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Cambridge IGCSE Geography – Paper 1 – long answers (7 marks)

Level 1 (1 to 3 marks): 1 simple statement (1 mark) 2 simple statements (2 marks) 3 simple
statements (3 marks)

Level 2 (4 to 6 marks):
1 developed statement (4 marks)
2 developed statements (5 marks)
3 or more developed statements with e.g. (6 marks)

Level 3 (7 marks)
3 or more developed statements + named example with at least one piece of place specific detail.

The following questions are taken from the June 2017 paper 1 (all 3 regions)
Section A: Population & Settlement

For a named country you have studied, describe a population policy which has been used to influence
its population growth rate.

For a named country you have studied, describe the problems caused by an increasing percentage of
young or old dependents.

For a named country you have studied, explain why the natural population growth rate is low.

For an urban area you have studied, state one problem which occurs and explain its causes. You
should choose from the following problems: Housing issues / Traffic congestion / Air pollution.

For a named urban area you have studied, describe the problems which are caused by urban sprawl.

For an urban area you have studied, describe the strategies used to reduce problems caused by the
growth of squatter settlements.

Section B: The Natural Environment

Earthquakes are a natural hazard. Describe the impacts of an earthquake in a named area you have

Explain the causes of an earthquake in a named area you have studied.

Explain how a sand spit is formed. You should include a labelled diagram or series of diagrams.
For an area you have studied, describe how coastal hazards are being managed.

Describe the opportunities of living near a named river you have studied.

For a named river you have studied, explain the causes of flooding.

Section C: Economic Development

Describe the impacts of a named transnational corporation (TNC) on a country where its goods are
produced or services provided.

For a named farm or agricultural area you have studied, describe the farming system.
Explain the location of a factory or industrial zone in a named area you have studied.

For a named farm or agricultural area you have studied, explain how the natural environment (climate,
relief and soil) has influenced how the land is used.

An economic activity is tourism. For a named example of an area you have studied, explain why the
physical and human landscapes attract tourists.

For a named area you have studied where tourism is important, explain how it is being managed in
order for it to be sustainable.

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