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Eilhine Amrio B.

Dr. Carlo Villalona
Midterm Quiz 1
April 30, 2024

Reaction Paper Task on "GOMBURZA" Film Showing as a Teaching Strategy

In history education using films to teach historical time periods, people, or events is not
a new idea. Many of us remember the strategy from our own grade school days. In the
modern society, history education should include not only informing but also providing people
by means to think out important issues (O’Connor, 1988, s.1209). Film can be a powerful tool
in teaching, films like “Gomburza” help the students to apply his/her higher-level thinking skills
on discovering the ideas behind the historical fact, they will also develop interpretive skills,
and explore controversial issues. By presenting multiple perspectives in engaging and
emotive ways, films can enable students to gain a better understanding of, and empathize
with, the life experiences of individuals and communities far removed from their day-to-day
reality (Schimmel,2021).
GOMBURZA" generally captures the essence of the events surrounding the execution
of Filipino priests Mariano Gómez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora during the Philippine
Revolution. The film also captures the social and political tension during those era. It clearly
shows the injustice of that era, Providing insight into the role of the Catholic Church in the
Philippines. For educational purposes, this accuracy is significant as it provides an
understanding of Philippine history, emphasizing the complexities of colonial oppression and
the resistance movements that emerged. This film engages the students that even young
students like Felipe Buencamino and Paciano Mercado were striving to fight for their right
during that era. Gomburza gives an interest in the historical period through its significance in
shaping Filipino identity and the ongoing fight for justice and freedom. A lot of students,
including our class appreciate the film. I heard a few of them state that they can clearly
understand the history of GomBurZa compared to the teaching methods in their early years in
school which is the textbook base. It also sheds light on a crucial chapter in Philippine history,
watching this film will dig deeper into our understanding of how unfair the system was and
how cruel the lives of our fellow Filipino during that time, especially the arrest of those
students who wanted some improvement for the education system and of course the arrest of
the Gomburza without proper investigation and not enough evidence that leads to the
A film can have a significant impact on learning, it will give a deep understanding for
the important events in our history. Unlike in textbooks base, where we read all the
statements written in the book that sometimes make the students quite bored and lack
interest. Additionally, film can bring things alive that seem unremarkable in text. Visual and
auditory learners can gain a great deal from watching a film. I must say that after watching the
film “GOMBURZA” I gained a lot of knowledge. My understanding of those eras are now
clearer. The question of Padre Burgos "Are we really a nation that was cursed?" I felt how
hopeless are they during that time and as a Filipino, I felt really sad. The movie has affected
all of my classmates, some of whom are crying and have teary eyes. We both agreed that
living in that period was difficult. We were particularly surprised by the scene in which Paciano
Mercado brings his younger brother to the execution; only after did we understand that the
younger brother is our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It was an amazing moment in which ‘little
Jose Rizal became aware of the injustices that existed in our country at that time. Watching
Gomburza makes them realize that by watching films you will appreciate more about
Philippine History.
Using films like "Gomburza" can effectively educate audiences about historical events,
such as the execution of Filipino priests during the Spanish colonial period, how Filipinos are
mistreated in their own country, and how cruel Spaniards during those years. Through films
like this, students can emotionally connect with the struggles and sacrifices of these
individuals, fostering a deeper understanding of their significance in Philippine history. Some
movies can help illustrate big, complex ideas. Others help us explore detailed topics in ways
that just aren't possible otherwise. And the best movies help us enrich students' learning
about the much wider world outside of our classroom's walls. To engage students from varied
backgrounds, think about adding a diverse choice of films that reflect different cultures,
opinions, and genres. Incorporate active learning strategies to promote deeper understanding
and reflection on the film's content, such as group discussions, exercises, and critical analysis
assignments. Use technology to make it easier to obtain extra materials, participate in online
forums, and create interactive learning environments to create a dynamic and engaging
learning environment. I would also like to recommend that after watching the film it is better to
have group discussions, exercises, and critical analysis assignments. Schools can also
improve technology to make it easier to watch films, and also for the benefit of the students to
avoid spending too much on watching at the cinemas.

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