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Toledo, Breviana Jessel S.

TOPIC 6.1: Methods of Grading
Level 1: Remember
• What are the three primary methods used in pattern grading?

- The vital procedures in design evaluating incorporate cut-and-spread, shift, and PC helped

Level 2: Understand
• Why is it important to create pattern grading in garment production?

- Design evaluating assumes a fundamental part in piece of clothing creation by guaranteeing size
consistency, empowering articles of clothing to fit a different scope of body types, at last
upgrading market allure and consumer loyalty.

Level 3: Apply
• Imagine you need to adjust a dress pattern from medium to extra-large. Which grading method would be
the most suitable option and why?

- While changing a dress example from medium to extra-huge, the cut-and-spread strategy
demonstrates compelling, including the expansion of width and length through cutting the
example and spreading the pieces.

Level 4: Analyze
• Differentiate the three primary methods used in pattern grading.

- The three essential example evaluating strategies contrast in their methodologies — cut-and-
spread includes cutting and adding, shift includes the flat or vertical development of example
pieces, and PC helps review uses programming for exact changes.

Level 5: Synthesize
• In one statement, how would you formulate the generalization of the lesson?

- In the domain of example reviewing and marker making, three principal techniques assume a
significant part in accomplishing ideal outcomes.

Level 6: Create
• What type of assessment do you think best suits the lecture regarding the different methods of pattern
- The most reasonable kind of evaluation for a talk on the different strategies for design reviewing
would probably be a useful application or involved evaluation. This could include furnishing
understudies with test examples and situations to rehearse the cut-and-spread, shift, and PC
supported evaluating techniques. By taking part in real example evaluating works out,
understudies can show how they might interpret the talk material and apply the procedures
learned. Furthermore, consolidating a back and forth discussion or a short test could supplement
the useful appraisal, guaranteeing a thorough assessment of the understudies' grip of the different
example reviewing strategies.

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