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To activate learners’ linguistic and cultural background

Grammar Present simple - Semi modal ‘used to’ - Future: will / going to
in Modals may / might - Relative pronouns - Link words: in contrast, by
context contrast… - Comparatives / superlatives

· Pronunication of final “s”

Say it loud · Homophones
and clear · Homonyms

Working • Vocabulary related to food

with • Suffixes: ic, ical, less,……

• Listening for specific information
• Listening for general ideas
• Talking about changes in lifestyles: clothes...

• Reading for specific information

Reading • Reading for general ideas
and • Reading a newspaper article
writing • Writing a policy statement, a slogan, a newspaper article...


• To bring into relief all the resources developed by the learners
• To do collaborative work in terms of sharing know-how and information in a group


• To give learners the opportunity to practise self-assessment
• To decide where learners should intensify their efforts to eliminate weaknesses


• To broaden learners’ knowledge and skills

Making a Lifestyle Profile
Think it over:
To activate the learners’ cultural and linguistic background.
To interact with a picture and elicit vocabulary
Time: 15mn
1. To urge a study of a tableau representing past lifestyles in Algeria and discuss its content
2. To elicit related vocabulary items and urge a discussion about the theme
3. To introduce the learners to the right pronunciation of consonants and vowels in some words
Task 1: Look at the picture on p.15, discuss the content of M.Racim’s tableau and guess the theme of
unit (1)

Mohammed Racim, Ramadan Nights

Task 2: Listen to your teacher pronounce the words, then repeat them.

fashion - tradition - modern - custom - sell - shopping -

food - jet - goods - kit - shuttle
Discovering Language:
Lesson Plan

• Developing awareness about the importance of living in a world of diverse rich
• Raising awareness about the positive aspects of belonging to a nation rich in
• Developing a sense of tolerance and cooperation among students as future conscious
representatives of their culture.
• Express present habits using the present simple
• Describe past habits using used to
• Talk about plans & intentions using going to
• Use related vocabulary appropriately
• Discuss formation of words and some features of word building within a context
• Pronounce consonant / vowel sounds in words

Reading for general ideas and specific information.
Writing a policy statement.
Describing - narrating - expressing intention
Language forms:
Present simple - semi modal ‘used to’ - future ( will - going to)
Suffixes: ic, ical...
Pronunciation of final s”” - homonyms - homophones
Material needed:
Pictures, dictionaries, scripts.
8 hours
Rubric 1 : Grammar in Context: Habits / Intentions
• To look at pictures and identify the economic sectors they represent.
• To read a passage and check previous answers.
• To answer comprehension reference questions
• To study the grammar desk and draw out a reminder about describing habits and
• To write a policy statement stating future intentions.
Rubric 2 : Say it Loud & Clear: Short Vowels
• To Listen, group words and identify the vowel sound.
• To Listen and classify words according to the pronunciation of their vowels.
• To read, identify the odd word and cross it out.
• To read and transcribe words using vowel and consonant phonemes.
Rubric 3 : Working with Words: Suffixes
• To supply the right form of words in brackets to have coherence in a given sentence.
• To study the new words and draw out a definition for a suffix.
• To complete sentences by adding the right suffix to some words.
• To complete a word map using suffixes
• To use some words of the chart in sentences.
Discovering Language: Grammar in Context

Before you Read:

Task p 16: Look at the pictures (p16) and say which sector of the economy each of them represents.

As you Read:

Task 1 p 16: To read the text and check answers to the previous task.
Task 2 p 17: To read the text and answer qestions.

After Reading: Grammar Desk:

I) Expressing Habits
Task 1: Study the examples below and draw out a reminder.

A– Uncle Hassan used to be a farmer.

B– Today, he works in a tomato paste factory.
C– He usually wakes up at 6 am.
D– He didn’t use to go shopping in town very often.
To express habits, we use:
Past: used to + stem / stem(ed)
Present: stem (s)

Habits Positive Negative Interrogative

Past Used to +stem Did not use to +stem (Wh pron) Did + S + use to + stem..?

Prsent stem (s) Does /do not + stem (wh pron) Do/ Does + S +stem?

Practice :
Task 1 p 18: to complete sentences using the positive, negative or interrogative form of “used to”
Task 2 p 18: Pronunciation of the final –ed in “used to”.
Task 3 p 18: to give the correct tense of verbs in brackets to express a habit in the past or present.
Task 4 p 18: to use “used to “ in different forms to make a meaningful passage.
II) Future Intention (will / going to)

Task 1:
a/ Study Uncle Hassan’s quote and draw out a reminder.

