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1. (c): The correct answer is option c.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is, ‘Observed’.
• The given passage is about ‘World Sparrow Day’. The passage states that the day is celebrated to admire and
protect the beauty of biodiversity and nature. It also informs that many campaigns, events, activities are
organized on this day to encourage people to participate and support the objective.
• Observed – Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
• As per the context of the passage the word ` Observed’ fits in properly & hence it is the correct choice.
2. (a): The correct answer is option a.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is, ‘Named’.
• The given passage is about ‘World Sparrow Day’. The passage states that the day is celebrated to admire and
protect the beauty of biodiversity and nature. It also informs that many campaigns, events, activities are
organized on this day to encourage people to participate and support the objective.
• Namesake- A person or thing that has the same name as another.
• Namely- that is to say; to be specific (used to introduce detailed information or a specific example).
• Named - Give a name to.
• Naming- The act of giving a name to someone or something.
• As per the context of the passage the word `Named’ fits in properly & hence it is the correct choice.
3. (c): The correct answer is option c.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is, ‘Main’.
• The given passage is about ‘World Sparrow Day’. The passage states that the day is celebrated to admire and
protect the beauty of biodiversity and nature. It also informs that many campaigns, events, activities are
organized on this day to encourage people to participate and support the objective.
• Main- Larger, more important, or having more influence than others of the same type.
• Other- Different from the thing or person already mentioned.
• Diverse - Showing a great deal of variety; very different.
• As per the context of the passage the word `Main’ fits in properly & hence it is the correct choice.
4. (b): The correct answer is option b.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is, ‘Admire’.
• The given passage is about ‘World Sparrow Day’. The passage states that the day is celebrated to admire and
protect the beauty of biodiversity and nature. It also informs that many campaigns, events, activities are
organized on this day to encourage people to participate and support the objective.
• Perceive – Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.
• Admire- To respect and approve of someone or something.
• As per the context of the passage the word `Admire’ fits in properly & hence it is the correct choice.
5. (a): The correct answer is option a.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is, ‘Bringing’.
• The given passage is about ‘World Sparrow Day’. The passage states that the day is celebrated to admire and
protect the beauty of biodiversity and nature. It also informs that many campaigns, events, activities are
organized on this day to encourage people to participate and support the objective.
• Bringing - To lead or force into a specified state, situation, or location.
• As per the context of the passage the word `Bringing’ fits in properly & hence it is the correct choice.

6. (c): The correct answer is option c.
• The given sentence is ‘Direct Speech’.
• Direct Speech - Reporting the message of the speaker in the exact words as spoken by him.
• The given sentence is an ‘Assertive Sentence.’
• Sentences that make a statement are called assertive sentences. These sentences may be positive, negative, false,
or true statements.
• While changing it into an indirect form, we consider following rules.
• Reported Verb – ‘Said to’ changes to ‘Told.’
• Conjunction – In the Assertive sentence conjunction ‘That’ is used.
• Tense - Present simple (Subject +V1st + Object) changes to Past simple (Subject +V2 + Object).
• The sentence thus formed is - Teacher told Rahul that he wanted to meet his parents.
7. (c): The correct answer is option c.
• The error lies in part (c) of the sentence. Replace ‘it’s’ with ‘its’ to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct.
• It’s - is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.”
• For example - It’s so cold in Mahabaleshwar.
• Its - is a possessive determiner we use to say that something belongs to or refers to something.
• For example - The laptop is too big for its case.
8. (a): The correct answer is option a.
• Your guess is as good as mine - It is an idiomatic expression which means, ‘To have no idea or answer to a
• Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given idiom & hence, it is the correct choice.
9. (d): The correct answer is option d.
• The word that can be filled in the blank is `Scrutiny’.
• Scrutiny - the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it.
• For example - The government's record will be subjected to or come under (close) scrutiny in the weeks before
the election.
10. (b): The correct answer is option b.
• Replace ‘Ramping of’ with ‘Ramping up’ to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
• Ramping up – It is a phrase which means, ‘a large increase in activity or in the level of something.’
• For example - They saw a ramp-up in orders.
• Ramp down - to decrease or cause to decrease.
• On-ramp – a short road on which vehicles drive on to a highway or other main road.
11. (c): The correct answer is option c.
• Knotty - extremely difficult or complex.
• Synonyms - complex, complicated, tangled.
• Antonyms - noncomplex, non-complicated, plain, simple, uncomplicated.
12. (b): The correct answer is option b.
• The error lies in part (b) of the sentence. Replace ‘In’ with ‘Into’ to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct.
• In – It is used to refer to being inside something.
• Into - It is used to denote the movement from outside to inside.
• Hence usage of the preposition ‘In’ is inappropriate since the sentence highlights the movement from outside i.e.,
the river, through the verb ‘jumped’.
13. (a): The correct answer is option a.
• Replace ‘adept by’ with ‘adept at’ to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
• Adept at - thoroughly proficient.
• For example - He's adept at fixing computers.
• Adept means "good at doing something."
• Adapt means "to change for a new situation." Adopt usually means "to take something legally as your own."

