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The corporation’s net earning this year exceeded last year’s

The company’s profits grew this year

There’s an increase in the the firm’s net earning this year

compared to last year.
I believe people’s attention are interupted to a high extent for
various reasons.
A great number of people hate their jobs because they believe
that their jobs do not fit their interests. When searching for
positions in the job market, a lot of job seekers expect that they
will land up with works that allow them to do things that they
like. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of job vacancies
as well as the cut-throat competition among all the job
candidates, the jobs that many people end up working on do
not meet their expectations, thus they naturally develop hatred
towards their occupations.
An interesting person whom I know is an American-
French artist whom I worked with during the summer of
2018 in Shanghai. She was an eccentric person with a
variety of quirks. For example, she was a faithful
vegetarian who refused to eat anything that contains even
a single bit of animal content; she was a hardcore left-
winger who was an active advocate against neo-liberal
capitalism; plus, she liked to wear a cute yellow raincoat.
And because of these quirks, I had a great time working
as her assistant throughout the summertime.
I’m studying English because I have to pass an IELTS exam that
is mandatory for applying for citizenship in Canada.
Benefit one: Reduces crime rate

Explain: Higher education rate are correlated to lower

crime rate.
Further explain: When people become attend schools,
they are taught with knowledges about how law works,
become more aware of the consequences of commiting
crimes. consciously choose not to be be criminals to avoid
legal punishments.
Further explain: Most schools teach skills that prepare
students for qualified workers, such as: reading,
mathematics, IT. More likely to opt for working for decent
jobs than commit crimes in order to earn a living.

Benefits two: Solve overpopulation problems.

Explain: Many contries are plagued by overpopulaton,
and having more educated can ease this issue.
Further explain: Studies from many countries have proved
that higher education rate is linked to lower birth rate.
Further explain: Educated people are more willing to
chase for success in the corporate world than having
The map is a display of the development of a city.

The map

The map exhibits the growth of an urban area.

The map demonstrates the evolution of a town.

We can reduce traffic by building more public
transportation infrastructures.
Some people are not willing to consume meat becasue they
want to slow down the progress of global warming.
An animal that is adored by many people is the domestic
cat. A lot of people keep cats in their homes as pets for
fun and companionship. One of the reasons why cats are
so popular among humans is their cute looks. Scientists
pointed out that cats have big, round eyes and tiny
bodies that resemble the looks of adorable human
babies, and they can stimulate humans’ instincts of caring
for cute and vulnerable creatures.
Children’s behavior is influenced by their
caregivers as well as their peers.
For: Private health care is more efficient.
Private healthcare inspires innovations
Private healthcare provides better service

Against: Private healthcare is more expensive than the

public one.
Private healthcare could provide dodgy service.
The chart displays the changes in unemployment levels in three
nations between 2008 and 2018.

The graph showcases how much the unemployment levels in

three nations changed from 2008 to 2018.
I agree that parents do not allocate enough time to spend
with their kids in this day and age.
A lot of students are willing to study abroad because they want to
experience what it is like to live in a foreign country.
One of my personal items that are essential to my life
is my cellphone. I use my phone to conduct many
important activities daily. For instance, every day, I
communicate with my colleagues regarding important
work details on a messaging app called WeChat on
my phone.
I use my mobile phone to do video chats with my colleagues as
well as my best friends on a smartphone app called Telegram
Cause one: Greed, steal and scam money from
other people.
Cause two: Revenge
Cause three: Conflict of interests.
Cause four: Mental illnesses. paranoia bipolar
personality disorder.
The flow charts showcases the six stages need to make breads, from
mixing to baking.
This chart exhibits the six stages that are required to produce breads,
from mixing to baking.
I agree with the argument that toys for kids should offer both entertainment
values as well as educational values.
Immigration is a popular topic in political debates because it can
attract votes.
For instance, one of the practical skills that I believe all
children should learn through training is cooking. For safety
reasons, most children can enjoy daily meals prepared by
their parents. However, after they become adults, a lot of
them have to leave their families to live on their own, and this
means they have to cook their food. Some people may argue
that the development of convenient meal delivery services
has eliminated the need of learning home cooking, but in
reality, frequent food orderings through such services could
place heavy financial burdens on many people. As a result,
cooking remains an essential skill for children to pick up.
they play important roles
in animal conservation.
Positives: Global economic development
Global spread of innovative ideas
Lower production costs.

