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ASB Report- March 21, 2024

Jenna Skavdahl

ASB President

March 22, 2024

Position assessment:

Throughout February and March, I have been working on preparing for the very busy last
few months. As a member of the election committee, in early February we held elections for
class members. The committee spent the Saturday interviewing and eating. The week before
and after the interviews, we listened to speeches from ASB, Rally, and Class Candidates. I was
responsible for introducing the ASB/Rally Speeches and the Freshmen Class Speeches. As for
8th-grade interviews, I was responsible for emailing all of the 8th graders and communicating
with them about the time, location, and date of their interviews. The election committee along
with Sofia made some tough decisions but we decided on the incoming freshman class and were
happy with the results. For this day, I filled out the PO for food and my mom volunteered to pick
it up. Thank you, Mom! I think that Sofia will have a solid class and I am happy with the work
we did as the fearsome fivesome. Also, as a member of that group, we revamped evals and are
beginning to work on job descriptions.

I have also been working on planning the Banquet with the rest of ASB. I have the final
chair count for students and parents and I have been working on finalizing the PO for the pens
we hope to hand out. Other than that, we have the date and time and ASB is having a meeting on
Wednesday to finalize most of the other details. I have voted on the awards and I chose who I
wanted to give the Selfless Leader Award to. I am working on my write-up for that currently.
At lunch, I have also been attending meetings with next year’s ASB crew to establish their
calendar and help with any information they may need. Payton and I are there to assist as
needed. Also at lunch, we will start having meetings about the Modesto Leadership Conference
because Payton, Claire, Lucia, Allie, Morty and I will be presenting there, so we will begin to get

Also within these months, I began diving deep into the Challenge and getting it all planned
out. Back in January, I organized all of the docs to send out to the class, so I sent them out and
let people know what they were responsible for. Also in January, I made the slides presentation
and designated slides to each group but they were responsible for their slides. Each group was
pre-made and the team leads/mentors were figured out. I tried to keep it organized, and for the
most part, it was but there were still some hiccups, as there always will be. We received great
feedback and have begun working on making the necessary changes. This includes… Fixing
some POs, rescheduling the gift to the community to see if we can find dates that work, making a
spreadsheet of the 8th graders to write letters to, and calculating how many each one will do. We
will also be making publicity for the End of the Year Rally that will take place at lunch on May
17. Hopefully, we will have a few workdays to finish up the details and get going on setting this
plan into action. Along with planning the week of the challenge, I completed the mentorship
assignments and the other work that was assigned, such as ABCs, letters, coloring, and the 5
dysfunctions assignment.

As a senior in leadership and a member of ASB, I have to complete an Elder Project. For the
community service aspect of my project, I am about ¾ths done with it. My project is that every
week, I update the bulletin board outside of the attendance office with a female figure from
history and positive notes for the student body. So far I have recognized Rosalind Franklin,
Sojourner Truth, and Malala Yousafzai. Next week, I will recognize the final woman and post
information about Juana Ines De La Cruz. I did this to honor women who have been remarkable
throughout history and celebrate their accomplishments during Women’s History Month.
Additionally, The positive notes serve as a good reminder for the student body that kindness truly
does start with them and small actions can go a long way. Each week when I go to post new
information, I am pleased when more notes are taken and there is more kindness out there in the
world than there was before. I have enjoyed this project and I am grateful I have had the
opportunity to give back in this way to the student body.

Finally, the 8th-grade day was a day in which help from leadership seniors was needed and I
was responsible for helping set [up the lunch. Although nearly all of the work was done by
Ximena and Morty, I still assisted in any way I could by helping transport food, set up the tables,
informing the other seniors of what was going on, and helping to clean up the baseball field after
it was all said and done. I enjoyed being able to help out and getting involved in this/getting to
know the kitchen staff are both experiences that I am very grateful for.

Standing Committee :

The balloon crew was responsible for making balloons for the 8th-grade welcome day. That
morning, we arrived at school early and blew up 96 balloons for the handles of the rails.
Thankfully, Ximena ordered balloons for us and we have plenty of orange balloons for future
events. For the balloon crew, we have also been working on spirit bombs. We made two, one for
Sergeant Pacheco and Mr. Felver.

Special Committee:

For special committees, I signed up for Love Ripon and I am looking forward to completing
my community service. Additionally, I helped cut out the Valentine’s hearts and hung them up
on the morning of February 14th.
Finally, another committee I am on is the Gift to Community. I have been working on the PO
for food and supplies for that Costco run. I also assumed responsibility for the letters to 8th
graders project. For this, I will be telling the class that they will all be writing 6 letters to the
incoming 8th graders. I will be in contact with the 8th-grade teachers about the delivery of the

Mentorship Evaluation/Completion at Time of Meeting:

The mentorship assignments these past few months have gone very well. I colored the
coloring book and wrote a letter for Rylee. It was nice to be able to write a letter to her
expressing my gratitude and appreciation for her. In return, she wrote me a nice letter that
highlighted a lot of our shared interests. She is someone I enjoy talking to and I am grateful that
these mentorship assignments have brought us closer together. Rylee and I look forward to
working closer together in track as well because now we both run the same events!


One concern and change I have for this class is that people are just done caring. This worries
me because we have a lot to do, and fewer people seem to be coming to class ready to learn and
get work done. I can tell because attendance is dropping, people are not focused when it is time
to work, and when students are asked to do things, they don’t do them with ANY hustle. I
appreciate when students want to work hard, but forcing them to do things is not pleasant by any
means. I think that the discussion on Tuesday in class will be of great benefit to everyone…

Positive comment:

This month, my positive comment goes to Gia, Sofia, Justin, and Evangeline. Gallery of the
Arts was a BEAUTIFUL night! I love this event and I think that they did an excellent job
organizing and executing this event. Especially with so many other things going on in their
worlds, this was so impressive and I am so grateful for them.

Core Principles:

One area that I think I need to work on is “evolve and grow with change”. Again, I am
reflecting and realizing that I struggle with accepting changes. Unfortunately, I have noticed my
temper getting shorter again. I normally lash out when things get changed and the plan changes
from what we had already decided on. To help with this, I am going to work on taking deep
breaths and making solutions for issues when they arise.

My Impact:

One way that I have impacted the world is by celebrating World Recycling Day at my house.
I have encouraged my parents to bring reusable bags to work and we have all tried to slowly
eliminate single-use plastic consumption. We have started to be more aware of consumption and
been more aware of the impact we have on the planet. Even though I started this at my house, I
am grateful that they have been willing enough to join in. Also, as I explore college, I have
decided that if I go to ASU, I will stay in the Environmental Sustainability dorm, which will
further my impact on the planet and make the world a better place.

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