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NAME:_________________________________________ GRADE & STRAND: ____________________ SCORE:____________



TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (2 points each)

1. In art historical terms, we refer to art before the coming of the first colonizers as
a. Pre-conquest
b. Islamic Colonial
c. Spanish Colonial Period
d. American Colonial Period

2. A ritual that is found in the Cordillera Autonomous Region that also involves animal sacrifice and
usually officiated by a shaman or mumbaki.
a. mayvanuvanua
b. kashawing
c. cañao
d. pangalay

3. It is a ritual in Lake Lanao in Mindanao to ensure abundance during rice planting and harvesting.
a. mayvanuvanua
b. kashawing
c. cañao
d. pangalay

4. They believe that every thirteenth moon, three goddesses descend from heaven to bless the
planting of rice.
a. Ifugao
b. Waray-waray
c. Maranao
d. Tagbanwa

5. What do you call a three-stringed guitar?

a. sitar
b. kudyapi
c. ukulele
d. banduria

6. This instrument is an array of bossed gongs.

a. agong
b. gansa
c. kulintang
d. kumintang

7. This dance of the Ifugaos is used in courtship and is mimetic of the movements of wild fowl.
a. Pangalay
b. Kinabua
c. Man-manok
d. Talip

8. The ____________ of the Matigsalugs and the _____________ dance of the T’bolis represent the
comedic movements of monkeys.
a. Kinabua; Inamong
b. Inamong; kadaliwas
c. Kadaliwas; banog-banog
d. Banog-banog; tinikling

9. A popular Tagalog folk dance often showcased for tourists, is evocative of the movements of the
crane, balancing itself on stilt-like legs or flitting away from the clutches of bamboo traps.
a. Tinikling
b. Banog-banog
c. Kadaliwas
d. Man-manok

10. People of the Cordilleras carved and regarded this as a granary god that plays an important role in
a. okir
b. hagabi
c. bulul
d. torogan

11. It is a secondary burial vessel, where buried and exhumed bones are placed.
a. Munanggul Jar
b. Manunggul Jar
c. Mununggal Jar
d. Mununggul Jar

12. Textiles are not only functional, they also impart knowledge about people’s belief system. Which
of the following is NOT included?
a. the reverence for spirits and nature
b. criteria for the beautiful
c. sign of bravery
d. societies’ sociopolitical structures

13. In the Ilocos region, sturdy bamboo strips are woven to create fish traps called ___________.
a. nito
b. bubo
c. tepo
d. langkit

14. An illustrated manuscript that featured representations of various ethnolinguistic groups in the
16th century.
a. Boxer manuscript
b. Codex manuscript
c. Boxer Codex
d. Boxing Codex

15. Early accounts referred to the Visayas as ________________.

a. El Islas de la Pintados
b. Islas de las Pintados
c. Islas Filipinas
d. Islas de las Filipinas

16. It is special technique of metal casting which involves the use of molds filled with liquefied metal
that eventually hardens.
a. Lost wax process
b. Two-way process
c. Iron casting
d. Metal molding

17. His arrival in Sulu in the 15th century led to a significant turn of events.
a. Rajah Baguinda
b. Princess Piramisuli
c. Sayyid Abbubakar
d. Saddam Hussein

18. It is the holy book of Islam.

a. Bible
b. Ramayana
c. Vedas
d. Quran

19. The religious school for Islam where the teachings of Arabic writing in the 16 th century was
a. masjid
b. madrasa
c. Ka’bah
d. Mecca

20. It is a biblical narration of Christ’s passion chanted in an improvised melody.

a. kundiman
b. balitao
c. corrido
d. pabasa

TEST II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the word in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write
your answers on the space provided.

COLUMN A ____1. zarsuela

____2. komedya a. a feature of protest actions against Martial
Law during the seventies
____3. senakulo
____4. Doctrina Christiana b. depicts the conflict between the Muslims
and Christians
____5. Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica
de las Yslas Filipinas c. prayer booklets
____6. retablo
d. an important inclusion in colonial churches
____7. awit and corrido which are presented either as a series of
14 paintings or relief sculptures depicting
____8. Via Crucis
Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection
____9. Kundiman ni Abdon
e. a kundiman which experienced renewed
___10. Bayan Ko
popularity during EDSA People Power
Revolution of 1986

f. first printed book in the Philippines

g. a decorative altar niche where santos are


h. an operetta which features singing and

dancing interspersed with prose dialogue
which allowed the story to be carried out in

i. first scientific map of the Philippines

j. enacting a full staging of crucifixion

COLUMN B k. secular music forms that were chanted

stories based on European literature and

TEST III. IDENTIFICATION. Choose your answer from the box below the artist of each artworks.
Write your answer on the space provided.

Juan Luna Simon Flores Esteban Villanueva

Felix Hidalgo Jose Dans

Lorenzo Guerrero Fernando Amorsolo

_________________________1. Heaven, Earth, and Hell (1850)

_________________________2. Portrait of Quiazon Family (1800)
_________________________3. Spoliarium
_________________________4. Virgenes Christianas Expuetas Al Populacho
_________________________5. España y Filipinas (1886)
_________________________6. Primeras Letras (1890)
_________________________7. Basi Revolt
_________________________8. Water Carrier


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