Negatives: Environment issues in developing countries

The widening wealth gap between developed and
developing countries
Brain Drain
Please reply to my demand as fast as you can.
Would you answer my request as fast as possible?
While I believe that advertisments are problematic
because they make us crave for more material
possesions, I also think that they cause troubles for
many other reasons.
The closure of numerous high-end stores in recent years is
the combo effect of the shifting consumer tastes and the
recent economic downturn.
Paris is a destination that is popular among travelers from all
over the world. Many tourists flock to the capital of France
every year to visit the famous buildings and museums in the
city. For example, the Eiffel Tower, which used to be the
tallest building in the world, has attracted a lot of visitors who
want to see the entire Paris city from the sky. For art lovers,
the Louvre is a must-go destination, since it is the biggest art
museum in the world that includes the timeless and priceless
Mona Lisa as a part of its vast and significant collection.
My ideal job would be working as an employee of a non-profit
organization that is dedicated to battle climate change.
Solution one: Ban the sales of cars that run on
fossil fuels.
Solution two: Build more public transport

Solution three: Buy less things/

The number of students who were enrolled by univerisities
increased twofold from 1990 to 2010

Twice as many students were enrolled by universities in 2010

compared to 1990
The widening wealth gap is the cause of the flawed tax laws. For
example, in the United States, while the richest 1% of Americans earned
as much as the rest 99%, the tax money they paid was only a fraction of
the US government’s tax revenue. This happened because these ultra-
rich people abused the loopholes in the tax laws and evaded taxes by
using shady practices such as setting up foreign proxy companies and
transferring their assets to their family trust funds. This leaves the rich
becoming richer and richer without paying their fair share of taxes.
In my opinion, the main dury
Reason one: Shady business practices of global food and
beverage companies.

Reason two: Urbanization: busy lifestyle, lack of time to


Reason three: economic development: the abundance of

food, and higher purchasing power, more people develop
the habit of overeating.
Governments should divert more of their spendings on hospitals and

Governments should inject more funds into medical service and schools
In my opinion, food and household supplies packages made of
plastic should not be allowed in the market because they pose a
threat to the environment. On one hand, most of the plastics
available in the market are not decomposable. In other words,
after plastic packages are buried in landfills, they will not break
down into natural elements and, in turn, poison the soil and
water. On the other hand, since gasoline is required, the
production of plastics is a massive source of greenhouse gas
emission, and it should be stopped in order to slow down the
process of global warming.
I think celebrations are important because they bring people together and
make relationships stronger. Festivals and parties are the glue that holds
families, communities and whole societies together.
I recently purchased a magazine called “Cokeny Zine” from
Supreme’s online store. Commissioned by Supreme, the
magazine is a 40-page art book that collects photos and
paintings from a Spanish tattoo artist named Cokeny. At the
first sight, I was very fascinated by Cokeny’s unique and edgy
art style, so I placed an order for this book in a heartbeat.
Although some people prefer to work alone, I believe
that it is better working in groups

I believe that teamwork is the key to success

Solution one: Increase the difficulty of driving tests
Solution two: Tightening of safety standards for vehicles like Seat Belts,
anti-lock braking system
The chart shows the annual numbrer of passengers across six rail
My instinct disagrees with this suggestion because it is not
good for all students’ academic performance. When a class
is made of students with varied study capabilities, those who
are better at studying could be positive influences on other
students. For example, their study habits and time
management skills could be passed on to other students,
and as a result, other students could improve their grades.

with regard to
confidence, dilligence and intelligence.
Difference one: Skills involves activities, while knowledge
Difference two: Knowledge could be abstract, while skill is
Difference three: A good memory is more important
mastering knowledges than mastering skills.
People hold different views towards whether convicts can be re-educated
or not.
I agree with this idea wholeheartedly. With the expansion of the
private education industry over the past few decades, the
difficulty of graduating from higher education institutes has been
easier than ever. Nowadays, a large proportion of the young
population are university graduates, leading to the depreciation of
college degrees.
This situation is the result of an overwhelming number of college
graduates in the past two decades. Thanks to the expansion of the
private education industry in this period, a scarily huge number of job
candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree have flooded the job
market. In turn, they have intensified the competition in the market,
making the prospect of landing in a decent job much lower than ever for
young job seekers.
I would like to suggest the biography of Steve Jobs as
a must-read for anyone who are interested in
technology and business. This book chronologically
details the private life and success stories of the Apple
Inc. co-founder who is still worshipped by fans globally
today. I recommend this book because it provides
many invaluable lessons to aspiring product managers
and entrepreneurs.
Some people beleive that everybody should be allowed to be top-
less on the street.
Prediction one: The popularity of distance learning will continue to rise.

