liquids with different densities. The more dense liquid sinks and is
collected first.
Separating with a Magnet
Iron, nickel and cobalt are separated from a mixture by using a magnet because they are attracted.
The mixture is placed on a paper and the magnet is used to stroke the underside of the paper many times. The
iron, nickel or cobalt is pulled to one side and the others substance is left at the centre of the paper.

You should be able to draw, label and explain and label the following diagrams; - (See classwork for details)

Filtration Evaporation / Crystallization Separating funnel

Separates the insoluble substance Drives off the water to leave the
from a solution or liquid, e.g. mud dissolved substance behind, e.g. Separates immiscible substances,
from water salt from a salt solution e.g. oil from water
Chromatography Fractional Distillation Simple distillation

Separates coloured substances,

e.g. inks in felt tip pens
Separates liquids with different but Separates liquids with very different
close boiling points, e.g. crude oil boiling points e.g. separates water
is separated into petrol, diesel from water and ink
paraffin etc.

Physical and Chemical Changes

Physical Change Chemical Change

What is made No new substance A new substance
Energy change No great energy change A large energy change
Reversibility Usually easily reversed Usually not easily reversed
Physical and Unchanged The product has its own new set of
Chemical Properties physical and chemical properties
Examples Melting, boiling, solidifying, and Magnesium reacting with oxygen to
condensing, dissolving, evaporation, make magnesium oxide
mixing un-reactive substances A metal reacting with an acid to make a
salt and hydrogen
Burning to make an oxide, rusting,
heating carbonates

Formation of Metal Oxides:
Most metals will react with oxygen except for silver and gold.
Sodium and potassium react very quickly, but iron and copper react slowly.
Rule: metal + oxygen  metal oxide

Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide

Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide
Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide
Potassium + oxygen  potassium oxide Copper + oxygen  copper oxide
During neutralization, the pH of the acid increases as the acid is used up. When all the acid has reacted, the
remaining salt solution will be neutral. If we follow the pH it will change from 1 to 7 during neutralization)
Acidic solutions are neutralized in a chemical reaction with a base.
Rule: acid + base  a salt + water ONLY (Notice, acids react to produce salts.)

hydrochloric acid + copper oxide  copper chloride + water

sulfuric acid + copper oxide  copper sulfate + water
hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide  sodium chloride + water
sulfuric acid + sodium hydroxide  sodium sulfate + water
Reaction of Metals with Water
Some metals are too dangerous for pupils to put in water and so the teacher demonstrates the reaction.
Some metals react less vigorously with water
Some metals do not react with water
Rule 1: Very reactive metals (K, Na, Ca) + water  metal hydroxide (an alkali) + hydrogen

sodium + water  sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

potassium + water  potassium hydroxide + hydrogen

Rule 2: Reactive metals + water (steam)  metal oxide + hydrogen

zinc + water (steam)  zinc oxide + hydrogen

Iron + water (steam)  iron oxide + hydrogen

Rule 3: Reactive metals + water  No reaction

Copper + water or steam  No Reaction

Silver + water or steam  No Reaction

Order of Reactivity of Metals

All of the above chemical reactions and many others have allowed chemists to put the metals in order of their
reactivity. You only need to know the following. The strange sentence is to help you remember the order.
Most reactive to least reactive. Kick Nasty Cats, Mangle All Zebras, Feed Plump Horses, Curse Angrily
K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Pb, H, Cu, Ag

Metals that are more reactive can displace less reactive metals.
Rule: more reactive metal + metal compound  more reactive metal compound + less reactive metal

copper + silver nitrate  copper nitrate + copper

zinc + copper chloride  zinc chloride + copper
copper + magnesium chloride  No Reaction
magnesium + zinc sulfate  magnesium sulfate + zinc
Composition of Clean Air
Substance Approximate %
nitrogen 78
oxygen 21
Argon and other noble gases 1
Carbon dioxide 0.04
Water vapour Varies

Rust is hydrated iron oxide. Only iron rusts, all other metals corrode.
Step one: iron first corrodes by reacting with oxygen in the air. (This is an oxidation, i.e. gain of oxygen)
Step two: then the iron oxide then reacts with water to form hydrated iron oxide or rust.

Step 1. iron + oxygen  iron oxide

Step 2. iron oxide + water  hydrated iron oxide (or rust)
Rusting is not a useful chemical reaction. In fact, people spent millions of Euros each year to prevent rusting.
Ways of Preventing Rusting: painting, oiling, greasing, galvanizing (coating with zinc), sacrificial protection
(attaching a piece of a more reactive metal, usually magnesium).