14. (b): The correct answer is option b.
• Aeon - An immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time.
• Sheath - A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword.
• Cloakroom - A room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.
• Torrent - strong and fast-moving stream of water or another liquid.
• Option (b) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

15. (a): The correct answer is option a.

• Boisterous - being rough or noisy in a high-spirited way.
• Synonyms - agitated, disturbed, excited, passionate.
• Antonyms - calm, composed, quiet.

16. (b): The correct answer is option b.

• Impious - showing a lack of respect for God or religion.
• Synonyms - nonreligious, secular, unholy, irreligious.
• Antonyms - holy, prayerful, religious, worshipful.

17. (a): The correct answer is option a.

• The word that can be filled in the blank is `Suppressed’.
• Suppressed - to stop something from being seen or known.
• Scandalized - to cause somebody to feel shocked by doing something that he/she thinks is bad or wrong.
• Sublime - of extremely high quality that makes you admire something very much.
• Signified – to express or indicate something.

18. (d): The correct answer is option d.

• Bonfire - Huge fire for celebration.
• Imbroglio - Complex situation or a mix-up.
• Satire - Humour that describes the weaknesses.
• Grove - Trees grow without underbrush.
• Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

19. (c): The correct answer is option (c) sentence having the incorrectly spelt word in it.
• The correct spelling is ‘Triggering’.

20. (a): The correct answer is option a.

The proper arrangement is – DBAC.
• Statement D is a general statement made about which other statements are said, so will be the first statement in
the order.
• Statement B is in continuation of the statement D, so will follow statement D next in order.
• Statement C is the concluding statement made amongst all the statements and hence will be the last in the order
of the jumbled sentences.

21. (a): The correct answer is option a.

• Grudge - unfriendly feelings towards somebody, because you are angry about what has happened in the past.
• Synonyms - hatred, loathing, vindictiveness.
• Antonyms - amicability, cordiality, friendliness.

22. (c): The correct answer is option c.

• Barking up the wrong tree - It is an idiomatic expression which means, ‘to make the wrong choice’.
• Option (c) portrays the same meaning as that of the given idiom & hence, it is the correct choice.

23. (d): The correct answer is option d.

The correct spelling is, ‘Inclusions’.

24. (b): The correct answer is option b.
• The given sentence is of ‘Active voice’.
• The sentence is said to be in active voice when `Subject’ is active & does something.
• In the given sentence, the subject is `He’ and the subject performs some actions related to the subject.
• Now we have to convert it into passive voice.
• Passive voice – If the sentence is in passive form, the subject remains inactive. It does nothing, but allows
something to be done.
• In the passive form, the object of the verb in Active voice becomes the subject of the verb in the Passive voice. ‘By’
is introduced as now the subject receives the action by the object.
• The sentence thus formed is – A lot of money had been spent by Manav.
25. (a): The correct answer is option a.
The proper arrangement is – ADBC.
• Statement A is a general statement made about which other statements are said, so will be the first statement in
the order.
• Statement D is in continuation of the statement A, so will follow statement A next in order.
• Statement C is the concluding statement made amongst all the statements and hence will be the last in the order
of the jumbled sentences.
26. (a):