I’m going to retire if my boss refuses my transfer

Uncle Hassan:

b/ Compare the situations below. What do you notice?

A: Ann is in hospital.

B: Oh really! I didn’t know. I’ll visit her.

A: Ann is in hospital.

B: I know. I’m going to visit her.

To express a future decision / intention, we use:

will / shall + stem (taken now)
be going to + stem ( taken before now)

Positive Negative Interrogative

will / shall + stem will / shall not + stem (Wh pron) will + S + stem..?
am / is / are + going to + stem am / is / are + not +going to + (Wh pron) am / is / are +S
stem +going to + stem…?food


will and going to are also used for future happenings:

A– Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. (according to what I see)
B– According to the weather forcast it will rain in the north. (according to what I know)
Task 1: Study the situations and complete the sentences with will or going to.

1) A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: I (watch) am going to watch the news.
2) A: I don’t know how to use this camera.
B: It’s quite easy. I (show) ……... you.
3) A: Did you post the letter?
B: I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I (do) …….. it now.
4) A: The weather is too nice.
B: I (sit) ……….in the garden.
5) A: The weather’s too nice to stay in doors. I (sit) ………... in the garden.
B: It’s a good idea. I think I (join) ………... you
6) A: Are you still saving up.
B: Yes, we (buy) ………….. a house.
7) A: Careful! You (fall) …………...
B: Oh, thank you.
8) A: I (be) ……….. 20 in June.
B: You are lucky. You may apply for the job then.
9) A: Where (you / spend) …………..your next holiday?
B:You (not believe) …………

Task 2: Read then complete each sentence using will or going to

Mohammed has lost his balance. He …………………....

Shhh! Don’t make so much noise. You …………………….
A: Have you decided what to do when you get your Bac exam?
B: Oh,yes……………………………………………………..
The ceiling in this room doesn’t look safe. It……………………

Task 3: Tell your classmates about what you intend to do in future.

Write it Right:

Task 1p 19: Correct a student’s mistakes of tenses using the semi-modal ‘used to’ where necessary

Task 2p 19: to imagine being on an election campaign. To advertise a programme by writing a policy
statement using " going to "
Discovering Language: Say it Loud and Clear

1/ Pronunciation of finale “s”

Task 1 p 20: to read 2nd and 3rd paragraphs in text p16 and pick out words in bold to classify them
according to the pronunciation of their final “s”
2/ Homophones

Task 4 p 20: to correct the misspelling with their homophones.

More Practice: to take turns to write sentences with homophones and ask a partner to guess the right

3/ Homonyms

Task 5 p 20: to look up the word ‘homonym’ in a dictionary then to find the different meanings of “can”
through tongue twisters.
More Practice: To practice reading a tongue twister quickly.

Discovering Language: Working With Words “Suffixes”

Task: Read then complete the sentence below. Study the new words and draw out a definition.
Uncle Hassan (ask)……….his (employ) ……… to transfer him to one of the (commerce)………

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its form and
meaning so that it fits meaning in a sentence.

asked (v) = ask (v) + ‘ed’

root suffix
employer (n) = employ (v) + ’er’
root suffix
commercial (adj) = commerce (n) + ‘ial’
root suffix
services (n) = service (n) + ‘s’
root suffix

Task 1 p 21: to add the suffixes –ic, -ical, -al, -ism, -less, -ist, -ary to the words in brackets to get a
coherent paragraph.
Task 2 p 21: to study the chart and complete the blanks with examples related to a list of suffixes.
Task 3 p 21: Homework
To find more words with the different suffixes previously studied and use them in
Developing Skills:
Lesson Plan
Developing awareness and a sense of reflection about one’s lifestyles.
Talking and sharing thoughts about changes in lifestyles, eating habits, clothes...
Express certainty and doubt using appropriate vocabulary.
Make predictions about future life styles.
Use related vocabulary appropriately
• Listening for specific information & general ideas
• Reading for general ideas and specific information
• Talking about changes in life styles: eating habits, clothes...
• Writing a letter, a newspaper article
Describing - predicting - expressing certainty / doubt - comparing / contrasting - (dis)agreeing
Language forms:
Future -will / may / might - certainty / doubt vocabulary( it’s (un)likely that…) - relative pronouns -
contrast link words

Material needed:
pictures, dictionaries, audio / video scripts.
8 hours
Sequence 1: Listening & Speaking
• To brainstorm the topic.
• To respond to a radio talk.
• To listen for details.
• To listen and study language structure.
• To act out dialogues.
• To use the learnt patterns in writing.

