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Woxsen University, Hyderabad

Case Study Report

BMVSS: Changing Lives, One Jaipur Limb

Mba (leopards) 2023-2025
Course name- Design Thinking
Course Code- MDET304
Rishabh Thakur:23WU0202230
Rahul Kiran Sonkar:23WU0202250
Nazimul Haque:23WU0202032
Ridisha Bhavikatti:23WU0202229
Yash Rishabh

Keshav Krishna:23WU0202267
CASE REPORT ON BMVSS-- Changing Lives, One Jaipur Limb at a Time

Executive summary:
The BMVSS can be regarded as a group of superheroes who are dedicated to assisting individuals with
disabilities in India. Their contributions are not limited to the provision of remarkable technological
advancements such as prosthetic limbs, with the renowned Jaipur Foot being a particularly noteworthy
creation due to its affordability. These innovations are provided free of charge, enabling individuals to
navigate through life unhindered by physical limitations. However, the BMVSS is not solely focused on
the development of sophisticated gadgets; they also strive to foster inclusivity within society and
promote financial independence among individuals with disabilities. In essence, their primary objective
is to empower individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. This noble endeavor has impacted over
a million individuals since its establishment in 1975, effectively restoring their freedom and mobility.
Furthermore, the BMVSS extends its services beyond the fitting of prosthetics, offering social support to
address various challenges, facilitating job placement, and providing training on walking with the aid of
these devices.

Diversify Your Funding Sources: To lessen your reliance on a single funding source, consider forming
alliances with government agencies, corporate sponsors, and foreign relief groups.
Create Income-Generating Initiatives: To make money, develop vocational training programs for
recipients of Jaipur Foot.
Adopt Cost-Effective Practices: To reduce expenses, continuously improve operating procedures.
Establish Endowment Fund: To ensure long-term financial stability, establish an endowment fund.
Enhance Donor ties: Through focused campaigns, maintain current donor ties and look for new ones.
Opportunities for Research Grants: Make an effort to find and apply for grants for study. Leverage
Technology: Make better use of technology to improve outreach and streamline procedures. Investing in
employee training and development will help you build a more capable workforce.
With these recommendations, BMVSS should be able to continue operating financially and providing
good services to low-income amputees.

The problem: Millions of people in underdeveloped countries are limb due to a range of causes, such as
congenital abnormalities, accidents, landmines, and diseases like diabetes. Amputees in these places
sometimes face significant challenges since it is difficult for them to find priced and functional prosthetic
limbs. Traditional prostheses are unsuitable for many people in developing countries because they can
be expensive, heavy, and uncomfortable.
The answer lies in the Jaipur Foot. Physician Pramod Karan Sethi and master artisan Ram Chandra
invented it in 1968. It is a low-cost, robust, and immensely practical prosthetic foot that mimics the
features of a natural foot, allowing for jogging, uneven-surface walking, and even tree climbing. This
innovative technology can be produced and fitted at a fraction of the cost of conventional prosthetic
limbs. It's constructed using wood, rubber, and other low-cost components.
The Method of BMVSS
Through the Jaipur Limb, BMVSS uses several important strategies to transform lives, such as:
Affordability and accessibility:
By utilizing low-cost materials and optimizing the production process, BMVSS has made prosthetic limbs
accessible to even the most impoverished individuals. The organization provides the Jaipur Foot and
other forms of aid at no cost.
Research and Development:
Ongoing innovation ensures that the Jaipur Foot and other aids continue to improve with time.
Collaborations with organizations and experts around the world provide improvements to the materials
and technology used.
Global Reach:
BMVSS has extended its services outside India to several countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America by
tailoring its business model to meet the needs of several geographic regions.
Consulting Task:
Provide BMVSS with comprehensive recommendations on how to maintain organizational continuity
and financial sustainability while still pursuing its goal of helping low-income amputees.
For non-profit organizations, our team of skilled consultants specializes in organizational growth,
financial administration, and strategic planning.

