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1. What is the impact of ethics in a person’s values and attitude?

Ethics is a system of moral principles that directs people's actions. It entails making suggestions on
ideal behaviors for people. It is related to human behavior and directly affects attitudes and values in
humans. A person's values are things that they believe are worthy or significant. A person's strong beliefs
or feelings towards other people, objects, and situations are referred to as their attitude. People use ethics
to help them decide what is right and wrong. They use ethics as a guide when making decisions or taking
acts that are morally righteous and consistent with their moral attitudes and beliefs. If one understands
deeply what ethics is, then they will learn to have values like honesty, respect, integrity, etc. He or she will
also decide on his or her attitude towards other people, objects, or situations. In short, ethics play a very
important role in shaping the values and attitudes of an individual.

2. Give example or scenario that may apply in each ethical principle.

The different ethical principles are beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. The first
is beneficence, which is defined as an act of kindness, generosity, or mercy that carries a strong moral
obligation to do good deeds for others. One way to demonstrate this is to donate to those affected by
disasters. The second principle is the least harm, which discusses the obligation to refrain from harming
others, to keep oneself safe, and to uphold one's professional competence. For instance, it is preferable to
keep your lips shut than to engage in senseless conversation or spread rumors about others. Third, respect
for autonomy encompasses respect for privacy and confidentiality. Autonomy refers to the responsibility
of an individual to accept and support the decisions made by themselves or to apply to their life in order
to achieve what they feel is in their best interests. For example, we ought to honor someone's choice to be
quiet in the face of grave circumstances. The justice ethical principle is the last one, and it discusses the
duty to treat individuals equally. For instance, it is reasonable and fair to create an inclusive learning
environment for students, irrespective of their gender, color, or outward appearance.

3. Differentiate the forms of ethical theory.

There are four categories of ethical theory that include deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtue.
When we say deontology, we use a set of rules to easily distinguish right from wrong, whereas in
utilitarianism, the basis for determining right from wrong is the outcome or result of your actions. At some
point, right theory refers to the moral principles or legal principles, which are the most important human
rights, while virtue focuses more on the personal character of an individual than his or her actions.

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