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Chartered Accountant

Stock Market Expert

A Ten-Golden Rules Journey
to create Wealth 100X

Rule - 1 - Define Financial Goals & Risk Profile

Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The Art of Bargains

Rule - 3 - Growth Investing - Future Betting

Rule - 4 - Power of Compounding

Rule - 5 - Research - Knowledge is Power

Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio Diversification

Rule - 7 - Master the Stock Market Psychology

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review & Adjustments

Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of Investing

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long Learner

An Introductory Guide to Create 100X Wealth

over Long Term in Stock Market

“Financial Freedom is Mental, Emotional and

Educational process.” - Robert Kiyosaki

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule 1 - Define Financial Goals
& Risk Profile
Knowing one's financial goals and risk profile is critical
for any investor. Following these comprehensive Rules,
You will be better positioned to embark on your
investment journeys with clarity, confidence, and a
roadmap tailored to your personal financial landscape.

Step 1: Self-Reflection and Goal Identification

Detail: Begin with introspection about life priorities,

ambitions, and financial needs. Recognize the various
stages of life and their associated financial

Example: Short-term goals might include purchasing a

car or going on a vacation, while long-term goals could
be buying a house, children's education, or retirement.

Actionable Items:
1. Make a list of all current and foreseeable financial
objectives, categorizing them into short, medium,
and long-term.
2. Assign tentative costs to each goal, considering
current prices and future inflation.
3. Create a timeline for each goal, specifying when
funds will be required.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule 1 - Define Financial Goals
& Risk Profile
Step 2: Assessment of Current Financial Health

Detail: A clear snapshot of the present financial

situation will help identify the starting point,
considering assets, liabilities, income, and

Example: An individual with outstanding loans may

need to prioritize debt repayment before aggressive

Actionable Items:
Compile a detailed personal balance sheet
outlining assets (like savings, property) and
liabilities (debts, mortgages).
Analyze monthly cash flow – what's coming in
(salary, other income) versus what's going out
Identify areas of wasteful spending or
opportunities to increase savings.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule 1 - Define Financial Goals
& Risk Profile

Step 3: Gauge Risk Tolerance

Detail: Risk tolerance is about understanding how

much market volatility one can comfortably endure
without panic.

Example: Someone nearing retirement might have a

lower risk tolerance than a young professional just
starting out.

Actionable Items:
Use risk assessment tools or questionnaires to
get an objective measure of risk tolerance.
Reflect on emotional reactions to past financial
downturns or hypothetical market scenarios.
Evaluate external factors affecting risk
tolerance, like job security or having

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule 1 - Define Financial Goals
& Risk Profile

Step 4: Aligning Risk Profile with Investment


Detail: With a clear understanding of goals and risk

tolerance, it's essential to ensure that one's
investment approach reflects both.

Example: A goal of buying a house in 3 years with a

medium risk profile might lead to a balanced
portfolio of bonds and dividend-paying stocks.

Actionable Items:
Review different asset classes and their
historical risk-return profiles.
Design a preliminary asset allocation for each
goal based on its timeframe and associated risk
Continuously educate oneself on various
investment instruments, attending seminars or
consulting with financial experts to ensure

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule 1 - Define Financial Goals
& Risk Profile

Step 5: Regular Review and Reassessment

Detail: Personal circumstances, market conditions,

and financial goals can change, making it vital to
review and adjust periodically.

Example: Marriage, childbirth, or sudden inheritance

can shift financial dynamics and priorities.

Actionable Items:
Set bi-annual or annual checkpoints to review
financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment
Adjust asset allocation in response to significant
life events or changes in the economic
Seek feedback from a financial advisor or peers
to get an external perspective on adjustments.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The
Art of Bargains
Value investing is fundamentally about finding
undervalued stocks that the market has overlooked.
By adhering to these five steps, investors can
navigate the world of value investing.

Step 1: Understand the Principles of Value


Detail: Value investing is about buying stocks that

are trading for less than their intrinsic value. Intrinsic
value is the actual value of a company, taking into
consideration all aspects of the business, in
contrast to its market price.

