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He who asks a question remains

a fool for five minutes;

He who does not ask remains a
fool forever.
-Chinese Proverb
Reseårch Questions

• Depends on the type of your research

• Set the direction as to where your study
will go
• State what you want to accomplish or
achieve in the study
Statement of the Problem

The problem should be stated in the

The problem should be stated both in infinitive to (action words in research)
general and in specific terms. The such as examine, analyze, determine,
general statement of the problem is measure, assess, evaluate,
usually a reiteration of the title of the recommend, find out, among others;
study setting 4 - 5 research objectives is
ideal for the research problem.
The problem is always in an
interrogatory form, hence, it must ask Specific questions should be stated
a question and subproblems must using the following guide question
follow the main problem which are the words: “How,” “Will”, “What,” Is
key points for investigations in the there”.
Statement of the Problem
The statement of the problem expresses what is
done to make the situation happens more like
what it should be. It exposes anything that is
incorrect with the situation or condition or
circumstances which is being described. It has
two main elements:


• is the first portion of the problem where the
researcher states the objectives. This is a
statement of a long-term objective expected to
be achieved in the study. This is derivative by
the identification and representation of the
research problem and as reflected in the title.
The study aimed to
determine peer tutoring
GENERAL PROBLEM and its effects on the
reading fluency of Grade 11
students of Academic Senior
High School of the City of
Statement of the Problem
• the specific question which is to be answered
in the study are called research questions or
investigative question and are all in question
form. THE ANSWERS TO the research question
should lead to the solution to the research
problem. Is the objective or purpose of the
study observable, measurable, or verifiable?
Focus on a clear goal or objective. State the
precise goal. The problem should be limited
enough in making a definite conclusion

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