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159 Does the terminal have available a list of vessel X
acceptance criteria for each berth within the terminal?
160 Are fender surfaces in good condition to prevent any X
damage to vessels using the berth?
161 Are fender supports in good condition? X

162 Are mooring equipment and arrangements on the berth X

appropriate for vessels using the berth?
163 Are terminal personnel aware of the risk of failure and X
snapback of highly loaded synthetic ropes and do they
keep off the relative danger zones?
164 Is shore mooring equipment adequate in type, quantity X
and location (substructure, quick release hooks,
bollards, cleats)?
165 Has the capacity of the mooring point equipment and X
substructures been checked against the applied mooring
loads, considering number, type and strength of lines
166 Has the jettyand
and vertical operator the responsibility
horizontal sectors? and the authority X
to stop operations when safety or pollution violations
167 Are Terminal Regulations delivered to the vessel? X

168 Is a reliable communication system in place to control X

the cargo transfer operation?
169 If applicable, are loading arms designed, operated and X
maintained in accordance with industry standards?
170 Is an electrical insulating flange installed at each loading X
arm and hose in flammable liquid service?
171 If the ship is earthed to the pier is the earthing cable and X
connection regularly checked and in good condition?
172 Are loading arms used for hazardous products equipped X
with an emergency release system?
173 Are emergency release systems tested on a regular X
174 In the case of loading/unloading liquids in flammable X
range, are tanks inerted?
175 Are checks made that all scuppers are plugged prior to X
starting transfer?
176 Is line up checked for leackage? X

177 Is the cargo transfer area on the jetty of closed X

construction to contain small spills?
178 Is the cargo transfer area on the jetty surrounded by a X El contenedor actual utilizado en la plataforma tiene
15 cm (6 inch) high toewall, or by channel troughs ? una altura de 10,5 cms, la cual fue diseñado de esa
manera teniendo en cuenta que existen
procedimientos adicionales por parte de los usuarios
que permiten evitar derrames en esa area.

179 Is the cargo transfer area on the jetty sloping down to a X No existen sumidero de recogida de producto por el
dedicated catch basin, which drains to a collection poco espacio con que se cuenta en la plataforma y la
sump? necesidad de estabilizar la orilla, el procedimiento
actual para la recoleccion en caso de derrame es
manual y se tiene ayudas como el aserrin o esponjas
(marranos) y elementos que encapsulan el liquido
derramado, para la recoleccion del producto, teniendo
en cuenta siempre el cumplimiento las medidas de
seguridad y salud ocupacional adecuadas.
180 Is containment ashore normally kept empty? X

181 Is containment facility equipped with a high level alarm, X

which registers at a constantly manned location?
182 Are hose, arm and line ends blanked with full bolting X
when not in use?
183 Are gaskets inspected/ replaced after every connection? X

184 Is the transferpoint adequately safeguarded throughout X

the transfer operation (e.g. operator remains reasonably
close to the transfer point or video control with remote
185 Is the design
transfer of pipelines crossing open water such that
control)? X
there are no flanges or deadlegs?
186 Is a motor operated emergency block valve (EBV) X
installed at each product transfer line before the loading
arm or hose and is it located in a protected position?
187 If not, does the terminal have a means of isolating cargo X
lines in an emergency?
188 Are closure rates of EBV designed to prevent pressure X
surge potential?
189 Is there an emergency actuation station for each berth X
located at least 30 m. away from the manifold area ?
190 From which all the berth EBV can be closed? X

191 From which all loading pumps can be stopped? X

192 Do isolation (automatic) valves close automatically in a X

power failure?
193 In freezing climates is the fire main heated / insulated or X
drained empty?
194 Has each berth an international fire connection to supply X
water to a tanker's fire main?
195 Is coverage of dock and ship manifold areas and loading X Se han realizado diferentes solicitudes al respecto del
arms provided by a sufficient number of monitors? sistema de contraincendio, donde en la actualidad se
depende de las acciones y equipos del usuario

196 Are monitors located at least 15 m away from the areas X No existe espacio suficiente entre el area de atraque
to be protected or remotely actuated from a similar de la motonave y los manifuld para colocar a 15 mts
distance? los monitores contraincendios, se tiene evaluada la
reubicacion de los mismos una vez se hallan realizado
el trabajo de estabilizacion de la orilla del rio en el
area concesionada. En la actualidad existen 13 mts de
distancia de la zona protegida y no cuenta con
accionado remoto.

197 Are elevated monitors installed, if the deck of an empty X

ship can be more than 20 m above the pier deck?
198 Is a secondary escape route to shore provided? X Por la forma como se encuentra diseñado la
infraestructura portuaria, la cantidad de personas que
se encuentra en operacion, solo existe una sola ruta
de evacuación,

199 Can an adequate craft (rescue boat, tug boat, etc.) be X

made available within 15 min. from an emergency?
200 Is there a permanent adequate ladder below low water X
201 Is a life buoy with at least 25m of lifeline present at each X
202 Is the jetty area fenced off? X

203 Are entrance gates kept closed when no operation is X

taking place at the jetty?
204 Is the movement of people to and from the ship X
effectively controlled?
205 Are the working areas free from obstructions? X El area de trabajo no se encuentra libre de
obstrucciones debido a que en la plataforma se
encuentran permanentemente las mangueras de AOT,
los cuales estan en espera de que Portmagdalena S.A.
ejecute los trabajos de estabilizacion de la orilla para
construir nuevos racks de mangueras y despejar el
area de obstaculos.

206 Does the terminal display notices to alert personnel to X

critical information?
207 X La empresa realiza limpieza periodica de la instalacion
portuaria, sin embargo el rio trae consigo
permanentemente cantidades de basura o desechos
que debido a la misma corriente y por la situacion en
que se encuentra la orilla del rio en el muelle, se alojan
en esa area, generando un efecto de descuido.

Is general housekeeping in the area satisfactory ?

208 Are sufficient eye wash/ safety showers located at each X Un sistema de contraincendio y proteccion personal
berth? adecuado para ser instalado en el muelle, depende de
que se haga primero la estabilizacion de la orilla para
evitar re-inversiones en un mismo proyecto, se tienen
adelantada cotizaciones para cubrir la necesidad.

209 Is the equipment clearly signposted, easily accessible X Los actuales monitores o equipos contraincendios
and in good condition? quedaron en lugares de dificil acceso debido a las
tuberias de trasegacion de productos que debieron
instalar las empresas usuarias.
Conclusion: El 98% de las correcciones que se deben realizar
depende del proyecto de estabilización para evuiar
reinversiones en equipos y reubicaciones de los mismos.
Se realizo visita de campo con las
siguientes firmas: Servimet S.A.S. , EG
Ingenieros S.A.S, Aceros y Mallas, quienes
el dia viernes pasaran cotizacion para la
accion de mejora pertinente.

Sin embargo se realizo visita de campo

con las siguientes firmas: Servimet S.A.S. ,
EG Ingenieros S.A.S, Aceros y Mallas,
quienes el dia viernes pasaran cotizacion
para la accion de mejora pertinente.

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