Example: A company whose shares are trading at

Rs50 might actually be worth Rs80 based on its
assets, earnings, dividends, and growth rate.

Actionable Items:
Read foundational books on value investing, with
Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor"
being a prime recommendation.
Attend webinars or workshops focusing on value
investing principles.
Familiarize yourself with key valuation metrics
like P/E ratio, P/B ratio, and dividend yield.
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The
Art of Bargains

Step 2: Master Financial Statement Analysis

Detail: A company's financial statements offer a

wealth of information about its financial health and

Example: A company with low debt, consistent free

cash flow, and undervalued assets might be a
potential value pick.

Actionable Items:

Take online courses or read books dedicated to

financial statement analysis.
Regularly practice by selecting random
companies and analyzing their balance sheets,
income statements, and cash flow statements.
Look for red flags, like increasing debt levels or
inconsistent revenue streams.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The
Art of Bargains

Step 3: Assess Margin of Safety

Detail: This principle, advocated by Benjamin

Graham, involves buying stocks at a price well
below their perceived intrinsic value, providing a
buffer in case of investment miscalculations or
unforeseen events.

Example: If you determine a stock's intrinsic value

to be Rs100 and it's trading at Rs70, there's a Rs30
margin of safety.

Actionable Items:

After estimating the intrinsic value, calculate the

difference between your valuation and the
current market price.
Set predefined thresholds for the margin of
safety, like 20% or 30%, depending on individual
risk tolerance.
Always prioritize companies that offer a
significant margin of safety.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The
Art of Bargains

Step 4: Patience is Key

Detail: Value investing often requires a longer time

horizon. Just because a stock is undervalued
doesn't mean it will correct immediately.

Example: An undervalued stock might remain

stagnant or even dip further before the market
recognizes its true value.

Actionable Items:

Once an investment decision is made, avoid the

temptation to constantly check stock prices.
Review the investment thesis periodically, not
based on price movements but on company
performance and fundamentals.
Stay informed about the company and industry
but avoid making impulsive decisions based on
short-term market news.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 2 - Value Investing - The
Art of Bargains

Step 5: Continuously Re-evaluate

Detail: Circumstances change – companies face

new challenges, industries evolve, and economies

Example: A value stock bought for its great

dividend might cut that dividend due to unforeseen

Actionable Items:

Set a regular schedule (e.g., quarterly or bi-

annually) to re-evaluate your investments.
Assess if the company still meets your original
criteria for investment.
Decide on the next steps – whether to hold, sell,
or buy more, based on the current analysis.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 3 - Growth Investing -
Future Betting
Growth investing is about capitalizing on the future
potential of a company. It involves buying stocks of
companies that are expected to grow at an above-
average rate compared to other stocks :

Step 1: Recognize the Principles of Growth


Detail: Growth investing is about seeking

companies that are expected to grow earnings,
revenues, and other fundamental metrics at an
above-average pace.

Example: A tech start-up that's growing its user

base by 20% annually might be a growth stock,
even if it's not currently profitable.

Actionable Items:

Dive into classic readings such as Philip Fisher's

"Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits."
Attend webinars, seminars, or workshops
focusing on growth investing concepts.
Understand key metrics like Year-Over-Year
(YoY) revenue growth, Earnings Per Share (EPS)
growth, and user/customer growth.
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 3 - Growth Investing -
Future Betting

Step 2: Research High-Growth Sectors and Trends

Detail: Certain industries or sectors historically

produce more growth stocks than others.

Example: The tech sector, especially areas like

cloud computing or AI, has been a hotbed for
growth stocks in recent years..

Actionable Items:

Stay updated with market reports and industry

analyses from reputed sources.
Attend industry conferences or seminars to
understand emerging trends.
Network with professionals and experts in
promising sectors.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 3 - Growth Investing -
Future Betting

Step 3: Analyze Company Fundamentals and

Growth Catalysts

Detail: Beyond the sector, it's crucial to analyze the

company's specifics. Look for firms with a clear
competitive advantage, scalable business models,
and visionary leadership.