The experiment shows that rusting needs two chemicals: oxygen

and water.
(Read your class notes)

An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases thermal energy to the surroundings.
The test-tube feels hot. Burning and neutralization are exothermic reactions.
An endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs thermal energy.
The tube feels cold. Few reactions are endothermic. Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction
Acids and Alkalis:
Acids have a sour taste, a pH lower than 7 and turn blue litmus red.
The addition of a metal to an acid causes the production of bubbles of hydrogen.
But care, because copper does not react.
Acid + metal  a salt + hydrogen
The addition of a base (metal oxide or metal hydroxide) to an acid causes neutralized but no gas production.
Acid + base a salt + water
Alkalis have a bitter taste, feel soapy, a pH higher than 7 and turn red litmus blue.
The addition of an acid to an alkali causes neutralization but no gas production.
Acid + alkali  a salt + water
Acidity, Neutrality and Alkalinity
We can test a solution to see if it is acidic or alkaline by using a pH meter or indicators.
A pH Meter: A pH meter is quick and easy to read and it will give a number immediately.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Strongly acidic Weakly acidic Neutral Weakly alkaline Strongly alkaline

Litmus Paper or Solution:

Litmus is not such a good indicator as it only indicates if the solution is acidic or alkaline and not exactly how
acidic or how alkaline it is.

Red Purple Blue

Acidic Neutral Alkaline

Universal Indicator Paper or Solution:

Universal indicator is an excellent indicator as it indicates not only acidity or alkalinity but also exactly how
acidic or how alkaline a solution is.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Weak Acid
When it rains carbon dioxide dissolves in the rain making it slightly acidic.
Carbonic acid is a weak acid with a pH of about 6.
Application of Neutralization
1. Acidic stomachs can be made less acidic by taking magnesium hydroxide tablets, which are alkaline.
2. Soil that is too acidic can be treated with lime (calcium oxide).
3. Industrial waste which is acidic can also be treated with lime.
Preparation of Salts
Salts are made from acids. Hydrochloric acid makes the chlorides, sulfuric acid makes the sulfates and nitric
acid makes the nitrates. To make a salt it is easiest to add either the metal or the metal carbonate.
CARE. Copper will not react with acids so it cannot be used and copper carbonate is used instead.

Acid + metal  a salt + hydrogen (But not copper as it is below hydrogen in the reactivity series.)
Acid + metal carbonate  a salt + water + carbon dioxide

Put about 50 cm3 of acid into a small beaker. Add either the metal or the metal carbonate until effervescence
stops AND there is still some metal or metal carbonate at the bottom of the beaker. In this way we know that
all of the acid has reacted. Filter the mixture to remove the metal or metal carbonate. The solution is a salt in
water. Heat strongly to make the solution concentrated. Leave the concentrated solution to cool and evaporate
slowly for 3 to 4 days. Remove the crystals and dry on filter paper.
Some Examples

Salt Acid Metal Metal carbonate
copper chloride hydrochloric acid xxxxxxxx (Cu does not react) copper carbonate
zinc nitrate nitric acid zinc zinc carbonate
magnesium sulfate sulfuric acid magnesium magnesium carbonate
iron nitrate nitric acid iron Iron carbonate
copper sulfate sulfuric acid xxxxxxxx (Cu does not react) copper carbonate
Rate of Chemical Reaction
Stronger solutions, larger surface area (using a powder), heating, and a catalyst, all increase the rate of
reaction. (Weak solutions, small surface area (big lumps) and cooling all decrease the rate of reaction)
Effect of concentration, particle size, temperature and catalysts on the rate of reaction
For a chemical reaction to occur, particles of the reactants must collide with each other with sufficient energy
to break and make new bonds.
Heating makes a chemical reaction go faster because the particles in the reactants move faster. This means: -
a) more particles collide b) more particles have high enough energy to collide fruitfully (i.e. collide and
Increasing the surface area of a solid makes a chemical reaction go faster. If a solid is powdered, the surface
area becomes larger; more particles are exposed so the surface area for collisions/ reaction is greater.
Concentration makes chemical reactions go faster. This is because there are more particles in the solution so
they are more likely to collide.
Catalysts speed up chemical reactions and they are usually solids. They act by trapping one of the reactants so
the other is more likely to collide with it.

Simple Experiments
(Fair experiments: everything the same except the factor being tested)
The reaction of a metal with an acid produces bubbles of hydrogen. A faster rate of bubble production means
a faster reaction. Each experiment is carried out in a beaker and the temperature must be the same.
To show surface area increases the rate of reaction
Add 1g of magnesium ribbon to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid. (In a beaker)
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid. (In a beaker)
To show concentration increases the rate of reaction
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 2 Molar hydrochloric acid.
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1 Molar hydrochloric acid.
To show catalysts increases the rate of reaction
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid. (No catalyst)
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid and a small amount of copper sulfate
To show temperature increases the rate of reaction
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid at 20oC.
Add 1g of powdered magnesium to 20 cm3 of 1Molar hydrochloric acid at 40oC.
A More Advanced Experiment
In the following apparatus and the volume of gas can be measure.