Prediction two: Computer science courses will be introduce to k-12


Prediction three: Trade schools will replace universities as the top

destination for high school graduates.
The chart showcases the amount of two types of food. rice and pasta,
that were delivered to three supermarkets ove ra 12-motn period.

The table gives information about how much rice and pasta were
delivered to three supermarkets over a 12-month period.

The table showcases 12 months of rice and pasta deliveries to three

I agree with this idea since printed media is close to
extinction today. These days, a lot of people prefer
reading news and literature in front of electric screens
for convenience and instant gratification, rendering
newspapers and books obsolete.
A lot of museums offer free entry to visitors for the
public’s good. The artifacts in museums play important
roles in educating and inspiring people from all
generations, thus people should not pay to see them.
Many museums decided not to charge visitors under this
rationale, and I am glad to see those precious historical
objects fulfilling their roles.
An idea that is widely debated on social media is that we
should not cancel celebrities who are convicted of
sexual offenses. Supporters of this opinion argue that
we should forgive these celebrities because they have
received the punishments they deserve, and they should
be given a chance to return under the spotlight.
Meanwhile, detesters argue that exempting these
disgraced celebrities from cancellations will negatively
influence the society.
People who have a good sense of humor usually have
good mental health condtitions.
Idea one: they desrve their pays because of the economic values
they bring to the society.

Idea two: They do not provide a vital service.

There were approximately 300,000 marriages in the UK by

Abount 300,000 of all UK couples were married in 2005.

I disagree with this idea because it is a very unfair comparison.
The style of ancient architectures is a far cry from the modernist’s since it
have distinctive and unique visual features that makes them aesthetically
pleasing to the viewers. Therefore, just like comparing apples to oranges
to see which one is the tastiest, it is impossible to pick the more beautiful
one from old and modern buildings.
News on TV more often shines its spotlight on bad news because it
attracts audiences. Here in the United States, most TV stations run
on advertisers’ funds which are closely tied to viewer ratings. In other
words, for these news outlets, more audiences equal to more money.
Therefore, news broadcasts on TV tend to report fear-mongering and
shocking events to gain viewership and revenue quickly.
Rich countries should offer funds to help
underdeveloped countries to fight climate change.
Nowadays, as a consequence of globalization, one of
the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions is
manufacturing in developing countries which is usually
outsourced by companies from developed countries.
Therefore, rich nations should take responsibility to
assist poorer countries with financial support to slow
down climate change as a way to pay back their
damage to the environment.
Universities should provide adequate housing for all students.
Qualities of good students:
Diligent. A student should be determined towards
studies or any work allotted to him.
PunctualTime is money so every student must value
time. Being in the class on time and doing homework
and other activities on time helps the students to save
their time and invest it into something productive.

Qualities of good teachers:

Strong Communicators. Communicating difficult knowledges in
a way that easy to understand for students.

Good Teachers Show Empathy. Everyone learns differently,

whether it be faster or slower than normal, learns better by
writing, reading or hands-on. Teachers need to always keep
this in mind and always pay close attention to ensure each
student is on the track they need to be
Techonoogy has greatly transformed how we communicate.
The definition of happiness is hard to pin down because it
is subjective. The answer to what happiness is can vary
from person to person. For materialistic people, happiness
is possessing a vast amount of wealth. Meanwhile, for the
ones who are not obsessed with getting rich, their ideas of
happiness could be about raising a happy family or simply
having a healthy body. Therefore, there is no universal
meaning of happiness.
Rocky is an inspiring movie that tells the rise of the
eponymous amateur boxer. In the story, Rocky decided to
learn boxing to help himself recover from several years of
alcoholism. After months of intense training, Rocky was
arranged to fight against the boxing champion of his town.
Unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, Rocky lost the duel, but
his resilience and passion in the fight earned him a round
of applause from the spectators.
The best way to improve the city/town would be to create more car-free zones for
Provide Immediate But Subtle Corrections:
teachers should choose non-verbal cues to
indicate a demonstrated behavior is out of
Engage Parents with Positive
Communication Opportunities: Flip the script
on communication with parents by reaching
out to them to offer praise for their student.
Model and Promote Positive Behaviors:
Illustrate positive behaviors you’d like to see,
such as looking a student in the eye when
they are speaking or allowing them to finish
statements and thoughts without interruption.
The UK prison population saw a 40,000 rise between 1990 and 2010.
Forty thousand inmates were added to UK prisons between 1990 and