Example: A company with a unique patented

technology might have a competitive edge in its

Actionable Items:

Deep-dive into quarterly and annual reports of

the targeted company.
Identify and understand the company's unique
selling points or proprietary technology.
Investigate the company's leadership and their
track record in previous ventures.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 3 - Growth Investing -
Future Betting

Step 4: Understand the Risk and Valuation

Detail: Growth stocks often come with heightened

volatility. Additionally, they might seem "overvalued"
by traditional metrics, but it's crucial to gauge their
valuation in the context of their growth potential.

Example: Growth stocks often come with

heightened volatility. Additionally, they might seem
"overvalued" by traditional metrics, but it's crucial to
gauge their valuation in the context of their growth

Actionable Items:

Familiarize yourself with valuation metrics

tailored for growth stocks, such as the
Price/Earnings to Growth (PEG) ratio.
Consider the broader industry's average metrics
to understand if the stock is relatively
Always maintain a diversified portfolio to
manage the inherent risks associated with
growth stocks.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 3 - Growth Investing -
Future Betting

Step 5: Stay Informed and Be Prepared to Adapt

Detail: The landscape for growth stocks can

change rapidly due to technological advancements,
regulatory shifts, or competitive pressures.

Example: Regulatory changes might impact a

fintech company's growth trajectory overnight.

Actionable Items:

Set up news alerts for companies and sectors

you're invested in.
Regularly revisit and reassess your investment
thesis based on fresh data and evolving
Engage in communities or forums that discuss
growth stocks to get diverse perspectives.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 4 - Power of
The power of compounding is one of the most
fundamental and powerful concepts in investing.
Here's a step-by-step guide on understanding and
leveraging the power of compounding:

Step 1: Grasp the Basics of Compounding

Detail: Compounding refers to the process where

an investment earns interest, and then that interest
earns interest on itself, leading to exponential
growth over time.

Example: If you invest Rs1,000 at a 10% annual

return, after the first year, you'll have Rs1,100. In the
second year, you earn 10% not just on the initial
Rs1,000, but on the full Rs1,100, resulting in Rs1,210.

Actionable Items:

Read books or articles dedicated to the

mathematical and practical aspects of
Use online compound interest calculators to see
the effect with various sums and interest rates.
Attend financial literacy workshops or webinars
that cover compounding.
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 4 - Power of

Step 2: Start Early and Stay Consistent

Detail: The longer the timeframe, the more

pronounced the effects of compounding become.
Regular investments, even if small, can result in
significant wealth over time.

Example: A 25-year-old who starts investing Rs200

per month at a 7% annual return will have over
Rs500,000 by age 65.

Actionable Items:

Begin your investment journey as early as

Automate monthly investments to ensure
Regularly revisit and, if possible, increase your
monthly contribution.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 4 - Power of

Step 3: Reinvest Dividends and Profits

Detail: For compounding to work its magic, it's

essential to reinvest any dividends or profits back
into the investment.

Example: If you own stocks that pay dividends,

rather than taking the dividends as cash, you can
opt for a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) where
dividends buy more shares of the stock.

Actionable Items:

Choose investment options that allow for

automatic reinvestment of dividends.
Avoid the temptation to withdraw profits;
instead, let them compound.
Periodically check on your investments to
ensure reinvestments are occurring as planned.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 4 - Power of

Step 4: Understand the Impact of Fees and Taxes

Detail: High fees and taxes can erode the benefits

of compounding. It's essential to consider these
costs when evaluating investment opportunities.

Example: Two investments both offer a 10% return,

but one has a 2% fee while the other has a 0.5% fee.
Over time, the higher fee will significantly diminish
the compounding effect.

Actionable Items:

Always check the expense ratio of mutual funds

or ETFs before investing.
Consider tax-efficient investment strategies or
accounts that defer or minimize taxes.
Re-evaluate your portfolio annually to ensure
fees and taxes aren't excessively impacting your

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 4 - Power of

Step 5: Educate and Spread the Word

Detail: One of the best ways to appreciate the

power of compounding is to teach others. Sharing
knowledge reinforces your understanding and can
help loved ones benefit too.

Example: Explaining to a younger family member

how saving just a small amount from their first job
can grow into a significant sum by retirement can be
both enlightening for them and reinforcing for you.

