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Assignment / Presentation on following topics

Rights of minorites in Islam

Included members in Group :


The prophet (peace and blessings upon him) was told: “…If you judge,
judge between them with justice… [7]” further the Quran says “We
have revealed to you the scripture with the truth that you may judge
between people by what Lord has taught you [7].”( Quran 4:105)
The Islam is very clear that Minorities should be treated equally by
State which follows Islam. Fundamental rights are available to the
Minorities in Islamic territories. Besides it, they are having certain
special rights for the protection of their culture and religion. They
have full right to profess and practice religion or faith of their choice.
The State will be duty bound to protect their place of worship. They
will be protected from all types of violence and aggression. The
Quranic injunctions and prophetic traditions guarantee a society,
where all citizens of the state enjoy equal rights irrespective of their
Islam is a religion of mercy to entire humankind and mankind includes
both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Prophet of Islam (Peace and
blessing upon him) is declared as mercy in the Quran by the Lord
"And we have not sent you but as a mercy to all the worlds "[1].
(Quran 21:107)
The Prophet (Peace and blessing upon him) provides humanity the
meaning of mercy as the practical concept of Justness, Fairness and
Equality. It is also one of the aspects of mercy that How Prophet
provided justice to non-Muslim community.The Holy Quran and
Hadiths have made it very clear that Minorities should be treated
equally by the State following Islam. Fundamental rights are available
to Minorities in Islamic territories. Besides it they are having certain
special rights for the protection of their culture and religion. They
have full right to
profess and practice religion or faith of their choice. The State will be
duty bound to protect their place of worship. They will be protected
from all types of violence and aggression. The Quranic injunctions and
prophetic traditions guarantee a society, where all citizens of the
state enjoy equal rights irrespective of their religion.


If Allah so willed, He would have made you a single People, but His
plan is to test each of you separately, in what He has given to each of
you: so strive in all virtues as in you are in a race. The goal of all of
you is to Allah. It is He that will show you the truth of the matters in
which ye dispute.[ Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 48] And say, “The truth is
from your Lord, so whoever wills – let him believe; and whoever wills
– let him disbelieve”
(Al-kahf 18:29) .“God does not forbid you from doing good and being
just to those who have neither fought you over your faith nor evicted
you from your homes...”
The scholars of the Quran have concluded that these rulings apply to
all nations and followers of all faiths.The Quran told Muslims to
discuss the common points between Muslims and nonMuslims. It
directs Muslims not to fight with people of the Book. And dispute not
with the People of the Book, except with means better than mere
disputation, unless I be with those of them who inflict wrong and
injury, but Say to them:
"We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that
which came down to you; Our God and your God is one; and it is to
Him that we bow”(Surah Al-Ankabut verse 46)
Islamic rule must provide all security to minorities and, the minorities
cannot be forced to participate in defence services. The Islamic rule is
responsible for the protection of lives, honor and property of all
including minorities.With regard to Minorities' right to freedom of
belief,the Prophet (peace is upon him) says: "Whoever kills a
contracting man (a non-Muslim protected by the state or an
agreement) he will not smell the Paradise”[Sahih hadees].
The Prophet (peace be upon him) warned against the injustice
committed against non-Muslims and diminishment of their rights. He
vowed to be the opponent of their aggressors. He said: "Beware, if
anyone wrongs a contracting man, or diminishes his right, or forces
him to work beyond his capacity, or takes from him anything without
his consent, I shall plead for him on the Day of Judgment [sunnan Abu
Dawud 3052]". "Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim
minority, curtails their rights, burdens them with more than they can
bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet
Muhammad) will complaian against the person on the Day of
Judgment” [Abu Dawud]


Minorities are all national cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
whose minority status has been recognized by national legislation or by
internationally binding declarations as well as minorities that define and
organize themselves as such.
Minority rights are individual and collective rights through which people
belonging to national minority groups are entitled to enjoy their own culture, to
use their own language, to profess and practice their own religion, to have the
right to freedom of expression and assembly, to have equal opportunities to
education and employment, and to enjoy full participation in public life.

Minority rights are part of the general human rights framework and must be
protected above given factors :

➢ National legislation
➢ Appropriate Government policies
➢ Support of the civil society

It has been accepted by western scholars that the people of the
covenant, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, and Sabians, all enjoyed
degree of tolerance that we do not find even today in Christian
countries. They were free to practice the rituals of their religion and
their churches and temples were preserved. They enjoyed autonomy
in that they were subject to the religious laws of the scholars and
judges [18]. Patriarch Ghaytho accepted the humility of Muslim
community towards Minorities and told that ‘The Arabs, to whom the
Lord has given control over the world, treat us as you know; they are
not the enemies of Christians. Indeed, they praise our community, and
treat our priests and saints with dignity, and offer aid to churches and
monasteries Thus, it can be summarized that Minority Rights exist in
Islam and its leaders have practically implemented the commands of
Allah and His messenger. History is witness to the fact that Islam
granted special rights to the Minorities before more than 1400 years
from now. The modern world recognized their Rights through United
Nations only in 20th century.

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