27. (c):
28. (d): +13 series
29. (a): position of alphabet in alphabetical series reverse order
30. (a): car
31. (b): Fly is an Insects ; and Bee is also an Insect
32. (c): Intense temptation = sin ; intense food makes glutton.
33. (c): Sum of all other are 9
34. (b):
35. (c):

36. (d):
37. (c):
38. (b):

39. (b): +4, +4, -4, -4

40. (d): Except YWN, rest all three are -2 series

41. (a):

42. (c): Position of the 2nd B is increasing by 1 from right to left.

43. (d):

44. (d): G A

45. (d):

46. (b):

47. (c): 3 × (17 – 13) = 12

4 × (14 – 3) = 44
5 × (31 – 23) = 40

48. (c): there are 16 triangles in given figure.

49. (b): ;

50. (c): ;

51. (c):

52. (a):

53. (b):

54. (D):

55. (a):

56. (d):

57. (a):

58. (b):

59. (c):

60. (b):

61. (b):

62. (d): five years interest = 250 Rs.

1 years = 50 Rs.
10 years = 500 Rs.
Amounts = 500 Rs.

63. (d):

64. (a):

65. (a):

66. (a):

67. (d):

68. (b):

69. (d):

70. (a):

71. (c): 2πrh = 560

πrh = 280
∴ Volume = πrh × r = 280 × 14
= 3920 cm³

72. (b):

73. (c):

74. (a):

75. (b):

76. (a): Vani Jayaram, 78, a legendary playback singer from the South film industry passed away.
On this year’s Republic Day, she was awarded the prestigious Padma Bhushan to recognize her contribution to Indian
music for over 50 years.
77. (c): SHRI stands for “Shared Repository of Inscriptions”.
‘Bharat Shared Repository of Inscriptions’ will be set up in a digital epigraphy museum, with the digitization of one
lakh ancient inscriptions in the first stage.
78. (c): Victory City is written by Salman Rushdie. Salman Rushdie is an Indian-born British-American novelist.
Rushdie's second novel, Midnight's Children (1981), won the Booker Prize in 1981.
79. (c): One of the main reasons for the defeat of Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah in the Battle of
Plassey was that the forces led by Mir Jafar, one of his commanders, never fought the battle.
Battle of Plassey was fought on 23rd June 1757 between the British Forces led by Robert Clive and the Nawab of
The victory was made possible by the defection of Mir Jafar, who was Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah's commander-in-chief.
The battle took place at Palashi on the banks of the Hooghly River, about 150 kilometres (93 mi) north of Calcutta
(now Kolkata).
80. (c): Lal Bahadur Shastri was born in Mughalsarai on 2 October 1904.
He served as the 2nd Prime Minister of India from 1964 to 1966 and the 6th Home Minister of India from 1961 to
He promoted the White Revolution to boost milk production in the country and to boost India's food production,
Shastri also promoted the Green Revolution in India in 1965.
He led the country during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965. His slogan "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" became very popular during
the war.
81. (b): Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose wrote the book, The Indian struggle.
The Indian Struggle, 1920–1942 Part I (1920–1934), published in 1935.
The Indian Struggle, 1920–1942 Part II (1935–1942), published in 1942.
Other Books by Netaji: An Indian Pilgrim (An Unfinished Autobiography), Ideas of a Nation, etc.
82. (d): Gandhiji’s first major public appearance was at the opening of the Banaras Hindu
University (BHU) in February 1916.
On 4 February 1916, Gandhiji made his first public appearance after returning from South Africa in BHU.
83. (b): Jamshedi Navroz is a festival of Zoroastrian origin that marks the day of the vernal equinox in March every year and
is celebrated by Parsis in India.
Nowruz marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
The day is celebrated worldwide by various ethnolinguistic groups and falls on or around the date of 21 March on the
Gregorian calendar.
84. (d): Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2023-24 on a positive roadmap with the fiscal
deficit for 2023-24 is 17.87 Lakh Crore.
85. (b): The Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India defines and specifies the allocation of powers and functions
between the Union & States.
It contains three lists; i.e., Union List, State List, and Concurrent List.
86. (a): Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was made for the Panchayati Raj system in India; which submitted its report in 1957.
The Chairman of this committee was Balwantrai G Mehta.
87. (b): The Union Budget 2023-24 highlighted that the current year’s economic growth is estimated to be at 7%, the “highest
among all the major economies.”
88. (d): Mc Kinley is the highest mountain peak in the USA. Mount Mc Kinley or Denali is the highest mountain peak in North
America, with a summit elevation of 20,237 feet above sea level. At some 18,000 feet, the base-to-peak rise is
considered the largest of any mountain situated entirely above sea level.