Actionable Items:

Share books or articles about compounding with

friends and family.
Engage in discussions about personal finance
and investing in community forums or social
Offer to help others set up their initial investment
plans to benefit from compounding.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 4 - Power of

Step 5: Educate and Spread the Word

Detail: One of the best ways to appreciate the

power of compounding is to teach others. Sharing
knowledge reinforces your understanding and can
help loved ones benefit too.

Example: Explaining to a younger family member

how saving just a small amount from their first job
can grow into a significant sum by retirement can be
both enlightening for them and reinforcing for you.

Actionable Items:

Share books or articles about compounding with

friends and family.
Engage in discussions about personal finance
and investing in community forums or social
Offer to help others set up their initial investment
plans to benefit from compounding.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power
Equity research is the backbone of informed
investing decisions. Investors can not only make
informed decisions but also gain the confidence to
navigate the ever-changing landscape

Step 1: Start with Macro Analysis

Detail: Understand the larger economic and

geopolitical landscape before narrowing down to
specific sectors or companies.

Example: If there's an ongoing trade war between

two major economies, industries reliant on
international trade in these countries might face

Actionable Items:

Regularly review global and national economic

indicators like GDP growth, interest rates, and
Monitor key geopolitical events, policy changes,
or major global incidents.
Use platforms like Bloomberg, Reuters, or The
Economist to stay updated on macroeconomic
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power

Step 2: Dive into Industry/Sector Analysis

Detail: After understanding the macro scenario,

hone in on specific industries or sectors. Analyze
industry trends, competitive dynamics, barriers to
entry, and other pertinent factors.

Example: If you're researching the electric vehicle

(EV) industry, look into factors like government
subsidies, battery technology advancements, and
charging infrastructure development.

Actionable Items:

Read industry whitepapers, reports, and analysis

from sources like McKinsey, Deloitte, or other
industry-specific organizations.
Attend webinars, conferences, or seminars
dedicated to the targeted industry.
Identify and understand key competitors and
their market share within the industry.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power

Step 3: Focus on Company-Specific Analysis

Detail: Delve into the details of the specific

company. This involves analyzing financial
statements, management quality, competitive
positioning, and growth prospects.

Example: If researching Apple, analyze their

revenue streams, profit margins, growth in various
segments (e.g., iPhones vs. services), and
management's strategic direction.

Actionable Items:

Thoroughly review quarterly and annual reports

provided by the company.
Analyze financial ratios (e.g., P/E ratio, debt-to-
equity ratio) and compare them with industry
Listen to earnings calls and follow interviews of
the company's leadership.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power

Step 4: Gauge Valuation and Potential Returns

Detail: Once you've formed an opinion on the

company's health and prospects, it's time to assess
its current market valuation and determine if it offers
a favorable investment opportunity.

Example: A company might have strong growth

prospects, but if its stock is already highly valued,
the upside potential might be limited.

Actionable Items:

Familiarize yourself with valuation

methodologies, such as Discounted Cash Flow
(DCF), Price-to-Earnings comparisons, or book
value analysis.
Use tools like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance,
or financial databases to get real-time data and
valuation metrics.
Compare the company's valuation multiples with
its historical averages and industry peers.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power

Step 5: Continuously Monitor and Re-evaluate

Detail: Equity research isn't a one-time process.

Regular monitoring and re-evaluation are necessary
as companies evolve and external conditions

Example: A pharmaceutical company you've

invested in announces a breakthrough in a new drug.
This development requires re-evaluation of the
company's prospects and valuation.

Actionable Items:

Set up news alerts for the companies and

sectors you've invested in.
Schedule regular intervals (e.g., quarterly) for a
detailed review of your investment thesis.
Engage in investment forums or groups to get
diverse perspectives on the stock and any new

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 5 - Research -
Knowledge is Power

Step 5: Continuously Monitor and Re-evaluate

Detail: Equity research isn't a one-time process.

Regular monitoring and re-evaluation are necessary
as companies evolve and external conditions

Example: A pharmaceutical company you've

invested in announces a breakthrough in a new drug.
This development requires re-evaluation of the
company's prospects and valuation.

