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Daily News

Science World News 2nd November 2022

RRS Discovery Sets

off on 9000-Mile
Atlantic Expedition
A research ship has recently set sail on an
expedition to learn more about our oceans and
maybe even discover new species!
The Royal Research Ship (RRS) Discovery left
Southampton, England last week on an epic
Illustration: RRS Discovery.
9,000-mile journey.
The vessel is sailing to the south Atlantic the first-ever ship to be built specifically for
Ocean. The scientists on board will study the scientific research.
waters around Ascension Island and St Helena. On board was Ernest Shackleton and the
These islands are home to two of the world’s- expedition was led by Captain Robert Falcon
largest Marine Protected Areas. Scott. Its first mission was to learn more about
the unexplored continent of Antarctica.
What are Marine Protected Areas? Famously, Discovery got locked in
sea ice for more than two years before
• Marine Protected Areas are parts of the sea where it could be freed.
human activities are restricted. They are a way of A second RRS Discovery was
helping to protect marine life. launched in 1929 and a third in 1962.
The current RRS Discovery is the
• Some things that could damage the marine fourth research vessel to bear the
environment in these areas are banned such as name. It launched in 2012 and
certain types of fishing. continues the illustrious work of the
other ships as it helps us learn more
Scientists on board will use state-of-the-art about our planet.
equipment to learn more about the marine life in Conditions on board are much more
these areas. As part of the mission, the scientists comfortable than they were on the first
will be looking at previously unexplored habitats Discovery 120 years ago. Nowadays, the crew
4km below the surface. They think they might have access to an onboard gym and even a
even discover new species. mini cinema!
Lord Goldsmith is the UK’s Minister for
Climate and Environment. He said: “Following Glossary
in the footsteps of the first Discovery voyage unrivalled Better than anything else of the
to Antarctica more than a century ago, this same kind.
expedition offers an unrivalled opportunity to
learn about marine life in some of the remotest remotest The most far away place from
places in the world.” where people normally live.
RRS Discovery solely Only.
So far, four ships have been built solely for the
purpose of research and named Discovery. illustrious Greatly respected; famous for
The first of these launched in 1901. It was achieving something successfully.

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. Which two famous polar explorers are mentioned in the article?



2. Look at this sentence: The current RRS Discovery is the fourth research vessel to bear the
name. Find and copy a word which is similar in meaning to ‘carry; have’.

3. According to the article, in which ocean is RRS Discovery going to be working?

4. Look at this sentence: Scientists on board will use state-of-the-art equipment to learn
more about the marine life in these areas. Give the meaning of ‘state-of-the-art’ as it is
used in this sentence.

5. Tick to show whether the statement is true or false according to the article.
True False
The vessel set off from Portsmouth.
Robert Falcon Scott is the captain of the mission.
RRS Discovery’s journey will cover 9000 miles.
There’s a mini cinema on board RRS Discovery.

6. Which of the following alternative headlines best summarises the article? (tick one)

Research Ship Sets Sail Hoping to Discover New Species

RRS Endurance Sets Sail to Explore Marine Protected Areas.
RRS Discovery Sets Sail to Explore Antarctic
RRS Discovery Returns from 9000 Mile Voyage of Discovery

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

1. Which two famous polar explorers are mentioned in the article?
Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon Scott

2. Look at this sentence: The current RRS Discovery is the fourth research vessel to bear the
name. Find and copy a word which is similar in meaning to ‘carry; have’.

3. According to the article, in which ocean is RRS Discovery going to be working?

the Atlantic

4. Look at this sentence: Scientists on board will use state-of-the-art equipment to learn
more about the marine life in these areas. Give the meaning of ‘state-of-the-art’ as it is
used in this sentence.
Accept any reasonable answer which gives a correct definition of the term in that
context, e.g. It means really good technology or really up to date and modern.

5. Tick to show whether the statement is true or false according to the article.
True False
The vessel set off from Portsmouth. 
Robert Falcon Scott is the captain of the mission. 
RRS Discovery’s journey will cover 9000 miles. 
There’s a mini cinema on board RRS Discovery. 

6. Which of the following alternative headlines best summarises the article? (tick one)

 Research Ship Sets Sail Hoping to Discover New Species

RRS Endurance Sets Sail to Explore Marine Protected Areas.
RRS Discovery Sets Sail to Explore Antarctic
RRS Discovery Returns from 9000 Mile Voyage of Discovery

Tadmore Tutors Tuition

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