89. (b): Golden rice is a variety of rice (Oryza sativa) produced through genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a
precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of rice.
90. (d): The availability of power and raw material for textiles along with skilled labours are the basic reasons for the growth
of textile industries in western India.
91. (b): The permanent settlement was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in 1793 in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa etc. This led to the
emergence of a powerful class termed as Zamindari Class, which proved beneficial to the British as they eventually
became political allies of the government.
92. (b): Gymnast Dipa Karmakar has been handed a 21-month ban for failing a dope test conducted by the International
Testing Agency.
93. (a): Ricky Kej, a musician, won his third Grammy Award for the album “Divine Tides,”
He co-wrote the album “Divine Tides” with rock legend Stewart Copeland.
The Indian music producer and composer from Bengaluru received the prize for “Divine Tides” after being nominated
in the category of Best Immersive Audio Album.
In 2022, Kej and Copeland won another Grammy for Best New Age Album for their collaboration on this song.
The musician also received a prize for his 2015 album, “Winds of Samsara.”
94. (a): Chinese search engine Baidu revealed its plans of launching a ChatGPT-style AI chatbot called ‘Ernie Bot’.
Ernie, meaning “Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration,” is a large AI-powered language model
introduced in 2019.
95. (d): The Yuva Sangam registration portal was launched in New Delhi.
The Yuva Sangam is an initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to build close ties between the youth of the
Northeast Region and the rest of India under the spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.
Under the initiative, over 20 thousand youth will travel across the country and gain a unique opportunity for cross-
cultural learning.
96. (b): Bestu Varas or the Gujarati New Year is celebrated a day after Diwali on the Pratipada Tithi in the month of Kartik.
97. (c): ‘The Substance and the Shadow’ is the autobiography of Veteran Actor Dilip Kumar.
The Book was written by the film journalist Udaya Tara Nayar.
Mohammed Yusuf Khan, popular as Dilip Kumar, was an Indian actor and film producer who worked in Hindi cinema.
He is referred to as the "Tragedy King" and "The First Khan" of Bollywood.
98. (b): Raoult’s law states that for a solution of volatile liquids, the partial vapour pressure of each component of the solution
is directly proportional to its mole fraction present in the solution.
Raoult's law is a relation of physical chemistry, with implications in thermodynamics.
It was Proposed by French chemist François-Marie Raoult in 1887.
99. (b): Electrical conductance through metals is called electronic conductance and it decreases with an increase in
Objects made of electrical insulators like rubber tend to have very high resistance and low conductance, while objects
made of electrical conductors like metals tend to have very low resistance and high conductance.
100. (c): The nuclear membrane is absent in the kingdom Monera because it lacks a well-defined nucleus.
Monera is a unicellular, prokaryotic organism whose cell wall is not made up of cellulose.
The taxon Monera was first proposed as a phylum by Ernst Haeckel in 1866.


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