Actionable Items:

Set up news alerts for the companies and

sectors you've invested in.
Schedule regular intervals (e.g., quarterly) for a
detailed review of your investment thesis.
Engage in investment forums or groups to get
diverse perspectives on the stock and any new

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio
Building a diversified equity portfolio is crucial for
managing risk and achieving consistent returns.By
following these steps, investors can create a robust
and diversified equity portfolio

Step 1: Define Investment Objectives and Risk


Detail: Before constructing a portfolio, one must

understand their investment goals (e.g., retirement,
wealth accumulation) and risk tolerance (e.g.,
conservative, aggressive).

Example: A young investor might have a long-term

goal of retirement savings and may be more risk-
tolerant, aiming for higher growth stocks,

Actionable Items:

Have a clear conversation with yourself (or a

financial advisor) about your financial goals and
Utilize risk assessment tools or quizzes to
determine your risk tolerance.
Decide on an expected rate of return based on
your risk profile and objectives.
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio

Step 2: Decide on a Core-Satellite Strategy

Detail: This strategy involves having a 'core' of your

portfolio in well-diversified, stable assets (e.g., index
funds or ETFs) and a 'satellite' portion in individual
stocks or sector-specific funds.

Example: 70% of the portfolio might be in a broad-

market index ETF (core), with the remaining 30%
distributed among high-growth tech stocks,
renewable energy stocks, etc. (satellites).

Actionable Items:

Allocate a certain percentage of your portfolio

to broad-market instruments that capture the
overall market's movement.
Research specific sectors or themes you're
interested in for the satellite portion.
Ensure the satellite portion aligns with your risk
tolerance and investment goals.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio

Step 3: Diversify Across Sectors

Detail: Ensure your portfolio isn't overly

concentrated in one sector, which can expose you
to undue risks.

Example: Don't have 50% of your portfolio in tech

stocks; instead, spread investments across
technology, healthcare, finance, consumer goods,

Actionable Items:

Review sectoral weightages of the market

indices and use them as a rough guide for
Utilize ETFs or mutual funds that focus on
specific sectors to achieve diversification.
Periodically review sector and geographic
exposures to ensure alignment with your desired
diversification levels.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio

Step 4: Periodic Rebalancing

Detail: Over time, due to varying performances,

your portfolio's asset allocation might drift from your
desired allocation, necessitating rebalancing.

Example: If tech stocks in your portfolio have a

stellar year, they might now make up 60% of your
portfolio's value, even if you initially aimed for 40%.

Actionable Items:

Set a regular schedule (e.g., Quaterly, semi-

annually or annually) to review and rebalance
your portfolio.
Determine thresholds for rebalancing (e.g., if an
asset class is more than 5% off its target
During rebalancing, also reassess if the
underlying fundamentals of your stock choices
remain intact.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 6 - Equity Portfolio

Step 5: Continuously Educate and Stay Updated

Detail: The financial markets and economy are

dynamic. Continual learning ensures that your
portfolio strategy evolves as needed.

Example: The rise of ESG (Environmental, Social,

and Governance) investing might make you consider
adding ESG-compliant stocks or funds to your

Actionable Items:

Regularly read financial news, reports, and

investment research.
Attend webinars, courses, or investment forums
to gain new perspectives.
Engage in discussions with fellow investors or
professionals to challenge and refine your
investment thesis.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 7 - Master the Stock
Market Psychology
Mastering stock market psychology and
understanding behavioral finance are critical for
making objective and successful investment

Step 1: Recognize and Understand Common

Psychological Biases

Detail: The first step in mastering stock market

psychology is being aware of common cognitive
biases that can influence investment decisions.

Example: Confirmation bias, where an investor

might only seek out or acknowledge information
that confirms their pre-existing beliefs about a
stock, ignoring contradictory data.

Actionable Items:

Educate yourself on key behavioral biases such

as confirmation bias, loss aversion,
overconfidence, and herd mentality.
Keep a decision journal, documenting the
reasons for each investment choice.
Regularly review past decisions to identify
patterns of biased thinking.
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 7 - Master the Stock
Market Psychology

Step 2: Separate Emotion from Investment


Detail: Investing based on emotions, whether fear or

greed, can lead to poor decisions. It's essential to
develop a disciplined approach to investing.

