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The survey highlights the widespread recognition of the finite nature of the resources and the

need to conserve these resources. Majority of the respondents (around 68%) showed concern for
the endangered species. A strong sense of responsibility towards conserving these endangered
species demonstrated the positive perception of the respondents towards environmental
conservation and the role of these species in maintaining ecological balance. The survey also
indicates the understanding of the potential of media in positively influencing environmental
attitudes and behaviours. The survey showcases the vital role of public awareness in promoting
environmental consciousness and the importance of preserving resources for future generations.
It indicates a positive comprehension among respondents regarding the primary focus of
environmental science on the interaction between humans and environment.
The survey underscores the positive impact individuals are making towards environmental
awareness and sustainability through their actions, choices, and engagement. These findings
emphasize the crucial role of individual agency in driving positive environmental change.
Overall the survey displays positive results on awareness of respondents on environment and its
conservation. Increased access to information regarding sustainability and conservation has
contributed to greater environmental consciousness among the people. The survey highlighted
the importance of education in shaping environmental awareness. Education and media play
pivotal roles in advancing environmental conservation by fostering awareness, shaping attitudes,
and influencing behaviour. Furthermore, environmental education promotes critical thinking,
problem-solving, and empathy towards nature, empowering individuals to make sustainable
choices. Findings indicate a strong commitment to adopt conservation measures to ensure the
long term availability and sustainability of the resources. Sustainability is integral to
environmental conservation as it ensures the responsible use of natural resources to meet present
needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Respondents reported adopting eco-friendly habits in their daily lives, including recycling for the
conservation of the environment. The survey demonstrates encouraging signs of progress in
environmental awareness, with individuals increasingly prioritizing sustainability.

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