Understanding the Graph
a) The steeper the gradient of the graph, the faster the chemical reaction.
(Small marble chips reacted faster than large marble chips.)
b) The lower graph line is the slower reaction.
(Large marble chips reacted slower than small marble chips.)
c) Where the graph levels off, the reaction has stopped.
(Small marble chips complete the reaction before the large marble chips)
d) If we use the same amounts of chemicals, the graphs should level off at the same position on the y-axis.
(Small marble chips and large marble chips both level off at the same volume.
Both produce the same volume of gas.)

The Structure of Atoms
The elements are arranged on the periodic table according to the proton (atomic) number.
Number of protons (atomic number) = number of electrons. Thus, the sixth element has 6 protons and 6
electrons. The number of protons = (mass number – proton number). Thus the sixth element has (12 – 6) 6
Each period on the periodic table is a new orbit.
The inner orbit can hold 2 electrons, the second and third orbits can hold 8 electrons.

Particle Position Charge How many

Protons In the nucleus Positive (1+) Same as the atomic number (lower number) or position
in the periodic table
Electrons In orbits (shells) Negative (1−) Same as the number of protons above
Neutrons In the nucleus No change (0) Difference between mass number (upper number) and
atomic number (lower number).

You should be able to draw the first 20 atoms showing the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in
Trends in the Periodic Table
Groups go down the periodic table. Groups show clear trends.
The first two groups contain very reactive metals and the reactivity increases as we go down the group. Group
1 metals are very reactive, soft, easily cut with a knife, have a low density, and react with water to form
alkaline solutions.
The block of metals at the center of the periodic table is called transition metals. Transition metals are less
reactive than group 1 and 2 metals but have the properties of typical metals (sonorous, malleable, tensile,
ductile high density, good conductors etc.).

Group 7 elements or halogens, they are all good disinfectants, and reactivity decreases on going down the
group. They are all found as diatomic molecules (F2, Cl2, Br2 and I2). Chlorine is used in swimming pools and
drinking water to kill bacteria.
Group 0 or 8 or VIII is called the noble gases. They are un-reactive because they have a full outer shell. They
are monatomic. Argon is used in light bulbs, neon in advertising signs and helium in weather balloons (float).
Periods go across the periodic table. Periods show trends.
Moving across a period, the elements become less metallic and more non-metallic.
Atoms are made up of three subatomic particles.

Particle Charge Mass Position in atom

Protons 1+ 1 Nucleus
Neutrons 0 1 Nucleus
Electrons 1− 1 / 2000 In shell

Representations of an Atom

By international agreement, an element is symbolized in the following way.

Mass number (A) = P + N 7

Atomic number (Z) = P 3

To find the number of neutrons we subtract the bottom number from the top number. e.g. 7 – 3 = 4
The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons.
The bottom number tells us the number of protons.
Each element has its own atomic number, which determines the position of the elements on the periodic
Elements in a Compound
You should be able to look at compounds and name the metals and non-metals. (Learn them from the PT)

CuCO3 This contains 3 elements; copper, carbon and oxygen

(Copper is a metal. Carbon and oxygen are non-metals)
NaHSO4 This contains 4 elements; sodium, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen
(Sodium is a metal. Hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen are non-metals)
(NH4)2SO4 This contains 4 elements; nitrogen, hydrogen sulfur and oxygen
(Nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen are all non-metals)
Counting elements
The number just after the symbol of the element tells us the number of atoms of that element.
If there is no number, then it is one atom of the element.
The number outside the bracket multiplies every thing in the bracket.
CuCO3 This contains 1 atoms of copper, 1 atom of carbon and 3 atoms of oxygen

NaHSO4 This contains 1 atom of sodium, 1 atom of hydrogen, 1 atom of sulfur and 4 atoms of oxygen

(NH4)2SO4 This contains 2 atoms of nitrogen, 8 atoms of hydrogen, 1 atom of sulfur and 4 atoms of oxygen

Hydrogen Gas
Test: Hold a burning splint near the sample
Result: Gas burns with a “pop”

Carbon Dioxide Gas

Test: Bubble the gas through lime water
Result: Colourless lime water goes milky (white precipitate)

Test: Hold a glowing splint in the gas
Result: The glowing splint relights


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