Example: An investor might panic and sell stocks

during a market downturn due to fear, even if the
fundamentals remain intact.

Actionable Items:

Develop a clear investment strategy or thesis for

each position, detailing the reasons for buying
and potential selling triggers.
Avoid constantly checking stock prices; instead,
set aside specific times to review your portfolio.
Consider automating certain decisions, like
regularly investing a fixed amount (dollar-cost

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 7 - Master the Stock
Market Psychology

Step 3: Avoid Herd Mentality

Detail: Following the crowd, without understanding

why, can lead to buying high and selling low. It's
crucial to base decisions on research and individual

Example: The dot-com bubble of the late 1990s

where many investors blindly poured money into
any internet-related stock without understanding
their valuations.

Actionable Items:

Always conduct independent research before

making investment decisions.
If considering a popular stock or trend, evaluate
if the hype aligns with your investment goals and
Stay connected with contrarian viewpoints to
challenge the mainstream narrative.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 7 - Master the Stock
Market Psychology

Step 4: Set Clear Investment Goals and

Periodically Review Them

Detail: By having clear, long-term investment goals,

investors can remain focused and not be swayed by
short-term market volatility.

Example: If your goal is to accumulate funds for

retirement in 20 years, short-term market dips
should be less concerning, and might even be
buying opportunities.

Actionable Items:

Clearly define your investment goals, both in

terms of returns and time horizon.
Revisit these goals at least annually to assess
progress and make necessary adjustments.
Consider diversifying investments across various
time horizons (short, medium, long-term) to cater
to different financial needs.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 7 - Master the Stock
Market Psychology

Step 5: Continuously Educate and Reflect

Detail: The world of finance is continually evolving.

Regularly updating knowledge and reflecting on
decisions can help mitigate psychological pitfalls.

Example: Understanding the phenomenon of

cryptocurrency and its volatile nature can help an
investor remain calm during sharp price fluctuations.

Actionable Items:

Dedicate time for ongoing financial education,

exploring new concepts and market
Engage in peer discussions or forums to gain
varied perspectives and challenge your beliefs.
Periodically review and reflect on both
successful and unsuccessful investment
decisions to glean lessons.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review &
A periodic review of an equity portfolio and making
appropriate adjustments is essential for ensuring
that the portfolio remains aligned with the investor's
goals and risk tolerance.

Step 1: Set a Review Frequency

Detail: Determine how often the portfolio should be

reviewed. The frequency can be based on individual
preferences, market conditions, or significant life

Example: Quarterly reviews, post-major economic

events, or after personal milestones like marriage or
purchasing a home.

Actionable Items:

Calendarize portfolio review dates, whether it's

quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
Set up alerts for major economic
announcements or market events.
Adjust the frequency if you change your
investment strategy or goals.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review &

Step 2: Assess Portfolio Performance Against


Detail: Compare the performance of your portfolio

against appropriate benchmarks to gauge if it's on

Example: If your portfolio is predominantly large-

cap stocks, you might use the Nifty 50 as a

Actionable Items:

Identify relevant benchmarks for different

components of your portfolio.
Use tools or platforms that allow for
performance tracking against these benchmarks.
Analyze underperforming segments to
determine if the underperformance is due to
short-term market noise or a more significant

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review &

Step 3: Evaluate Asset Allocation and


Detail: Over time, due to varied performance across

assets, your portfolio may drift from its target

Example: An initial 70%-30% split between equities

and bonds might shift to an 80%-20% split due to
strong stock market performance.

Actionable Items:

Determine your current asset allocation and

compare it with your target or desired allocation.
Check for overexposure to specific sectors,
industries, or geographies.
Rebalance the portfolio by selling
overrepresented assets and buying
underrepresented ones to restore the desired

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review &

Step 4: Review the Fundamentals of Individual


Detail: Ensure that the core reasons for holding a

particular stock or asset still hold true.

Example: A tech stock initially purchased for its

high-growth prospects might now be maturing and
showing slower growth.