There was a 40,000 increase in the British prison population from

1990 to 2010.
I think so because the moon landing was the first time humans explored a
planet that was not the earth. Before the first moon landing, gravity limited
human activities on earth. However, in 1969, for the first time in history, a
group of brave astronauts flew to the moon, stepped on this foreign
planet, conducted various scientific research in zero gravity, and returned
to their home planet. It was the biggest success story of mankind because
it proved that humans could explore space and gave people the hope of
finding other planets that are habitable for humans.
A lot of people, especially those from the younger generations,
do so because it gives them more freedom. For Gen Z and
Millennials, they would rather move to any place they like at any
time than be trapped in a house mortgage contract, so they
mostly live in a rental house to prepare for relocating to another
city that has a lower cost of living, offers better job positions or
has a more habitable climate. For these people, the freedom to
choose prevails over stability which many older people value.
Lay’s is a snack brand that is regarded by doctors and the
media as “junk food”. They believe so because Lay’s
potato chips, which is its most popular product, are made
of deep-fried potato slices with an excessive amount of
condiments such as salt and pepper, and over-eating
potato chips causes obesity as proven by real-life cases.
…learning from your mistakes.
…making a list of the words that you find
practice writing daily.
…learning difficult spellings by heart.
Advantage one: More freedom to allocate your time to activities
Advantage two: It saves money
Advantage three: Avoid conflicts

Con one: You feel lonely

Con two: Your social skill deteriorates
Con three: You miss out on a lot of fun group activities
The media has greatly influneced how we behave.

The media has a significant influence on our behavior.

The media influences our behaviour to a
great extent.

Our behavior is greatly influenced by mass communication through broadcasting,

publishing and the internet.
I disagree since I believe they are both essential to becoming successful. If
people have all motivations but skills, they would not tackle the problems
that have a high skill barrier. Meanwhile, if they are talented but lack the
desire for achievement, they may not be able to unleash their true potential
that usually leads to good results. Therefore, I think motivation and ability
are inseparable elements of one’s success.
Traditional values and customs are fading away because of the
development of science. For example, after the invention of
condoms and birth control pills, safe sex has become widely
available for young people worldwide. As a result, the idea of
keeping one’s virginity until marriage has been abandoned by some
brave young men and women.
I believe Affirmative Action (AA) is very unfair and should
be abolished immediately. AA is seriously discriminatory
since it requires colleges to place a quota on the number
of students to enroll in each race, making it contrary to its
goal of creating an unbiased student selection process. In
my opinion, AA should be invalidated by the law, and
replaced with a reformed process that is based on the
merits of students rather than their ethnicities.
people still defend capitalists for their evil acts.
Bad one: Playing too much
games is detrimental to people’s
They are equally good and health.
Bad two: Playing video games
Good one: It trains can limit people’s time in social
people’s reflect. activities.

Good two: It can be Bad three: Some Games

educational Promote Gambling loot boxes
and microtransactions that
Good three: It can be promote compulsive spending.
moving and thought-
I moved to the UK about over a year ago.

I have lived in the UK since just over a year ago.

I have lived in the UK for just over a year.