Sequence 2: Reading & Writing

• To predict the topic from a chart.

• To discuss a real life situation
• To answer and discuss a question about past & present eating habits in Algeria
• To respond to a text.
• To interact with the author’s point of view.
• To study the writer’s choice of words (diction)
• To write definitions of words using relative pronouns.
• To rewrite a short article using relative pronouns.
• To complete a newspaper article.
Listening & Speaking


Task 1 p 22: To predict what may happen in the field of medicine from given ideas.


Task: To listen to a radio talk and check the predictions made in the previous task.

Task 3 p 22: to listen to the talk and answer comprehension questions.

Task 2 p 22: to listen again and write sentences containing modals given in a graph.


Task 4 p 22: To use ideas in the previous task to summarize the dialogue.

Your Turn:

Task p 23: To make predictions about the future expressing certainty and doubt.

Write it up:

Task p 23: to write short dialogues predicting what might happen in the future in particular fields.
Reading & Writing

Text One: What People Eat


Task 1 p 24: to match words from a list with the parts of the food pyramid.
Task 2 p 24: to discuss the food groups eaten in the past and today.


Task: to read the text and check answers to the previous tasks.
Task 3 p 24: to read the text and express agreement/ disagreement with the author.
Task 4 p 25: to find examples from the text for synonyms, antonyms, pronouns, verbs, nouns.
Task 5 p 25: to write definitions building relative clauses.

Task 6 p 26: to insert non-defining relative clauses to make sentences more informative about different

Write it out:
Task 2 p 27: to complete the blanks to get a coherent newspaper article about what people from different
cultures wear.

Text Two: Twin Cities


Task 1 p 28: to answer questions from a picture.


Task 2 p 28: to read the text and check the answers in the previous task.
Task 3 p 29: to read the text and answer more comprehension questions.
Task 4 p 29: to cross the incorrect tense in each sentence and justify the choice.

Task: to write a short report from the conversation between the Mayor of Algiers and the public officer
about the twinning arrangement.

Write it out:
Task p 29: to write an e-mail to an English penfriend telling about a plan to visit Algeria.
Where Do we Go from Here?

Self assessment.
To train learners to assess themselves by
· assessing their understanding of the language points seen during the unit
· identifying their achievements and their weaknesses
· recognizing their needs and seek to remedy their deficiencies

Check over the language:

Task 1 p 31: to put a tick to indicate how well each of the language points in the checklist is
known, relevant examples are given in each case.

Skills Check:
I/ Reading:
Task 1: What is the main idea of this passage ? Circle the correct answer.

B. Young generations are now using the intimate second form everywhere and with everybody.
C. Some children are less respectful towards adults.
D. In modern society, good manners are changing.

Task 2: What is the main idea of this passage? Circle the correct answer.

Statement T F

A– Sandra liked her childhood

B– She used to spend most of her time with her parents
C– She was a polite girl
D– She didn’t use to be noisy
E–Today young people use informal language everywhere and with everybody

Task 3:
A/ Read § 3 and complete the chart below

Sandra’s Habits Other children’s Habits

B/ Compare both categories’ habits and write sentences using: but, however, while, whereas, contrary
e.g. Italian children used to behave politely; today however they are less respectful....
Task 4: Read § 4 and choose the most appropriate way of addressing addults. Justify your choice.
Compare the phenomenon with your language. What do you notice?

Task 5: Do you agree with Sandra when she said: « I think that this behaviour is due to
globalisation and to the use of the English language that has only one form, but I
don’t consider it polite and I cannot get used to these manners »?

II/ Writing:

The tourist office in your area has decided to produce a series of welcoming letters ( which
will placed in airports, seaports, hotels, holy places, mosques, etc.) whose purpose is to help
tourists understand local customs and traditions and behave in appropriate ways, in different
settings, write your welcoming letter.

Exploring Matters Further:


To grant learners an opportunity to learn more about the topic through extensive reading. At
the end of this step, the leanrer will have:
· acquired more vocabulary
· improved their knowledge of grammar and pronunciation
· been introduced to further points related to the theme
· been given opportunity to improve and broaden their skills

We may choose to remedy certain points at this step as we may design it for further learning
on the part of students if the latter prove to have well assimilated what they went through
along the unit.

Suggested material p.32-35

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