Actionable Items:

Periodically analyze the earnings reports,

management updates, and industry trends for
individual holdings.
Look out for red flags such as declining
revenues, increasing debt, or management
If the fundamental reasons for holding a stock
have changed, consider adjusting its position in
your portfolio.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 8 - Periodic Review &

Step 5: Adjust for Changes in Risk Appetite and

Financial Goals

Detail: Over time, an investor's risk tolerance or

financial objectives might change, necessitating
portfolio adjustments.

Example: Nearing retirement might shift an

investor's focus from capital appreciation to capital
preservation and income generation.

Actionable Items:

Re-evaluate your risk tolerance and financial

goals at regular intervals or after significant life
Modify your asset allocation to align with any
changes in risk appetite (e.g., moving from
growth stocks to dividend-paying stocks).
Consider consulting with a financial advisor to
ensure that the portfolio adjustments align with
the updated objectives.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of
Long-term investing requires a disciplined approach,
where one is not swayed by short-term market

Step 1: Establish Clear Investment Goals and


Detail: Define the purpose of your investment.

Whether it's retirement, purchasing a home, or
funding education, having a clear goal can anchor
investment decisions and help resist short-term

Example: Investing for a comfortable retirement 25

years down the line.

Actionable Items:

Define specific long-term goals, both in terms of

timeline and desired outcomes (e.g., Rs1 million
in 25 years for retirement).
Break the goal down into smaller milestones to
monitor progress.
Considering life changes and financial
circumstances, review and adjust these goals as
CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029
Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of

Step 2: Adopt a Buy-and-Hold Strategy

Detail: Once you've done thorough research and

chosen a stock or asset, resist the urge to
frequently buy or sell based on market fluctuations.

Example: Warren Buffett's investment in Coca-Cola,

which he has held for decades despite market ups
and downs.

Actionable Items:

Invest in companies or assets you believe in for

the long haul, based on sound fundamentals.
Avoid frequent checking of portfolio or stock
prices. Consider setting specific times, such as
quarterly or bi-annually, to review.
If tempted to sell, revisit your initial investment
thesis and research to check if fundamentals
have genuinely changed.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of

Step 3: Diversify Your Portfolio

Detail: Spreading investments across different

assets or sectors can mitigate risk and reduce the
temptation to make impulsive decisions based on
the performance of a single asset.

Example: A balanced portfolio might include a mix

of equities across different sectors, bonds, real
estate, and commodities.

Actionable Items:

Identify and invest in multiple sectors and asset

Periodically review the diversification to ensure
one asset or sector isn't overly dominant due to
Consider using tools or software that provide
diversification analysis and recommendations.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of

Step 4: Educate Yourself and Stay Informed

Detail: By understanding market dynamics and the

fundamentals of investing, you're less likely to be
swayed by panic or greed.

Example: Recognizing the signs of a market bubble,

such as the dot-com bubble, and not being lured by
the prospect of quick gains.

Actionable Items:

Regularly read books, attend webinars, or take

courses on investing and market analysis.
Stay updated on macroeconomic factors,
industry trends, and geopolitical events that can
impact markets.
Join investment clubs or forums to discuss and
share knowledge and strategies with peers.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 9 - Follow the Rules of

Step 5: Embrace Market Volatility

Detail: Understand that markets will have ups and

downs, but it's the long-term trajectory that matters
for long-term investors.

Example: The market crash of 2008 was followed

by one of the longest bull runs in history.

Actionable Items:

Reframe market downturns as potential buying

opportunities rather than reasons to panic.
Implement strategies like dollar-cost averaging,
where you invest a fixed amount at regular
intervals, regardless of market conditions.
Revisit historical market data to understand and
internalize the cyclical nature of markets.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Being a lifelong learner in the stock market is

critical, given how dynamic and ever-changing the
financial landscape is. Inculcating a habit of
continuous learning is not just beneficial but
essential for investors in the dynamic world of the
stock market.

Step 1: Dedicate Regular Time for Education

Detail: Allocate specific time slots in your week or

month dedicated solely to learning more about
investing and market dynamics.

Example: Reserve every Sunday evening for two

hours of reading investment literature or watching
financial news.