I believe so because people’s life expectancies have increased in the last five
decades. Thanks to the development of technology, people nowadays can
enjoy cleaner water, healthier food, and new medicines that treat diseases that
were considered incurable in the past; as a consequence, people’s living
conditions have been greatly improved compared to 50 years ago, and they
can stay alive longer than ever before.
Many people hate math because it is very difficult to learn. First of all,
math uses symbols and numbers to represent real-life problems in
abstract forms, alienating a lot of people who have trouble
understanding abstract concepts. Furthermore, solving math
problems requires learners to use their logic rigidly, which is
something many people find hard to adapt to.
Running is my favorite part of my workout routine.
I started running because I gained too much
weight during the extended lockdown in my city.
At first, I felt running was like a chore since it was
very dull and exhausting, but I gradually fell in
love with the adrenaline rush that my brain
released after each run, and I am now a fan of
running. Usually, I run around my house for about
10-15 minutes, and each run is typically two
kilometers in length.
A lot of people

restricting the sales of IDE cars
legalizing marijuana

legalizing prostitution

parents beating their kids

Reason one: The Past Teaches Us About the Present
Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in
the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible
in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding
(and solving!) current and future problems.

Reason two: History Builds Empathy Through Studying the Lives and
Struggles of Others
Studying the diversity of human experience helps us appreciate
cultures, ideas, and traditions that are not our own – and to recognize
them as meaningful products of specific times and places.
Reason three: Learning history is like solving a fun puzzle. Imagine
asking a question about the past, assembling a set of clues through
documents, artifacts, or other sources, and then piecing those clues
together to tell a story that answers your question and tells you
something unexpected about a different time and place. That’s doing
The graph showcases how much water was used for
agriculture in four countries.

The table gives information about how much

water was used for agricultural purposes in
four nations.
I believe we should not be altruistic when helping other people
because it is more utilitarian to do so. When people do not have the
skills or capabilities to help others, their selfless behavior could lead to
negative outcomes. For example, when a non-swimmer tries to save
someone who is drowning, the result is usually the demise of both of
them; instead, the non-swimmer should call lifeguards or other
qualified rescuers to increase the probability of a successful rescue.
I think many teachers do so to help their students focus on learning.
Most students usually make more mistakes at the initial stage of
learning. Since making mistakes could be discouraging, teachers
often give positive feedback on students’ efforts, so they would not
lose interest in learning.
Recently, I’ve been cooking qingzidong every day. It
is a traditional Japanese homemade meal that is
essentially boiled chicken leg dice and onion in soy
sauce soup with beaten eggs mixed in. The reasons
why I like this dish so much are that it takes only 20
minutes to make one, and I am addicted to its rich
closer to
global warming
human trafficking
Upside one: nuclear is powerful

Upside two: Nuclear power is regenerative

Upside three: Nuclear power is cheaper in the long term

Downside one: Nuclear power still creates pollution

Downside two: Nuclear power is expensive initally.

Downside three: Nuclear powerstation failures often

lead to devastating outcomes.
Some people have decided what is their careet path since
they were young.

Some people have formed an idea on what is their future

job since they were young.
I don’t see books being killed by the Internet in the future for
several reasons. On one hand, due to its crowd-sourced nature,
most of the content on the web is subpar compared to what is in
books; as a result, people who seek high-quality information would
rather read books than use a search engine. On the other hand,
fearing their works could be easily pirated, a lot of writers still refuse
to publish their ideas and thoughts online; therefore, readers have
to purchase their works in a printed format.
I imagine that many people want to live in a coastal area because of its
weather. Most places that are located by the sea have a mild and
pleasant climate. For example, Los Angeles, which is the biggest city of
America’s West Coast, has attracted a lot of immigrants for its warm,
always-sunny climate.
For many people, mastering playing the piano needs
at least a decade of training. For example, Lang
Lang, who started to play the piano at the age of 7,
did not become a master pianist until he grew up to
be an adult. The reason why the piano is so hard to
learn is that the piano has over 40 keys, which are
intimidating for beginners.
seeing other people falling in mud

watching my favorite SNL skits

Reason one: Art creates Reason one: Science makes
beautiful cityscapes our lives more convenient
Reason two: Art makes our life Reason two: Science can
more tolerable. save lives.
Reason three: Art can be Reason three: Science may
educational. help us to discover new living
spaces in the universe.
The number of people on earth will incease to 9 billion by 2050.
I agree with this idea for various reasons. Firstly, the way we make friends
has changed. People now can make friends with strangers from all over the
world on the Internet, which was non-existent five decades ago. Also, the
form of family relationships has shifted. These days, people tend to live with
small nuclear families than large extended families. Finally, the sexual
relationships between the opposite genders are different now. For example,
casual sex is more common among young people nowadays thanks to the
development of birth-control technologies.

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