Assumptions Explanation Justification

The business offers a scalable The presumption is founded on The instance emphasizes the
and replicable quality care the organization's organization's attention on
paradigm that is donor-fueled, accomplishment of giving away meeting the socio-cultural
corpus-centered, and patient- prosthetic limbs and mobility- demands of the amputees by
centric across the whole range assisting equipment to those developing a prosthetic foot
of medical services. with physical disabilities, as well that is long-lasting, waterproof,
as the positive effects this has and realistic-looking and can be
had on the lives of more than a used with or without shoes. This
million recipients. The Stanford- shows the company's
Jaipur Knee and the use of high- dedication to patient-centered
density polyethylene pipes for care and its capacity for product
shanks are two examples of the innovation and adaptation to
organization's cutting-edge match the unique requirements
prosthetic limb technologies of its beneficiaries.
that are highlighted in this case Furthermore, the Jaipur Foot's
study. These innovations cheap production cost—less
suggest that the model might than $5 at the time—indicates
be scaled up and replicated to the possibility that their
accommodate a wider range of methodology might be scaled
healthcare needs. and replicated across a range of
healthcare services.

BMVSS can continue to serve This presumption is supported The case highlights the
the thousands of patients it by the organization's reliance on organization's commitment to
serves each year if it adopts a government financing, providing care to all people in
paradigm where patients are significant donations, and sales need, regardless of their
not charged for the limb or the from their shops and financial background, by
fitting. physiotherapy clinic. The case mentioning that it welcomes
also addresses BMVSS's everyone and is unconcerned
difficulties in reaching a wider with the patient's financial
audience and maintaining a situation. This shows the
stable financial position. The organization's commitment to
assumption is based on the helping many people each year
conviction that the organization and its capacity to draw money
will be able to maintain from a variety of sources, such
operations and keep helping as fundraisers and professional
many people in need with the associations, to maintain its
help of its current funding operations. The organization's
sources and revenue streams. emphasis on sustainability,
keeping skilled physicians on
staff, and continuously
developing and enhancing its
offerings all contribute to the
belief that BMVSS will be able
to provide services to a sizable
beneficiary base in the future.

The Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) and its effort with the Jaipur Limb reflect a
paradigm shift in providing prosthetic solutions to those in need, particularly in resource-constrained
circumstances. This case study provides a thorough analysis of the strategies and outcomes of BMVSS. It
also examines how sustainability, scalability, and innovative thinking have aided in the program's
success and provides some insights for more general application in social innovation and global health.

Novel Method: BMVSS has developed a sophisticated creative strategy that focuses on the distribution
model in addition to the material and design of the Jaipur Foot.
Progress with Materials and Plan: The Jaipur Appendage is renowned for its use of inexpensive, readily
available materials that took into consideration the enhancement of a prosthetic that is both highly
useful and valued. Because prosthetics enable movements that are exactly like those of a characteristic
appendage, this advancement has allowed people who are terribly disabled to live active lives.
Method of delivery: Through the organization's on-the-spot fitting camps in India and other countries,
entry barriers are significantly reduced. By providing prostheses at no cost and ensuring timely fitting,
BMVSS addresses the issues of cost and accessibility.

Scalability and Sustainability

There are several key reasons why the BMVSS approach is scalable and sustainable.
Decentralized Service Delivery: By establishing mobile camps and collaborating with local organizations,
BMVSS can reach a wide range of people, even those who reside in rural areas.
Global Partnerships: By partnering with other organizations and adapting its business model to suit
diverse logistical and cultural contexts, BMVSS has increased its presence outside of India.
Additional Suggestions:
In order to increase its impact and longevity, BMVSS may consider the following recommendations:
Utilize Technology to Increase Productivity and Creativity: Internet-Based Sources for Remote
Assistance: Develop digital platforms or mobile applications to provide prosthetic users with guidance,
follow-up care, and remote help. This can include a forum where users can interact and provide
encouragement to one another, rehabilitation exercises, and online fitting assistance.
Examine how 3D printing technology can be used to create prosthetics that are more precisely fitted and
customized. This could lead to a decrease in the price and time needed for production and fitting.
Expand Education and Vocational Training Programs: Increase the number of vocational training
programs that are appropriate for the local labor market to ensure that participants not only regain
mobility but also have the skills necessary for productive work.
By collaborating with academic institutions and online learning platforms to offer education and skill
development opportunities, you may help recipients better integrate into the workforce.

Overall Advice:
The techniques and outcomes of the BMVSS are used to validate recommended courses of action, and
the study offers solid support for these suggestions. The Jaipur Limb's capacity to enhance recipients'
lives through innovative design, cost-effective implementation, and a scalable approach serves as the
foundation for the projects.

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