Actionable Items:

Set aside a fixed schedule – whether daily,

weekly, or monthly – for stock market learning.
Utilize this time strictly for educational purposes,
avoiding distractions.
Create a reading or learning list and stick to it.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Step 2: Diversify Learning Sources

Detail: Don’t rely on a single source for all

information. Different perspectives can offer
valuable insights.

Example: If you generally read books, consider also

attending webinars, listening to podcasts, or
subscribing to financial news outlets.

Actionable Items:

List down various credible sources: books,

online courses, webinars, seminars, news
outlets, etc.
Rotate between these sources to get varied
Join investor forums or online communities to
discuss and get recommendations on valuable

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Step 3: Practice by Paper Trading

Detail: Before implementing a new strategy or idea,

test it without real money. This way, you can learn
without incurring actual financial risks.

Example: After studying a new investment strategy,

simulate trades using a paper trading account for a
few months to understand its nuances.

Actionable Items:

Sign up for a paper trading account on platforms

that offer this service.
Test new strategies or investment ideas you
come across.
Monitor and analyze the results as if they were
real trades to learn from successes and

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Step 4: Attend Workshops and Seminars

Detail: Live interactions can provide deep insights

and also offer networking opportunities with other
investors and experts.

Example: Participating in an annual investment

seminar hosted by a renowned market expert.

Actionable Items:

Keep an eye out for upcoming financial

seminars, workshops, or conferences in your
city or online.
Participate actively, ask questions, and interact
with speakers or attendees.
Take notes during these events and review them
later to ensure retention and understanding.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Step 5: Continuously Review and Update


Detail: The stock market and its dynamics evolve.

What worked a decade ago might not be as
effective now. Regularly update your knowledge

Example: The rise of cryptocurrencies and their

impact on traditional markets is a relatively new
phenomenon and requires updated knowledge.

Actionable Items:

At least annually, review your knowledge base

to identify any outdated information or
Look for recent books, articles, or courses on
topics that have evolved or are new.
Engage with younger or newer investors to
understand fresh perspectives and newer
market dynamics.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Rule - 10 - Be a Life Long

Step 5: Continuously Review and Update


Detail: The stock market and its dynamics evolve.

What worked a decade ago might not be as
effective now. Regularly update your knowledge

Example: The rise of cryptocurrencies and their

impact on traditional markets is a relatively new
phenomenon and requires updated knowledge.

Actionable Items:

At least annually, review your knowledge base

to identify any outdated information or
Look for recent books, articles, or courses on
topics that have evolved or are new.
Engage with younger or newer investors to
understand fresh perspectives and newer
market dynamics.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

A Ten-Golden Rules Journey to
create Wealth 100X

Hi Reader,

I hope this Ebook finds you in good health and high

spirits. As a Stock Market Coach and Chartered
Accountant, it is my privilege to guide you toward
achieving your long-term financial goals through
strategic and informed investing.

I understand that investing can often seem daunting

and uncertain, which is why I have developed a
comprehensive framework that outlines the most
crucial steps and 10 golden rules to follow for Value
Investing and Growth Investing.

These rules have been designed to provide you with

a clear path to long-term investment success, and I
urge you to follow them regularly.

To delve deeper into these rules and gain a

comprehensive understanding of how they can
benefit your investment journey, I invite you to
download our complete framework, which provides
detailed insights, practical examples, and
actionable steps.

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

A Ten-Golden Rules Journey to
create Wealth 100X

I am also here to assist you personally should you

have any questions or require additional guidance.
Please feel free to reach out to me at or Whatsapp No.
9662638029. Your success in the stock market is
my priority, and I am committed to helping you
achieve your financial objectives.

Remember, long-term investing is a journey;

following these golden rules will pave the way for
your financial success. I encourage you to embrace
them and make them an integral part of your
investment strategy.

Thank you for entrusting me as your Stock Market

Coach and Chartered Accountant. Together, we can
navigate the complexities of the financial markets
and work toward your financial well-being.

CA Tapan Doshi
Chartered Accountant
Stock Market Coach

CA TAPAN DOSHI - - M- 9662638029

Thank You

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